2011届高中英语必修二精品复习学案:《Unit3 Computers》全面版

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Unit3 Computers



2. sum n. 金额; 款项; 总数; 总和

in sum简言之; 总而言之

sum sb/sth up形成对某人[某事物]的看法

1). He was fined the sum of 200. 他被处以200英镑罚金。

2). The sum of 5 and 3 is 8. 5加3的和是8。


1). 总之, 计划告吹了。

________________________________________________________________________________ _____

2). 我认为她是个很能干的经理。

________________________________________________________________________________ _____

Keys: 1). In sum, the plan failed.

2). I summed her up as a competent manager.


1. in a way 在某种程度上(表示对情况的态度)。

In a way, it’s kind of nice to be studying alone.


【点拨】in a way=in one way=in some ways;in the way意为“,挡道;造成阻碍”【拓展延伸】in one way 在某方面;in some ways 在某些方面;

in no way 决不,无论如何不(位于句首构成倒装);

on one’s way to在去……的路上;by the way顺便说;

in any way在任何方面;in every way在各方面;

in the way和in one’s way两个短语含义相同”挡住去路;碍事”之意。


I can’t see the word on the blackboard. Your head is ________.

A. on the way

B. in a way

C. by the way

D.in the way

【解析】D 考查way短语辨析。in the way和in one’s way,均表示”挡住去路;碍事”之意。按照句意D符合

2. deal with


How are you going to deal with the problem?你们打算怎样处理这个问题呢?


Such man is difficult to deal with. 这种人不容易相处


I’ve dealt with him for ten years. 我和他做生意已经10年了


This book deals with the Middle East. 这本书是关于中东的

【拓展延伸】do with 对待,处理(与what连用);以……对付过去,忍受(与助动词连用)

He didn’t know what to do with the property his father had left.


I can’t do with the loud noise. 我无法忍受那种噪音

【点拨】作”对待,处理”解,二者同义,deal with与how搭配,do with与what搭配。


He knows ________ to deal with man but when he meets women, he doesn’t know ________ to do.

A. what; how

B. what; what

C. how; what

D. how; how

【答案】C 考查how----deal with; what----do---with的用法;

[解析]作”对待,处理”解,do with 和deal with同义,deal with与how搭配,do with与what搭配


And my memory became so large that even I couldn’t believe it!


so…that… 意思是”如此……以至于……”

1)so/such---that---- 引导结果状语从句;

2) 常见句型

adj./adv.+ that-clause

so + adj.+ a/an + 单数可数名词+ that-clause

many/much/few/little(表示数量)+ n.+ that-clause

a/an + adj. + 单数可数名词+ that-clause

such + adj.+ 复数名词+ that-clause

adj.+ 不可数名词+ that-clause

辨析:s o…that…与so that


-----What a beautiful day!

-----Yes, it’s______that I’d like to take a walk.

A. such nice weather

B. so a nice weather

C. too nice weather D nice weather so

【解析】A 考查so/such—that---句型结构。因为此处weather是中心词,但它为不可数名词,所以不能加冠词。


The Present Perfect Passive Voice

1. 构成:现在完成时被动语态由”has/have + been + 及物动词的过去分词”构成。Has/have为助


They haven’t been told the exciting news yet, have they? 他们还没有被告诉这个令人激动地消息,对吗?

1)since then, since+从句,so far, by now, up till, now, recently, lately, already, yet等常用于现在完成时的句子中。

2)ever, never, already, yet等副词用于现在完成时的被动语态时,放在has或have之后

2. 现在完成时被动语态用法


The door has been locked. 门已经被锁上了。

2)表示一个被动的动作或状态发生在过去,持续到现在,并有可能持续下去,常于for或since 引导的时间状语连用,或用于“How long---?”句型中

How long has the machine been used? 这台机器使用多久啦?

3. 现在完成时被动语态应注意的几个地方


The bridge was built last year. 这座桥是去年建的。

The bridge has been built. 这座桥已经建好啦。


How long has this book been bought?(F) How long ago was this book bought?(T)


No book s have been bought since last week. 从上周以来,没有人来买过书


1. -Why does the Lake smell terrible?

-Because large quantities of water .

A. have polluted

B. is being polluted

C. has been polluted

D. have been polluted 【解析】D考查动词时态,语态和主谓语一致。根据前一分句可知所填动词表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响,时态用现在完成时,动词与主语是被动关系,用被动语态。主语是large quantities of water,其中心词是quantities,是复数,谓语动词用复数

2. His sister left home in 1998, andsince.

A. had not been heard of

B. has not been heard of

C. had not heard of

D. has not heard of

【解析】B 考查现在完成时的被动语态否定句。按照句意为:他的妹妹在1998年离开家,自从那时就没有音讯了。用现在完成时的否定结构


1. We’ve been told the good news, but when and wh ere to go for the exciting on – salary vocation yet.

A. are not discussed

B. have not been discussed

C. is not being discussed

D. has not been discussed

2. —We’d like a double room, please.世纪金榜

—I’m sorry, but all but two single rooms with sea view ________.

A. have been reserved

B. has been reserved

C. were reserved

D. has reserved

3.Every meansto prevent the river from.

A.has been used; being polluted B.is used; polluted

C.are used; being polluted D.got used; polluting

4. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where ____ yet.

A. hasn’t been decided

B. haven’t decided

C. isn’t being decided

D. aren’t decided

5. I like these English songs and they ________many times on the radio.

A. taught

B. have taught

C. are taught

D. have been taught

6. In recent years many football clubs ___ as business to make a profit.

A. have run

B. have been run

C. had been run

D. will run

答案:1~6 DAAADB


1.(2010·福建卷·T28)Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs they

before leaving their hometowns.

A. promised

B. were promised

C. have promised

D. have been promised

【解析】选D 考查时态和语态。句意:每年大量的农民工为了离开家乡前被许诺过的挣钱的工作来到深圳。由句中arrive及before leaving their hometowns可知,该空为现在完成时,故选C项。

2.(2010·四川卷·T11)In many people’s opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant.

A.to deal with B.dealing with C.to be dealt with D.dealt with

【解析】选A。考查不定式主动表被动。在某些形容词后经常用不定式的主动形式表被动,此时,不定式动作和句子的主语存在动宾关系。又如:The apartment is comfortable to live in.

3.(2009·湖北卷·T22)During the war there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to ______ bread for days.

A. eat up

B. give away

C. do without

D. deal with

【解析】选C.考查动词短语。根据上句During the war there was a serious lack of food可推测出“即或是富裕家庭也得几天吃不上面包”,应选择do without表示“不用/吃……勉强度过”。eat up“吃完”,give away“收拾”,deal with“应付,处理”。

4.(2009·湖北卷·T23)The loss has not yet been ______ accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars.

A. calculated

B. considered

C. completed

D. controlled

【解析】选 A.。考查动词。根据句意可知此处表示“损失(数据)还没统计……”,应选择calculated。considered“考虑”,completed“完成”,controlled“控制”均不符合上下文。

5.(2009·湖北卷·T 26)In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was

a ______ for everyone to stand up.

A. signal

B. chance

C. mark

D. measure


6.(2009·全国卷II·T13)Jenny nearly missed the flight doing too much shopping.

A. as a result of

B. on top of

C. in front of

D. in need of

【解析】选A考查固定短语(as a result of“由于。。。的结果”)。

7.(2009·山东卷·T27)So sudden ________that the enemy had no time to escape.

A. did the attack

B. the attack did

C. was the attack

D. the attack was

【解析】选C。本题考查倒装,so ..that.., such ..that..的句子结构中,若so, such 和与其所修饰的词置于句首,实行部分倒装,又sudden是形容词,作表语,所以选C。




21. Let's go to _________ cinema — that'll take your mind offthe problem for _______ while.

A. the; the

B. the; a

C. a; the

D. a; a

22. I go to the stadium when there’s a game.But usually I watch it on TV.

A.typically B.anxiously

C.frequently D.occasionally

23. Do you believe ______ little boys could eat ______ much food.?

A. so; so

B. such; such

C. such; so

D. so; such

24. Frank really doesn’t know how to _______ the matter.

A. do with

B. deal with

C. solve with

D. settle with

25. John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out ________ he phones.

A. as long as

B. in order that

C. in case

D. so that世纪金榜

26.Faced with trouble or difficulty,a person takes help that is available.

A.whatever B.whenever C.wherever D.however世纪金榜

27. _______ in some rural schools that the teacher is even unable to walk through the rows of desks.

A. The classroom is as crowded

B. So crowded is the classroom

D. As crowded the classroom is D. The classroom is such crowded世纪金榜

28. -- How many students are there in your class_______?

-- Forty-five. 世纪金榜

A. at all

B. in total

C. in the end

D. in the total

29. --- I think he is taking an active part in social work.

--- I agree with you ________.

A. on the way

B. in the way

C. by the way

D. in a way

30. NASA began a(n)________ of shuttle flights carrying live animals to space with the launch of Challenger flight STS 51B on April 28, 1985.

A. amount

B. sum

C. deal

D. series

31. We’ve been told the good news, but when and where to go for the exciting on – salary vocation yet.

A. are not discussed

B. have not been discussed

C. is not being discussed

D. has not been discussed

32. The traffic problems we are looking forward to seeing _______ should have attracted the government’s attention.

A. solving

B. solve

C. solved

D. to solve

33. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _____ in broad daylight yesterday.

A. being robbed

B. having been robbed

C. to have been robbed

D. to have robbed

34. Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority ______ religious men, ______ ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the natives.

A. was; of which the

B. were; of whom

C. were; their

D. were; whose

35. —Sorry, I couldn't find the magazine you asked for.

— ____________.

A. Don't mention it

B. No problem

C. Thanks anyway

D. It's all the same


An Italian philosopher once said that a great man makes his own good luck. What he means is that when good luck comes, a great man knows how to seize the opportunity and 36 advantage of it.

There is a story about Bill Gates, the 37 of Microsoft that proves this. One day an executive from a large computer company came to his 38 looking for someone who had 39 a new operating sy stem for computers. He didn’t know too much about the inventor or his operating system, and he wasn’t 40 sure of the inventor’s address. At that time everything in the computer business was so new and so disorganized 41 normal business procedures were almost


It 42 that the inventor lived in a home next to Gates, but he was not at home when the executive came by. He may have been 43 at a meeting or shopping for new equipment. The executive, 44 no one home, wasn’t sure what to do, but he didn’t want to waste his trip, so he stopped by Gates’ house to ask him if he knew anything about the inventor’s system and 45 it worked.

Since Gates was working on very 46 software, most other people in his place would have spoken 47 with the executive, told him that he was working on something else, and then forgotten about the whole thing. Gates, however, saw a(n)48 and jumped on it. He told the executive that 49 he was working on his own operating system(he wasn’t)and he would be 50 to discuss it with the executive in a few weeks.

After the executive 51 to a meeting to be held a few weeks later, Gates quickly went out 52 for someone who had a workable new operating system. As an engineer he had a better idea than the executive about what he needed, and when he found someone with an operating system that he liked, he made modifications(修改)53 on what the executive told him. His meeting a few weeks later was a great 54 , and Gates’ new operating system was sold to the large company and the sale became the foundation of Microsoft. Within two decades Gates was the richest man in the world. He 55 his own luck by seizing an unexpected opportunity.

36. A. take B. make C. use D. give

37. A. discoverer B. founder C. organizer D. speaker

38. A. neighborhood B. home C. office D. company

39. A. worked B. bought C. found D. invented

40. A. certainly B. fairly C. ever D. even

41. A. as B. whose C. that D. which

42. A. found out B. turned out C. turned up D. showed up

43. A. out B. outside C. off D. up

44. A. expecting B. considering C. looking D. seeing

45. A. when B. where C. how D. why

46. A. same B. different C. similar D. exact

47. A. attentively B. carefully C. briefly D. closely

48. A. choice B. possibility C. opportunity D. occasion

49. A. after all B. in fact C. in hand D. in addition

50. A. devoted B. invited C. prepared D. welcomed

51. A. promised B. agreed C. admitted D. approved

52. A. looking B. leaving C. caring D. hoping

53. A. depended B. relied C. based D. fixed

54. A. mistake B. failure C. result D. success

55. A. enjoyed B. made C. took D. missed



Most people who are thought as being successful often owe their success to people intheir lives that they consider to be a coach. In fact,the most successful people on the planet have their own personal coach.The reason for this is simple.

While friends,family and colleagues can be wonderful supporters,they often provide guidance to you based on their own purpose.Their purpose is often a well meaning one,but the bottom line is: it's “their" purpose. While their wants for you may sometimes agree with your own life desires and goals,it is difficult for them to be completely unbiased(公正的)in actions.

None of us can be truly“unbiased”in the ways we interact(相互作用)with those closest to us because our lives are so directly intertwined with one another.That’s where a personal coach comes in.

The purpose of a personal coach is to provide you with a professional who is skilled at unbiased listening and whole.hearted helping.Your coach expertly assists you in creating a strong personal foundation that allows you to dream big and achieve those dreams about what you can or cannot accomplish.

A coach is your personal trainer in life.A coach helps you discover your undeveloped potential and works with you to develop every aspect of your personal greatness·With the right coach you can’t help but s ucceed.It's not surprising that almost all recognize leaders have a personal coach.Of course, all professional athletes do.So do Fortune 500 CEOs,cutting edge business leaders and recognized role models·

56.According to the passage,a coach is the following EXCEPT·

A.your personal trainer in life B.quite successful in his career and love C.a professional who is skilled D.important for a person to be successful 57.The most successful people have their own personal coach because。

A.they have quite a few friends

B.their lives are full of difficulties

C.their friends and colleagues seldom help them

D.the personal coach can provide fair advice

58.The underlined word “intertwined” in Paragraph 3 means·

A.decorated B.connected C.compared D.surrounded

59.The purpose of this passage is to tell US that———·

A.you need a personal coach in order to be successful

B.families are the foundation of a lot of successes

C.families and friends can help you to be successful

D.setting life goals is very important for you to succeed


If U.S. software companies don't pay more attention to quality, they could kiss their business good-bye. Both India and Brazil are developing a world-class software industry. Their weapon is quality and one of their jobs is to attract the top U.S. quality specialists whose voices are not listened to in their country.

Already, of the world's 12 software houses that have earned the highest rating in the world, seven are in India. That's largely because they have used new methods rejected by American software specialists. For example, for decades, quality specialists, W. Edwards Deming and J. M. Juran had urged U.S. software companies to change their attitudes to quality. But their quality call mainly fell on deaf ears in the U.S -- but not in Japan. By the 1970s and 1980s, Japan was grabbing market share with better, cheaper products. They used Deming's and Juran's ideas to bring down the cost of good quality to as little as 5% of total production costs. In U.S. factories, the cost of quality then was 10 times as high: 50%. In software, it still is.

Watts S. Humphrey spent 27 years at IBM heading up software production and then quality assurance. But his advice was seldom paid attention to. He retired from IBM in 1986. In 1987, he

worked out a system for assessing(evaluating) and improving software quality. It has proved its value time and again. For example, in 1990 the cost of quality at Raytheon Electronics Systems was almost 60% of total software production costs. It fell to 15% in 1996 and has since further dropped to below 10%.

Like Deming and Juran, Humphrey seems to be winning more praises overseas than at home. The Indian government and several companies have just founded the Watts Humphrey Software Quality Institute at the SoftwareTechnologyPark in Chennai, India. Let's hope that U.S. lead in software will not be eaten up by its quality problems.

60. What country has more highest-rating companies in the world than any other country has?

A. India.

B. The US.

C. Brazil.

D. Germany.

61. Which of the following statements about Humphrey is true?

A. He is now still an IBM employer.

B. He has worked for IBM for 37 years.

C. India honors him highly.

D. The US pays much attention to his quality advice.

62. By what means did Japan grab its large market share by the 1970s and the 1980s?

A. Its advertising was most successful.

B. Its products were cheaper in price and better in quality.

C.The US hardware industry was lagging behind.

D. Japan hired a lot of Indian software specialists.


W: It’s difficult to find a (63)sjob this year, I am under great pressure.

M: Now college graduates are being (64)eto start their own business. It (65)sreally good for us .

We can get some valuable social(66)e. which will be helpful for our future jobs. We may also know (67)mabout ourselves and society better.

W: Yes , but it is not as easy as you imagine. There are a lot of (68)p.The main difficulty is money. And our education doesn’t provide enough knowledge on (69)hto do it .

M: Maybe you are right. But our government (70)acollege graduate to borrow money from banks.

W: But you have to pay back the money sooner or later. So some college graduates(71)pto live

a peaceful life rather than start their own business though jo

b hunting is very competitive .

M: Oh , they don ’

t have dreams. But I have made up my mind . How about you ? W: Well, it always to takes time to consider before(72)ma decision.



注意: 1.不要逐句翻译,总词数150左右,开头已写好,不计入词数



4.参考词汇:太空探索space exploration

It has been reported that China successfully launched a three-man crew into space where one of them made the country's first space walk, the country's most challenging space mission since first launching a person into space in 2003.




21~25 BDCBC 26~30 ABBDD 31~35 DCCDC

36-40 ABADD 41-45 CBADC 46-50 BCCBC 51-55 BACDB

56~59 BDBA60---62 ACB

五、63. suitable 64. encouraged 65.sounds 66. experience 67. more

68. problems 69. how 70. allows 71. prefer 72.making

六、One possible version:

It has been reported that China successfully launched a three-man crew into space where one of them made the country's first space walk, the country's most challenging space mission since first launching a person into space in 2003.

The majority of the students surveyed are in favor of Space Exploration because the Chinese people have been dreaming of going into outer space ever since before. Exploring space will help China to take part in the international competition in the future. Also, the development of science and technology makes it possible for China to realize the dream.

However, some students argue against it. In their opinion, China can’t afford Space Exploration which calls for a large amount of money. In addition, as a developing country, China is supposed to make every effort to solve other social problems.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s necessary for us to explore space in that it will bring more benefits in the future, which we can not even imagine now. As a student, I feel not only happy but also proud of the great achievementsmade in this field. I will work hard so that I can make a contribution to our nation.

