外研版-英语-九年级上-2单元 It still read and loved(课堂学习)
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- 外研版英语九年级上册音频推荐度:
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Module2 Great Books
Unit2 It’s still read and loved (课堂学习)
1.Read carefully and answer the following questions.
1.Who did Tom go looking for treasure with in the story?
2.What does everyone look like when Tom appears in his own funeral?
3. When did Mark Twain write the story?
4. Why do you think people still read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?
2.Listen and repeat in a low voice.
3. Read aloud for about 5 minutes.
四、当堂训练: 首字母填空
1\We should pay attention to teenagers′b______ at school.
2\Don′t h______,I have already seen you.3\Hundreds of people attend the f_____.
4\The story is about many children looking for t_____.
5\Dangerous driving should be severely p______.6\A c____ is 100 years.
7\Yesterday he bought a ______ (month) magazine called Qiushi.
8\This article is to talk about ______ (freed).
9\All the students passed the ______ (finally) exam this term.
10\His grandfather has been _____ (die) for two years.
1.We clean the classroom every day. The classroom ____ ____ _____ _____ every day.
2.Many people visit our school every day. Our school _____ _____ by many people every day.
3.French is taught by them in this college.(改为主动语态)_____ ______ French in this college.
4.Bicycles are produced by them in this factory.(改为主动语态) ____ ______bicycles in this factory.
My favorite great book is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer_____Mark Twain. Tom is the ______of the story. Tom has two friends. They are Huck and Beeky. Huck is an _____and everyone_____ _____ _____ him.Beeky is pretty ____fair hair. One day Tom ____ _____with them. He _____ ______ _______ ______with Huck, with Beeky he _____ _____in a cave, and finally they find_____ _____ ______ _______.
My favorite ___in the book is when everyone thinks Tom is ____.He decides to go to his _____ ______.
The_____ of the story _____ ______ ______ ______Children growing up. It talks about _____ social rules and how people_____ _____ ______bad ____.
Mark twain wrote it in the _____ ______ of the _____ ______ of American in the 19th____, so it sounds very real. Today it is ______ _______ _______one of the greatest books in American literature.
英语-上册-打印版本六.Retell or recite the passage.

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