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庆云县第四中学电子教案 求真·务实·高效

庆云四中学科教案编号: 年八年级 级 课M 6U 2 (1) 题 知识与技能 目标 教学过程与方法目目标 标 情感态度与 价值观 教学重点 教学难点 学科 英语 制定日期 2015.10.25 课型 使用时间 New 2015、10.30 主备人 丁景文 执教人 丁景文 1. Understand the materials(材料) about pandas in danger. 2. Grasp(掌握) the main idea of each part. 3. Learn to protect and save animals. 通过PPT形式,给学生一种直观的视觉效果,激发学生学习兴趣。也采用自主学习,小组合作操练及课堂展示等方法来达到学习目标。 培养学生对京剧,话剧等中国传统文化的兴趣和热爱,增强其民族自豪感。 文本大意的获取,阅读能力的提高。 To write a short passage about favourite play or film. 教学过程 Step 1:Leading in. Teaching procedures: Show some pictures to introduce animals in danger.. 2.Free talk. 1).Do you like animals? Are animals important to us? 2).What do people do to the animals? 3).What should people do about animals in danger.? Step 2: Show the learning aims. 1. Understand the materials(材料) about pandas in danger. 2. Grasp(掌握) the main idea of each part. 3. Learn to protect and save animals. Step 3: Reading part. 1.Fast---reading.(Know about the main idea of the passage.) Read the passage and match the headings with each paragraph. Para.1 A. Nature parks for pandas. Para.2 B. WWF and animals in danger Para.3 C. The panda’s home Para.4 D. An animal in danger Teaching procedures: 个人修订 庆云县第四中学 厚德·睿智·健康·快乐 第 1 页 共 5 页

庆云县第四中学电子教案 求真·务实·高效 1.Ask ss to read the passage silently by themselves. 2.Ask ss to finish the exercise on P 45. 3.Check answers in class. 2.Careful--reading 一.Read Para1 and answer the questions. 1. How many pandas are there in the wild today? ___________________________________________ 2. What are scientists studying? _______________________________________ Teaching procedures: 1.Ask ss to read the dialogue by themselves. 2.Find the answers in the book and underline the answers. 3.Talk about answers in groups. 4.Check answers together. 二.Read para2 and complete the sentences . 1. Pandas mainly live on ______________. 2. _____________________________________, so pandas are losing their home. 三.Read para3 and answer the questions. What is our government doing? 1.What is the government doing to protect pandas in the wild? _________________________________________________ 2.Will pandas born in zoos go back to nature parks? Why? _____________________________________________ 四.Read paragraph 4 and check the sentences(T or F) 1.The panda is one of the best-known animals in the world.( ) 2. Elephants have become the symbol of all animals in danger.( ) 3. We have a long way to go to save the animals in danger.( ) 4. The World Wild Fund for Nature is__? A. WTO B. WWF C. UFO 5. Elephants have become the symbol of the WWF. ( T or F ) 6. The WWF works hard to save all the animals in danger. ( T or F ) 五.Read the dialogue again and complete the passage with the words in the box. baby government nature produce save scientists situation symbol Zoos and research centre protect animals. (1)_________do a 庆云县第四中学 厚德·睿智·健康·快乐 第 2 页 共 5 页

庆云县第四中学电子教案 求真·务实·高效 lot of research to help pandas (2) ________more babies. Very few (3)________pandas are born outside zoos. Many people are worried about the panda’s (4)__________.Luckily, the (5) __________is developing plans to (6) __________pandas, and is setting up (7) _________parks to protect them. People all over the world love pandas, and the panda has become a (8) ________of China. Teaching procedures: 1.Ask ss to finish the exercises by themselves. 2.Talk about in groups. 3.Check the answers with red pens. 4.Explain the wrong ones. 六.Retell the text: The panda is ________________ most in danger. Only about 1,000 of them live in __________ today. They live in __________ and mountains of Southeast of China, and live on __________. But they don’t have enough to eat because the area of bamboo is _____________________. The government is trying to _______ panda. It has made a plan ____________.The panda has become ______________ of all animals in danger. There is a long way to go ____________. We need to protect them from now on! 学情预设:此处复述课文有点难度,教师应该适当的延长时间。并给出方法指导。 Teaching procedures: 1.Ask ss to fill in the blank with their books open. 2.Recite the dialogue with their books closed. 3.Present it in class. Step 4 Writing 一.Show some pictures about animals in danger and let students give a report according to the questions below.1. What is the animal? 2. Where does it live? 3. What does it feed on? 4.Why is it in danger? ( more than 2 reasons) 庆云县第四中学 厚德·睿智·健康·快乐 第 3 页 共 5 页

庆云县第四中学电子教案 求真·务实·高效 5. How difficult is the situation? 6.How could we save it? Teaching procedures: 1.First , try to lead the ss to answer the above questions. Then, join the sentences to write a passage about animal。 二.作文提示: ? 1.文章用一般现在时,主语用第三人称单数时,注意谓语动词用三单。 ? 2.注意分段写作文及关联词的运用,使文章条理清晰。 ? 3.使用建议句型时,注意语气的强弱。 Name: South China tigers Live in: forests and mountains Live on: meat Situation: difficult/serious(严峻的) Reason : 1...2....3.... solution(解决办法):1. government 2. people (范文)South China tigers are beautiful animals. They live in the forests and mountains. They feed on meat. These days, the number of South China tigers is getting smaller and smaller. The situation is getting very difficult/serious. Because they don’t have enough food to eat or enough places to live. Besides(而且), people kill them for their fur(皮毛). So what can we do to protect them?First,it’s a good idea for the government to set up nature parks for them. Second, we 庆云县第四中学 厚德·睿智·健康·快乐 第 4 页 共 5 页

庆云县第四中学电子教案 求真·务实·高效 should stop selling their fur. No dealing, no killing. From now on, let’s protect the animals around us. 板书 设计 【单击此处书写板书设计】 课后反思(课堂教学设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想) 【单击此处书写教学反思】 庆云县第四中学 厚德·睿智·健康·快乐 第 5 页 共 5 页

