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Error Detection Block
You can enable the Stratix III device error detection block in the Quartus II software
(refer to“Software Support” on page15–11). This block contains the logic necessary to
calculate the 16-bit CRC signature for the configuration CRAM bits in the device.
The CRC circuit continues running even if an error occurs. When a soft error occurs,
the device sets the CRC_ERROR pin high. Two types of CRC detection check the
configuration bits:
■The CRAM error checking ability (16-bit CRC) during user mode, for use by the CRC_ERROR pin.
■For each frame of data, the pre-calculated 16-bit CRC enters the CRC circuit
right at the end of the frame data and determines whether or not there is an
■If an error occurs, the search engine starts to find the location of the error.
■You can shift the error messages out through the JTAG instruction or core
interface logic while the error detection block continues running.
■The JTAG interface reads out the 16-bit CRC result for the first frame and also
shifts the 16-bit CRC bits to the 16-bit CRC storage registers for test purposes.
■You can deliberately introduce single error, double errors, or double errors
adjacent to each other to configuration memory for testing and design
1The “Error Detection Registers” section focuses on the first type, the 16-bit CRC only when the device is in user mode.
■The 16-bit CRC that is embedded in every configuration data frame.
■During configuration, after a frame of data is loaded into the Stratix III device,
the pre-computed CRC is shifted into the CRC circuitry.
■At the same time, the CRC value for the data frame shifted-in is calculated. If
the pre-computed CRC and calculated CRC values do not match, nSTATUS is
set low. Every data frame has a 16-bit CRC; therefore, there are many 16-bit
CRC values for the whole configuration bitstream. Every device has different
lengths of the configuration data frame.
Error Detection Registers
There is one set of 16-bit registers in the error detection circuitry that stores the
computed CRC signature. A non-zero value on the syndrome register causes the
CRC_ERROR pin to be set high. Figure15–1 shows the block diagram of the error
detection circuitry, syndrome registers, and error injection block.
Stratix III Device Handbook, Volume 1
Chapter 16:Programmable Power and Temperature-Sensing Diodes in Stratix III Devices
Stratix III External Power Supply Requirements
f For possible values of each power supply, refer to the DC and Switchin
g Characteristics
of Stratix III Devices chapter in volume 2 of the Stratix III Device Handbook.
f For detailed guidelines about how to connect and isolate VCCL and VCC power supply
pins, refer to the Stratix III Device Family Pin Connections Guidelines.
Table16–2.Stratix III Power Supply Requirements
Notes to Table16–2:
(1)You can minimize the number of external power sources by driving the left column and supplies with the same voltage regulator. Note that
separate power planes, decoupling capacitors, and ferrite beads are required for VCCA_PLL and VCCPT when implementing this scheme. (2)V CCPD can be either 2.5 V, 3.0 V, or 3.3 V. For a 3.3-V standard, V CCPD = 3.3 V. For a 3.0-V I/O standard, V CCPD = 3.0V. For 2.5 V and below I/O
standards, V CCPD = 2.5V.
(3)This scheme is for VCCIO = 2.5V.
(4)There is one VREF pin per I/O bank. Use an external power supply or a resistor divider network to supply this voltage.
Stratix III Device Handbook, Volume 1
Chapter 16:Programmable Power and Temperature-Sensing Diodes in Stratix III Devices
Temperature Sensing Diode
Figure16–1 shows an example of power management for Stratix III devices.
Figure16–1.Stratix III Power Management Example (Note1), (2)
Notes to Figure16–1:
(1)When V CCL = 0.9V, you need a separate voltage regulator.
(2)When V CCL = 0.9V, V CCPT and V CC must be ramped before V CCL to minimize V CCL standby current during V CCPT and V CC ramping to full rail.
Temperature Sensing Diode
Knowing the junction temperature is crucial for thermal management. A Stratix III
device monitors its die temperature with an embedded temperature sensing diode
(TSD). This is done by sensing the voltage level across the TSD. Each temperature
level produces a unique voltage across the diode. Use an external analog-to-digital
converter that measures the voltage difference across the TSD and then converts it to a
temperature reading.
Stratix III Device Handbook, Volume 1
Chapter 16:Programmable Power and Temperature-Sensing Diodes in Stratix III Devices
External Pin Connections
The Stratix III TSD, located in the top-right corner of the die, requires two pins for
voltage reference. Connect the TEMPDIODEP and TEMPDIODEN pins to the external
analog-to-digital converter, as shown in Figure16–2.
Figure16–2.TEMPDIODEP and TEMPDIODEN External Pin Connections
Temperat u re
The TSD is a very sensitive circuit which can be influenced by the noise coupled from
traces on the board, and possibly within the device package itself, depending on
device usage. The interfacing device registers temperature based on milivolts of
difference as seen at the TSD. Switching I/O near the TSD pins can affect the
temperature reading. Altera recommends you take temperature readings during
periods of no activity in the device (for example, standby mode where no clocks are
toggling in the device), such as when the nearby I/Os are at a DC state and the clock
networks in the device are disabled.
Figure16–3.TSD Connections
As process geometries get smaller, power and thermal management is becoming more
crucial in FPGA designs. Stratix III devices offer programmable power technology
and selectable core voltage options for low-power operation. Use these features, along
with speed grade choices, in different permutations to get the best power and
performance combination. Taking advantage of the silicon, the Quartus II software is
able to manipulate designs to use the best combination to achieve the lowest power at
the required performance.
For thermal management, use the Stratix III temperature sensing diode with an
external analog-to-digital converter in production devices. This allows you to easily
incorporate this feature in your designs. Being able to monitor the junction
temperature of the device at any time also allows you to control air flow to the device
and save power for the whole system.
Stratix III Device Handbook, Volume 1
Chapter 16:Programmable Power and Temperature-Sensing Diodes in Stratix III Devices Chapter Revision History Stratix III Device Handbook, Volume 1
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