The non-Archimedean analogs of the Bochner-Kolmogorov, Minlos-Sazonov and Kakutani theorems

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The non-Archimedean analogs of the Bochner-Kolmogorov,Minlos-Sazonov and Kakutani theorems.Sergey V.Ludkovsky.17October 2000Abstract Measures on a non-Archimedean Banach space X are considered with values in the real ?eld R and in the non-Archimedean ?elds.The non-Archimedean analogs of the Bochner-Kolmogorov and Minlos-Sazonov theorems are given.Moreover,in?nite products of measures are considered and the analog of the Kakutani theorem is given.1Introduction.There are few works about integration in a classical Banach space,that is over the ?eld R of real numbers or the ?eld C of complex numbers [1,2,3,4,25,26].On the other hand,for a non-Archimedean Banach space X (that is over a non-Archimedean ?eld)this theory is less developed.

An integration in X is a very important part of the non-Archimedean anal-ysis.The progress of quantum mechanics and di?erent branches of modern physics related,for example,with theories of elementary particles lead to the necessity of developing integration theory in a non-Archimedean Banach space [9,27].It may also be useful for the development of non-Archimedean analysis.Non-Archimedean functional analysis develops rapidly in recent


years and has many principal di?erences from the classical functional analy-sis[10,21,22,23,24,27].Topological vector spaces over non-Archimedean ?elds are totally disconnected,classes of smoothness for functions and com-pact operators are de?ned for them quite di?erently from that of the classical case,also the notion of the orthogonality of vectors has obtained quite an-other meaning.In the non-Archimedean case analogs of the Radon-Nikodym theorem and the Lebesgue theorem about convergence are true under more rigorous and another conditions.Especially strong di?erences are for mea-sures with values in non-Archimedean?elds,because classical notions ofσ-additivity and quasi-invariance have lost their meaning.

On the other hand the development of the non-Archimedean functional analysis and its applications in non-Archimedean quantum mechanics[10,27, 28]leads to the necessity of solving such problems.For example,problems related with quantum mechanics on manifolds are related with di?eomor-phism groups,their representations and measures on them[9,12].In articles [11,12,13,14]quasi-invariant measures on di?eomorphism and loop groups and also on non-Archimedean manifolds were constructed.These measures were used for the investigation of irreducible representations of topological groups[12,14,15].The theorems proved in this work enlarge classes of measures on such groups and manifolds,this also enlarges classes of repre-sentations.For example,theorems of the Minlos-Sazonov type characterize measures with the help of characteristic functionals and compact operators. In the non-Archimedean case compact operators are more useful,than nu-clear operators in the classical case.Theorems of the Bochner-Kolmogorov and Kakutani type characterize products of measures and their absolute con-tinuity relative to others measures.

In this article measures are considered on Banach spaces,though the re-sults given below can be developed for more general topological vector spaces, for example,it is possible to follow the ideas of works[16,17,18],in which were considered non-Archimedean analogs of the Minlos-Sazonov theorems for real-valued measures on topological vector spaces over non-Archimedean ?elds of zero characteristic.But it is impossible to make in one article.In this article,apart from articles of M?a drecki,measures are considered also with


values in non-Archimedean?elds,for the cases of real-valued measures also

Banach spaces over non-Archimedean?elds K of characteristic char(K)>0

are considered.It is well-known,that a real-valued measure m on a locally

compact Hausdor?totally disconnected Abelian topological group G is called

the Haar measure,if

(H)m(x+A)=m(A)for each x∈G and each Borel subset A in G.

For the s-free group G a measure m with values in a non-Archimedean?eld

K s satisfy condition(H)only for an algebra of clopen(closed and open)

subsets A.Indeed,in the last case if a measure is locally?nite andσ-

additive on the Borel algebra of G,then it is purely atomic with atoms being

singletons,so it can not be invariant relative to the entire Borel algebra(see


In§2weak distributions,characteristic functions of measures and their

properties are de?ned and investigated.In§3the non-Archimedean analogs

of the Minlos-Sazonov and Bochner-Kolmogorov theorems are given.Quasi-

measures also are considered.Frequently de?nitions,formulations of state-

ments and their proofs di?er strongly from that of classical.In§4products

of measures are considered together with their density functions.The non-

Archimedean analog of the Kakutani theorem is investigated.

Notations.Henceforth,K denotes a locally compact in?nite?eld with

a non-trivial norm,then the Banach space X is over K.In the present

article measures on X have values in R or in the?eld K s,that is,a?nite

algebraic extension of the s-adic?eld Q s with the certain prime number s.

We assume that K is s-free as the additive group,for example,either K is

a?nite algebraic extension of Q p or char(K)=p and K is isomorphic with

a?eld F p(θ)consisting of elements x= j a jθj,where a j∈F p,|θ|=p?1, F p is a?nite?eld of p elements,p is a prime number and p=s.These

imply that K has the Haar measures with values in R and K s[21].If X is

a Hausdor?topological space with a small inductive dimension ind(X)=0,


E denotes an algebra of subsets of X,as a rule E?Bco(X)for K s-valued

measures and E?Bf(X)for real-valued measures,where

Bco(X)denotes an algebra of clopen(closed and open)subsets of X,


Bf(X)is a Borelσ-?eld of X in§2.1;

Af(X,μ)is the completion of E by a measureμin§2.1;

M(X)is a space of norm-bounded measures on X in§2.1;

M t(X)is a space of Radon norm-bounded measures in§2.1;

c0(α,K)is a Banach space and P L is a projector(?xed relative to a chosen basis)in§2.2;

μL is a projection of a measureμin§2.2;

{μL(n):n}is a sequence of weak distributions in§2.2;

B(X,x,r)is a ball in§2.2;

L(X,μ,K s)in§2.4;

χξis a character with values either in T or T s in§2.6;

θ(z)=?μis a characteristic functional in§2.6;

δ0is the Dirac measure in§2.8;

μ1?μ2is a convolution of measures in§2.11;

ψq,μandτq in§2.14;

C(X,K)is a space of continuous functions from X into K in§2.16;

X?is the topological dual space of X[20];




2Weak distributions and families of measures.

2.1.For a Hausdor?topological space X with a small inductive dimension ind(X)=0[5]the Borelσ-?eld is denoted Bf(X).Henceforth,measuresμare given on a measurable space(X,E).The completion of Bf(X)relative toμis denoted by Af(X,μ).The total variation ofμwith values in R on a subset A is denoted by μ|A or|μ|(A)for A∈Af(X,μ).Ifμis non-negative andμ(X)=1,then it is called a probability measure.

We recall that a mappingμ:E→K s for an algebra E of subsets of X is called a measure,if the following conditions are accomplished:

(i)μis additive andμ(?)=0,


(ii)for each A∈E there exists the following norm


A μ:=sup{|μ(B)|K


(iii)if there is a shrinking family F,that is,for each

A,B∈F there exist F?C?(A∩B)and∩{A:A∈F}=?,then lim A∈Fμ(A)=0(see chapter7[21]and also about the completion Af(X,μ) of the algebra E by the measureμ).A measure with values in K s is called a probability measure if X μ=1andμ(X)=1.For functions f:X→K s andφ:X→[0,∞)there are used notations f φ:=sup x∈X(|f(x)|φ(x)), Nμ(x):=inf( U μ:U∈Bco(X),x∈X),where Bco(X)is an algebra of closed and at the same time open(clopen)subsets in X.Tight measures (that is,measures de?ned on E?Bco(X))compose the Banach space M(X) with a norm μ := X μ.Everywhere below there are consideredσ-additive measures with|μ|(X)<∞and X μ<∞forμwith values in R and K s respectively,if it is not speci?ed another.

A measureμon E is called Radon,if for each?>0there exists a compact subset C?X such that μ|(X\C)

2.2.Each Banach space X over K in view of Theorems5.13and5.16[21] is isomorphic with c0(α,K):={x:x=(x j:j∈α),card(j:|x j|K>b)0},whereαis an ordinal,card(A)denotes the cardinality of A, x :=sup(|x j|:j∈α).A dimension of X over K is by the de?nition dim K X:=card(α).For each closed K-linear subspace L in X there exists an operator of a projection P L:X→L.Moreover,an orthonormal in the non-Archimedean sense basis in L has a completion to an orthonormal basis in X such that P L can be de?ned in accordance with a chosen basis.

If A∈Bf(X),then P?1L(A)is called a cylinder subset in X with a base A, B L:=P?1L(Bf(L)),B0:=∪(B L:L?X,L is a Banach subspace,dim K X


that cl(∪[L(n):n])=X,dim K L(n)=κn for each n,where cl(A)=ˉA denotes a closure of A in X for A?X.We?x a family of projections

P L(m) L(n):L(m)→L(n)such that P L(m)


P L(n)


=P L(m)


for each m≥n≥k.A

projection of the measureμonto L denoted byμL(A):=μ(P?1L(A))for each A∈Bf(L)compose the consistent family:




for each m≥n,since there are projectors P L(m)


,whereκn≤?0and there may be chosenκn

An arbitrary family of measures{μL(n):n∈N}having property(1)is called a sequence of a weak distributions(see also[4,25]).

By B(X,x,r)we denote a ball{y:y∈X, x?y ≤r},which is clopen (closed and open)in X.

2.3.Lemma.A sequence of a weak distributions{μL(n):n}is gen-erated by some measureμon Bf(X)if and only if for each c>0there exists b>0such that||μL(n)|(B(X,0,r)∩L(n))?|μL(n)|(L(n))|≤c and sup n|μL(n)|(L(n))<∞forμwith values in R;

or L(n)\B(X,0,r) μ

L(n)≤c and sup n L(n) μ



values in K s,where r≥b.

Proof.In the case ofμwith values in R we can use a Hahn decomposition μ=μ+?μ?and substitute everywhere in the proof of Lemma1§2[25]a Hilbert space over R onto X over K,since X is a Radon space in view of Theorem1.2§I.1.3[4],then|μ|(A)=μ+(A)+μ?(A)for A∈Bf(X).

Forμwith values in K s the necessity is evident.To prove the su?ciency it remains only to verify property(2.1.iii),since then X μ=sup n L(n) μ



∞.Let B(n)∈E(L(n)),A(n)=P?1


(B(n)),by Theorem7.6[21]for each c>0there is a compact subset C(n)?B(n)such that B(n)\C(n) μ


< c,where B(n)\D(n) μ≤max( B(m)\C(m) μ




rem(4.8[21])sets A(n)and B(X,0,r)are weakly compact in X,hence, for each r>0there exists n with B(X,0,r)∩A(n)=?.Therefore,

A(n) μ= B(n) μ

L(n)≤ L(n)\B(X,0,r) μ


≤c and there exists

lim n→∞μ(A(n))=0,since c is arbitrary.

2.4.De?nition and notations.A functionφ:X→R(or K s)of the formφ(x)=φS(P S x)is called a cylinder function ifφS is a Bf(S)-measurable (or E(S)-measurable respectively)function on a?nite-dimensional over K space S in X.ForφS∈L1(S,μ,R)forμwith values in R orφS∈L(S,μS,K s):=L(μS)forμwith values in K s we may de?ne an integral by a sequence of weak distributions{μS(n)}:


φ(x)μ?(dx):= φS(n)(x)μS(n)(dx),

where L(μ)is the Banach space of classes ofμ-integrable functions(f=gμ-almost everywhere,that is, A μ=0,A:={x:f(x)=g(x)}isμ-negligible)

with the following norm f := g N



2.5.Lemma.A subset A?X=c0(ω0,K)is relatively compact if and only if A is bounded and for each c>0there exists a?nite-dimensional over K subspace L?X such thatˉA?L c:={y∈X:d(y,L):=inf{ x?y : x∈L}≤c}.

Proof.If A is bounded and for each c>0there exists L c withˉA?L c, then there is a sequence{k(j):j∈N}?Z such that lim j→∞k(j)=∞,ˉA?{x∈X:|x j|≤p?k(j),j=1,2,...}=:S,but X is Lindel¨o f, S is sequentially compact,henceˉA is compact(see§3.10.31[5]).IfˉA is compact,then for each c>0there exists a?nite number m such that ˉA? m j=1B(X,x j,c),where x j∈X.Therefore,ˉA?L c for L=sp K(x j: j=1,...,m):=(x= m j=1b j x j:b j∈K).

2.6.Remarks and de?nitions.As an additive group K is isomorphic with Q n p with n∈N:={1,2,...}.The topologically adjoint space over Q p (that is,of continuous linear functionals f:K→Q p)is isomorphic with Q n p [8].For x and z∈Q n p we denote by z(x)the following sum n j=1x j z j,where x=(x j:j=1,...,n),x j∈Q p.Each number y∈Q p has a decomposition y= l a l p l,where min(l:a l=0)=:ord p(y)>?∞(ord(0):=∞)[20], a l∈(0,1,...,p?1),we de?ne a symbol{y}p:= l<0a l p l for|y|p>1and



For a locally compact?eld K with a characteristic char(K)=p>0 letπj(x):=a j for each x= j a jθj∈K(see Notation).All continuous charactersχ:K→C(orχ:K→C s)have the formχ=χξ(x)= exp{2πiη(ξ(x))},whereπj:K→R,η(x):={x}p andξ∈Q n p?=Q n p for char(K)=0,η(x):=π0(x)/p andξ∈K?=K for char(K)=p>0, x∈K,i=(?1)(1/2)(see§25[8]),exp:C→C.Eachχis locally constant, henceχ:K→T(orχ:K→T s)is also continuous,where T denotes the discrete group of all roots of1(by multiplication),T s denotes its subgroup of elements with orders that are not degrees s m of s,m∈N.

For a measureμwith values in R or K s there exists a characteristic functional(that is,called the Fourier-Stieltjes transformation)θ=θμ: C(X,K)→C or C s:

(2)θ(f):= Xχe(f(x))μ(dx),

where e=(1,...,1),x∈X,f is in the space C(X,K)of continuous functions from X into K,in particular for z=f in the topologically conjugated space X?over K,z:X→K,z∈X?,θ(z)=:?μ(z).It has the folowing properties:


andθ(f)is bounded on C(X,K);

|θ(f)|=1for probability measures;



(4)θ(z)is weakly continuous,that is,(X?,σ(X?,X))-continuous,

σ(X?,X)denotes a weak topology on X?,induced by the Banach space X over K.To each x∈X there corresponds a continuous linear functional x?:X?→K,x?(z):=z(x),moreover,θ(f)is uniformly continuous relative to the norm on


C b(X,K):={f∈C(X,K): f :=sup


(5)θ(z)is positive de?nite on X?and on C(X,K)


forμwith values in[0,∞).

Property(4)follows from Lemma2.3,boundedness and continuity ofχe and the fact that due to the Hahn-Banach theorem there is x z∈X with z(x z)=1for z=0such that z|(X?L)=0and

θ(z)= Xχe(P L(x))μ(dx)= Lχe(y)μL(dy),

where L=Kx z,also due to the Lebesgue theorem2.4.9[6]for real measures (or from Exer.7.F[21]forμwith values in K s,see also§4.2[26]).Indeed, for each c>0there exists a compact subset S?X such that|μ|(X\S)

Property(5)is accomplished,since


θ(f l?f j)αlˉαj= X|N j=1αjχe(f j(x))|2μ(dx)≥0,


particularly,for f j=z j∈X,whereˉαj is a complex conjugated number to αj.

We call a functionalθ?nite-dimensionally concentrated,if there exists L?X,dim K L0and δ>0in view of Theorem I.1.2[4](or Theorem7.6[21])and Lemma2.5there exists a?nite-dimensional over K subspace L and compact S?Lδsuch that X\S μ

This de?nition is correct,since L?X,X has the isometrical em-bedding into X?as the normed space associated with the?xed basis of X,such that functionals z∈X separate points in X.If z∈L,then |θ(z)?θL(z)|≤c×b×q,where b= X μ,q is independent of c and b.Each characteristic functionalθL(z)is uniformly continuous by z∈L relative to the norm ? on L,since|θL(z)?θL(y)|≤| S′∩L[χe(z(x))?χe(y(x))]μL(dx)| +| L\S′[χe(z(x))?χe(y(x))]μL(dx)|,where the second term does not exceed


an uniformly equicontinuous by x∈S′family relative to z∈B(L,0,1).






for each?nite-dimensional over K subspace L,whereθn(z)is uniformly equicontinuous and?nite-dimensionally concentrated on L(n)?X,z∈X, cl( n L(n))=X,L(n)?L(n+1)for every n,for each c>0there are n and q>0such that|θ(z)?θj(z)|≤cbq for z∈L(j)and j>n,q=const>0 is independent of j,c and b.Let{e j:j∈N}be the standard orthonormal basis in X,e j=(0,...,0,1,0,...)with1in j-th 788c851cb7360b4c2e3f6479ing countable addi-tivity ofμ,local constantness ofχe,considering all z=be j and b∈K,we get thatθ(z)on X is non-trivial,whilstμis a non-zero measure,since due to Lemma2.3μis characterized uniquely by{μL(n)}.Indeed,forμwith values in R a measureμV on V,dim K V


r→∞ B(V,0,r)χe(z(x))g(x)m(dx),

z∈V,g∈L(V,μV,C s),m is the Haar measure on V either with values in R or K s respectively.Therefore,the mappingμ→θμis injective.

2.7.Proposition.Let X=K j,j∈N,

(a)μandνbe real probability measures on X,supposeνis symmetric. Then X?μ(x)ν(dx)= X?ν(x)μ(dx)∈R and for each0

μ([x∈X:?ν(x)≤l])≤ X(1??μ(x))ν(dx)/(1?l).

(b).For each real probability measureμon X there exists r>p3such that for each R>r and t>0the following inequality is accomplished:μ([x∈X: x ≥tR])≤c X[1??μ(yξ)]ν(dy),

whereν(dx)=C×exp(?|x|2)m(dx),m is the Haar measure on X with values in[0,∞),m(B(X,0,1))=1,ν(X)=1,2>c=const≥1is independent on t,c=c(r)is non-increasing whilst r is increasing,C>0.

Proof.(a).Recall thatνis symmetric,ifν(B)=ν(?B)for each B∈Bf(X).Therefore, Xχe(z(x))ν(dx)= Xχe(?z(x))ν(dx),that is equivalent


to X sin(2π{z(x)}p)ν(dx)=0or?ν(z)∈R.If0

(b).Letν(dx)=γ(x)m(dx),whereγ(x)=C×exp(?|x|2),C>0,ν(X)=1.Then F(γ)(z)=:?γ(z)≥0,and?γ(0)=1andγis the continuous positive de?nite function withγ(z)→0whilst|z|→∞.In view of(a):μ([x: x ≥tR])≤ X[1??μ(yξ)]ν(dy)/(1?l),where|ξ|=1/t,t>0, l=l(R).Estimating integrals,we get(b).

2.8.Lemma.Let in the notation of Proposition2.7νξ(dx)=γξ(x)m(dx),γξ(x)=C(ξ)exp(?|xξ|2),νξ(X)=1,ξ=0,then a measureνξis weakly con-verging to the Dirac measureδ0with the support in0∈X for|ξ|→∞. Proof.We have:C(ξ)?1=C q(ξ)?1= l∈Z[p lq?p(l?1)q]exp(?p2l|ξ|2)<∞,where the sum by l<0does not exceed1,q=jn,j=dim K X, K.Here K is considered as the Banach space Q n p with the n=dim Q


following norm|?|p equivalent to|?|K,for x=(x1,...,x j)∈X with x l∈K as usually|x|p=max1≤l≤j|x l|p,for y=(y1,...,y n)∈K with

.Further,p l+s x l=0exp(2πi ?s?1i=l x i p i+s) y l∈Q p:|y|p:=max1≤l≤n|y l|Q


= 1p l+s exp(2πiφ)dφ+β(s),where s+l<0,lim s→?∞(β(s)p?s?l)=0,there-fore,sup[|?γ1(z)|R|z|X:z∈X,|z|≥p3]≤2.Then taking0=ξ∈K and carrying out the substitution of variable for continuous and bounded func-tions f:X→R we get lim|ξ|→∞ X f(x)νξ(dx)=f(0).This means thatνξis weakly converging toδ0for|ξ|→∞.

2.9.Theorem.Letμ1andμ2be measures in M(X)such that?μ1(f)=?μ2(f)for each f∈Γ.Thenμ1=μ2,where X=c0(α,K),α≤ω0,Γis a vector subspace in a space of continuous functions f:X→K separating points in X.

Proof.Let at?rstα<ω0,then due to continuity of the convolution γξ?μj byξ,and Proposition4.5§I.4[26]and Lemma2.8we getμ1=μ2, since the familyΓgenerates Bf(X).Now letα=ω0,A={x∈X: (f1(x),...,f n(x))∈S},νj be an image of a measureμj for a mapping x→(f1(x),...,f n(x)),where either S∈Bf(K n)or S∈E(K n),f j∈X?→X?. Then?ν1(y)=?μ1(y1f1+...+y n f n)=?μ2(y1f1+...+y n f n)=?ν2(y)for each y=(y1,...,y n)∈K n,consequently,ν1=ν2on E.Further we can use the


Prohorov theorem3.4§1.3[26],since compositions of f∈Γwith continuous functions g:K→R or g:K→K s respectively generate a family of real-valued or K s-valued functions correspondingly separating points of X.

2.10.Proposition.Letμl andμbe measures in M(X l)and M(X) respectively,where X l=c0(αl,K),αl≤ω0,X= n1X l,n∈N.Then the condition?μ(z1,...,z n)= n l=1?μl(z l)for each(z1,...,z n)∈X?→X?is equivalent toμ= n l=1μl.

Proof.Letμ= n l=1μl,then?μ(z1,...,z n)= Xχe( z l(x l)) n l=1μl(dx l) = n l=1 X lχe(z l(x l))μl(dx l).The reverse statement follows from Theorem2.9.

2.11.Proposition.Let X be a Banach space over K;supposeμ,μ1 andμ2are probability measures on X.Then the following conditions are equivalent:μis the convolution of two measuresμj,μ=μ1?μ2,and?μ(z)=?μ1(z)?μ2(z)for each z∈X.

Proof.Letμ=μ1?μ2.This means by the de?nition thatμis the image of the measureμ1?μ2for the mapping(x1,x2)→x1+x2,x j∈X,consequently,?μ(z)= X×Xχe(z(x1+x2))(μ1?μ2)(d(x1,x2))= 2l=1 Xχe(z(x l))μl(dx l) =?μ1(z)?μ2(z).On the other hand,if?μ1?μ2=μ,then?μ=(μ1?μ2)∧and due to Theorem2.9above for real measures,or Theorem9.20[21]for measures with values in K s,we haveμ=μ1?μ2.

2.12.Corollary.Letνbe a probability measure on Bf(X)andμ?ν=μfor eachμwith values in the same?eld,thenν=δ0.

Proof.If z0∈X?→X?and?μ(z0)=0,then from?μ(z0)?ν(z0)=?μ(z0)it follows that?ν0(z0)=1.From the property2.6(6)we get that there exists m∈N with?μ(z)=0for each z with z =p?m,since?μ(0)=1.Then

?ν(z+z0)=1,that is,?ν|(B(X,z

0,p?m))=1.Sinceμare arbitrary we get

?ν|X=1,that is,ν=δ0due to§2.6and§2.9for K s-valued measures and real-valued measures.


3.Corollary.Let X and Y be a Banach space over K,(a)μand νbe probability measures on X and Y respectively,suppose T:X→Y is a continuous linear operator.A measureνis an image ofμfor T if and only if ?ν=?μ?T?,where T?:Y?→X?is an adjoint operator.(b).A characteristic functional of a real measureμon Bf(X)is real if and only ifμis symmetric.

Proof follows from§2.6and§2.9.


2.14.De?nition.We say that a real probability measureμon Bf(X)

for a Banach space X over K and0

ψq,μ(z)= X|z(x)|qμ(dx)<∞for each z∈X?.The weakest vector topology in X?relative to which all(ψq,μ:μ)are continuous is denoted byτq.

2.15.Theorem.A characteristic functional?μof a real probability

Radon measureμon Bf(X)is continuous in the topologyτq for each q>0.

Proof.For each c>0there exists a compact S?X such thatμ(S)>


|1??μ(z)|≤| S(1?χe(z(x)))μ(dx)|+| X\S(1?χe(z(x)))μ(dx)|≤|1??μc(z)|+c/2, whereμc(A)=(μ(A∩S)/μ(S)and A∈Bf(X);further analogously to the proof of IV.2.3[26].

2.16.Proposition.For a completely regular space X with ind(X)=0

the following statements are accomplished:

(a)if(μβ)is a bounded net of measures in M(X)that weakly converges

to a measureμin M(X),then(?μβ(f))converges to?μ(f)for each continuous

f:X→K;if X is separable and metrizable then(?μβ)converges to?μ

uniformly on subsets that are uniformly equicontinuous in C(X,K);

(b)if M is a bounded dense family in a ball of the space M(X)for mea-

sures in M(X),then a family(?μ:μ∈M)is equicontinuous on a locally

K-convex space C(X,K)in a topology of uniform convergence on compact

subsets S?X.

Proof.(a).Functions exp(2πiη({f(x)}))are continuous and bounded on

X,where?μ(f)= Xχe(f(x))μ(dx).Then(a)follows from the de?nition of the weak convergence and Proposition1.3.9[26],since sp C{exp(2πi{f(x)}p):


f∈C(X,K)}is dense in C(X,C)and sp C


is dense in C(X,C s).

(b).For each c>0there exists a compact subset S?X such that

|μ|(S)>|μ(X)|?c/4for real-valued measures or μ|(X\S)

valued measures.Therefore,forμ∈M and f∈C(X,K)with|f(x)|K<

c<1for x∈S we get|μ(X)?Re(?μ(f)|=2| X sin2(πη(f(x)))μ(dx)|


analogously to the proof of Proposition IV.3.1[26],since X is the T1-space and for each point x and each closed subset S in X with x/∈S there is a continuous function h:X→B(K,0,1)such that h(x)=0and h(S)={1}.

2.17.Theorem.Let X be a Banach space over K,η:Γ→C be

a continuous positive de?nite function,(μβ)be a bounded weakly relatively compact net in the space M t(X)of Radon norm-bounded measures and there exists limβ?μβ(f)=γ(f)for each f∈Γand uniformly on compact subsets of the completion?Γ,whereΓ?C(X,K)is a vector subspace separating points in X.Then(μβ)weakly converges toμ∈M t(X)with?μ|Γ=γ.

Proof is analogous to the proof of Theorem IV.3.1[26]and follows from Theorem2.9above and for K s-valued measures using the non-Archimedean Lebesgue convergence theorem(see Ch.7[21]).

2.18.Theorem.(a).A bounded family of measures in M(K n)is weakly relatively compact if and only if a family(?μ:μ∈M)is equicontinuous on K n.

(b).If(μj:j∈N)is a bounded sequence of measures in M t(K n),γ: K n→C is a continuous(and in addition positive de?nite for real-valuedμj) function,?μj(y)→γ(y)for each y∈K n(and uniformly on compact subsets in K n for K s-valued measures),then(μj)weakly converges to a measureμwith?μ=γ.

(c).A bounded sequence of measures(μj)in M t(K n)weakly convereges to a measureμin M t(K n)if and only if for each y∈K n there exists lim j→∞?μj(y)=?μ(y).

(d).If a bounded net(μβ)in M t(K n)converges uniformly on each bounded subset in K n,then(μβ)converges weakly to a measureμin M t(K n),where n∈N.

Proof.(a).This follows from the Prohorov theorem1.3.6[26]and Propo-sitions2.7,2.16.

(b).We have the following inequality:lim m sup j>mμj([x∈K n:|x|≥tR])≤2 K n(1?Re(η(ξy)))ν(dy)with|ξ|=1/t due to§2.7and§2.8for real-valued measures.Due to the non-Archimedean Fourier transform and the Lebesgue convergence theorem[21]for K s-valued measures and from the condition lim R→∞sup|y|>R|γ(y)|R n=0it follows,that for each?>0there


exists R0>0such that lim m sup j>m μj|{x∈K n:|x|>R} ≤2sup|y|>R|γ(y)|RR0.In view of Theorem2.17(μj)converges weakly toμwith ?μ=γ.(c,d).These may be proved analogously to IV.3.2[26].

2.19.Corollary.If(?μβ)→1uniformly on some neighbourhood of0in K n for a bounded net of measuresμβin M t(K n),then(μβ)converges weakly toδ0.

2.20.De?nition.A family of probability measures M?M t(X)for

a Banach space X over K is called planely concentrated if for each c>0 there exists a K-linear subspace S?X with dim K S=n1?c.The Banach space M t(X)is supplied with the following norm μ :=|μ|(X).

2.21.Lemma.Let S and X be the same as in§2.20;z1,...,z m∈X?be a separating family of points in S.Then a set E:=S c∩(x∈X:|z j(x)|≤r j; j=1,...,m)is bounded for each c>0and r1,...,r m∈(0,∞).

Proof.A space S is isomorphic with K n,consequently,p(x)=max(|z j|: j=1,...,m)is a norm in S equivalent to the initial norm.

2.22.Theorem.Let X be a Banach space over K with a familyΓ?X separating points in M?M t(X).Then M is weakly relatively compact if and only if a family{μz:μ∈M}is weakly relatively compact for each z∈Γand M is planely concentrated,whereμz is an image measure on K of a measure μinduced by z.

Proof follows from Lemmas2.5,2.21and the Prohorov theorem(see also Theorem1.3.7[26]with a substitution[?r j,r j]onto B(K,0,r j)).


3.Theorem.For X andΓthe same as in Theorem2.22a sequence {μj:j∈N}?M t(X)is weakly convergent toμ∈M t(X)if and only if for each z∈Γthere exists lim j→∞?μj(z)=?μ(z)and a family{μj}is planely concentrated.

Proof follows from Theorems2.17,18,22(see also Theorem IV.3.3[26]).

2.24.Proposition.Let X be a weakly regular space with ind(X)=0,Γ?C(X,K)be a vector subspace separating points in X,(μn:n∈N)?M t(X),μ∈M t(X),lim n→∞?μn(f)=?μ(f)for each f∈Γ.Then(μn)is weakly convergent toμrelative to the weakest topologyσ(X,Γ)in X relative to which all f∈Γare continuous.


Proof follows from Theorem2.18and is analogous to the proof of Propo-sition IV.3.3[26].

3The non-Archimedean analogs of the Minlos-Sazonov and Bochner-Kolmogorov theorems.

3.1.Let(X,U)= λ(Xλ,Uλ)be a product of measurable completely regular Radon spaces(Xλ,Uλ)=(Xλ,Uλ,Kλ),where Kλare compact classes approx-imating from below each measureμλon(Xλ,Uλ),that is,for each c>0and elements A of an algebra Uλthere is S∈Kλ,S?A with A\S μ


Theorem.Each bounded quasi-measureμwith values in K s on(X,U) (that is,μ|U


is a bounded measure for eachλ)is extendible to a measure on an algebra Af(X,μ)?U,where an algebra U is generated by a family(Uλ:


Proof.We have2.1(i)by the condition and X μ<∞,if2.1(iii)is satis?ed.It remains to prove2.1(iii).For each sequence(A n)?U with n A n=?and each c>0for each j∈N we choose K j∈K,where the compact class K is generated by(Kλ)(see Proposition1.1.8[4]),such that K j?A j and A j\K j μ

3.2.De?nition.Let X be a Banach space over K,then a mapping f:X→C is called pseudocontinuous,if its restriction f|L is uniformly continuous for each subspace L?X with dim K L

of mappings f:Y→K of a set Y into a?eld K.We denote by?C(Y,Γ)the minimalσ-algebra(that is called cylinder)generated by an algebra C(Y,Γ)

of subsets of the form C f

1,...,f n;E :={x∈X:(f1(x),...,f n(x))∈S},where

S∈Bf(K n),f j∈Γ.We supply Y with a topologyτ(Y)which is generated

by a base(C f

1,...,f n;E :f j∈Γ,E is open in K n).

3.3.Theorem.Non-Archimedean analog of the Bochner-Kolmogorov theorem.Let X be a Banach space over K,X a be its algebraically adjoint


K-linear space(that is,of all linear mappings f:X→K not necessarily continuous).A mappingθ:X a→C is a characteristic functional of a probability measureμwith values in R[or K s]and is de?ned on?C(X a,X)

[or C(X a,X)]if and only ifθsatis?es conditions2.6(3,5)for(X a,τ(X a))

and is pseudocontinuous on X a[orθsatis?es2.6(3,6)for(X a,τ(X a)and

is pseudocontinuous on X a respectively].

Proof.(I).For dim K X=card(α)

Kα,hence the statement of theorem for a measureμwith values in K s follows

from Theorem9.20[21]and Theorems2.9and2.18above,sinceθ(0)=1and

|θ(z)|≤1for each z.

(II).We consider now the case ofμwith values in R andα<ω0.

In§2.6(see also§2.16-18,24)it was proved thatθ=?μhas the desired properties for real probability measuresμ.On the other hand,there is

θwhich satis?es the conditions of the theorem.Letθξ(y)=θ(y)hξ(y),

where hξ(y)=F[C(ξ)exp(? xξ 2)](y)(that is,the Fourier transform by

x),νξ(Kα)=1,νξ(dx)=C(ξ)exp(? xξ 2)m(dx)(see Lemma2.8),ξ=

0.Thenθξ(y)is positive de?nite and is uniformly continuous as a prod-

uct of two such functions.Moreover,θξ(y)∈L1(Kα,m,C).Forξ=0

a function fξ(x)= Kαθξ(y)χe(x(y))m(dy)is bounded and continuous,a

function exp(? xξ 2)=:s(x)is positive de?nite.Sinceνξis symmet-

ric and weakly converges toδ0,hence there exists r>0such that for each|ξ|>r we have?γξ(y)= KαC(ξ)exp(? xξ 2p)exp(2πiηy(x)))m(dx)

= cos(2πη(y(x)))exp(? xη 2p)C(ξ)m(dx)/2>1?1/R for|y|≤R,con-sequently,?γξ(y)=?ζ2ξ(y)for|y|≤R,where?ζξis positive de?nite uni-

formly continuous and has a uniformly continuous extension on Kα.There-

fore,for each c>0there exists r>0such that νξ?κξ?κξ

for each|ξ|>r,whereκξ(dx)=ζξ(x)m(dx)is aσ-additive non-negative measure.Hence due to corollary from Proposition IV.1.3[26]there exists

r>0such that Kαθξ(y)χe(?x(y))νj(dy)≥0for each|j|>r,conse-quently,fξ(x)=lim|j|→∞ Kαθξ(y)χe(?x(y))νj(dy)≥0.From the equality

F[F(γξ)(?y)](x)=γξ(x)and the Fubini theorem it follows that fξχe(y(x))h j(x)m(dx) = θξ(u+y)νj(du).For y=0we get lim|ξ|→∞ fξ(x)m(dx)= f(x)m(dx)

=lim|ξ|→∞lim|j|→∞ fξ(x)h j(x)m(dx)and lim|ξ|lim|j|| Kαθξ(u)νj(du)|≤1.


From Lemma2.8it follows that?f(y)=θ(y),since by Theorem2.18θ= lim|ξ|→∞θξis a characteristic function of a probability measure on Bf(Kα), where f(x)= Kαθ(y)χe(?x(y))m(dy).

(III).Now letα=ω0.It remains to show that the conditions imposed on θare su?cient,because their necessity follows from the modi?cation of2.6 (since X has an algebraic embedding into X a).The space X a is isomorphic with KΛwhich is the space of all K-valued functions de?ned on the Hamel basisΛin X.The Hamel basis exists due to the Kuratowski-Zorn lemma (that is,each?nite system of vectors inΛis linearly independent over K, each vector in X is a?nite linear combination over K of elements fromΛ). Let J be a family of all non-void subsets inΛ.For each A∈J there exists a functionalθA:K A→C such thatθA(t)=θ( y∈A t(y)y)for t∈K A. From the conditions imposed onθit follows thatθA(0)=1,θA is uniformly continuous and bounded on K A,moreover,it is positive de?nite(or due to 2.6(6)for each c>0there are n and q>0such that for each j>n and z∈K A the following inequality is satis?ed:


moreover,L(j)?K A,q is independent on j,c and b.From(I,II)it follows that on Bf(K A)there exists a probability measureμA such that?μA=θA. The family of measures{μA:A∈J}is consistent and bounded,since μA=μE?(P A E)?1,if A?E,where P A E:K E→K A are the natural projectors.Indeed,in the case of measures with values in R eachμA is the probability measure.For measures with values in K s this is accomplished due to conditions(7),2.6(6)for X a and due to Theorem9.20[21].

In view of Theorem1.1.4[4](or Theorem3.1above)on a cylinderσ-algebra of the space KΛthere exists the unique measureμsuch thatμA=μ?(P A)?1for each A∈J,where P A:KΛ→K A are the natural projectors. From X a=KΛit follows thatμis de?ned on?C(X a,X)(or on C(X a,X) for K s-valued measures).Forμon?C(X a,X)or C(X a,X)there exists its extension on Af(X,μ)such that Af(X,μ)?Bco(X)(see§2.1).

3.4.De?nition.[23]A continuous linear operator T:X→Y for Banach spaces X and Y over K is called compact,if T(B(X,0,1))=:S


is a compactoid,that is,for each neighbourhood U ?0in Y there exists a ?nite subset A ?Y such that S ?U +co (A ),where co (A )is the least K -absolutely convex subset in V containing A (that is,for each a and b ∈K with |a |≤1,|b |≤1and for each x,y ∈V the following inclusion ax +by ∈V is accomplished).

3.5.Let B +be a subset of non-negative functions which are Bf (X )-measurable and let C +be its subset of non-negative cylinder functions.By ?B +we denote a family of functions f ∈B +such that f (x )=lim n g n (x ),g n ∈C +,g n ≥f .For f ∈?B +let X f (x )μ?(dx )=inf g ≥f,g ∈C + X g (x )μ?(dx ).For f ∈L (X,μ,K s )and K s -valued measure μlet X f (x )μ?(dx )=lim n →∞ X g n (x )μ?(dx )for norm-bounded sequence of cylinder functions g n from L (X,μ,K s )converging to f uniformly on compact subsets of X .Due to the Lebesgue converging theorem this limit exists and does not depend on a choice of {g n :n }.

3.6.Lemma.A sequence of a weak distributions (μL (n ))of probability Radon measures is generated by a real probability neasure μon Bf (X )of a Banach space X over K if and only if there exists


|ξ|→∞ X G ξ(x )μ?(dx )=1,

where X G ξ(x )μ?(dx ):=S ξ({μL (n ):n })and S ξ({μL (n )}):=lim n →∞ L (n )F n (γξ,n )(x )μL (n )(dx ),γξ,n (y ):= m (n )l =1γξ(y l ),F n is a Fourier transformation by (y 1,...,y n ),y =(y j :j ∈N ),y j ∈K ,γξ(y l )are the same as in Lemma 2.8for K 1;here m (n )=dim K L (n )

Proof.If a sequence of weak ditributions is generated by a measure μ,then in view of 2.6(3-6),Lemmas 2.3,2.5,2.8,Propositions 2.10and 2.16,Corollary 2.13,the Lebesgue convergence theorem and the Fubini theorem,also from the proof of Theorem 3.3and the Radon property of μit follows that there exists r >0such that X G ξ(x )μ?(dx )= X G ξ(x )μ(dx )=lim n →∞ L (n )γξ,n (y )?μL (n )(y )m L (n )(dy ),since lim j →∞x j =0for each x =(x j :j )∈X .In addition,lim |ξ|→∞S ξ({μL (n )})= X μ(dx )=1.Indeed,for each c >0and d >0there exists a compact


V c?X with μ|(X\V


n>n0.Therefore,choosing suitable sequences of c(n),d(n),V c(n)and L(j n) we get that[ L(n)γξ,n(y)?μL(n)(y)m L(n)(dy):n∈N]is a Cauchy sequence, where m L(n)is the real Haar measure on L(n),the latter is considered as

Q m(n)b

p ,b=dim Q


K,m(B(L(n),0,1)=1.Here we use Gξ(x)for a formal

expression of the limit Sξas the integral.Then Gξ(x)(modμ)is de?ned evidently as a function forμor{μL(n):n}with a compact support,also forμwith a support in a?nite-dimensional subspace L over K in X.By the de?nition supp(μL(n):n)is compact,if there is a compact V?X with supp(μL(n))?P L(n)V for each n.That is,condition(8)is necessary.

On the other hand,if(8)is satis?ed,then for each c>0there exists r>0such that| X Gξ(x)μ?(dx)?1|


?1|r,consequently, there exists n0such that for each n>n0the following inequality is satis?ed: |1? X F n(γξ,n)(x)μ?(dx)|≤| μ|(L(n)∩B(X,0,R)) ?1|+



|F n(γξ,n)(x)| μL(n)|(L(n)\B(X,0,R)) .

Therefore,from lim R→∞sup|x|>R|F n(γξ,n)(x)|=0and from Lemma2.3the statement of Lemma3.6follows.

3.7.Notes and de?nitions.Suppose X is a locally convex space over

a locally compact?eld K with non-trivial non-Archimedean valuation and X?is a topologically adjoint space.The minimumσ-algebra with respect to which the following family{v?:v?∈X?}is measurable is called aσ-algebra of cylinder sets.For a K s-valued measureμon X a completion of a linear space of characteristic functions{ch U:U∈Bco(X)}in L(X,μ,K s) is denoted by Bμ(X).Then X is called a RS-space(or KS-space)if on X?there exists a topologyτsuch that the continuity of each positive de?nite function f:X?→C(or f:X?→C s with f C0<∞respectively) is necessary and su?cient for f to be a characteristic functional of a non-negative measure(a tight measure of?nite norm correspondingly).Such topology is called the R-Sazonov(or K-Sazonov)type topology.The class of RS-spaces(and KS-spaces)contains all separable locally convex spaces


over K.For example,l∞(α,K)=c0(α,K)?,whereαis an ordinal[21].In particular we also write c0(K):=c0(ω0,K)and l∞(K):=l∞(ω0,K),where

ω0is the?rst countable ordinal.

Let n K(l∞,c0)denotes the weakest topology on l∞for which all func-tionals p x(y):=sup n|x n y n|are continuous,where x= n x n e n∈c0and

y= n y n e?n∈l∞,e n is the standard base in c0.Such topology n K(l∞,c0)

is called the normal topology.The induced topology on c0is denoted by

n K(c0,c0).

3.8.Theorem.Let f:l∞(K)→C(or f:l∞(K)→C s)be a functional

such that

(i)f is positive de?nite(or f(0)=1and f C0≤1),

(ii)f is continuous in the normal topology n K(l∞,c0),then f is the char-acteristic functional of a probability measure on c0(K).

Proof.Ifνis the Haar measure on K n,then on Bco(K n)it takes values

in Q.Therefore,Lemma4.1[18]is transferable onto the case of K s-valued measures,since Q?K s.Therefore,analogously to Equation(4.1)of Lemma

4.2[18]we have


B of subsets of a set?,f W is a characteristic function of W=(V1,...,V n).

To continue the proof we need the following statements.

3.9.Lemma Let f:c0(K)→C s be a function satisfying the following

two conditions:

(i)|f(x)|≤1for each x∈c0(K),

(ii)f is continuous at zero in the topology n K(c0,c0),

then for each?>0there existsλ(?)∈c0(K)such that|1?f(x)|

for each x∈c0(K).

Proof.In view of continuity for each?>0there exists y(?)∈c0such


that|πK|=p?1.If x∈c0is such that pλ(?)(x)

?+pλ(?)(x).If pλ(?)(x)≥p,then|1?f(x)|≤2≤p


