英美文学史复习 大纲

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I A Short History of English Literature

Chapter I

1) Beowulf; Piers the Plowman;The Robin Hood Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales Chapter Two

1)More and Utopia; Marlow and The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus Spenser and The Shpherd’s Calendar

Shakspeare : the four comedies,the four tragides and the historical plays 2)Definitions; Humanism;University Wits

3)Comments: Please analyze the charater of Hamlet ( humanist) Chapter Three

Milton: Paradise Lost . Samson Agoniste Bunyan and The Pilgrim’s Progress Chapter Four

1)Steele and The Tatler ; Addison and The Spectator Swift and Gulliver’s Travels Defoe and Robinson Crusoe Richardson and Pamela

Fielding: Jonathan Wild; Tom Jones

Blake; Songs of Innocence ; Songs of Experience Burns and his poems ( just namely) 2)Definitions:

Sentimentalism; Romanticism Chapter Five Definitions: The Lake Poets ;

the Escapist Romanticists and the Active Romanticists (please pay attention to name of the poems )

Chapter Six

1) Dickens and his works ( just namely) Thackeray and Vanity Fair

Some Women writers and their works ( just namely) 2) Definitions: Critical Realism Chapter Seven Definitions:

Naturalism ; Aestheticism Chapter Eight

1) Hardy : Tess of D’Urbervilles , Jude the Obscure

Henry James and his works

Galsworthy and his works ( just namely)

D.H Lawrence , James Joyce , Virginia Woolf and the works ( just namely) Ralph Fox and The Novel and the People 2) Definitions:

Imagism, The Psychological Fiction , The Stream of Conscioussness ; the Bloomsbury Group

3) Comments

Comments on Ulysses Chapter Nine

1) E.M Forster and A Passage to India

Evelyn Waugh : A Handful Dust 2) Definitions: Auden Group 3) Comments:

Comments on Brave New World Comments on Lord of the Flies Comments on The Golden Book

II A Survey of American Literature

Part One Literature of Colonial America and Romanticism

1) Franklin and Poor Richard’s Almanac; Irving , Cooper, Hawthorn , Melville , Edgar Allan Poe and the works ( just namely) Withman and Dickinson 2) Definitions: Transcendentalism

Part Two Realism and Local Colorism

1) Howells and The Rise of Silas Lapham; Henry James and The Portrait of a Lady ; Mark

Twain and his works ;

2) Definitions: Local Colorism Part Three Naturalism

1) Stephen Crane and A Girl of the Streets, The Red Badge of Courage ; Frank Norris and The

Octopus; Theodore and The American Tragedy ; Jack London and The Call of the Wild 2) Comments on Sister Carrie Part Four: Imagism Comments :

1) In a Station of the Merto

The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough 2) Comments on The Waste Land Part Five

1) F. S Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby, The Gilded Age; Ernest Hemingway and his works;

William Faulkner and his works; Sinclair Lewis and Main Street; Steinbeck and The Grapes of Wrath

2) Comments on Hemingway’s hero

Comments on The Sound and the Fury Part Six

Comments on New Criticism Part Seven

Comments on the theme of Eugene O’neil’s play Comments on Death of a Salesman

Comments on Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Part Eight

Definitions: The Confessional School; The Best Generation; The New York School; The Black Mountain Poets;

Part Nine (chapter 23-24)

1) J D Salinger and The Cather in the Rye; Joseph Heller and Catch-22 ;Kurt Vonnegut’s

Slaughterhouse-Five; Ken Kesey and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 2) Definitions:

The Literature Exhaustion; The Novel of Absurd ; Metafiction; Avant- gardism 3) Comments on the theme of Saul Below’s works Part Ten ( chapter 25-26)

1) Alice Walker and The Color Purple; 2) Comments on Native Son

