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笔试部分(共七大题,90 分钟,计 100 分) 一、 单项选择(共 20 小题,20 分) before with two months’hard work .

( )1、He looks much __than A. thinner ( B.thin C.bad

D. careful

) 2、The news ___good . where did you hear_____?

A. is ,it (

B. are, them

C. is,them


) 3、Take the __with you so that you won’t lose your way. A.glass B. watch c. map D. shoes


)4、 takes the chair at every meeting. The is _________.

It is saiel that Mr Brown

Chinese for “takes the chair ” in the sentences A. 带椅子 ( B、主持会议 C、让座位


)5、You can choose______if you don’t like this one . A . either B. neither C. another D. other


)6、-He often has bread -Yes, he_____.

for breakfast,_______he?

A. mustn’t , must (

B. doesn’t , does C. isn’t ,is D. hasn’t ,has

)7、In the exam, the____ you are____mistakes you’ll make.

A. careful , little

B. more careful, less

C. careful ,few D. more careful, the fewer

( )8、The machine made so

_____noise that the students all put their hands______.

A. many, on their ears B. much, on their mouths

C.much , on their heads D.much, on their ears

( )9、Chinese ___by the largest number of people in the world.

A.speak B. ys speaking C. is spoken D. speaks

( )10、It’s really nice ___you___me to work it out.

A. of , help B. for , help C. of , to help D. for , to help

( )11、___the window . what’s happening there?

A. Look off B. Look over C. Look out of D.Look for

( )12、

The seneet is in a big city,_____it is sometimes so quiet and looks like somewhere in the country.

A. so B. but C. while D. when

( )13、He hurt himself because he ___careful enough

A. wasn’t B. was C.did D. didn’t

( )14、He ran too fart for___to catch up with.

A. everybody B.somebody C.nobody D.anybody

( )15、___bad weather we are having?

We’ve never had ___rainy days.

A.what a , such B. How, so C.what, such D.what , so

( )16、

Would you please look after my bird while I am______?

A. free B. out C. full D.not busy.

( )17、—_____I speak to Jill, Mrs Black?

—sorry, she’s not in. she___be back after five. A.May, need ( B.Can, may C. Can, dare D. Must, may

)18、Don’t leave the classroom until the teacher___you. B. will let C.lets D.let

A.letting (

)19、Lily did badly in maths and she felt very___. B. interested C. nice D. pleased

A.sorry (

)20、Tom has grown ____ enough to take care of himself. B. old C.youry D. short

A. tall

二、阅读理解(共 15 小题,30 分)

<A> Have you thought about what might have happened if Ameri

can president Kenndey was saved in 1963? Impossible, you’ll say . Kennedy was killed in Dallas , Texas , on end November,1963, and that’s an end to it. But what world happen if he came back to life ? That’s what the “stuff books” one made of . In 1988 an American named George Bernall wrote a book of this

kind . He made the book like real life . Th

e seory was so interesting that it kept readers turning the pape till the and though it had over 800 pages. In fact we know that John F Kennedy was killed and never came back to life. In this book, he comes back to life, and the the story begins from there. The book set readers thinking , not espelially about kennedy’s killing but about what would happen after. ( )21、what kind kf a book is “ prornises to keep ”?

A. A kind of study of kennedy’s killing

B. An American horror novel

C. A life story about kennedy

D. A story book developed from a true story

( )22、The book “Promises to keep” tells us_____.

A. how to write a

“stuffbook” like the one written by John Bernall

B. how to write about history

C. what would happen when kennedy was brought back to life.

D. How to make up a story about the presidents

( )23、

Although the story is____, readers like to read it very much.

A. not interesting B. long C. sad D. not exaiting

( )24、

The book not only keeps the readers interested until the end , but make them______.

A. feel terrible B. stop thinking

C. laught at something D. think about something

( )25、The phrase“come back to life ” means_____.

A. never did again B. become alive again

C. know one is still living D. live for ever


There are marry kinds of amineds that live in the forest, such as mice, rabbits , squirrels, ouls and hawks.

Amimals in the forest depend on one another for food.

Many small forest amimass. Such as mice , eat green plants f or food, and then they, themselves , and eaten by larger amimals . This is called a food chain. A food chain begins with the sun, The green plants in the fo rest use the sun’s enery to make food for themselves, This proce ss, or action, is called photosynthesis. Forest plants produle flowers and seeds that ane eaten by mic e and other animals. The mice get their enery from the plants, and the mice become food for a larger animals, such as the hunting hawk.. So, the enery from the sun passes from the plnants to the nice to th e hawk . A break in any link of this food chain means that some animals may not have enough food to live. ( A. B. C. D. ( A. ( )26、Photosynthesis tahes place when_______. larger amimals eat small amimals green plants use the sun’s energy to mahe food forest amimals eat the food made by green plants the food chain is broken )27、what is the first link in a food chain? The sun B. The earth C. Green plants D. Forest amimals )28、 Amimals sometimes can’t find enough food because_____. B. there is very little food in a forest

A. it’s cloudy

C. photosnthesins stops ( A. B.

D. there is a break in the food chain

)29、 what dose the food chain show about living things? They depend wpon each other Small amimals eat as much as large amimall

C. Plants with flowers are the most important

D. Plants are more than amimals

( )30、

Which of the living things below fills the missing link in this food chain?

Sun’s energy ---?-----squirrels------hawks

A.rabbits B. mice C. green plants D. owls


Geogrge Washington was born on February 22,

1732 in Virginia.

His parents were Augustine and Mary Washington. George grew up on a farm in Virginia. George didn’t go to school. His father taught him at home.

George’s favourite subject was maths .George learned to be a surveyor of land when he grew up .

He joined the army and was a leader during the American Revolution. He cater became the first President of the united states. George Washington is called the

“Father of the USA”Americans celebrate his birthday on president’s Day in February. His picture is on the one dollar bill.

( )31、why is George Washington called the

“ Father of the USA”?______________________________________

( )32、

what subject did George like to study best?________________________________________

( )33、where was George Washington born?__________________

( )34、

when is washington’s birthday celebrated?_________________________

( )35、what did George learn to be ?______________________



William Stafford a f______(36)American poet,

was often visited by people. He was o____(37)

asked.“when did you d____(38) to become a poet?”

Stafford answered that the question was w_______(39).“E____(40)

is born a poet.”He said“a person discovering the way words sound and w____(41),

caring and deligloting in words. I j____(42) kept on doing w____(43)

everyone starts out doing . The real question is why olsd o___(44) people s ______(45)?”



46、The English problem is too difficult for him to work out.(改为复合句)。

The English problem is ___ difficult he can’t work it out.


The surfers both won first price in the city surfing competition(改为否定句)


____ the surfers won first price in the city surfing competition.

48、I think the fastest way to travel is by plane.(改为特殊疑问句)

___do you think___ the fastest way to travel?


Mrs zhang showed us a picture of the feathered dinosaur(改被动语态)。

We ____ _____

a picture of the feathered dinosaur by Mrs zhang.


Bob had no teacher, but he bearned Chinese well at his young age.(改为同义句)。

Bob_____ _____ Chinese when he was young.


51、He found the word_______(write)

wrong as soon as he turned to the page.

52、I’ll nrite to you after I ______(arrive) there.

53、He _______(make)

_______(do) the exercises again as he didn’t do them carefully erongh.


Harris began______ (work) when he saw the boss ______(come).

55、Robert _____________(not finish)

_________(do) his lessons until his father returned home.


56、What’s the smallest bridge in the world?

57、where mene you when lights ment out?

58、The word CANDY can be spelled using just 2 letters . can you figure out how?

59、If there are 3 apples and you take away

2, how many do you have?

60、what has fingers but can’t type?




Afternoon, go home , bus , in the bus , find , surprised weak , English , when , work hard , Beijing Olympic Games , I think , modern







31、Because he was the first President of the USA

32. Maths

33. Virginia

34. In February

35. A surveyor

三、36. famous 37. once 38. decide 39. wrong

40. Everybody/Evenyone 41.work

42.just 43. what 44.other 45.stop

四、46. so, that 47. Neither, of 48. what, is

49. were, shown/showed 50. taught, himself

五、51. writlen 52. arrive 53.was made, to do

54. working/to work 55. didn’t finish, doing

六、71. The bridge of a nose 72. In the dark

73. C and Y 74. Two 75. Gloves


