英国文学James_Joyce (1)

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James Joyce (1882-1941)

Introduction of James Joyce


Concept of the development of history

Features of his works

James Joyce (1882-1941)Biography Born in a declining Irish middle class family Received good education, but the rigidity of the religion and its representative effect turned him away from the church to literature3

His literary passions included such world masters as Dante, Flaubert, Ibsen, and Tolstoy, and his first essay on Ibsen, published when he was a student at the University of Dublin, won the admiration of the aging Norwegian playwright himself.4

Never lost sight of his priority—the ambition to write the greatest literature of his time Spent years on the writing of one book The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) took 10 years and 3 thorough revisions to finish, Ulysses (1922) 10 years for conception and 8 years for execution, and Finnegans Wake (1939) a whole of 16 years5

A circular theory of history

He believes that all societies pass through four stages. The first is a religious stage, when societies are governed by the people’s awe of gods and supernatural events. Second comes a feudal, aristocratic stage, when noblemen and kings are also heroic figures.

他认为,所有的社 会都经过四个阶段。 首先是一个宗教的 阶段,这个阶段社 会被受人敬畏神和 超自然的事件统治。 二是封建贵族,这 个阶段贵族和国王 也是英雄人物 。

Features of his works

Joyce is also well renowned for his adroit (skillful) use of the stream-ofconsciousness technique and his contribution to its subsequent popularity as an effective stylistic medium.


Joyce’s first published book, Dubliners, is a collection of 15 stories, the most famous of which are “The Dead” and “Araby”. Although the narrators of the stories are different, they are all in essence the fictional externalizations of the author’s inner world and the process of his emotional and psychic growth.

Joyce on Dubliners:“a book about human fate as well as a series of sketches of Dublin”

一本关于人类的命运, 以及一系列的都柏林素描。

“My intention was to write a chapter of the moral history of my country and I chose Dublin for the scene because that city seemed to me the center of paralysis.”

“我打算写一章对我 国道德历史,我选择 了都柏林现场因为这 座城市对我来说似乎 是瘫痪的中心 。


Arabia was one of the short stories from James Joyce’s short story collection called Dubliners first published in 1907. As James Joyce was born in Dublin , he chose to write stories about the everyday lives of men, women and children of this place during the late Victorian period. The schools , streets, businesses, hotels, and public figures generally appear under their real names and it accounts to the realistic style of the story.Brit

ish Literature James Joyce

An brief summary of Araby

The narrator “I” in the oft-anthologized story “Araby” is probably a replica of the childhood Joyce. Imaginative, sensitive, and romantic by nature, the boy feels dissatisfied with his gloomy and humdrum (monotonous) environment and wishes to spirit himself away to a place where the life of his mind could enjoy a more congenial kind of atmosphere.13

Very soon, sure enough, he spots the object for his imagination to weave a romantic web about—Mangan’s older sister, and his mind begins to run wild around her. He falls in love, feels entrance (enchanted) with her, and plans to buy a present for her from the market-place, “Araby”.

There he goes, sees the least romantic place (most incompatible with the romantic connotation of its name), and meets a young saleswoman, probably similar in age and silhouette轮廓 to Mangan’s sister.

British Literature

James Joyce

As she takes little or no interest in him and hurries away to resume her flirting with some young men there, the boy feels disgusted and suddenly makes to the realization that Mangan’s sister may not have taken any notice of him at all, either. He ends up with strong self-censure, a heightened awareness of himself, and a step closer to manhood.James Joyce 16

British Literature

