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II. 词汇。(15小题,每小题1分,小计15分)

i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ( )14. - Nowadays, we can get a lot of valuable information on the Internet.

- Yes, I agree with you. I can't imagine a world without Internet. A. useful and important

B. helpful but unimportant C. cheerful and happy

( )15. - Who is the girl playing the piano?

- She's Linda. She is in Class 2 Grade 9. She really has a gift for music. A. chance B. present - Yes. But I have ever come across them in the north.

A. ordinary B. special C. unusual

( )17. - Why did you leave immediately after the result came out? - Oh, I didn't want to miss my oral class with my foreign teacher last night. A. once in a while B. for a long time C. at once

( )18. - Will you share your experience of educational exchange in the UK with us?

- Yes, I am going to mention it during the interview. A. talk about B. talk with

( )19. - What is the book about?

- Oh, sorry. I cannot understand it fully myself, either. I can hardly tell you what it says. A. almost

phones, computers or TVs.

- That's terrible. Such a great amount of screen time does harm to their eyes. A. is bad for

B. is good for

C. lights up

( )21. - You look unhappy. What happened?

- My suggestions. to spend more time on reading fell on deaf ears. A. were taken care of

B. were paid no attention to C. were not able to be heard

ii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C 三个选项中选出填入横线的最佳选项. ( )22. - The food in this restaurant is ________ very delicious.

- I guess so, too. Lots of people enjoy their meals in it every day. A. probably B. nearly C. impossibly

( )23. - Is there any ________ in your new flat?

- Yes, there is a bed, a sofa and two tables. A. container

B. furniture C. cupboard

( )24. - Mary lost her left arm in an accident last year, so she became ________. But she worked very hard and won the first prize in the speech contest.

- Yes! It's not easy. Both her parents and her classmates are proud of her. A. blind

B. disabled C. silly

B. almost not C. without difficulty

( )20. - According to a study, teenagers in China today spend over 50 hours per week in front of

C. think about C. talent

( )16. - It is common to see this kind of plants in the southern part of China.

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( )25. - I have trouble talking with my parents. I don't want to stay at home.

- I don't agree with you. You should ________ the problems and try to solve them. A. forget B. face

( )26. - Look, I invented this- a huge bike! Try it.

- Oh, it's high and heavy. It's really hard to ride on it. I don't think it ________. A. practical B. modern C. possible

( )27. - Tom called and told me that he was ________ today, so he can't come for the class.

- I'm sorry to hear that. Hope he will get well soon.

A. in need of help B. up and down C. under the weather

( )28. - ________ Although we are in trouble, we can make it if we work hard enough.

- OK, I think I should try my best. Anyway, we have to succeed, Tom. A. Look after yourself B. Help yourself C. Raise your spirit

III. 完形填空。(15分,共10小题,每小题1. 5分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项.

Making a speech at the United Nations in front of 500 people from around the world isn't an easy task. And doing it in a foreign language is even ___29___. But Wang Yuan, 16, a member of Chinese boy hand TFBoys, was up for the challenge.

The ___30___ was on Jan 3l st. While most Chinese teenagers were still enjoying the rest of their holidays, Wang had already spent days ___31___ the speech. He used all the free time he had- in his bedroom, in cars and on flights- trying to remember it and read it more ___32___.

The event Wang took part in was the Sixth United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum(论坛). The___33___ of Wang's speech was education. It's a topic that few of his peers(同龄人) in China can talk about comfortably even in ___34___, not to mention in English. The speech wasn't perfect, ___35___ it was good enough for a 16- year- old teenager. There may be little he can do ___36___, but the message he's sending to his fans does a lot more- his post on Sina Weibo about the speech was shared ___37___ 10 million times.

The experience also ___38___ the singer's opinion on English learning. “After the speech, I started to pay more attention to my pronunciation and oral expression, \exercises is far from enough. ?” ( )29. A. easier

B. harder

C. stranger C. concert

( )30. speech B. band ( )32. A. surely ( )34. A. Chinese ( )36. A. patiently

C. warn

( )31. A. making B. searching C. preparing

B. traditionally C. confidently B. English C. Japanese B. personally C. sincerely

( )33. A. subject B. subway C. support ( )35. A. because B. but C. since ( )37. A. by heart B. less than C. more than ( )38. A. agreed B. gave C. changed

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IV. 阅读理解。(30分,共20小题,每小题1. 5分)

阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项.


Have you ever wondered how this tradition started? Well, you're not alone. No one knows for sure how April Fools' Day began. But the most likely explanation has to do with the calendar.

No, that's not an April Fools' Day joke. In the Middle Ages, New Year's Day was celebrated on March 25th in most towns in Europe. In some areas of France, New Year's Day was a week- long holiday ending on April 1st . Just like today, people would have big parties to celebrate. Over time, the calendar changed and so did the date for New Year's Day. The use of January 1 st as New Year's Day was common in France by the mid- l6 st century, and this date was announced officially in 1564. But because there were no Internet or other ways to spread the word, the news traveled slowly by word of mouth. It took a while for everyone to hear about the change, and even some people refused to accept it.

They continued to celebrate New Year's Day until April 1 st. These people were given the name \

Not everyone believes this is how the tradition of April Fools' Day began. Even though we are not sure how this tradition began, people still celebrate April Fools' Day by playing tricks on each other. So the next time you play joke on someone and say \about the people who didn't w ant to change their traditions when the new calendar was used. Or maybe it's just a day to celebrate the joker in all of us.

( )39. When did people begin the New Year's Day celebration in most parts of Europe in the Middle Ages according to the passage?

A. On January 1 st B. On March 25 st C. On April 1 st D. We don't know.

( )40. How did people spread news in the mid- 16 st century according to the passage?

A. By having big parties. B. By travelling together. C. By telling each other in words. D. By the Internet.

( )41. Which of the following statements is TRU E according to the passage?

A. Everybody knows how the tradition of April Fools' Day began. B. In fact, April Fools' Day is to celebrate the New Year's Day. C. April Fools' Day is just a day to celebrate the joker in all of us. D. How the tradition of April Fools' Day began is still uncertain.

( )42. What is the writer's purpose of writing this passage?

A. To discuss the history of April Fools' Day. B. To ask readers to celebrate April Fools' Day. C. To remind readers April Fools' Day is coming. D. To introduce how April Fools' Day is celebrated in US.


How can you show your personality(个性) without saying a word? You can let your fashion do the talking, and your sneakers (球鞋) do the walking.

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The sneaker culture we live in today started in the 1980s. At that time, basketball became more popular in the United States and abroad. So clothing brands began to tie their sneakers to basketball stars. Even today, we see LeBron James sporting the latest shoes in TV ads.

Today, basketball sneakers are not only for athletes but also a hit with young people. Sneakers encourage kids' creativity. Students can now take part in design- your- own- sneakers competitions. They are given blank, white shoes, like an artist's canvas (画布). Then it is up to students to create their own sneaker artwork using pens and paint.

In Britain, most students have to wear uniforms and black shoes, So once they get on the sports field, they can wear running shoes, or sports shoes. They can also design their own sports shoes online before buying them, including colors and patterns.

Sneakers in the US have more purpose than simply wearing them for school or sports. They collect them, too. Big collections include Nike Air Jordans, named after famous basketball star Michael Jordan. People who collect sneakers even have a name for themselves. They're called a \know any sneakerheads?

( )43. According to the passage, which of the following sport first started the sneaker culture today?

A. Football

B. Volleyball

C. Basketball D. Baseball

( )44. What's the meaning of the underlined \tie. . . to\nd paragraph ?

A. differ. . . from B. connect. . . with C. star. . . with D. buy. . . from

( )45. In design- your- own- sneakers competitions, what tools may students NOT use?

A. Blank white shoes B. Pens

C. Paint D. Artist's canvas.

( )46. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Sneakers and big collections B. Show your personality with sneakers C. How to be a sneakerhead


Cell phones, iPads and computers are keeping children and teenagers awake at night.

Researchers made many studies of children and teens aged from 6 to 19. They found a \connection\kids are staying up too late with their devices(装置). Using a computer can over- stimulate (过度刺激) the mind and their feelings. The light from a smart- phone or iPad influences the body's natural functions and then leads to poor quality sleep. And many kids could be at risk. According to the study, 72% of all children have at least one device in their sleep environment. Most of these devices are use d near bedtime.

Many children get less sleep on school nights than they should. According to the National Sleep Foundation, kids aged 6 to 13 should get 9 to 11hours of sleep every night. Getting quality sleep is very important for leaning difficult subjects like math and foreign languages.

The American Doctors' Association(ADA美国医生协会) advises kids to stop looking at screens at least half an hour before bedtime This helps your brain slow down and gets your body ready for sleep.

D. The history of the Nike Sneakers

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The ADA says bedrooms should be “screen- free areas”.

If you want to pick up an electronic device at bedtime, try the following activities instead: ? Keep a diary: Thoughts and worries can make you anxious at night. Writing thoughts an paper can clear the mind.

? \ ? Just relax: Breathe slowly and deeply. Sweet dreams!

( )47. Which of the following things may NOT result in poor sleep according to the passage?

A. Writing a diary.

B. Surfing on the Internet. D. Playing computer games.

C. Using your iPad.

looking at screens before ________.

A. 19:00


A. The students will get bad scores in all tests. B. The students will do better in difficult subjects. C. The students can relax and have a sweeter dream. D. The students will stay up late and have poor sleep.

( )50. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Electronic devices and sleep


Passage 1 THE crew (机组人员) of China Southern fight CZ3564 found a black backpack containing US$70, 000 and 300, 000 yuan (U$$43, 584) left by a passenger on the plane from Hangzhou to Shenzhen on Thursday. The flight arrived at around midnight. While the crew were clearing the seats, they found the black backpack with the cash. They found the passenger through the ground service after 30 minutes and returned the money to the owner.

Passage 2 SHENZHEN will raise the minimum salary standard to 2, 130 yuan per month and the hourly salary standard to 19. 5 yuan staring June 1, according to the city's human resources and social security bureau (人力资源和社会保障局). This is the fifth time the city's salary standard has been increased in the past seven years.

Passage 3 SHENZHEN'S traffic police fined 221 drivers 500 yuan each for honking (鸣喇叭) Saturday. The action focused on the following seven types, including honking more than twice in a row, or for longer than I second at a time, using a horn at over 115 decibels(分贝), forcing pedestrians to go faster at crossings. The public are encouraged t report and complain by sending a message to the WeChat account, ID: szjjwx.

Passage 4 SHENZHEN Railway Co. will operate a direct train from Shenzhen West Railway Station to Shantou from April 17. The single ticket will be 87 yuan and 8 single trip will take nearly 8 hours. The

B. Use your electronic devices D. Sleep well and study well

C. The importance of sleep

B. 20:00

C. 22:00

D. 22:15.

( )49. What is the most probable result of using electronic devices before bedtime according to the

( )48. According to ADA, if Lucy (a 13- year- oid girl) goes to bed at 22:30, then she should stop

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