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课 题:Starter unit 1 Good morning !

(精心制作96页,很实用!) 序号:1

七年级 主备课人: 审核: 审批: 时间:xx年xx月


导学内容:Section A : 2a . 2b. 2c. 2d. 3 . 4a 导学目标知识点:

1、Letters Aa-Hh , HB , CD , BBC.

2、Names : Alice , Bob , Cindy , Dale , Eric , Frank , Grace , Helen 导学方法:1.Reading ; 导学过程 Step 1 Learn .

1. Read the letters Aa-Hh .按字母在字母表中的顺序读熟,然后听录音,完成Activity 2a. 卡片游戏:- Where is Aa/Bb/Cc/Dd/Ee/Ff/Gg/Hh ? - It’s here .

2. 再读Letters Aa-Hh ,打散字母顺序点读,然后听录音,完成Activity 2c. 卡片游戏:- Where is Ee/? - It’s here .

3. 教学Letters Aa-Hh的书写: 学生练习书写,完成Activities 2b , 2d

4. 缩略词HB. CD. BBC的读记和意思 HB____________ Step 2 Read :


Alice , Bob , Cindy , Dale , Eric , Frank , Grace , Helen 2.女孩用名:____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 男孩用名:____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 3. 听录音,完成Activity 4a . Ⅴ、练习

A. 写出下列字母相连的字母。

B c


D g f

G b e



2.Writing ;

3.Listening .


B. 按要求写字母

1. 占第二格的小写字母:

— 1 —

2. 占一二格的小写字母: 3. 占二三格的小写字母: 4. 占一二三格的小写字母:

C. 将下列常见英文缩略词和中文意思连起来 1. HB 2. CD 3. BBC

a. 光盘

b. 英国广播公司 c. (铅笔芯)硬黑


— 2 —

课 题:Starter unit 1 Good morning ! 序号:2

七年级 主备课人:

审核: 审批: 时间:xx年xx月



导学内容:Section A: 1a、1b、4b、4c 导学目标知识点:

1. Key vocabulary : good , morning , hi , hello , afternoon , evening . 2. Target language :

- Good morning / afternoon /evening ! - Good morning / afternoon /evening ! - Hello , Alice ! - Hi , Cindy ! 导学方法:1. Listening ; 导学过程 Step 1. Review .

1. Letters Aa-Hh : 按字母表中的顺序默写。

2. Names :

女孩用名:____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 男孩用名:____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Step 2 . Learn .

1. – Hello , Alice ! 2. – Hi , Cindy !

- ____________ , Bob ! - ____________ , Dale!

- ____________ ____________ , Frank ! - ____________ ____________ , Helen ! - ____________ ____________ ,××!

2. Pairwork .

3. – Good morning , Eric !

4. – Good afternoon , Grace ! 5. – Good evening , ××! Step 3 . Listen .

1. Do Activity 1a . Listen and repeat .

2. Do Activity 4b . Listen and number the pictures 1-3 . And check the answers . Step 4 . Pairwork

Practice the conversations on pages 1 and 3 .

— 3 —

Practice your own conversations . 1. A: Hello , Alice !

B: ____________ , Bob ! B: ____________ morning , Dale ! B: ____________ afternoon , Frank !

2. A: Good ____________ , Cindy ! 3. A: Good ____________ , Eric ! Ⅴ、练习

A:补全下列单词中所缺的字母。 h__llo B:单项选择 1.- Hello , Bob ! A.Hi , Cindy !

- ____________ .


C. My name is Cindy C. Good evening C. Good evening C. Good evening




__ __ternoon


4. A: ____________ evening , Grace ! B: Good ____________ , Helen !

2. 早上见面时问候说____________。 A.Good morning 3. – Good afternoon . A.Good morning A. Good – bye


B. Good afternoon B.Good afternoon B. Good night

- ____________ .


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课 题:Starter unit 1 Good morning ! 序号:3

七年级 主备课人:xx

审核: 审批: 时间:xx年xx月



导学内容:Section B: 1 , 2a , 2b , 5 导学目标知识点:

1. Key vocabulary : how , are , you , I , am , I’m , fine , thanks , OK . 2. Target language : - How are you ?

- I’m fine , thanks . How are you ? - I’m OK . 导学方法:1.Listening ; 导学过程 Step 1 . Review . Greet people

1. A: Hello / Hi , Dale !

B: Hello / Hi , Cindy !

2. A: Good morning / afternoon / evening ! B: Good morning / afternoon / evening ! Step 2 . Learn .

A: How are you ?

B: I’m fine , thanks . How are you ? A: I’m OK .

Step 3 . Listen . Activity 1 .

Listen to the conversation . Then practice with your partner . A: ____________ afternoon , Dale ! B: Hi , Cindy ! ____________ are you ?

A: I’m ____________ , ____________ . How are you ? B: I’m ____________ . Step 4 . Groupwork .

Make your own conversation . A: Hi , Helen ! ____________ are you ?

B: Hi Eric ! I’m ____________ , thanks . How are ____________ ? A: I’m ____________ .

B: ____________ morning , Frank . How ____________ you ? C: Hi , Helen ! I’m fine , ____________. ____________ are you ? B: ____________ OK . C: ?

Step 5 . Listen and sing the song .

— 5 —

2. Groupwork .

Learn to sing the song on page 5 . Ⅴ、练习

A.补全下列单词中所缺的字母。 __ow





B.重新排列对话顺序。 a. Hi , Frank ! How are you ? b. I’m OK .

c. Good morning , Alice ! d. I’m fine , thanks . How are you ?

正确的对话顺序:____________ ____________ 课后反思:

— 6 —


____________ 课 题:Starter unit 1 Good morning ! 序号:4

七年级 主备课人:xx

审核: 审批: 时间:xx年xx月




1.复习:Letters Aa-Hh 听读和写。 新学:元音字母Aa . Ee 读音规则。

导学内容:Section B: 3a , 3b , 4 Self Check : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .

2.复习:人名Alice , Bob , Cindy , Dale , Eric , Frank , Grace , Helen . 3.复习:问候别人

Hello ! Hi ! Good morning / afternoon / evening ! How are you ? I’m fine /OK , thanks .

导学方法:1.Listening ; 导学过程

Step 1 . Review : Letters Aa-Hh






2. Do Activity 3a . 听录音,将你听到的字母连线。 3. Do Activity 3b . 将大小写字母匹配。 Step 2 . Learn : 元音字母Aa . Ee读音规则。

— 7 —

2. Reading .

1. Aa A. H . Dale Frank B. C . D . E . G , evening F , Helen name , ____________ cat , ____________ me , ____________ red , ____________ Ee 学生补充同类读音的单词。 2. Do Activity 4 . 听一听,读一读。

3. Self Check : 4 朗读A栏的字母和单词,试读B栏的生词。 Step 3 . Review : 人名names

1.女孩用名:____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 男孩用名:____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 2.Self Check : 3 将这些人名按字母顺序排序。 Step 4 . Key word check

Self Check : 1

读一读,检测已学字母和单词。 Step 5 . Review : Greet people

学生编对话,然后和同伴练习编好的对话,学生互帮互学,共享学习的快乐。 A: B: A: B: A: B: Ⅴ、练习


A: ____________ afternoon , Grace !

B: ____________ , Helen ! How ____________ you ? A: I’m ____________ , thanks . ____________ are you ? B: ____________ OK.


hello , how , good , afternoon , are , evening , fine , thanks

1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ 8. ____________

— 8 —

课 题:Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English ? 序号:5

七年级 主备课人:xx

审核: 审批: 时间:xx年xx月



导学内容:(Section A —— 1A , 1b , 1c):

导学目标知识点:词汇:jacket , key ,map , orange ,pen , quilt , ruler

学习确认物体:(Identify things) 学习a/an的初步用法


导学方法:Practicing , memorizing 导学过程: Step 1

Warming up

Good morning / afternon / evening ! How are you ? I’m fine , thanks .

How are you ? I’m OK . (S-T , S-S)

Step 2 A Guessing game

Teachers show a part of a letter and ask , ―What’s this ?‖Get the students to answer the

questions like this ―I think it’s A/B .‖ Then show the whole of the letter to let the students check whether they’re right or wrong . Step 3


Show the picture of a girl and her room ,then present the new words and the sentences : Listen , look and say . (1a , 1b)

Get the Ss to practice the conversation in the picture . Then make their own Grammar

What’s this in English ? It’s ?? Step 4

Step 5 Pair work (1c) conversations . Step 6

1. what / w?t / (疑问代词)什么,什么样的人(或事物) e.g. : What is your name ? 你叫什么名字? 2. a / ei ;? / (不定冠词)一个 e.g. : a key 一个男孩 a map


________ 一只钢笔 ________ 一件夹克衫




3. an /?n , ?n / (不定冠词)一个

an orange


— 9 —


4. What’s this in English ? 这个用英语怎么说?

①What’s 是what is的缩写形式,意为:是什么。本句中用来询问某种东西的英文说法的常用特殊疑问句,与中文语序不同,疑问词what总是放在句首的位置。 ②this(指示代词)这个。用来指离说话人较近的人或事物。 e.g:This is a ruler . 这是一把尺子。 This is an orange . 这是一个橘子。

③in English意为:用英语。是“介词in+名词”构成的介词短语。In意为“用”,表示“用语言,用某种方式。” e.g:选出错误的一项并改正




English ? a b c d

5. It’s an orange . It’s a map . 它是一个橘子。它是一张地图。

It’s是it is的缩写形式,It 是人称代词,意为:它,用来指代单个事物。在回答:What’s this in English ?时,代替上文中的指示代词this . e.g:—What’s this in English ?这个用英语怎么说?

—It’s a jacket .它是一件夹克衫。 Homework :

Read and recite the new words and the conversation in this period . 课后反思:

— 10 —

课 题:Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English ? 序号:6

七年级 主备课人:xx

审核: 审批: 时间:xx年xx月



导学内容:Section A:2a,2b,2c,2d,3




导学方法:Practicing , memorizing 导学过程: Step 1

Warming up a. Greetings .

b. A Guessing game . Teacher prepare 8 pieces of paper with the words in Section A on

them . Put them in a box . Get one of the students to pick a word out of the box . The other students ask : What’s this in English ? The student answers : It’s a /an ?? step 2

Step 3 Step 4


Teacher presents the new letters . Listen , number and write Section A:2a , 2b , 2c , 2d

Show some letters . Let the Ss guess the meanings of the letters P,NBA,kg . etc .

随堂练习:用适当的词补全下列对话 A:Good morning , Lily !

B: 1 2 , Jim . How are you ? A: 3 4 , 5 . How are you ? B: 6 7 , too . A:What’s this 8 English ? B: 9 an orange . 1.____________ 5.____________ 9.____________ 课后反思:

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

— 11 —

2.____________ 6.____________

3.____________ 7.____________

4.____________ 8.____________

提示:以Good morning!问候时,答语相同。


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