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附录 1 先进制造技术的新发展

摘要: 本文介绍了当今制造技术面临的问题,论述了先进制造的前沿科学,并展望了先进制造技术的发展前景。

关键词:问题; 先进制造技术; 前沿科学; 应用前景

制造业是现代国民经济和综合国力的重要支柱,其生产总值一般占一个国家国内生产总值的20%~55%。在一个国家的企业生产力构成中,制造技术的作用一般占60%左右。专家认为,世界上各个国家经济的竞争,主要是制造技术的竞争。其竞争能力最终体现在所生产的产品的市场占有率上。随着经济技术的高速发展以及顾客需求和市场环境的不断变化,这种竞争日趋激烈,因而各国政府都非常重视对先进制造技术的研究。 1. 当前制造科学要解决的问题


(1)制造系统是一个复杂的大系统,为满足制造系统敏捷性、快速响应和快速重组的能力,必须借鉴信息科学、生命科学和社会科学等多学科的研究成果,探索制造系统新的体系结构、制造模式和制造系统有效的运行机制。制造系统优化的组织结构和良好的运行状况是制造系统建模、仿真和优化的主要目标。制造系统新的体系结构不仅对制造企业的敏捷性和对需求的响应能力及可重组能力有重要意义,而且对制造企业底层生产设备的柔性和可动态重组能力提出了更高的要求。生物制造观越来越多地被引入制造系统,以满足制造系统新的要求。 (2)为支持快速敏捷制造,几何知识的共享已成为制约现代制造技术中产品开发和制造的关键问题。例如在计算机辅助设计与制造(CAD/CAM)集成、坐标测量(CMM)和机器人学等方面,在三维现实空间(3-Real Space)中,都存在大量的几何算法设计和分析等问题,特别是其中的几何表示、几何计算和几何推理问题;在测量和机器人路径规划及零件的寻位(如Localization)等方面,存在C-空间(配置空间Configuration Space)的几何计算和几何推理问题;在物体操作(夹持、


抓取和装配等)描述和机器人多指抓取规划、装配运动规划和操作规划方面则需要在旋量空间(Screw Space)进行几何推理。制造过程中物理和力学现象的几何化研究形成了制造科学中几何计算和几何推理等多方面的研究课题,其理论有待进一步突破,当前一门新学科--计算机几何正在受到日益广泛和深入的研究。 (3)在现代制造过程中,信息不仅已成为主宰制造产业的决定性因素,而且还是最活跃的驱动因素。提高制造系统的信息处理能力已成为现代制造科学发展的一个重点。由于制造系统信息组织和结构的多层次性,制造信息的获取、集成与融合呈现出立体性、信息度量的多维性、以及信息组织的多层次性。在制造信息的结构模型、制造信息的一致性约束、传播处理和海量数据的制造知识库管理等方面,都还有待进一步突破。 (4)各种人工智能工具和计算智能方法在制造中的广泛应用促进了制造智能的发展。一类基于生物进化算法的计算智能工具,在包括调度问题在内的组合优化求解技术领域中,受到越来越普遍的关注,有望在制造中完成组合优化问题时的求解速度和求解精度方面双双突破问题规模的制约。制造智能还表现在:智能调度、智能设计、智能加工、机器人学、智能控制、智能工艺规划、智能诊断等多方面。


2 .现代机械工程的前沿科学





2.1 制造科学与信息科学的交叉--制造信息科学



(1) 制造信息的获取、处理、存储、传递和应用,大量制造信息向知识和决策转化。

(2) 非符号信息的表达、制造信息的保真传递、制造信息的管理、非完整制造信息状态下的生产决策、虚拟管理制造、基于网络环境下的设计和制造、制造过程和制造系统中的控制科学问题。


2.2 微机械及其制造技术研究





目前对微观条件下的机械系统的运动规律,微小构件的物理特性和载荷作用下的力学行为等尚缺乏充分的认识,还没有形成基于一定理论基础之上的微系统设计理论与方法,因此只能凭经验和试探的方法进行研究。微型机械系统研究中存在的关键科学问题有微系统的尺度效应、物理特性和生化特性等。微系统的研究正处于突破的前夜,是亟待深入研究的领域。 2.3 材料制备/零件制造一体化和加工新技术基础

材料是人类进步的里程碑,是制造业和高技术发展的基础。每一种重要新材料的成功制备和应用,都会推进物质文明,促进国家经济实力和军事实力的增强。21世纪中,世界将由资源消耗型的工业经济向知识经济转变,要求材料和零件具有高的性能以及功能化、智能化的特性;要求材料和零件的设计实现定量化、数字化;要求材料和零件的制备快速、高效并实现二者一体化、集成化。材料和零件的数字化设计与拟实仿真优化是实现材料与零件的高效优质制备/制造及二者一体化、集成化制造的关键。一方面,通过计算机完成拟实仿真优化后可以减少材料制备与零件制造过程中的实验性环节,获得最佳的工艺方案,实现材料与零件的高效优质制备/制造;另一方面,根据不同材料性能的要求,如弹性模量、热膨胀系数、电磁性能等,研究材料和零件的设计形式。进而结合传统的去除材料式制造技术、增加材料式覆层技术等,研究多种材料组分的复合成形工艺技术。形成材料与零件的数字化制造理论、技术和方法,如快速成形技术采用材料逐渐增长的原理,突破了传统的去材法和变形法机械加工的许多限制,加工过程不需要工具或模具,能迅速制造出任意复杂形状又具有一定功能的三维实体模型或零件。 2.4 机械仿生制造





仿生制造的研究内容目前有两个方面: 2.4.1 面向生命的仿生制造


2.4.2 面向制造的仿生制造





3. 现代制造技术的发展趋势




(1) 信息技术、管理技术与工艺技术紧密结合,现代制造生产模式会获得不 断发展。

(2) 设计技术与手段更现代化。

(3) 成型及制造技术精密化、制造过程实现低能耗。 (4) 新型特种加工方法的形成。

(5) 开发新一代超精密、超高速制造装备。 (6) 加工工艺由技艺发展为工程科学。 (7) 实施无污染绿色制造。

(8) 制造业中广泛应用虚拟现实技术。 (9) 制造以人为本。


附录 2

The new advanced manufacturing technology development

Abstract : This paper has presented the problems facing today's

manufacturing technology, advanced manufacturing discussed in the forefront of science, and a vision for the future development of advanced manufacturing technology.

Keyword:Advanced manufacturing technologies; Frontier science; Applications prospects

Modern manufacturing is an important pillar of the national economy and overall national strength and its GDP accounted for a general national GDP 20%~55%. In the composition of a country's business productivity, manufacturing technology around 60% of the general role. Experts believe that the various countries in the world economic competition, mainly manufacturing technology competition. Their competitiveness in the production of the final product market share. With the rapid economic and technological development and customer needs and the changing market environment, this competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and that Governments attach great importance to the advanced manufacturing technology research.


1 .Current manufacturing science to solve problems

Manufacturing science to solve the current problems focused on the following aspects :

(1) Manufacturing systems is a complex systems, and manufacturing systems to meet both agility, rapid response and rapid reorganization of the capacity to learn from the information science, life science and social science interdisciplinary research, and explore new manufacturing system architecture, manufacturing models and manufacturing systems effective operational mechanism. Manufacturing systems optimized organizational structure and good performance is manufacturing system modelling, simulation and optimization of the main objectives. Manufacturing system architecture not only to create new enterprises both agility and responsiveness to the needs and the ability to reorganize significance, but also for the soft production equipment manufacturing enterprises bottom reorganization and dynamic capacity to set higher demands. Biological manufacturing outlook increasingly being introduced to the system to meet new demands manufacturing systems.

(2) The rapid rise in support of manufacturing, geometric knowledge sharing has become a modern manufacturing constraints, product development and manufacturing technologies of the key issues. For example, in computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) integration, coordinates measurements (CMM) and robotics fields, in 3D real space (3-Real Space), there are a lot of


geometric algorithm design and analysis, especially the geometric said, geometric calculation and geometric reasoning; In measurement and robot path planning and parts search spaces (such as Localization), the existence of space C- interspace (configuration space Configuration Space) geometric calculation and geometric reasoning; Objects in operation (rescue, paying and assembly, etc.) means paying more description and robot planning, campaign planning and assembly operations planning is needed in the types of space (Screw Space) geometric reasoning. Manufacturing process of physical and geometric mechanics phenomenon of scientific research to create a geometric calculation and geometric reasoning, and other aspects of the research topic, the theory pending further breakthrough, the new one door disciplines -- computer geometric are being increasingly broad and in-depth study.

(3) In the modern manufacturing process, information not only manufacturing industries have become dominated the decisive factor, but also the most active ones. Manufacturing information systems to improve throughput of modern manufacturing has become a focus of scientific development. The manufacturing information system organization and structure required to create information access, integration and integration show three-dimensional in nature, measuring the multidimensional nature of the information, and information organizations nature. Information structure models in the manufacturing, manufacturing information consistency constraint, and the dissemination of data processing and the manufacture of enormous knowledge base management, and other areas,


there is a need to further breakthroughs.

(4) The calculation of the wisdom of artificial intelligence tools and methods in the manufacture of a wide range of applications for manufacturing smart development. Category based on the calculation of biological evolution algorithms smart tools, including activation issues optimize GPS technology portfolio by growing concern is in the manufacture of the complete portfolio optimization problems combined speed and precision of GPS issues both in size constraints. Manufacturing wisdom manifested in the following aspects : wisdom activation, wisdom design, intelligent processing, robotics, intelligent control, intelligent process planning, smart diagnostic, and other aspects. These innovative products are the key theoretical issues, but also by creating a door for a science skills in the important basic issues. The focus in these issues, we can form the basis of product innovation research system.

2. Modern mechanical engineering at the frontiers of science

Cross-integration between the different science will produce new scientific gathering, economic development and social progress of science and technology created new demands and expectations, thus creating a frontier science. Frontier science is settled and unsettled issues between the scientific community. Frontier science, with a clear domain, and dynamic character of the area. Works frontier science from the general basic science is an important characteristic of the actual works, it covers the key emerging science and technology issues. Ultrasonic electrical, ultra-high-speed machines, green design and manufacturing, and other


fields, and has done a lot of research work, but innovation is the key question is not clear mechanical science. Large complex mechanical system design and performance optimization of product innovation design, smart structures and systems, intelligent robots and their dynamics, nano Mocaxue, manufacturing process 3D numerical simulations and physical simulation, precision and ultra-fine processing technology key basis, about 10 mega large and sophisticated equipment design and manufacturing base, virtual manufacturing and virtual instruments, nanometer measurement and instrumentation, parallel connection axis machine tools, and although the field of micro-electromechanical systems have done a lot of research, but there are still many key science and technology issues to be resolved. Information science, nano science, materials science, life science, management science and manufacturing science of the 21st century will be to change the mainstream science, and the resulting high-tech industry will change the face of the world. Therefore, the above areas of cross-development manufacturing systems and manufacturing informatics, nano manufacturing machinery and nano science, better machinery and better manufacturing science, management science and manufacturing systems will be critical to the 21st century mechanical engineering science is important frontier science.

2.1 Manufacturing science and information science cross -- manufacturing informatics

Mechanical and electrical products, chemical raw materials in the information. Many modern value added products primarily reflected in the information. Thus


the manufacturing process for the acquisition and application of information is very important. Information science and technology is to create an important symbol of globalization and modernization. While the manufacturing technology began to explore product design and manufacturing processes, the nature of the information, on the other hand, to create technology to transform itself to adapt to the new information makes its manufacturing environment. Along with the manufacturing process and manufacturing systems to deepen understanding, researchers are trying to new concepts and approaches to their description and expression to achieve further control and optimization purposes.

And manufacturing-related information mainly product information, technical information and information management in this area following major research direction and content :

(1) manufacturing information acquisition, processing, storage, transmission and application of knowledge to create information and decision-making transformation.

(2) Non-symbols expressing information, manufacturing information enables transmission, manufacturing information management, manufacturing information integrity in a state of non-production decision-making, management of virtual manufacturing, based on the network environment of the design and manufacturing, manufacturing process control and manufacturing systems science. These elements are manufactured in science and the scientific basis for the integration of product information, constitute the manufacture of the new branch


of science -- to create informatics.

2.2 Micro mechanical and manufacturing technology research

Micro-electronic mechanical systems (MEMS) refers to the collection of micro-sensors, micro-devices and the implementation of signal processing and control circuits, interface circuits, communications and power with the integration of micro-electromechanical system integrity. MEMS technology objectives through system miniaturization, to explore a new theory of integration, new functional components and systems. MEMS development will greatly facilitate the pocket of various products, miniaturization, a number of devices and systems to enhance the level of functional density, information density and Internet density, significantly saving, thin section. Not only can it reduce the cost of mechanical and electrical systems, but also to be completed and the size of many large systems impossible task. For example, using sophisticated 5μm diameter micro tweezers walls are made of a red blood cell can; Created to keep the cars 3mm size; In the magnetic field, like butterflies flying size aircraft. MEMS technology has opened up a completely new technology areas and industries, with many traditional sensors incomparable






telecommunications, agriculture, biomedical, environmental monitoring, military, families, and access to almost all areas have very broad application prospects.

Micro machinery is machinery and electronic technology in nano-scale technology integration photogenic product. Back in 1959 scientists have raised the idea of micro-mechanical and micro-1962, the first silicon pressure sensors. 1987


California University of California Berkeley developed rotor diameter of the silicon micro-60~120 16ug m electrostatic electric motors, show produced using silicon micro-machining small movable structures and compatible with IC manufacturing micro system potential. Micro-mechanical technology might like 20th century microelectronics technology, the technology of the world in the 21st century, economic development and national defense building a tremendous impact. Over the past 10 years, the development of micro-mechanical spectacular. Its characteristics are as follows : a considerable number of micro-components (micro structure, the implementation of micro-sensors and micro-machines, etc.) and micro-systems research success reflects the current and potential applications of value; The development of micro-manufacturing technology, particularly semiconductor processing technology have become small micro systems support technology;







interdisciplinary research team, micro-electromechanical systems technology in the development of microelectronics technology on the basis of multidisciplinary cross-frontier area of research, involving electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, materials engineering, physics, chemistry and biomedical engineering and other technical and scientific.

The current micro-mechanical systems under the conditions of the campaign laws, the physical characteristics and micro components of the role of the mechanics payload acts lack adequate understanding is not yet in a theoretical basis for a micro-system design theory and methodology, and therefore can By


experience and test methods research. Micro-mechanical systems, the existence of key scientific research issues of micro-scale system effects, physical properties and biochemical characteristics. Micro-system research are in the eve of a breakthrough, which is the in-depth study of the area.

2.3 Material produced / manufactured parts integration of new technologies for processing.

Material is a milestone in the progress of mankind, is the manufacturing and high-tech development. Every important to the success of the production and application of new materials, will promote the material and the promotion of national economic strength and military strength. 21, the world will be resource consumption-based economy to a knowledge-based industrial transformation for materials and parts and functions of a high performance, intelligent features; Request materials and components designed to achieve quantitative-based and digitized; Prepare materials and components for the rapid, efficient and achieve both integration and integrated. Digital materials and components designed to be a simulation and optimization of materials and components to achieve high quality production / manufacturing and other integration, integrated manufacturing key. On the one hand, to be completed through computer simulation optimization can reduce the material is produced in the course of manufacture of spare parts and experimental links to the best craft programmes, materials and components to achieve high quality production / manufacturing; On the other hand, according to the requirements of different material properties, such as flexible modules volume,


thermal expansion coefficient, magnetic performance, Research materials and components








materials-manufacturing technology, and increase the level of information technology, the research group of synthetic materials is a process technology. Forming materials and components manufacture digital theory, technology and methods, such as rapid adoption of emerging technologies material growing principles, a breakthrough in the traditional law and to build law mechanical deformation processing many restrictions, no processing tools or dies, can rapidly create arbitrary complex shape and has a certain function 3D models or entity parts.

2.4 machinery manufacturing breakthrough

The 21st century will be the century of life science, mechanical and life sciences depth integration will generate new concept products (such as better intelligence structure), to develop a new process (such as the growth processes shape) and the opening of new industries and to resolve product design, manufacturing processes and systems provide a series of problems new solutions. This is a highly innovative and leading edge area in the challenge.

Earth's biological evolution in the long accumulated fine qualities of human manufacturing activities to address the various problems with examples and guidelines. Learning from life phenomena organizations operating complex systems and methods and techniques, manufacturing is the future solution to the current problems facing many an efficient way. Better manufacturing refers to the


replication of biological organs from organizations, since healing, self growth and evolution since the function of the model structure and operation of a manufacturing system and manufacturing process. If the manufacturing process mechanization, automation extends human physical and intelligent extension of the human intellectual, then \better\may be said to extend its own organizational structure and human evolution process.

Gene involved in the manufacture of biological science is the \mechanism and its application in manufacturing systems. The so-called \the organizational structure and operation mode learning, thereby enhancing the capacity for environmental adaptation process. Create better \the organization\processes of automatic generation, the dynamics of production systems and manufacturing systems and products more automatic a theoretical foundation and achieve superior conditions.

Create a better manufacturing and life sciences \century manufacturing will have an enormous impact. Create better research content is twofold :

2.4.1 To create better lives

Research lives of the general phenomenon of the law and models, such as artificial life, cellular automatic machines, biological information processing skills, biological wisdom, biological-based organizational structure and mode of operation


and the evolution of biological mechanisms and getting better;

2.4.2 Oriented manufacturing breakthrough manufacturing

Research organizations better manufacturing systems since the mechanisms and methods, for example : based on full information-sharing breakthrough design principles, multi-discipline modules based on the distributed control and coordination mechanism based on the evolution of an excellent strategy; Study the concept of creating better system and its basis, such as : the formalization described space and better information shine upon relations better system and its evolution of complexity measurement methods.

Machinery manufacturing is better and better mechanical science and life science, information science, materials science disciplines such as high integration, the study includes growth formative processes, better design and manufacturing systems, mechanical and biological wisdom better shape manufacturing. Currently doing research mostly forward exploratory work, with distinct characteristics of the basic research, if the research continues to seize opportunities that might arise revolutionary breakthroughs. Future research should concern areas of biological processing technology, better manufacturing system, based on rapid prototype manufacturing engineering technology organizations, as well as biological engineering related key technical basis.

3. Modern manufacturing technology trends

Since the beginning of the 1990s, the nations of the world have manufacturing technology research and development as a national priority for the development of


key technologies, such as the United States advanced manufacturing technology plan AMTP, Japan wisdom manufacturing technology (IMS) international cooperation schemes, Korea senior national plan of modern technology (G--7), Germany plans to manufacture 2000 and the EC Esprit and BRITE-EURAM plan.

With the electronics, information, the constant development of new and high technologies, market demand individuality and diversity, the future of modern manufacturing technology to the overall development trends of the sophisticated, flexible, and networked, virtual and intelligent, green integrated, globalization direction.

Current trends in modern manufacturing technology has the following nine areas :

(1) Information technology, management techniques and technology closely integrated technology, modern production model will be continuous development.

(2) Design techniques and more modern means.

(3) Shaped and manufacture of sophisticated technology and manufacturing processes to achieve longer.

(4) The formation of new special processing methods.

(5) Development of a new generation of ultra-sophisticated, ultra-high-speed manufacturing equipment.

(6) Machining skills development for the engineering sciences. (7) Implementation of clean green manufacturing.


(8)The widespread application of virtual reality technology to the manufacturing sector. (9) To create people-oriented.


