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《Unit 6 Sunshine for all》


1. He _______________(期待) me to help him with his English because he was very poor at it. 2. The manners in the UK aren’t________________(类似的) to those in the USA.

3. The event gave young people a ____________(机会) to show their skills to their parents. 4. He gave us an ________________(介绍) about his company. 5. Thank you for _______________(支持) our work. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10’)

1. Li Hai was sure ________________(win) the swimming competition.

2. It’s ________________(possible) to learn English well if you don’t have enough practice. 3. He feels ____________________ (confidence) than before.

4. He gave up ________________(donate) his blood to the stranger at last. 5. Mr Smith watched his son____________(close). 三、单项选择。(20’)

( ) 1. It’s important to the animals, because they are our friends.

A. to kind B. be kind C. to be kind D. kind ( ) 2. —Has she had for the job? —Yes, she has taught English for more than 10 years.

A. enough experiences B. enough experience C. many experiences D. much experiences

( ) 3. I think ________ necessary _________ to take more exercise.

A. it; for Jim and me B. it’s; to Jim and me C. that; for Jim and I D. that’s; to Jim and I

( ) 4. To them, the most important thing is make much money get together.

A. not to; but B. not; but C. not; but to D. not to; but to ( ) 5. It’s dangerous ______ with the wild animals.

A. for us playing B. of us playing C. for us to play D. of us to play

( ) 6. It’s very nice_____ you to help me with my Physics. It’s very hard _____ me to learn it well.

A. for ; for B. of ; of C. for ; of D. of ; for ( ) 7. The office can provide us ______ food. It also provides water ______ us.

A. for ; for B. with ; for C. for ; with D. with ; with

( ) 8.----Do you have enough students to finish the job ? ----No, We still need _____ students.

A. another B. two others C. more two D. two more ( ) 9. ---Is the price of the ball very _____? ---No, it ____ me only twenty yuan.

A. high, spent B. expensive, takes C. high, cost D. cheap, spends

( ) 10. ----Don’t make too much noise in the classroom. ----________.

A. It’s hard to say B. Sorry, I won’t C. I’d love to D. You are right


1. They can’t find good jobs. It’s difficult. (同义句) It’s difficult _________ them ________ find good jobs.

2. The boy often gives his seat to the elderly. He is polite. (两句合并为一句) __________ polite _______ the boy to give his seat to the elderly.

3. I can’t finish the task in such a short time if you don’t help me.(同义句)

It’s _____________ for me to finish the task ___________ ___________ _________ in such a short time.

4. It’s patient of her to explain things to us. ___________ _____________ enough to explain things to us.



It was _______________________for volunteers____________________________________________. 2.他们为运动员提供支持并帮助他们实现他们的梦想。

They ________________________the athletes and helped them _______________________________. 3.如果你学习英语有困难,你可以向老师求助。


If you ________________________________, you can _______________________________________. 4.这男孩让水龙头一直开着,真是太粗心了。

It’s __________________ the boy _________________________________________________. 5.如果我们所有人都伸出援助之手,他也许很快康复。

If all of us can_____________________________, soon he may _________________________. 六、完型填空。(15’)

Sheila bought a new lunch bag for school.

On the way to school, she looked inside. She hoped that a new lunch bag meant something new for lunch, __1__ she found the same lunch as always—a sandwich.

When the lunch bell rang, Sheila found her bag and carried it to the dining hall. She opened it and __2__ two pieces of fried chicken, several strawberries, and an egg.

‘Wow!’ Sheila said. ‘That's what I call __3__!’

The next morning, Sheila opened her lunch bag and looked inside. Sure enough, she found another __4__. But when she opened the bag at lunchtime in the dining hall, she discovered a piece of pizza, an orange, and a cake. ‘My lunch bag __5__ be magic,’ Sheila said.

‘There's no such thing as magic,’ her friend Douglas __6__.

‘There is,’ Sheila said. ‘My mother __7__ packs me a sandwich. But ever since I got this new lunch bag, the sandwich has changed into something I like.’

‘Maybe your mother's packing __8__ things for a change.’

‘No,’ Sheila said. ‘I checked in the morning. The sandwich changes __9__.’

‘You are not the __10__ one with a magic lunch bag,’ Beatrice said, turning around from the table behind her. ‘I have one, too. See? This is my magic bag.’

‘Hey,’ Sheila said. ‘My lunch bag really looks like yours.’

‘Mine is magic.’ said Beatrice. ‘Every day my dad __11__ leftovers(剩饭), but at lunchtime I find a sandwich—my favorite!’

Sheila started __12__.

‘What's so funny ?’ Beatrice asked.

‘That's the sandwich my mother packs,’ Sheila said. ‘We've been getting our lunch bags __13__ up.’

Sheila and __14__ shared their lunches every day after that. Sheila loved making new discoveries each time she opened her lunch bag. But her best discovery was magically finding a new __15__.

( ) 1. A. and B. so C. but D. or

( ) 2. A. showed B. discovered C. wanted D. offered

( ) 3. A. lunch bag B. dining hall C. breakfast D. lunch

( ) 4. A. Sandwich B. chicken C. egg D. orange

( ) 5. A. can B. must C. may D. need

( ) 6. A. disliked B. discovered C. disappeared D. disagreed ( ) 7. A. never B. seldom C. often D. ever

( ) 8. A. different B. same C. easy D. delicious

( ) 9. A. at home B. during school C. on the way D. after lunchtime

( ) 10. A. last B. next C. extra D. only

( ) 11. A packs B. cooks C. leaves D. checks

( ) 12. A. shouting B. nodding C. laughing D. finding ( ) 13. A. fixed B. used C. broken D. mixed

( ) 14. A. Douglas B. Beatrice C. Sheila's mother D. Beatrice's father

( ) 15. A. friend B. classroom C. classmate D. school



The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is a new event. L 1 the Olympic Games, YOG is held every 4 years. Only players aged between 14 and 18 can join in it. The first Youth Olympic Games


was held in Singapore. On February 11, 2011,Nanjing, the c 2 city of Jiangsu Province, got the right to host the 2014 Youth Olympic Games and will become the s 3 Chinese city to welcome the Olympic flame(奥运圣火) after the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. The Games will take p 4 in August, 2014, and last 12 days.

The theme of YOG is ‘Green Youth Olympic Games, Dynamic(活力的) Youth Olympic Games, and Cultural Youth Olympic Games.’ Green Youth Olympic Games calls on us to p 5 the environment so that we can breathe fresh air and show visitors beautiful scenery and give people from other countries a good impression(印象).

The government has done a lot for the Youth Games, and we are s 6 that YOG will speed up the development of Nanjing. Workers are busy b 7 new roads and new subway lines for the Youth Games.

People in Nanjing are proud(自豪的) of the big event, and their living habits are i 8 now. They are growing trees to make Nanjing g 9 and more beautiful. They are very excited and looking forward to YOG. They hope the Youth Games will be a big s 10 .

1.___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________ 6. ___________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10. ___________ 八、书面表达(15’)

某市教育局将每年的9月1日定为爱心慈善日( Charity Day),今年活动的主题是“人人为贫困孩子献爱心”。现在请你以学生会的名义写一份倡议书,内容要点如下(括号中的词汇可供参考):

1、许多孩子因贫困而上不起学;(too…to…) 2、他们没有足够的学习用品和衣物;(school things and clothes)

3、每个孩子都应该有上学的权利;(have the right to …) 4、尽快地做些事去帮助他们很有必要。(do something to…) 列举具体帮助措施(至少3点) 5、众人拾柴火焰高。只要我们伸出援助之手,他们就会拥有获得知识的机会。(get knowledge) 注意:1.文章开头、结尾已给出,但不计入总词数;2. 作文应包含所给要点,可适当发挥。 3. 词数:80左右。 Dear students,

In some parts of our country, there are many children out of school._____________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thanks a lot for your help!


