
更新时间:2023-09-17 13:30:01 阅读量: 幼儿教育 文档下载




卷 I

一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分;共计25分) 第一节:听小对话,从题中所给的A、B,、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 1. How is the weather in Paris today?

A. B. C.

2. What is Victor's dream job?

A. B. C.

3. What does Bob do every weekend?

A. B.

4. What did Mrs Smith do last weekend?


A. B. C.

5. How will the woman get to Beijing?

A. B. C.


听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6~7两个小题。 6. What did Susan use to look like? A. She was short. B. She wore glasses. C. She had long hair.

7. What sport is Ben playing now? A. Soccer. B. Ping-pong. C. Basketball. 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8~10三个小题。

8. How many kinds of volunteer work are mentioned in the conversation?



A. Three. B. Four. C. Five . 9. Who will the boy take care of on Sundays? A. His sister. B. His father. C. His grandfather. 10. What volunteer work will the boy do?

A. Clean up the pools. B. Teach kids soccer. C. Read to people at the hospital.


City: 11 Open time: 12 Shape: 13

Height: 14

Visitors: 15

11. A. Shanghai 12. A. 2014 13. A. A huge egg hat

14. A. 47.5 15. A. Children people

B. Ningbo C. Hongkong B. 2015 C. 2016

B. A big ball C. A huge B. 57.4 B. Young people

C. 75.4

C. All kinds of

Information of the newest Disneyland 二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分)


At Sydney University, there were four students taking Chemistry. They did so 16 in all exams, midterms and labs,etc.that each had an \with the finals coming that the weekend before, they decided to play with some friends in Camberra.

They had a great time. However, 18 all the exciting parties, they slept all day Sunday until early 19 morning—the morning of their final exam! Rather than 20 the final exam, they decided to find their professor after the exam and explain to him 21 they missed it.

They explained that they had gone to Camberra to do some 22 in the ANU(Australian National University) for the weekend with the plan to come back in time to study, 23 unluckily, they had a flat tyre(爆胎)on the way back, didn't have a 24 one, and couldn't get help for a long time. 25 , they only just arrived now!

The professor thought it over and then 26 they could make up their final exam the following day. The guys were wild with joy and 27 hard all that night—all night. The next day the professor placed them in different 28 and handed each of them a test paper(100 points), and told them to begin. The 29 problem was five points. It was something simple about the periodic table. Cool, they all thought in 30 own rooms, “this is going to be a piece of cake.\



Each finished the problem and then turned the page. Question 2(for 95 points): Which tyre? 16. A. well 17. A. sad

B. badly B. happy

C. simply C. sorry

C. after

D. terribly

D. confident D. during

18. A. before 19. A. Friday 20. A. holding 21. A. when 23. A. and 24. A. nice

22. A. shopping

B. among

B. Saturday B. missing

C. Sunday C. taking

D. Monday D. passing

D. cleaning

B. where B.writing B. cheap

C. why D. how

C. researching C. new C. asked C.talked

B. so C.or

B. As a result B. believed B. studied B.rooms

B. second

D. but

D. Clean

D. In a word

D. refused D. explained D. offices

D. last

25. A. By the way 26. A. agreed 27. A. played 28. A. schools 29. A. first 30. A. your

C. After all

C. libraries

C. third

B. his C. our D. their




Tony’s pen pal, Diana, lives in Australia. Last year Diana called Tony and told him that she planned to visit him. Then Tony found some information about two hotels on the Internet. Here’s the information he got.

Sun Hotel Rose Hotel Dates 1 Oct.-31 Dec. 1 Jan. -31 Mar. 1 Apr.-30 Apr. 1 May-31 May 1 Jun. -30 Sept. Prices(a night) ¥168 ¥148 (closed) ¥188 ¥208 Address: Yongle Street Tel: 4676-4433 E-mail: sunhotel@hotmail.com Prices(a night) Dates 1 Oct.-31 Dec. ¥198 1 Jan. -31 Mar. ¥178 1 Apr.-30 Apr. (closed) 1 May-31 May ¥218 1 Jun. -30 Sept. ¥248 Take the No. 38 bus from the railway station, and you can get here in half an hour. Tel: 4686-4432 Fax: 4686-4467 31. How did Diana tell Tony that she would visit him?

A. By writing to him. B. By sending an e-mail to him.

C. By calling him. D. By sending messages on the Internet. 32. If Diana visits Tony in May and wants to stay at Sun Hotel for two nights, how much



should she pay?

A. ¥376 B. ¥416 C. ¥436 D. ¥496 33. After reading the information about the two hotels, we know the following things EXCEPT___________.

A. the address of Sun Hotel B. the fax number of Rose Hotel

C. the e-mail address of Rose Hotel D. the telephone number of Sun Hotel B

It seems that every kind of business has gone online these days. You can buy clothes, movies, music, train tickets, baby food and so on, from online providers. You name in and it can be bought online. The same thing can be used in medicine. However, you might have some questions when it comes to buying your medicine from an Internet provider. Should you really buy Tramadol online? Is this a good choice? Actually, buying your medicine online has many advantages. For more information, you can visit buyprescriptiontramadolonline.com.

Convenience is a huge factor(因素) in modern life. As your life has become more and more full, sometimes you even don’t have time to drive to the drugstore. Just a single trip to the store can take half a day or more if you live too far or the traffic is busy. However, when you buy Tramadol online at prescriptiontramadolonline.com, you can finish your task in minute, rather than hours.

Another huge factor in your life is affordability(购买力). No one has as much money they might like, and most do not have as much as they need. When you buy Tramadol online, you can save a big amount of money. Generally, the more you buy at a time, the more money you are able to save at once.

34. The beginning of this passage tells us ____________________. A. you can not imagine how busily people are doing shopping B. online shopping is becoming more and more popular C. what kind of business can he do online these days D. how and when you can try online shopping

35. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. Online medicine is the fastest and cheapest.

B. Online shopping is convenient and everyone likes it. C. Buying Tramadol online is one of the good choices.

D. The more money you have, the more online shopping you will do.

36. The main advantage for people to buy online medicine is ________________. A. you can save not only time but also money

B. you can get well much sooner when you are ill C. you may enjoy the best medical service D. you may have as much money as you need 37. This passage is __________.

A. part of a course to show how to do online shopping B. an advertisement of an Internet medicine provider C. a short story about what online shopping is like D. a letter from the salesman of Tramadol




Gary Chaw was a struggling singer and songwriter before he appeared on two popular TV reality shows in 2014—I Am a Singer and Where Are We Going, Dad?

His powerful singing and family life let us recognize him both as a singer and a father. “I have been called a winner because I have a beautiful wife, two lovely children and a successful career. But

I have to tell that I was a loser and failed many times.” He said.

Starting his career more than a decade ago, Malaysian-born Chaw said many record companies turned him down when he moved to Taiwan at 21.

His big break came in 2008 after he sang the song, Superwoman, which earned him


the title of Best Mandarin Male Singer in the 19 Golden Melody Awards. Now he has a lot of famous songs, such as the Zoo of Hollywood, Lonely Man, Happy Birthday to Me and so on.

He said his two children, 7-year-old Joe and 4-year-old daughter Grace, are also his teachers and he is grateful to have a family of his own. 38. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “struggling”?

A. 努力奋斗的 B. 帅气的 C. 默默无闻的 D. 喜欢打架的 39. How many children does Gary have?

A. one son B. one daughter

C. one son and one daughter D. one son and two daughters 40. Which song made Gary become the best mandarin male singer? A. Lonely Man B. Happy Birthday to Me C. Superwoman D. the Zoo of Hollywood 41. Which of the following is not true?

A. Joe is 7 years old and Grace is 4 years old now.

B. When he moved to Taiwan, most record companies liked his song very much. C. He has taken part in I Am a Singer. D. Gary Chaw comes from Malaysia.


Almost every day, we discuss the topic of health, especially for kids. But what is health? “Health” means eating well, getting enough exercise, and having a healthy weight. Let’s read the following rules. They can help you stay healthy. (1) Eat a variety of food, especially fruit and vegetables. We all know that eating fruit and vegetables can help us stay healthy, but many of us only eat our favorite food. Remember that we can only get the nutrition(营养) we need by eating different kinds of food, especially fruit and vegetables.

(2) Drink water and milk most often. Everyone knows that water is important. Besides that, kids need plenty of calcium(钙) to grow strong bones, and milk is rich in it. Every day, you should drink at least three cups of milk, when you are 9 years old or older. You should also try to have less sugary drinks, like soda and coca.




76. Possible versions: What We Can Do to Help

Now we are faced with serious problems. Therefore, something must be done to help the world.

We can travel in a green way, such as going to school or work by bus or by bike. Also we can have the habit of turning off the electric products when we no longer use them. It’s also necessary for governments to find out new ways to make energy instead of the old ones that bring pollution to the environment. I think they should stop factories from pouring dirty water into the rivers because clean water is really important to people’s health.

As a member of the world, everyone should do something for the earch. Protect the environment, start now! Ⅱ. 书面表达评分标准:


1. 本题总分20分,按5个档次给分。

2. 根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整。 3. 词数少于60或多于120的,从总分中减去2分。

4. 应注意的主要内容:内容要点、应用词汇、语法结构及上下文的连贯性。 5. 如书写较差以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。 (二)档次划分 第五档:(18 ~ 20分) 包含所有要点,完全完成了试题规定的任务;有清晰的文本框架,


第四档:(14 ~ 17分)基本包含所有要点,遗漏少量次要点,较全面地完成了试题规定


第三档:(10 ~ 13分)包含大多数要点,基本完成了试题规定的任务;少许语句不通顺,


第二档:( 6 ~ 9 分)只包含少数要点,未恰当完成试题规定的任务;多数语句不完整,


第一档:( 0 ~ 5 分)只包含个别要点,未完成试题规定的任务;多数语句不完整或意



内容无法看清。 Ⅲ. 听力材料



请看听力测试第一节。 第一节




现在,你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容。(停顿00'05'') 1. M: Hello, Cindy! Is the weather fine in Paris?

W: No, it's raining today. (停顿00'10'')

2. W: I want to be a doctor when I grow up. How about you,Victor? M: My dream job is to be a pilot.


3. M: what do you usually do on weekends, Helen?

W: I usually play badminton with my sister. What about you, Bob? M: Oh, I usually play basketball with my friends every weekend. (停顿00'10'')

4. M: What did you do last weekend, Mrs Smith?

W: Last weekend? Oh, I went to the beach. (停顿00'10'')

5. M: Julie, I hear you are going to Beijing. How are you getting there? W: I'm going there by train. I think it's relaxing. (停顿00'05'') 第一节到此结束。 第二节



W: Hi, Nick, over there! Don't you remember me? M: Oh, Wow, you're Susan, aren't you? W: That's right!

M: But you used to have long hair, didn't you?

W: Yes, I did.Wait a minute, did you used to play soccer?

M: Yes, but now I play ping-pong instead. W: People sure change! (停顿00'02'') (重复)


听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(停顿00'15'') W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, I'd like to be a volunteer. Can you give me some advice?

W: Sure. Do you know how to play soccer. We need someone to help teach kids soccer. M: No. I don't really like soccer. Is there anything else?

W: Yes, there is volunteer work——clean up the parks on Sundays.

M: On Sundays? That's no good. I have to help mom look after my grandfather. W: I see. Well, then can you sing and dance?

M: I'm sorry. I'm not good at singing or dancing.

W: OK. We also need someone to read for the people in hospital. You can do it anyday



you like.

M: That sounds great. I'll try my best to do it well. (停顿00'02'') (重复)

(停顿00'15'') 第二节到此结束。 第三节



Good evening! Welcome to Local Radio Program. Today I'm going to introduce the newest Disneyland in the world. Have you ever heard about it? This Disneyland will be open in 2015 in Yinzhou, Ningbo,China. It will be the largest indoor theme park with a shape of a huge egg. It's 57.4 meters high. And people call it Disneyland with a roof. All kinds of people can have fun there, whether young or old. There're always something for everyone at Disneyland in Ningbo. I think you can visit it together with your family . (停顿00'02'') (重复)

(停顿00'25'') 第三节到此结束。

现在,你有1分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。 (停顿01'00\) 听力测试到此结束。


