组胚电子实验报告 2012年 - 图文

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组织学与胚胎学 实验报告

专业 临床医学 班级 4 姓名 学号

电子信箱 完成日期2013-5-20

实验一 上皮组织

报告主题:假复层纤毛柱状上皮 主题属性:指定 标本号:27#

材料:豚鼠气管横切片 染色:HE染色


纤毛 Cilium 杯状细胞 Goblet cell 柱状细胞 Golumnar cell


Connective tissue

图1 豚鼠气管假复层纤毛柱状上皮(豚鼠气管横切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure1 Pseudostratified epithelium (Guinea pig tracheal section,HE stained,40×10)


Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium is composed by a layer of prismatic cells of

vertical section view, the cells are columnar; nuclear is ellipse, closed to the cell base department. The epithelial cells of the free surface have aligned pale red filament.There are goblet cells between columnar cells. Basement membrane is dyed into damask, visible clearly.


实验二 骨

报告主题:骨单位 主题属性:指定 标本号:6# 材料:脱钙骨切片 染色:Schmorl氏法块染


骨陷窝 Bone lacuna 骨内膜 Endosteum


Central canal 骨板

Bone lamella

图2 骨单位(脱钙骨切片,Schmorl氏法块染,40×10)

Figure 2 Osteon (Decalcified bone section,Schmorl stained,40×10)


There are many specimens bone unit, its centre is a round central tube, multilayerosteone around the central tube is concentric arrangement. There are irrigullararrengmentinterstitial lamella in the osteon.


实验三 肌组织

报告主题:心肌 主题属性:指定 标本号:12# 材料:人心肌切片 染色:HE染色


心肌纤维 Cardiac muscle

闰盘 Intercalated disk

图3 心肌纤维 (人心肌切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure 3 Cardiac muscle (The section of cardiac muscle, HE stained, 40×10)


The arrengment of myocardial fibers is irregular.Myocardial fibers are parallel arrangement, but have bifurcates,connected with each other into network.There are not obvious horizontal stripes. a single nucleus, ovoid, located in the central. There is a visible hyperchromatic banded structure at the connection of end to end , which is intercalated disc,a special structure of the myocardial fibers.


实验四 神经组织

报告主题:多极神经元 主题属性:指定 标本号:9# 材料: 染色:HE染色


神经胶质细胞 Glial cell


Axon hillock

胞体 Soma

轴突 Axon

图 4 多极神经元(小牛脊髓及脊神经节横切片,HE染色,40×10) Figure 4 Multipolar neuron (Dallas spinal nerve,HE stained,40×10)


Multipolar neuron is polygon, triangular or spindle. Flashes is set out from the cell body, Cell nuclear is big, round, bright, and nucleoli is clear. Cell and bumps can ben seen many purple blue patches, small and irregulararrengment, named Nisslbody.Axon and shaft in the hill don’t have Nissl body.


实验五 消化管

报告主题:空肠绒毛 主题属性:指定 标本号:19# 材料:猫空肠横切片 染色:HE染色


小肠绒毛 Intestinal villi 纹状缘

Striated border 小肠腺

Intestinal glands 粘膜肌层 Muscularis mucosa 粘膜下层 Submucosa 肌层


图5-1 空肠(猫空肠横切片,HE染色,10×10)

Figure 5-1 Jejunum (The cat jejunum crosscut slice,HE stained,10×10)


Epithelium and lamina propria to highlight form small intestinal villus, lumen cut into many profile and cross section, the surface of the villi is simple columnar epithelium, mainly with columnar cells and a few goblet cells, epithelial free surface have dyed the red striated border,


the center axis of the villi of the intrinsic layer of connective tissue, its common bulk longitudinal lines of smooth, rich in capillaries, central lacteals and a large number of lymphocytes. Down the roots of the epithelium to subsidence formed small intestinal lamina propria.

杯状细胞 Goblet cell


Simple columnar epithelium


Striated border 固有层

Lamina propria

图5-2 空肠绒毛(猫空肠横切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure 5-1 Intestinal villi (The cat jejunum crosscut slice,HE stained,40×10)


实验六 循环系统

报告主题:中等动脉 主题属性:指定 标本号:10#

材料:狗中等动、静脉横切片 染色:HE染色



Tunica intima


Tunica media

外膜 Adventitia

图6 中等动脉 (狗中等动脉切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure 6 Medium-sized artery (The dog medium artery section,HE stained, 40×10) ☆—外弹性膜(External elastic membrane),→—内弹性膜(Internal elastic membrane)


Middle artery, in part, three layers of membrane, respectively, within the external elastic membrane bounded. Endometrium is thin, the inner endothelial, generally only endothelial nuclei staining deep, shallow, and protruding into the lumen; the subendothelial layer for thin connective tissue, because the production relations between the endothelial cells adhered to the internal elastic membrane, the subendothelial layer is difficult to see. Lateral internal elastic membrane for membrane, is mainly composed of dozens of layers of circular smooth muscle cells. The tunica adventitia was loose connective tissue.


实验七 免疫系统

报告主题:淋巴结 主题属性:指定 标本号:13# 材料:狗淋巴结切片 染色:HE染色


被膜 Envelope 小梁 Trabecula 淋巴小结

Lymphoid tissue 皮质 Cortex 髓质 Medulla


Figure 7 Lymphoid cortex (The dog lymph node section,HE stained ,10×10)


Lymph node cortex is divided into superfacialcortex , deep cortex and cortical sinus. superfacial cortex l mainly contain lymphoid nodule and thin diffuse lymphoid tissue , lymph nodule is mainly for the B cell distribution. Deep cortex is also named vice cortex, is a large diffuse lymphoid tissue, mainly composed of T cell aggregates and become. Cortical lymphatic sinus, in the envelope and trabecular around, were named by subcapsular sinus andperitrabecular sinus


实验八 消化腺

报告主题:下颌下腺 主题属性:指定 标本号:24#

材料:人下颌下腺切片 染色:HE染色



Secretory duct 半月 Demilune 混合性腺泡 Mixed acinus 黏液性腺泡 Mucous acinus 浆液性腺泡 Serous acinus

图8 下颌下腺(人下颌下腺切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure 8 Submandibular gland(submandibular gland section, HE stained, 40×10)



the gland essence is divided into many lobule by A small amount of connective tissue. The submandibular gland is mixed gland, a serous acinus (mainly ), mucus acinus and mixedacinus. Bewteen the lobule, red secretory duct can be seen , the pipe diameter is thick, composed by single tall columnar epithelium, the nuclei are large, round or oval, near the free surface, cytoplasmic eosinophilic cells, in the basement of visiblebasal striation

At high magnification, this figure is dyed purple serous acinus, dyeing shallow mucinous acinus, mixed acinusand the secretion of dyed red tube. Mixed acinus, is composed of a number of serous cells and a demilune.


实验九 泌尿系统

报告主题:肾单位 主题属性:指定 标本号:29# 材料:兔肾切片 染色:HE染色


远端小管 Distal tubule 致密斑

Macula densa


Renal corpuscle 近端小管

Proximal tubule

图9 肾单位(兔肾切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure9 nephron(Rabbit renal biopsy,HE stained,40×10)


Nephron is the basic structure unit of urine formation and excretion, renal corpuscle and language of the renal tubules are connected. Renal corpuscle and divided into the vascular and renal capsule, renal corpuscle of two pole, said vessel in the arteriole and pole, and the renal capsule are connected to the proximal tubules in the urine. Glomus is located in the goal between arteriole and the ball arteriole panel into a ball of capillary loops.


实验十 男性生殖系统

报告主题:生精小管 主题属性:指定 标本号:41#

材料:人睾丸和附睾切片 染色:HE染色





Basement membrane 间质细胞 Interstitial cell 次级精母细胞

Secondary spermatocyte 初级精母细胞

Primary spermatocyte

图10 生精小管(人睾丸和附睾切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure10 seminiferous tubule (Human epididymis and testis biopsies,HE stained,40×10)


Seminiferous tubule as highly stratified epithelium of bend pipe, tube wall consists of raw essence of epithelium. Pure epithelium by support cells and 5 ~ 8 layers of raw sperm cells.Obvious raw essence beneath the epithelial basement membrane, basal membrane outside with collagen fiber and spindle myoid cells.Born sperm cells including the spermatogonium, primary spermatocyte, secondary spermatocyte and sperm, sperm cells.


实验十一 软骨

报告主题:透明软骨 主题属性:自选 标本号:27#

材料:豚鼠气管横切片 染色:HE染色



Perichondrium 软骨囊

Cartilage capsule 软骨陷窝

Cartilage lacuna 软骨细胞 Chondrocyte


Cartilage matrix

图11 豚鼠气管软骨(豚鼠气管横切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure11 Pseudostratified epithelium (Guinea pig tracheal section,HE stained,40×10) 高倍镜下,可见软骨细胞外基质呈透明蓝色(有的标本为蓝紫色)。其中,围绕在软骨细胞周边的细胞外基质,嗜碱性特别强,染成深蓝色,称为软骨囊;囊中有些细胞脱落或皱缩,留下一个小空腔,称软骨陷窝;近软骨膜的软骨细胞为幼稚的软骨细胞,为单个梭形,核扁圆,移向中央软骨细胞逐渐成熟,胞体变大变圆,细胞核从扁圆过渡到圆形。在软骨组织中央,可见软骨细胞成群聚集,细胞较大而圆,有一个统一的软骨囊,称同源细胞群。At high magnification, the visible cartilage extracellular matrix is transparent blue, some specimens are violet). Among them, around the cartilage extracellular matrix surrounding the cells, particularly strong basophilia, dyed dark blue, called cartilage capsule; A bag fall off some cells or shrivel, leaving a small cavity, called cartilage pit; Nearly perichondrium of cartilage cells into immature cartilage cells, into a single spindle, oblate, moving to the central cartilage cells gradually mature, the cell body gets bigger, it become the nucleus from flat to round. In the middle of the cartilage, cartilage cells gathered, cell is larger, round, there was a unified cartilage capsule, called homologous cells.


实验十二 肌组织

报告主题:骨骼肌 主题属性:自选 标本号:8#

材料:狗舌骨骼肌切片 染色:HE染色



Muscle cell nucleus 肌纤维

Muscle fiber 横纹

Horizontal grain 肌膜


图12-1 狗舌骨骼肌纵断面(狗舌骨骼肌切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure 12-1 dog tongue skeletal muscle profile (dog tongue skeletal muscle biopsy, HE stained, 40 x 10)


On the profile, is visible skeletal muscle is a funicular, light and white horizontal stripes; Within each muscle fiber has many close to muscle membrane inside long ovoid nuclei, staining shallow, sometimes visible nucleoli; Sarcoplasm faintly visible in many parallel to the long axis of the muscle fibers arranged filamentous structure, namely, myofibril.


脂肪组织 Adipose tissue


Muscle cell nucleus 肌纤维横断面 Muscle fiber cross-sectional

图12-2 狗舌骨骼肌横断面(狗舌骨骼肌切片,HE染色,40×10)

Figure 12-2 dogs tongue skeletal muscle cross-sectional (dog tongue skeletal muscle biopsy, HE stained, 40 x 10)


On cross section, the muscle fiber assumes the circular or irregular shape, each section is often visible variable number of nucleus is located in the muscle fibers surrounding, myofibril is dot evenly distributed within the sarcoplasm.


实验十三 免疫系统

报告主题:脾 主题属性:自选 标本号:14# 材料:猫脾脏切片 染色:HE染色



Splenic cord 脾窦

Splenic sinusoid 中央动脉 Central artery 白髓

White pulp 边缘区

Marginal zone

图13 脾(猫脾脏切片,HE染色,10×10)

Figure 13 spleen (cat splenic slices, HE stained, 10 x 10)

脾脏分为白髓、边缘区和红髓,脾内无淋巴窦,而有许多血窦。白髓在新鲜脾的切面上呈散在的白色点状,它是由密集的淋巴细胞组成,沿中央动脉周围分布。白髓分为动脉周围淋巴鞘和淋巴小结两部分。红髓位于被膜下、小梁周围及白髓之间,红髓可分为脾索和脾窦。边缘区位于红髓和白髓的交界处,是脾首先接触抗原并引起免疫应答的重要部位。 The spleen is divided into white pulp, edge area and the red pulp, and there is no lymphatic sinus in the spleen, and there are a lot of blood sinus. Fresh white pulp in spleen is scattered white dot in cross section, which is composed of dense lymphoid cells, distributed around the central artery. White pulp is divided into lymphatic sheath surrounding arteries and the lymph nodule. Red pulp, trabecular located under the capsule around and between white pulp, red pulp can be divided into the spleen and splenic sinus. Fringe area, which lies at the intersection of red pulp and white pulp, spleen is the first contact antigen and lead to an important parts of the immune response.


实验十四 内分泌系统

报告主题:肾上腺 主题属性:自选 标本号:34# 材料:人肾上腺切片 染色:HE染色


被膜 Envelope 球状带

Zonaglomerulosa 束状带

Zonafasciculata 网状带

Zonareticularis 髓质 Medulla 中央静脉

Central venous

图14 肾上腺(人肾上腺切片,HE染色,10×10) Figure 14 adrenal (adrenal slices, HE stained, 10 x 10)


At low magnification, visible, cortex and medulla of adrenal capsule.For dense thin layer of connective tissue capsule, package on the surface of the adrenal gland, rarely into glandular substance. Leather can be divided into zona inside extroversion, zonafasciculata, and zonareticularis. Medulla is violet, is located in the cortex of the deep, narrow range, mainly by the arranged in funicular or crumb of medulla cells, there is blood sinus and small amounts of connective tissue. Medulla central visible by the large central vein.


实验十五 女性生殖系统

报告主题:次级卵泡 主题属性:自选 标本号:44# 材料:猫卵巢切片 染色:HE染色



Follicular cavity 初级卵母细胞 Primary oocyte 卵丘

Cumulus oophous 颗粒层

Stratum granulosum 卵泡膜

Follicular theca 原始卵泡

Primordial follicle

图15 次级卵泡(猫卵巢切片,HE染色,10×10)

Figure 15 secondary ovarian follicles (cats ovaries slices, HE stained, 10 x 10)


Secondary ovarian follicles in the deep cortex. At low magnification is secondary oocytes volume is large, transparent clear, follicular cell layers, smaller secondary oocytes there are many small follicular cavity, large secondary oocytes had a larger follicular cavities, contain follicular fluid, mound, corona radiata and visible eggs, such as granular layer structure. Theca now divided into two layers, the inner cells, less fiber, rich blood vessels, outer layer on the other hand, the theca lining cells called membrane. Theca outer layer near the surrounding connective tissue, and no obvious boundaries.


