
更新时间:2023-04-12 19:15:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载








1. — Susan, will you please go and empty the rubbish?

— ______?

A. Why me

B. So what

C. What for

D. How come

2. Nowadays ______ Internet is becoming increasingly popular and ______ new high speed broadband network was recently started.

A. a; the

B. the; a

C. a; a

D. the; the

3. Most of us manage our physical health better than our emotional health, ______ problems to cause real harm.

A. left

B. leaving

C. to leave

D. having left

4. Anyone who applies for the position must meet the requirement ______ he or she should have a good command of English.

A. which

B. whether

C. how

D. that

5. Our understanding of education, work and society is different from ______ of the earlier generation.

A. what

B. those

C. that

D. one

6. Syria's foreign ministry yesterday accused Israel ______ working with "terrorist groups" after it carried out two strikes against Syrian targets.

A. of

B. with

C. on

D. against

7. My calculations were based on the ______ that house prices would remain steady.

A. theory

B. regulation

C. procedure

D. assumption

8. The story is moving, and the questions, I suppose, are not so difficult as they appear


A. to answer

B. to be answered

C. answering

D. being answered

9. —We’ll take the conditions into careful consideration ______ you have attached to this contract.

—Thanks. Hope for further cooperation.

A. as

B. which

C. where

D. what

10. The elderly need special care in winter, as they are ______ to the sudden change of weather.

A. sensitive

B. negative

C. flexible

D. sensible

11. If water becomes increasingly scarce in decades ______, water shortage will become

a hot issue all over the world.

A. coming

B. having come

C. to come

D. to be coming

12. She started studying medicine at college, but ______ to Business Studies in her second year.

A. transformed

B. skipped

C. adjusted

D. switched

13.—Has your father returned from Europe yet?

—Yes, but he ______ here for only three days before his company sent him to America.

A. was

B. has been

C. will be

D. would be

14. Steve has to get up at 5:00 A.M. to get to school. ______ this , he has never missed a class.

A. In contrast to

B. Apart from

C. In addition to

D. In spite of

15. The other day he ______ a dollar bill in the suit he was sending to the cleaner

A. came to

B. came across

C. came into

D. came through

16. —Bob! How’s your project? I heard you started it last Friday, right?

—Oh! I ______ for it. But I haven’t decided when to do it.

A. had prepared

B. was preparing

C. have been preparing

D. have prepared

17. I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before I could recognize who she was,

she had

run back in the direction ______ she had come.

A. of which

B. from where

C. in which

D. from which

18. —Haven’t seen Lucy recently. What’s happened?

—Oh, it’s more than two months ______ she worked here.

A. before

B. after

C. since

D. when

19. The company is quite honest and guarantees the new product ______ be under

warranty for three years.

A. should

B. shall

C. will

D. can

20. I was really busy these days, otherwise I _______ to your birthday party last night.

A. came

B. did come

C. should have come

D. would have come




Since my family were not going to be helpful, I decided I would look for one all by

myself and not tell them about it till I’d got one.

I had seen an agency (中介机构 advertised in a local newspaper. I rushed out of the 21 in

search of it. I was wildly excited, and as 22 as if I were going on the stage. Finding

the 23 q uite easily, I ran breathlessly through a door which said “Enter without knocking, if you please.”

The simple atmosphere of the office 24 me. The woman looked carefully at me 25

through her glasses, and then 26 me in a low voice. I answered softly. All of a sudden I

started to feel rather 27 . She wondered why I was looking for this sort of 28 . I felt

even more helpless when she told me that it would be 29 to get a job without 30 . I

wondered whether I ought to leave, 31 the telephone on her desk rang. I heard her say:

33 at this very moment who might 34 .” She wrote


32 , I’ve got someone in the

down a 35 , and held it o ut to me, saying: “ Ring up this lady. She wants

a 36 immediately. In fact, you would have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner for ten people.”

“ Oh yes,” said I —

37 having cooked for more than four in my life. I 38 her again and

again, and rushed out to the 39 telephone box. I collected my thoughts, took a deep

breath, and rang the number. I said confidently that I was just what she was looking for. I spent the next few hours 40 cook books.

21. A. bed B house C. agency D. office

22. A. proud B. pleased C. nervous D. worried

23. A. family B. door C. place D. stage

24. A. calmed B. excited C. frightened D. disturbed

25. A. as usual B. for a while C. in a minute D. once again

26. A. advised B. examined C. informed D. questioned

27. A. encouraged B. dissatisfied C. hopeless D. pleased

28. A. place B. job C. advice D. help

29. A. difficult B. helpless C. possible D. unusual

30. A. ability B. experience C. knowledge D. study

31. A. after B. since C. until D. when

32. A. Above all B. As a matter of fact C. As a result D. In spite of that

33. A. family B. house C. office D. restaurant

34. A. hire B. accept C. suit D. offer

35. A. letter B. name C. note D. number

36. A. cook B. help C. teacher D. secretary

37. A. almost B. never C. nearly D. really

38. A. answered B. promised C. thanked D. told

39. A. outside B. local C. closest D. nearest

40. A. borrowing B. buying C. reading D. writing





hem for it? First

You can’t hide a natural disaster from children, so how do we prepare t

of all, you should explain to them that acts of nature aren’t necessarily disasters but c become one. These may include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, winter storms, wild fires,

and earthquakes. The way to prepare children for these disasters is to educate them about

what each type is and then make it fun by making them “Disaster Masters” or whateve title you can think of.

Making them a Disaster Master won’t be easy. They must know what’s in a disaster

cluded. You can get your friends involved, too. If

emergency kit(工具箱and why it’s in

your friends have children, they may want to be involved in your emergency preparations.

Make it a group project. This is the opportunity for everyone to become familiar with the


We have to be aware of our conduct and the way we react to stress. The children will be

easily influenced by your attitude and d emeanor. The calmness, steady manner, and

good humor of your spouse (配偶 and you will go a long way toward the easing or the

reduction of stress.

Explain to them what they’re likely to encounter or see and describe how people may

react. Disasters can come and go very quickly and generally don’t last long. If you must stay away from home, try to get into a routine quickly and encourage them to make new

friends. Let them know they can look to their parents and other adults if they become

scared or confused. And it’s important to let them know it’s OK to cry during a disaste


It’s sometimes helpful to let the children draw pictures of what they’ve e Encourage them to write what they learned and what could have been done better. Save

the story. Make it part of a documented family history!

41. This passage was written mainly to tell us about ______.

A. the importance of mutual help in disaster preparation

B. tips for preparing children for a natural disaster

C. the importance of educating children about natural disasters

D. ways to raise children’s courage in natural disasters

42. It is a must that a Disaster Master knows ______.

A. when a natural disaster will come

B. why there are natural disasters

C. how to use a disaster emergency kit

D. how to teach others about emergency preparations

43. The underlined word “demeanor” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by “______”.

A. personality

B. lifestyle

C. emotion

D. behavior

44. When they meet with a natural disaster, children ______.

A. must write down what they see and how they feel

B. should believe that the disaster will never last long

C. can cry if they are frightened

D. should help other children despite the danger

45. The author wrote the passage mainly for ______.

A. parents

B. young children

C. teachers

D. college students


Battle of the Books


Each year in April, the “Battle of the Books” teams from each school meet for the Semi Battle competition. The top three teams from each pision go on to the Final Battle to

compete for gold, silver and bronze medals. The gold medal winners go on to compete in

the Regional Championship.

Battle of the Books Rules and Goals


Students: H ave fun reading good books from a wide variety of authors and genres(体裁.

Educators: Encourage reading, foster friendly competition, and nurture the love of books

in young people.


One team of six students from grades 7 or 8 will represent each school.

1. Each team will have a spokesperson. While the team is encouraged to discuss possible

answers, team answers will only be accepted from the spokesperson.

2. The Semi-Finals will consist of three rounds of play, and the Finals will have one

round. Each round features a Regular Battle and a Lightning Battle.

3. Regular Battle questions will be addressed to teams alternately(轮流地, regardless of

the last correct answer. There will be 12 Regular Battle questions per round. When asked

a question, teams will have 20 sec onds to provide the book’s title and author.

4. Five points will be given if the team correctly identifies the exact title, and three points

will be awarded for correctly identifying the author’s surname. The author’s first n does not need to be identified.

5. The Lightning Battles will be featured at the end of each round. Lightning Battles

consist of a 2 minutes, 30 seconds time period during which each team is asked up to 12

questions. These questions concern details of the books and will not require teams to

identify titles or authors. Each correctly answered Lightning Battle question will be worth

three points.


● A warm-up practice question will be given to each team at the beginning of its first

Semi-Battle and at the beginning of the Final and Regional Final Battles.

● There may be no assistance from the coordinators and audience members.

● Teams will not be punished for incorrect answers.

● Any team demonstrating poor sportsmanship will not be invited back.

46. According to the text, “Battle of the Books” is an activity ______.

A. where students are inspired to write books

B. where books are used as arms in the battle

C. where friends compete with each other

D. where readers are motivated to love books

47. How many questions will be asked in the Semi-Finals?

A. 72

B. 24

C. 36

D. 12

48. What information can we get from the text?

A. Teams are given 20 minutes to answer a question.

B. A competitor gets 18 points for 6 correct titles.

C. Each round ends with the Lightning Battles.

D. A correct first name will be given 5 points.

49. If a team doesn’t compete fairly, it ______.

-up practice B. won’t get help from audience members

A. won’t be given a warm

C. will be reduced in its points

D. won’t be allowed to compete next time


You hear the comment all the time: the U.S. economy looks good by figures, but it

-greater wealth promote ever-greater happiness? It is

doesn’t feel good. Why doesn’t ever

The Wealthy Society by John

a question that dates at least to the appearance in 1958 of

Kenneth Galbraith, who died recently at 97.

The Wealthy Society is a modern classic because it helped describe a new moment in the

human condition. For most of history, “hunger, sickness, and cold” threatened nearly

found everywhere in that world. Obviously it is

everyone, Galbraith wrote. “Poverty was

not of ours.” After World War II, the fear of another Great Depression gave way to an

economic growth. By the 1930s unemployment had averaged 18.2 percent; in the 1950s it

was 4.5 percent.

To Galbraith, materialism had gone mad and would cause discontent. Through

advertising, companies conditioned consumers to buy things they didn’t really want or need. Because so much spending was artificial, it would be unsatisfying. Meanwhile,

government spending that would make everyone better off was being cut down because

people wrongly considered government only as “a necessary bad.”

standing still or falling

It’s often said that only the rich are getting ahead; everyone else is

behind. Well, there are many undeserving rich — overpaid chief managers, for instance.

But over any meaningful period, most people’s incomes are increasing. From 1995 to 2004, people feel “squeezed” because their rising incomes often don’t satisfy their ris wants — for bigger homes, more health care, more education, and faster Internet


The other great disappointment is that it has not got rid of insecurity. People regard job

stability as part of their standard of living. As company unemployment increased, that

the disposable

part has gradually bec ome weaker. More workers fear they’ve become “

American,” as Louis Uchitelle puts it in his book by the same name.

Because so much previous suffering and social conflict resulted from poverty, the arrival

of widespread wealth suggested utopian (乌托邦式的 possibilities. Up to a point, wealth

succeeds. There is much less physical suffering than before. People are better off.

Unfortunately, wealth also creates new complaints.

Advanced societies need economic growth to satisfy the multiplying wants of their

citizens. But the search for growth cause new anxieties and economic conflicts that

disturb the social order. Wealth sets free the inpidual, promising that everyone can

choose a unique way to self-accomplishment. But the promise is so unreasonable that it

leads to many disappointments and sometimes inspires choices that have anti-social

consequences, including family breakdown. Figures indicate that happiness has not risen with incomes.




Should we be surprised? Not really. We’ve simply confirmed an old truth: the seeking of wealth does not always end with happiness.


50. The Wealthy Society is a book ______.

A. about previous suffering and social conflict in the past

B. written by Louis Uchitelle who died recently at 97

C. indicating that people are becoming worse off

D. about why happiness does not rise with wealth


C. public spending hasn’t been cut down as expected

D. the government has proved to be necessary but ugly

52. Why do people feel“squeezed”w

hen their average income rises considerably?

A. They think there are too many overpaid rich.

注: 1.建设规模大的取下限,建设规模小的取上限。



C. Their material demands go faster than their earnings.

D. Health care and educational cost have somehow gone out of control. 3.地下水水




A. People with a stable job.

B. Workers who no longer have secure jobs.

C. Those who see job stability as part of their living standard.

9 54. What has wealth brought to American society?

9.0.1 城市应采用管道或暗渠输送原水。当采用明渠时,应采取保护水质和防止水量流失


9.0.2 输水管(渠的根数及管径(尺寸应满足规划期给水规模和近期建设的要求,宜沿现有或


9.0.3 城市配水干管的设置及管径应根据城市规划布局、规划期给水规模并结合近期建设




9.0.5 当配水系统中需设置加压泵站时,其位置宜靠近用水集中地区。泵站用


10m 的绿化地带、并宜与城市绿化用地相结合。

It was eleven o'clock that night when Mr. Pontellier returned from his night out. He was

in an excellent humor, in high spirits, and very talkative. His entrance awoke his wife,

who was in bed and fast asleep when he came in. He talked to her while he undressed, telling her anecdotes and bits of news and gossip that he had gathered during the day. She was overcome with sleep, and answered him with little half utterances.9.0.5泵站用地控制


He thought it very discouraging that his wife, who was the sole object of his existence, showed so little interest in things which concerned him and valued so little his conversation.

Mr. Pontellier had forgotten the candies and peanuts that he had promised the boys. Still, he loved them very much and went into the room where they slept to take a look at them and make sure that they were resting comfortably. The result of his investigation was far from satisfactory. He turned and shifted the youngsters about in bed. One of them began to kick and talk about a basket full of crabs.

Mr. Pontellier returned to his wife with the information that Raoul had a high fever and needed looking

after. Then he lit his cigar and went and sat near the open door to smoke it.m


fever symptoms to be mistaken. He assured her the child was burning with fever at that moment in the next room.

用地指标He reproached his wife with her inattention, her habitual neglect of the

children. If it was not a mother's place to look after children, whose on earth was it?

He himself had his hands full with his business. He could not be in two places at once;

making a living for his family on the street, and staying home to see that no harm

done to them. .d/m 3)

Mrs. Pontellier sprang out of bed and went into the next room. She soon came back and sat on the edge of the bed, leaning her head down on the pillow. She said nothing, and refused to answer her husband when he questioned her. When his cigar was smoked out, he went to bed, and in half a minute was fast asleep.

Mrs. Pontellier was by that time thoroughly awake. She began to cry a little, and wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her nightdress. She went out on the porch, where she sat down and began to rock herself in the chair.


It was then past midnight. The cottages were all dark. There was no sound except the hooting of an old owl and the everlasting voice of the sea, which broke like a mournful lullaby (催眠曲 upon the night.

The tears came so fast to Mrs. Pontellier's eyes that the damp sleeve of her

nightdress no longer served to dry them. She went on crying there, not caring any

longer to dry her face, her eyes, her arms.

She could not have told why she was crying. Such experiences as had just happened were not uncommon in her married life. They seemed never before to have weighed much against the

6度以下地区。 of her husband's kindness and a uniform 500mm

An indescribable oppression, which seemed to generate in some unfamiliar part of

her consciousness, filled her whole being with vague pain. It was like a shadow, like a

mist passing across her soul's summer day. It was strange and unfamiliar; it was a mood.

She did not sit there inwardly scolding her husband, expressing sadness about Fate,

which had directed her footsteps to the path which they had taken. She was just having a

good cry all to herself.

The mosquitoes succeeded in driving away a mood which might have held her there

in the darkness half a night longer.

The following morning Mr. Pontellier was up in good time to take the carriage

which was to convey him to the ship. He was returning to the city to his business, and

they would not see him again at the Island till the coming Saturday. He had regained his

calmness, which seemed to have been somewhat weakened the night before. He was

eager to be gone, as he looked forward to a lively week in the financial center.

55. Mr.Pontellier comes back home from his night out in a/an ______state of mind.

A. excited

B. confused

C. depressed

D. disappointed

56. Mr. Pontellier criticizes his wife because ______.

A. she is not wholly devoted to her children

B. she does little housework but sleep

C. she knows nothing about fever symptoms

D. she fails to take her son to hospital

57. The writer would most likely describe Mr. Pontellier’s conduct during the evening as ______.

A. impatient and generous

B. enthusiastic and responsible

C. concerned and gentle

D. inconsiderate and self-centered

58. The underlined sentence suggests that Mr. Pontellier's complaints to his wife are


A. hesitant and confused

B. not as urgent as he claims

C. angry and uncertain

D. too complex to make sense

59. In paragraphs 8 to 13, Mrs. Pontellier’s reactions to her husband’s behavior sug that ______.

A. she accepts unquestioningly her role of taking care of the children

B. this is one of the first times she has acknowledged her unhappiness with her husband

C. her relationship with her husband is not what has made her depressed

D. she is angry about something that happened before her husband left

60. The passage shows Mr. Pontellier is happiest when he ______.

A. sits near the open door smoking a cigar and talking

B. makes up with his wife after a heated argument

C. has been away from home or is about to leave home

D. has given his children gifts of candies and peanuts

第二节:下面文章中有5处 (第61~65 需要添加小标题。请从(A、B、C、D、E



A. Be brave in your requests

B. You get what you tolerate

C. Don’t feel guilty of your requests

D. Don’t think others are mind readers

E. Don’t make a “no” mean more than it does

F. Be specific about what you want and when you want it

Be Bold: Ask for What You Really Want!

Have you ever been in a situation that is causing you to feel annoyed, frustrated, or unappreciated? We all experience them, but often we don’t have the courage to change them or ask for what we really want. Complaining about your problems never solves

them. Only when you get clear about what you want, and are willing to ask for it, will

you experience not only a lot less stress in your life, but greater success in your

relationship, career and life. Here are five tips to help you on your way.

61. ________________

We often think our bosses, colleagues and even our friends can understand our thought

even without being told. So when they don’t act as we’d like, we feel hurt and upset. For any relationship to develop, both parties have to communicate their needs. Whether it

k project, or how

how you’d like your colleague to communicate with you about a wor

you’d like your boss to assess your work, it’s necessary to convey what you want.

62. ________________

When asking for what you really want, you will seldom, if ever, be given more than what

n your requests to avoid being turned

you have the courage to ask for. So don’t weake

down. Think about what your ideal outcome would be and then confidently, courageously,

ask for it. While you may not always get as much as you asked for, you will get more

than you would have otherwise.

63. ________________

In the workplace, the biggest reason for unmet expectations is a lack of understanding of

exactly what is expected. A request that holds water needs to make clear not just what

you want, but also the time limit within which you want it. That is, both a clear “what” 

and “when”. For example, “Could you please get the monthly sales report to me by

midday Friday?

64. ________________

Whether it’s asking your friend to show up on time, or asking your colleague to stop

making jokes in your presence, every day, through what you say and do, you teach others

how to treat you. Letting others know what you will (and will not)put up with and

what you expect from them, is important to your wellbeing and success—at home and


65. ________________

In reality you won’t always get what you ask for. Your boss won’t always give you the

pay raise you’d like and your parents may not agree to mind your three kids every second weekend. When people say no, you can take it really personally and decide never to

speak to them again—or you can accept it graciously and move on. At least now you

know where you stand and can plan accordingly.

Asking for less than you really want—from yourself, from others and from life—doesn’t

serve anyone. Remember that fortune favors the bold. So make bigger, better, bolder

requests, and ask for what you really want. Who knows…you might just get it!

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题共40分







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

例如:It was very nice to get your invitation to spend ∧ weekend with you. Luckily



I was completely free then, so I’ll to say "yes". I’ll arrive in Bristol at around 8 pm am on

Friday evening.

2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者 ( 从第 11 处起不计分。

