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一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. The only thing is the ___ of the internet. A. rise B. raise C. rising 正确答案:
2. The girls were deprived ___ a vital learning experience. A. in B. of C. to D. off
正确答案: 3. ditch A. pitch B. abandon 正确答案:
4. When I was at school, I ___ up very late, reading story-books. A. used to stay B. used to staying C. was used to stay D. am used to staying 正确答案:
5. Living alone___ bring freedom. A. must B. will C. should D. may
正确答案: 6. goofy A. smart B. foolish 正确答案:
7. The herd had escaped and ___ wandering about in the fields. A. was B. were
C. are D. is
8. When you mix old habits ___new pressures,you get an stressful combination. A. with B. from C. within D. to
9. The Chinese ___ kind and friendly. A. is B. are C. were D. was
10. Tom insisted that what he said___ true and we insisted that he go and have a look. A. be
B. should be C. was D. were 正确答案:
11. If there is __ between the emotional lives of humans and other animals,where should the scientist draw the line? A. continue B. continuing C. continuation D. continuity 正确答案:
12. The singer and the dancer___ going to give us an excellent show tonight. A. has been B. are C. is
D. have been 正确答案:
13. When they are taken in___, new problems come. A. aggregate B. together C. aggregation 正确答案:
14. The number of teachers in our college ___ greatly increased this term. A. is, have been B. are C. was
正确答案: 15. whiz A. move fast B. wrink 正确答案:
16. Old as he is, the actor is still full of___ pleasure and interests. A. youthful B. youth C. young D. youngster 正确答案:
17. She as well as the others students ___ how to type. A. have learned B. has learned C. learn
D. are learning 正确答案:
18. Bread and milk ___ a typical choice for breakfast. A. was B. were C. are D. is
19. After a long discussion, we finally found a new___ to the problem. A. method B. advice C. deal
D. approach 正确答案:
20. He has been known to snarl ___ reporters. A. at B. on C. in D. to
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