Unit 13-15知识点总结

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Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad

1. make sb/sth do sth 使...做某事 make sb +adj.使某人感到... make 后的形容词是表示感受和情感的形容词,例如:excited, surprised,sad, angry, happy, unhappy, annoyed, stressed out, calm, tense, pleased, upset, sick, anxious,worried,scared, relaxed,sleepy,tired等等。

2. have fun with sb, have fun doing, make fun of sb=laugh at sb 3. own, owner, one's own things, own a farm

on one's own, 独立地,主动地,自愿地 with one's own 用某人自己的

4. how to make food, how to make money 疑问词+不定式=疑问词+主语+should +动原 5. learn from从...学到;向某人学习 learn from the scientific studies/Lily

6. therefore,书面用语,比较正式。常用于数学逻辑和其他较精细的推论中,表示严正的推理。so和then,于是,用语简洁的会话和日常的文体中,推理不必严格。 7. at first, first of all, above all, to begin with, to start with,开始,起初 at last 最后 8.serve, vt. 服务;招待;提供,供应 service n. 服务 good service优质服务 serve sb./the people 为...人民服务 serve sb with 为...提供/供应 serve sb sth=serve sth to sb用...招待某人

8. kind of=a little=a bit a little milk=a bit of milk

9. keep sb/sth+adj. keep sb/sth +doing keep sb/ sth +介词短语

keep on doing sth, keep on with sth, keep away from, keep out,keep up with,

keep ...from doing keep out of, keep down抑制,控制 keep off 防止,避开,免受影响 10. uncomfortable, uneasy, not comfortable 11. product, produce, production

12. work , 动词 1)工作,用功 2)机器工作3)药物生效4)运用 名词 1)工作2)著作,作品

13. aim, v. aim at, be aimed at,be specifically at n.瞄准;目标 14. true, real, truly,really, truth, come true, i will truly help you. It's true that... to tell you the truth, to be honest

15. for instance=for example, 通常用逗号和前面的修饰词隔开, 强调某个代表时用for example

such as 放名词和被列举事物之间说明。 16. compare to

17. confuse,confused, confusing

18. the quality of 19.at another times 20.at times=sometimes 21.lead...to do/sw, lead to 22.not at all, in all, above all, after all

23.surprise, to one's surprise, a surprise birthday party, be surprised at/to do sth, surprise sb., surprised, surprising

24.embarrassed, embarrass, embarrassing 25.pretend to do , pretend that.... 26.every time/when I visit my grandparents,... 27.guilty, guilt 28.different tastes, It tastes good.

19. take off, take a look, take a walk, take medicine, take one's class/lesson,

take after, take it easy, take out of, take place, take part in, take an active part in

take care, take care of, take one's turn, take turns, take back, take the place of, take notes,


Uint 14 Have you packed yet?

1. yet, already,still

2. bathing suit, beach towles, clean out ,pack the camera, most of the jobs, 3. Bath, give sb. a bath, take a bath, have a bath

4. in a minute, at once, right now, right away, immediately, 5. get back to sb, be back to 6. sooner or later

7. so many, so much, too much, too many, much too, 8. take the dog for a walk=walk the dog

9. chat with me, chatted, chatting chop the wood, chopped ,chopping

10. love talking, collect water from the village well, feed the animals, on the farm, in the field, win an award, be on TV, write original songs, make a hit CD, make a music viedo, in the top ten, a number one hit, good luck to sb. 11. light the fire for the breakfast, fire, unfair, a fire, fire sb. hire sb. 12. one of +最高级+复数名词

13. on the science scene, on ...scene=in the field

14. appear on TV, appear=show up, disappear, appear to do, appear that... 15. go on a world tour

16. be sure to do , be sure not to do 17. That is, that is to say

18. half of the money, half of 短语后跟复数名词或集体名词时,谓语动词用复数,后跟不可数名词或单数 名词时,谓语动词用单数 19. give ..to charity, homeless children

20. in front of, in the front of, behind, at the back of, in/on the front wall, 21. the last person to leave,

22. 人 need to do, 物need doing/to be done

23. say goodbye /sorry/hello/thanks /good night to sb

24. What else? What's more, what's the worse, what's next?

25. one more thing, another thing, two more apples=another two apples 26. It's your turn to do...,It's one's job to do...

27. be back to, Chinese Canadian, overseas Chinese, summer camp, look for their families' roots, wash the dishes=do the dishes

28. in the southern China, in the south of China, in South China, to the south of.., on the south of..

29. so far, till now, up to now, by now, 30.experience the village life 31. thanks to, with the help of,because 32.the purpose of 33. look forward to doing/n

34. 名词修饰名词时必须用单数,a table lamp, a boy student,但woman, man 修饰名词时用复数。women doctors, men's clothing, women's clothing


Unit 15 We are trying to save the manatees!

1.be like,回答性格方面 的特征 look like回答长相方面的特征,take after 行为性格上的像多指子女与父母间的像

2.weigh 称...的重量;重...weight,n.重量,lose one's weight

3.try to do,努力做...,try one's best to do尽力做...try doing试图做... 4.there used to be过去有..

5. discover, be discovered, be covered with...discover sb. doing sth. discover 与 find ,find out的区别

Find 表示偶然的发现,碰到,后可接名次, 复合结构或that 从句。Discover发现客观事物的存在,发现已存在而不为人知的事情,可指好事也可指坏事,但用于好的事物较多。 discover 与 find 意思接近,有时候可互换,但表示新发现,特别是科学上的发现时,只能用discover. find out 后一般接名词代词或从句。Discover 指发现客观事物的存在,find out指通过观察、探索而发现事情的真相、真情,调查找出原因,或发现秘密、错误等。 Have you find out why he was late? 你弄清楚他为什么迟到吗?

Have you found the book that you have been looking for?你一直找的书找到了吗? Columbus discovered America. 哥伦布发现了美洲。

6. be against doing 反对做某事 ,反义词be for doing 支持做某事 7. in one's life 在某人一生中

8. be suitable for 适于做某事 be suitabable to do sth 适于做某事suit sb. fine很适合某人

suit, clothes各类服装复数名词, clothing物质名称,服装的总称, dress 9. disgust, disgusted, disgusting

10. be surprised to do sth. to one's surprise, surprise sb. give sb a surprise 11. urge to do急于做某事 urge sb. to do sth. 强烈主张某人做某事 12. support支持,支撑;赡养,抚养,后直接跟宾语 support n.支持 We need your support 13. be made of,由...制成(从制成品中可以看出原材料) make ...of

be made from,由... 制成(从制成品中看不出原材料), make...from be made into被制成..(加工制成的产品), make...into be made out of用...制成、改成(加原材料或另一物品)make... out of be made in某地制造, be made by, 被动 be made to do, be built out of 14. hear of ,hear from, hear that..., hear sb. do sth.,(be heard to do), hear sb doing sth.

15. pull down 推倒 16.used soda cans用过的易拉 17.in one's spare time在某人空闲时间 16. feed sth to sb/sth, 把某物喂给某人/某物; feed...on/ with+食物 用...喂...

feed on 以...为主食

17. clean out 把房间彻底打扫干净;耗尽某人的钱财

clean up 把..收拾整齐,打扫干净;也指清除不好的行为;清理整顿 18. have sth to do, have nothing to do , have nothing to do with

19. light, lit,lit; lighted ,lighted 做前置定语时用lighted,a lighted cigarette 20. collect water 挑水,打水

21. anyway,对了,总之,究竟,不管怎样,用于改变话题时


