大学英语听说第三版 Book 3. Unit 5

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大学英语听说第三版 Book 3. Unit 5

Unit 5 Sports

Part A Micro-listening

Exercise 1 You are going to hear five short conversations. After each conversation a question will be asked about what you’ve heard. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the question you hear.

1. a. He turned out be the slowest runner.

b. He ran much faster than the other runners at the beginning.

c. He fell down and couldn’t catch up.

d. He didn’t win the race.

2. a. He won’t join the woman.

b. He’ll play table tennis with Paul.

c. He’d rather play table tennis than go swimming.

d. He promised he’d go swimming with Paul some other day.

3. a. His coach didn’t help him enough.

b. His coach was too hard on him.

c. He didn’t follow his coach’s instructions.

d. He had no chance to win the match.

4. a. They should do both activities.

b. They should choose one of the activities only.

c. It doesn’t matter which activity they do.

d. Both activities are good even though they’re different kinds of sports.

5. a. He used to be sick.

b. He’s getting better now.

c. He hasn’t been to the gym before.

d. He has benefited from working out in the gym.

Exercise 2 Listen to the recording three times and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

A great many people in the world consider 1)_____________________________

_________________________________.They like to spend time, effort and money

on sports because they want to 2)_____________________and 3) _______________ ________________________________________ ; 4)________________________ ____________________________________________________ and 5) ___________ ___________________________________________________________________.

Part B Macro-listening


1. a. 35 b. 30. c. 15. d. 12.

2. a. In the east of the city’s downtown area, near a commercial district.

大学英语听说第三版 Book 3. Unit 5

b. To the north of the city proper (北京市区) and close to an old stadium.

c. On the northeastern outskirts of the city, not far from some famous universities

and old museums.

d. Somewhere in central Beijing, next to a district famous for science, education

and historical buildings.

3. a. The Chinese Nationalities Museum.

b. The International Exhibition and Sport Center.

c. The National Swimming Pool.

d. The 80,000-seat main stadium and 15 other sports venues.

4. a. An exciting center for sightseeing and recreation in Beijing.

b. A busy and prosperous business center in Beijing.

c. A multi-functional conference center in Beijing.

d. A luxurious residential area in Beijing.

5. a. The 29th Summer Olympic Games to be held in Beijng in 2008.

b. The location of the Olympic Park in Beijing.

c. Beijing’s Olympic Park under construction.

d.Beijing’s effort to make the 29th Summer Olympic Games the greenest Olympics in history.

Exercise 2 Listen to the passage again and tick the statements that are true about the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games as the greenest Olympics.

( ) 1. The Olympic Park will have 760 hectares of woods and grassland.

( ) 2.The design of the Olympic Park will meet the IOC’s standards of

environmental protection.

( ) 3. The project of the Park will use environmentally friendly materials.

( ) 4. Many trees and flowers will be imported from abroad to decorate the Park.

( ) 5. All the equipment used in the Park will need less energy to run.

( ) 6.The Park will be closed to the public during the Games.

( ) 7. All the building in the Park will be painted green.

( ) 8. A botanic garden will be built inside the Park.

you hear.

1. a. Two sports fans. b. Two old friends.

c. Customer and shop assistant. d. Foreign tourist and his local guide.

2. a. He plays ball games only.

b. He goes to places where major sports games are held.

c. He never plays any sports.

d. He talks a lot about sports and watches sports games on TV at home.

3. a. He has never missed any important tennis games.

b. He has never missed watching any tennis games held at Wimbledon.

c. He goes to Wimbledon every year when the international tennis championships

大学英语听说第三版 Book 3. Unit 5

are held.

d. He isn’t really interested in the sport and has never learned to play it.

4. a. The man doesn’t seem to play any sports.

b. The man used to be an active sports player when he was young.

c. The woman has no interest in playing sports.

d. The woman is quite angry with the man for wasting so much of her time.

Exercise 2 Listen to the conversation again and tick the statements that are true about the man and the woman.

( ) 1. The man comes to the woman’s place to buy some sports equipment.

( ) 2. The man likes football more than any other sports.

( ) 3. The man goes to Wimbledon to watch the tennis championships every year.

( ) 4. The man’s favorite hobby is to sit in a comfortable chair watching sports.

( ) 5. The man wants to invite the woman to join him in some sports.

( ) 6. The woman works in a shoe store.

( ) 7. The woman plays more sports than the man.

( ) 8. The woman is interested in running, table tennis and golf, but not in swimming, football and cricket.

( ) 9. The man didn’t buy anything from the woman’s shop.

( ) 10. The woman must be very surprised to find out what the man really wanted to buy.

Part D Exercise Listen to the passage 3 times and supply the missing information. It’s true that all of us need recreation. We can’t work all the time if we are going to

1) _________ good health and enjoy life. Everyone has his own way of 2) ________. Perhaps the most popular way is to take part in sports. There are 3)____________ sports, such as baseball, basketball and football. And there are 4) ___________ sports, such as golf, swimming and skiing. In 5) ______________, fishing and 6) __________ climbing have a great 7) ____________ for people.

Not everyone who enjoys sporting events likes to take part in them, 8) ____________________________________________________________________, either by watching them on television, or listening to them on the radio. 9) _________________________________________________________________________________________________.

It doesn’t matter whether we play table tennis or go walking through the woods on an autumn afternoon. 10) _______________________________________________. Exercise You’re going to hear an interview. Listen carefully and fill in the table with

