Extensive reading Book 2 Unit 6 Fathers& Sons

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Unit 6 Father & Son: the Bonding Processby Bill Handson

罗 中 立 《 父 亲 》a tragedy(悲剧) Wrinkle(皱纹) Survive(生存)

谁都无法忘却这张布满皱纹的脸,他是你我精神上 共同的父亲,也是中华民族沧桑历史的见证,更是 时代的产儿——在经历了伤痕文学时期后,人们迫 切需要一种更深沉、更本土的东西,八十年代初的 “乡土风”成为艺术家们追求的时尚,当时还在四 川美院读书的罗中立应运而生,碰巧西方现代艺术 中超级写实主义成为《父亲》的最合适的借鉴。 今天面对《父亲》,我们仍能领受一种逼人的烧 灼感。

罗中立,1948年出生于重庆郊区,幼年在父亲影响下 学画,1968年从四川美院附中毕业后主动到大巴山 农村生活10年,1981年从四川美术学院油画系毕业, 1983年赴欧洲考察学习,1998年开始担任四川美术 学院院长。1980年,尚在四川美院学画的罗中立以一 副超级写实主义作品《父亲》而一举成名,该作品以 纪念碑式的宏伟构图,饱含深情地刻画出了中国农 民的典型形象,深深的打动了无数中国人的心,罗中 立也由此被誉为二十世纪八十年代中国画坛的一面 旗帜。

连接生活,畅谈心声在你的人生经历中,你的父亲肯定也给予许许多 多的关爱,想一想,哪一个细节给你留下了难以 磨灭的印象 。《 My fahter 》

>>Worker >>Tall >>Like smoking

Who is using the arm for us to put up a brilliant sky? Who is using the hard-working hands, happy for us to build a family? Are you, father, a great name but Ordinary! Father of a mountain, broad-minded, the father of rivers to accommodate an umbrella for us so that we stay away from disaster

Father of a vessel, carrying us, brave the wind and waves, love towards the Harbor!

也谈俺老爸Age : 48 Work : A famer A plenty of tranditional ideas

< Life is a stage, and i play a non-advertising role in our compus. <Life is a state of mind as the same that youth is a matter of the will.

Do you know the Father’s Day?------in western culture

Father’s Day


Father's Day is on the third Sunday in June. On Father 's Day. Children will give their father some presents and the best wishes.

Origin of the Father’s Day 父亲节的来历

909年就开始有入建议确定父亲节。据说第一个提出这种建议的 是华盛顿的约翰·布鲁斯·多德夫人。多德夫人的母亲早亡,其 父独自一人承担起抚养教育孩子的重任,把他们全部培养成人。 909年,多德夫人感念父亲养育之恩,准备为他举行庆祝活动, 同时,想到所有的父亲对家庭和社会的贡献,于是给当地一家教 士协会写信,建议把6月的第三个星期日定为父亲节。该协会将建 议提交会员讨论,获得了通过。1910年6月,人们便在此庆祝了

第 一个父亲节。当时,凡是父亲已故的人都佩戴一朵白玫瑰,父亲 在世的人则佩戴红玫瑰。这种习俗一直流传至今。但是开始时父 亲节的日期各不相同,而且有的地方用蒲公英作为父亲节的象征, 有的地方则用衬有一片绿叶的白丁香作为父亲节的象征。直到 934年6月,美国国会才统一规定6月的第三个星期日为父亲节。

朱自清朱自清(1898-1948),字佩弦,江苏省 扬州市人,散文家、诗人、学者、民主战士。 有诗文集《踪迹》、《欧旅杂记》,以及一 些文艺论著,收在《朱自清文集》里 。 《背影》是记实散文,写于1925年。作 者曾说:“我写《背影》,就因为文中所引 的父亲的来信那句话。当时读了父亲的信, 真是泪如泉涌。我父亲待我的许多好处,特 别是《背影》里所叙述的那一回,想起来跟 眼前一般无二。我这篇文只是写实,……”

I. About the story Father and son. It is a relationship that rewards, frustrates and mystifies. Father and Son: The Bond is a photo album of more than fifty fathers and sons who reveal in their writings, and through Bill Hanson's poignant photography, the unique bond of fatherhood. These men speak of the responsibilities and rewards of being father and son. They are firemen, athletes, professors, artists, and doctors. They share stories of discovery and growing pains. As this beautifully illustrated book demonstrates, while the bond between fathers and sons can be celebrated, cursed, strained, ridiculed, and honored, it cannot be broken.

II. Language notes 1) Life must have been lonely for a boy losing his father, but Dad never wallowed in self-pity. 对于一个年幼丧父的孩子来讲,他的生活一定是 孤独的,但父亲从不沉湎于自怜。 To wallow means to move, or roll about happily in deep mud, water, etc., as some animals do. e.g. (fig.) Don't just wallow in self-pity; do something about your problem! 2) bobtail: (a horse or dog with) a tail cut short

3) Buffalo Bill: Cody, William Frederick(91846-1917) US showman, born in Scott Co, Iowa. He was known as "Buffalo Bill" after killing nearly 5 000 buffalo in eight months for a contract to supply workers on the Kansas Pacific Railway with meat. He served as a scout in the Sioux wars, but from 1883 toured with his Wild West Show. The town of Cody in Wyoming stands on part of his former ranch. He died in Denver, Colorado. 4)He had a real way with words and instilled in me an appreciation and knowledge for language. 他非常擅长辞令,逐步教给我语言知识以及对语言的欣赏能力。 To have a way with one means (infml) to have an attractive quality which persuades or pleases other people. e.g. He has a way with flowery language and his stubborn was finally persuaded.

5) My world had hinged on him. 我的世界一直依

赖于他。 To hinge on/upon means to depend on. e.g. The success of the operation hinges on the support we get from our allies. 6) Little League: a BASEBALL LEAGUE for children in the US, arranged in the summer in many different towns and cities using money from local businesses. Some parents whose children play in Little League become very concerned that their children play well and win games. Parents who put too much pressure on their children to win are sometimes called Little League parents, even if the sport their child is involved in is not baseball.

Over the years, Bill Hanson has taken pictures of fathers and sons. Not until his father's death did he begin to appreciate that his father was his whole world. "The bond between fathers and sons", says Hanson, "can be celebrated, cursed, strained, ridiculed, and honored. However, it can not be broken." The following is a moving story told by Hanson about the father-son relationship. 过去数年间,比尔?汉森拍 摄了许多父子合影。直 到他的父亲去世,他才意识到父亲是他生活的全部。 父子间的亲情纽带, 汉森说, 可以歌颂,诅 咒,变得紧张,受到嘲笑,得到敬重。但 纽带不 会断。 下面是汉森讲述的一个父子情深的感人故 事。

As far as I am concerned, my father was the finest man who ever lived. William Andrew Hanson II was my hero - John Wayne, Audie Murphy, and Joe DiMaggio all rolled into one. He was equal parts friends, mentor, and confidant. We spoke without words and loved without barriers. 对我而言,我的父亲是世界上最好的人。威廉.安 德鲁.汉森二世是我崇拜的英雄——他集约翰.韦 恩,奥迪?墨菲和乔?迪玛吉奥于一身。他是我的 朋友,我的良师,我的知已。我们的交流无需言 语,我们的爱没有阻碍。

He grew up without a father, who died when Dad was only 10 years old. Life must have been lonely for a boy losing his father at such a young age, but Dad never wallowed in self-pity. He was independent and strong, a stubborn individualist. I don't know who taught him how to be a father, but he learned the lessons well. 父亲十岁那年,爷爷就过世了,他在没有父亲的 关爱下长大。对一个年幼丧父的孩子来讲,他的 生活一定是孤单寂寞的,但父亲从不沉湎于自怜。 他是个自立、坚强而又固执的人。我不知道是谁 教会他做父亲的,但他做得很棒。

It wasn't easy for my parents to raise three boys. As I grew older, it was obvious that money wasn't plentiful, but Dad never lost his enthusiasm for living. Even our simplest conversations were painted with smiles. "Dad," I would say, about to ask to borrow his hammer or pose some mundane question, and he would look up from his work and say in his unique way, "Yessiree, Bob-tailed, Buffalo Bill, Leroy Hanson the Third." 父母养育我们三个孩子不容易

。随着我的年龄增长,家里 的钱显然不够用了。但父亲从未对生活失去热情,就连我 们最简单的对话都带着笑意。要向他借锤子或者提一些傻 问题的时候,我会说: 爸爸, 他就停下手中的活,抬 起头,用他那独特的方式说: 是,先生,短尾巴水牛比 尔,勒罗伊?汉森三世。

He had a real way with words and instilled in me an appreciation and knowledge for language. If you asked him the meaning of a word, he could tell you the complete etymology of it. Sometimes, lessons came when I least expected them. In high school, I brought a date home to meet my father. Trying to impress her, or just being a teenager, I was sneering and being insulting to just about everyone in the room. Dad finally said, "Bill, I want you to go over to my dictionary and tell me what the word ‘sarcasm’ means." He said it in such a commanding tone, I didn't resist. I flipped open the page and found the literal meaning - to rip flesh. In one single moment, he taught me the power of words. I haven't forgotten it. 他非常有语言天赋,并逐步教我欣赏和了解语言。你要是问他一个词 的意思,他把这个词的词源全告诉你。有时,他会冷不丁地给我教诲。 高中时,我把女朋友带回家见父亲。可能想给她留下一个好印象,也 可能是年少无知的缘故,我嘲笑了房间里的每个人,那样子够侮辱人 的。最后,爸爸说: 比尔,我要你去查一下我的字典,告诉我 ‘sarcasm’是什么意思。 他说话时,带着一种命令的口气,我没 有反抗,很快翻到那一页,找到这个词的原义——撕肉。顷刻间,他 教会了我语言的力量,至今我仍未忘记。

The day he died was the hardest day of my life. My world had hinged on him. No person had loved me the way he did - unconditionally. I began to appreciate how lonely he must have been when his own father died. Without Dad, I thought the hope in me had died as well. Our friendship spoke to my soul, and now the conversation was over. 父亲走的那天是我一生中最痛苦的日子。我的世 界一直依赖他,没有一个人象他那样爱我 -- 无 条件地爱。我开始懂得他的父亲去世后,他是多 么孤独。没有了爸爸,希望也随之而去。我们的 友谊和我的心灵说话,现在这种对话结束了。

