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资料来源:31省市学位英语网(http://www.31xuewei.com/do/list.php?cid=2) 81.at most 最多、至多

【例句】Winter is the slack season at most hotels. 冬天是大多数旅馆的淡季。

【总结】at most副词,作状语。 【词语辨析】at most/at the most 大多数情况下互用。

at most: ad. 至多(不超过)????①. Winter is the slack season at most hotels.??冬天是大多数旅馆的淡季。??②. The best goods are usually at most worthy.?? 最好的货通常值钱最多。?? ??

at the most: ad. 至多(表超过)??①. We have 40 hours at work at the most each week.?? 我们每周至多工作四十小时。??②. He arrived at the most opportune moment.?? 他在最适当的时候到达。 82.at one time 曾经、以前

【例句】My brain can't hold so much information at one time. 我脑子一下子记不住这麽多信息。 【总结】at one time 副词,作状语。 【拓展】at the same time,同时,尽管如此. at times, 有时,at a time, 每次一次. at no time, 从不,

83 at present 现在

【例句】We don't need it at present.我们现在不需要。 【总结】at present表示现在、近来、目前

【词语辨析】at the moment ,now , at present, so far

at the moment ,now , at present基本上 意思一致, 但用法时有不同,??有时通用也没问题 e.g.At present, i'm learning English, but at the moment, i'm just so tired of it, i think i better get back to my book now. so far是现在完成时的标志,表示到现在为止

84. at that moment =at the time就在那个时候

【例句】I can't describe to you what I felt at that moment.我无法向你描述那时我的感受

【词语辨析】at the moment , for the moment , for a moment , in a moment,at that moment区别

for a moment“一会儿、片刻”(=for a while),常与持续性动词连用;for the moment“暂时、目前”,常用于现在时;in a moment“一会儿、立即、马上”(=soon; in a few minutes),一般用于将来时;at the moment“此刻,眼下”(=now),用于现在进行时。如:Please wait for a moment.(请稍等)/ Let’s leave things as they are for the moment.(暂时就维持现状吧!) / I’ll come back in a moment.(我过会儿回来)/ I am very busy at the moment.(眼下我很忙) ??at that moment 强调在那时,that代指前后文提到的时间

85. at the beginning of 在……的开始

【例句】He is expected to arrive here at the beginning of May .

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他希望于五月初来到这里。 【总结】at the beginning of 它只描述事情的起初情况,指的时间比较确切的时间点,并不强调后来的情况与开始时相反,当然用but来表示后面情况相反也是可以的,但也可以表明事情发展的顺承/一致关系。

【拓展】at first“刚开始的时候/起初”,in the beginning of 指的时间稍长,但是一般能与at the beginning of互换

资料来源:31省市学位英语网(http://www.31xuewei.com/do/list.php?cid=2) 86. at the bottom of 在……的底部

【例句】There's a pub at the bottom of the road.路的尽头有一家酒馆. 【拓展】at the bottom 副词,在底层/在最下面/在最底部??;get to the bottome of 找出(问题或情况)的真相/事实????from the bottom of your/sb's heart由衷地,从心底里,发自内心地

87. at the cost of 以……为代价 【例句】The fire was put out at the cost of a fireman's life.这场火灾是以一位消防队员生命的代价才扑灭的。

88. at the crossing 在十字路口

【例句】You can easily find the hotel at the crossing.你在十字路口很容易找到那家旅馆。

【总结】at the crossing 词组有时可变成at the ...crossing. crossing除了表示交叉之外也有食指与中指交叉,表示祈祷的意思 89. at the invitation of sb. 应某人邀请 【例句】We attended their wedding at the invitation of Mary.我们应玛丽的邀请参加了他们的婚礼。

【拓展】at the invitation副词作状语。She thrilled at the invitation.她收到邀请时很激动。

90. at the latest 最迟、最晚 【例句】You'll have to be at the airport by 8:35 at the latest.您最迟必须在8 点35 分前到机场。

【总结】at the latest副词作状语。 91. at the most 最多 见81

92. at the price of 以...的价格 【例句】①I don't want to succeed at the price of losing part of myself.我不想委屈求全。 ②I bought a pair of shoes at the price of twenty yuan yesterday.??我昨天花费20元买一双鞋。

【总结】at the price of通常用于表示买卖的动作的句子中. 【拓展】at a price 以高于市面的价格,以很高的代价,in price 价格 ,with the price 明码标价(通常表示一种状态,不常用) 93. at the risk of 冒着……的危险 【例句】He is at the risk of failing because of his low scores.他因为低分而有不合格的危险。

【拓展】take the risk of doing 冒着。。。的风险??e.g.You will take the risk of cutting your feet if you don't wear shoes. ??如果你不穿鞋子,就会有把脚割破的危险。

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at risk 处于危险中e.g.??The whole future of the company is at risk. ??公司的整个前途受到威胁。

risk doing 冒着某事的风险??risk getting caught in a storm冒遭遇风暴之险?? risk being done 冒着被。。。的风险,不同的只是被动关系

资料来源:31省市学位英语网(http://www.31xuewei.com/do/list.php?cid=2) 94. at the same time 同时

【例句】The colors were at once Bold and lovely at the same time.色彩同时是既显眼且美丽的。

【拓展】in the same time一样的时间,at the same time as 在 ... 的同时,见82 95. at the sight of 看见

【例句】She turned mazy in horror at the sight of so much blood.她一看见这么多血就立刻吓得转过脸去。 【拓展】at first sight 一开始 乍一看?? at the sight of 一看见…..就?? catch/get/have (lose)sight of 看见 发现?? in/within (out of) sight 在视线内(外)??

96. at the speed of 以……的速度

【例句】MOVING at the speed of life ??这是纽约大街上到处可见的一幅广告,是宣传EMS(急救)的,大意如下:??人命关天,分秒必争。 【词语辨析】at the speed of,at a speed of 一般可互换

at the speed of 强调速度是持续的,??而at a speed of 强调一个瞬间的速度,是一个点上面的??【实战演练】见73. 97. at the thought of 当……想到

【例句】Jenny smiled at the thought of the evening ahead.珍妮因之前那个晚上的想法笑了.

【总结】at the thought of 介词短语,后接名词,动名词,代词等。 98. at the top of 在 ... 的顶上 【例句】At the top of the hill you looked down on the peacefull landscape. 在山顶上你俯瞰那宁静的风景。 【拓展】in the top在顶部的内部??at the top在顶部这个范围之内??on the top在顶部的表面??例如:??你去爬山,快到山顶的时候,叫at the top of the mountain;??你爬到山顶了,站在最高的点上,叫on the top of the mountain;??你发现石头缝里有一条通道,沿着通道往下走了几步,来到一个溶洞里(这个溶洞还是在山的相对顶部),叫in the tpo of the mountain.

资料来源:31省市学位英语网(http://www.31xuewei.com/do/list.php?cid=2) 99. attempt to do 尝试去做、企图去做

【例句】Don’t attempt to do it by yourself. 不要企图一个人去做这件事。

【总结】attempt后可加不定式,如attempt to do,也可加介词和动名词勾结,如attempt at doing,不过习惯上,不定式的用法更为普遍。 【词语辨析】 attempt to do,attempt doing

attempt to do是表示具体的尝试做什么,是很具体的一次性行为;??attempt doing是指比较一贯性的,长期以来的。

100. attend to sth. 注意;对……关注

【例句】 I have my business to attend to.??我有事要料理。

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【总结】attend to 及物动词, 不用于被动语态。??

【拓展】attend at 出席,参加,attend to 照料,处理e.g.??I'll attend to the matter.??我来处理此事。??attend on/upon 护理;侍候;attend to 注意,倾听;致力(于) e.g.??She didn't attend to what I was saying.??她并不注意听我所说的话。


81.The best goods are usually ________ worthy. ??

A. at least B. more than C. no more D. at most

82.The Australia team is more or less 10 points in arrear in the second half. ________ the Australia team managed to close up to 7 points .

A. at the same time B. at times C. at no time D at one time

83.At present, one of the apartments in favor of the new airport ________ that it will bring a lot jobs to the area. Ks5u

A. is B. are C. will be D. were Ks5u 84.I was out of town at the time, so I don’t know exactly how it _____. A. was happening B. happened C. happens D. has happened

85.At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _____ could be heard outside the class


A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closed C. being opend and closed D. to open and close 86.Carelessness is at the_______ of all great mistakes.

A. end B. beginning C. bottom D. sight

87.He saved his daughter from the fire but at the__________ of his own life. A. cost B. money C. mercy D. price

88.You can turn left at the ___________crossing 。?? A. four ??B. forth ??C. fourth D. fourths

89.They are only too delighted to attend the party at the ________ of Tom. A. invite B. invitation C. reception D. company 90.We insist on having our answer tonight at the _______. A. latter B. late C. latest D. Later 92.I bought the radio ___ the price of 100 yuan. A. with B. on C. at D. In

93.Millions of people have high blood pressure ________ heart disease A. at the risk of B. on the risk of C. with the risk of D. for the risk 94.Too much work _________ made that girl exhausted.??

A. in time B. on time C. at the same time D. at a time

95.The crowd cheered wildly ________ Liu Xiang, who was reported to have broken the world record in the 110-meter hurdle race.

A.at the sight B. at the sight of C. in sight of D. out of sight 97.He cheered up at the________ of seeing her again.

A. speed B. sight C. risk D. thought

98.Please write your name in the blank space at the _________ of the page. A. cost B. sight C. top D. thought

99.A man is being questioned in relation to the ________ murder last night.

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A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. admitted

100.Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school, the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad.

A. Attend B. To attend C. Attending D. Having attended


资料来源:31省市学位英语网(http://www.31xuewei.com/do/list.php?cid=2) 81.答案:D 题意:最好的货通常值钱最多。

【名师解析】at least 至少、最少;more than超过,多于,不仅仅;no more不再;at most 最多、至多


【名师解析】at the same time,同时,尽管如此. at times, 有时, at no time, 从不,at one time 曾经、一度。

83.答案:A 题意:现在有利于新机场其中一套公寓是将给这个地区带来许多工作。

【名师解析】本题考查时态的用法。根据at present =now 可知,应用一般现在时。

84.答案:B 题意:在当时我在城外,我的确不知道发生了什么。

【名师解析】本题考查具体语境中的时态,有隐藏的时间状语at the time. 85.答案:C。题意:开始上课时,在教师的外面能够听到同学们开关课桌的噪声。 【名师解析】由At the beginning of得知是当时正在进行。不定式可表将来,A项表已经完成的动做。

86.答案:C. 题意:粗心大意是一切重大错误的根源。

【名师解析】at the end of在 ... 末端,到 ... 尽头, at the beginning of 在……的开始, at the sight of 看见,at the bottom of 在……的底部(起点、原因) 87.答案:A.题意:他牺牲了生命,把女儿从大火中救出来。

【名师解析】没有at the money of ,at the mercy of 受制于,在…的掌管中,任…摆布,at the price of 以......的价格,at the cost of 以……为代价 88.答案:C ,题意;你在第四个十字路口左拐。

【名师解析】因为序数词前加the,故去A,而四的序数词是fourth,顾选C 89.答案:B. 题意:他们在汤姆的邀请下非常乐意参加宴会。

【名师解析】此处应天名词,故排除A. invite 是动词;C、D搭配、意思都不符。

90.答案: C.题意; 今晚我们最终坚持我们的答案。

【名师解析】latter adj. 意思是指(两者中)后者的,后者,反义词是former,(两者中)前者。注意,不要把latter与late的比较级later混淆。late adj. & adv. 迟,迟的,晚的,晚期,在晚期。latest adj. & adv. 为late的最高级。意思是最新、最近或最迟,at the latest 最迟、最晚。 later adj. & adv. 为late比较级,意指较迟,较晚一些。

92.答案:C 题意: 我花费100元买的那台收音机。 【名师解析】at the price of 是固定搭配。

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93.答案:A. 题意:高血压使千百万人有患心脏病的危险. 【名师解析】只有at the risk of 搭配正确。

94.答案:C. 题意: 同时有太多的工作使得那姑娘精疲力尽。

【名师解析】in time 及时,on time: 准时 ,at the same time 同时,at a time 一次,每次

95.答案:B. 题意:刘翔被报道打破110米栏世界记录后,观众一看到他就欢呼起来。

【名师解析】at the sight 后面不接宾语 at the sight of 一看见…..就?? in sight of 在视线内 out of sight视线外。


【名师解析】 at the speed of 以……的速度,at the sight of 与后面的seeing重复,at the risk of 冒着……的危险,at the thought of 当……想到 98.答案:C 题意:请把你的姓名写在此页上方的空白处。

【名师解析】at the cost of 以...为代价,at the sight of 一看到......就 ,at the top of 在 ... 的顶上,at the thought of当……想到


【名师解析】 advised 有建议的, attended 参加 attempted 有企图,有目的 admitted 承认

100.答案:C 题意: 尊敬的客人们,朋友们,欢迎来到我们学校。参加这次五十校庆是我们国内外的校友。

【名师解析】这句话强调主语,是表语前置。??常用于主持人介绍词。?? 主语是our alumni 谓语动词are attending

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93.答案:A. 题意:高血压使千百万人有患心脏病的危险. 【名师解析】只有at the risk of 搭配正确。

94.答案:C. 题意: 同时有太多的工作使得那姑娘精疲力尽。

【名师解析】in time 及时,on time: 准时 ,at the same time 同时,at a time 一次,每次

95.答案:B. 题意:刘翔被报道打破110米栏世界记录后,观众一看到他就欢呼起来。

【名师解析】at the sight 后面不接宾语 at the sight of 一看见…..就?? in sight of 在视线内 out of sight视线外。


【名师解析】 at the speed of 以……的速度,at the sight of 与后面的seeing重复,at the risk of 冒着……的危险,at the thought of 当……想到 98.答案:C 题意:请把你的姓名写在此页上方的空白处。

【名师解析】at the cost of 以...为代价,at the sight of 一看到......就 ,at the top of 在 ... 的顶上,at the thought of当……想到


【名师解析】 advised 有建议的, attended 参加 attempted 有企图,有目的 admitted 承认

100.答案:C 题意: 尊敬的客人们,朋友们,欢迎来到我们学校。参加这次五十校庆是我们国内外的校友。

【名师解析】这句话强调主语,是表语前置。??常用于主持人介绍词。?? 主语是our alumni 谓语动词are attending

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