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名姓 题 答 准 不 号 学内 线 订 装 级班2006 A. helps B. helped C. help D. helping 五年级英语竞赛考试题(卷)至2007学年度第一学期 ( )18、What time school start?


A. do B. did C. does D. is ( )19、How oranges do you want? A. much B. many C. enough 一、单项选择题。(40分)

( )20、- Can you control the ball?

( )1、Did Amy go to the park?

- Very .

A. Yes, she did. B. No, she did. A. bad B. badly C. good D. better C. Yes, she do. D. No, she doesn’t ( )21、There are twenty-one children the class. ( )2、-Excuse me!

A. in B. to C. for

- .

( )22、We enough for everyone.

A. OK. B. Yes. C. Hi. D. What? A. are, water B. have got, waters C. have got, water ( )3、How are you?

( )23、I put ten pencils the blue box. A. A. on B. in C. to C. Hello, II’m fine, thank you. ’m fine. D. Hi. B. How are you? ( )24、We’re got enough pens everyone. ( )4、Do you live in London?

A. to B. for C. in A. Yes, I did. B. No, I didn’t.

( )25、There pencils in the box.

C. Yes, I don’t. D. Yes, I live near Amy and Sam. A. is, too much B. are, too many C. is( )5、When did you come back?

( )26、There milk in the bottle.

n’t, too many A. He come back last Sunday. B. Yes, We did.

A. is, a B. isnC. We came back last Sunday. D. We come back last Sunday. ( )27、Who put the books the desk. ’t, any C. are, some ( )6、Then we went home ?

A. for B. to C. on A. on bus B. by bus C. to bus D. in the bus ( )28、I will give some toys.

( )7、How many apples do you want?

A. he B. they C. them A. I want a. B. Six. C. I need food. D.I want some. ( )29、Can I football?

( )8、 cheese does he want?

A. playing B. play C. played ( )30、He can’t speak English . ( A. How many B. What C. How much D. How )9、How much milk do you want?

A. good B. at all C. many A. Two milk B. Two bottles of milks

( )31、How do you play football.

A. good B. well C. much ( C. Two bottles D. Three )10、Where did you go?

( )32、I can’t do it by .

A. We went to the British Museum. A. myself B. my C. me B. We go to the park.

( )33、Can you a teacher?

C. It’s a wonderful place. A. is B. be C. are D. I don’t understand.

( )34、Is your bike yellow?

( )11、They went there ten o’clock in the morning. A. No, It isn A. at B. in C. by D. to ( )35、There’’s a programmer dogs. t. B. Black. C. It’s a black bike. ( )12、Then they walked .

A. on B. about C. for A. for a hour B. to an hour ( )36、This little girl can’t swim. Her father her.

( C. for one hours D. for one hour )13、This dress is yours, is yellow. A. Her B. My C. Mine D. Me ( A. helps B. help C. helped )37、You can catch the ball .

( )14、What you do last weekend?

A. good B. bad C. well A. do B. does C. did D. are ( )38、You were very good basketball in China.

( )15、There is pencil in the box.

A. much B. many C. a D. an ( A. at B. in C. for )39、Do you want to in our football team? ( )16、He is blind, He can’t walk . A. is B. are C. be A. bad B. badly C. well ( )40、There are too many apples the bag.

( )17、Yesterday I my mother.

A. in B. to C. for 西吉县第一小学 2006至2007学年度第一学期五年级英语竞赛考试题(卷) 第1页(共2页)

