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1. mean to do sth.打算做某事 (向某人)出价多少买某物

mean (doing) sth 意味着做某事 offer (sb) sth for money

be meant for打算给予……,打算做……用 (向某人)开价多少卖某物

(had) meant to do 本来打算做而实际上未做 8. dress up装扮

by all means 可以,当然行,没问题 9. play a trick/tricks on=play a joke/jokes on开玩笑 by means of 借助……的手段;依靠……方法 10. the arrival of……的回归

By no meant绝不,一点儿也不 11. gain independence获得独立

2. take place发生 12. the agricultural work农活

3. do harm/good有害处/好处 13. decorate… with用……装饰……

4. go to clean graves扫墓 14. win awards赢得奖品

5. in memory of 为了纪念…… 15. admire the moon赏月

in celebration of为了庆祝…… admire sb for sth因为……羡慕某人

in favor of赞同…… 16. look forward to doing sth期待做某事

in praise of为了表扬…… 17. day and night日日夜夜

18. colourful clothing of all kinds 6. in the shape of 以……的形状

7. offer sb sth=offer sth to sb 各种各样的漂亮的衣服

提供某人某物/某物给某人 19. as though/if好像

offer to do sth 20. be covered with被……覆盖

主动提出做某事/建议将做某事 21. have fun with取乐

offer (sb) money for sth 22. a worldwide holiday全世界的节日

23. turn up/away/back/down/in/off/on/out/over/to


in turn轮流/反过来

take turns to do sth/in doing sth轮流做某事 do sth by turns轮流干某事

24. laugh at 嘲笑 remind sb to do sth提醒某人干某事

make fun of取笑 34. forgive sb原谅某人

25. keep one’s word/promise守信用,履行诺言 35. a kind of +n.(s./pl.)+V(单)一种

26. hold one’s breath屏住呼吸 kinds of +n.(s./pl)+V(复)各种各样的

27. It is obvious that很明显…… 36. hold back阻止,退缩

28. wipe the table擦桌子 hold on to 抓住,不卖掉,不放弃

29. fall in love with sb爱上某人 hold on 等一等,请稍等,坚持,忍受着

be in love相爱(与表示一段时间的动词连用) hold up 举起,拿起,延误,使停顿

get married/be married to sb/ marry sb与某人结婚 hold out伸出

30. once a year一年一次 37. starve for渴望,缺乏

31. set off出发 starve to death饿死

set about着手开始 38. important religious festival重要的宗教性节日 set…against把……与……比较/对比 39. light lamps点灯

40. apologize to sb for (doing) sth set back 使……后退,阻碍,拨慢(钟表)

set forward前进,促进,拨快(钟表) 因某事向某人道歉

=say sorry to sb for sth set down 写下

=make/offer an apologize to sb for (doing) sth set out动身,出发;摊开,陈列;表述(理由)

32. throw…away扔掉 apologize to sb for sb替某人向某人道歉

33. remind…of 使……想起……


1. be/go on a diet节食 3. in different ways以不同的方式

2. a healthy diet 健康饮食 4. keep one’s balance保持平衡


on balance总的来说 18. benifit from/by从……中受益

balance…against权衡,比较 for the benefit of为了……的利益

5. feel frustrated感到沮丧 be of benefit to对……有益

6. lie to sb向某人说谎 without benefit无益

lie down躺下 19. combine ….with 把……与……联合

lie——lied——lied——lying(说谎) 20. prepare sth准备……

lie——lay——lain——lying(位于,平躺) prepare for sth/ be prepared for为……作准备

prepare to do sth/be prepared to do sth lay——laid——laid(放下,生蛋)

tell a lie/lies 说谎 准备做某事

7. ought to do sth应该做某事 21. at a discount打折,不值钱

22. feel sb/sth do/doing ought to/should have done本应该做某事

feel +it+a.+to do could have done 本可以做某事

couldn’t have done本不可能做了某事 feel like (doing)sth想要做某事

must have done肯定做了某事 23. be unwilling/willing to do sth(不)愿意做某事

might have done或许做了某事 24. earn/make one’s living (by doing sth)靠……谋生 needn’t have done本不必做某事 25. be in debt负债

would rather have done 宁愿做过某事 be in one’s debt=be in debt to sb欠某人之情

had better have done当时最好做了某事 get/be out of debt还清债务(表状态)

would like to have done愿意做过某事 pay off one’s debts还清债务(表动作)

8. be full of=be filled with充满着…… 26. glare at sb.怒视某人

9. be made of 由……制成(看得出原材料) glance at sb 粗略地看一下

be made from由……制成(看不出原材料) look at sb看着某人

be made out of由……改制而成 stare at sb盯着某人看

be made in 产于某地 27. why don’t sb do sth?/Why not do sth?为什么不做某be made into把……做成某产品 事?

be made up of 由……组成 28. spy on/upon sb暗中监视/窥探某人

10. see sb do sth看见某人做某事(看见全过程) spy into sth侦查/刺探某事

see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事(强调动作) spy sth out暗中查明

see sth done看见某事被做 29. so+ a./adv.+that这么样……以至于……

such +a./an+n..+that 11. something terrible某些可怕的事

12. lose weight减肥 so+表数量的的词(many/much/little/few)+n. +that

put on weight增加体重 30. be limited in ability/number能力/数量有限

13. be amazed at对……感到惊奇 31. do some research on 做一些关于……的研究

be surprised to对……感到吃惊 32. find out查明,找到

be curious about对……感到好奇 33. agree to do sth同意做某事

14. can’t/won’t have sb doing sth不能容忍某人干某事 agree on 对某事有同样的看法,商定(同意)某事

15. get away with被放过,不受惩罚 agree with同意某人(所说的话)

16. win…back将……赢回 agree to 同意,赞成(各自保留不同的意见)

17. consult with sb与某人交换意见 34. according to 根据

consult sb向某人请教 35. cut down削减,减少;杀死;砍倒

Unit 3

1. base…on基于……上 on the basis of以……为基础

2. bring up/about/down/in/…into effect抚养长大/带来;导致;引起/使落下;降低;减少/吸收;引进/实行,使生

3. know about/of sb了解某人/物的情况

4. make a bet (on)=bet on 打赌 win a bet 独赢了

accept/take up a bet (with sb)同意与某人打赌 lost a bet赌输了


I bet=I’m sure/certaining 我肯定/敢说

5.wander about/off/from漫游;徘徊/离开/偏离话题 no wonder 难怪

wonder at/about对……感到惊奇/感到不安

6.be lost in/ lost oneself/lost one’s way迷路lost in thought陷入沉思

7. permit sth允许某事 permit of容许(主语多为物)

allow/permit doing sth=allow/permit sb to do sth 允许(某人)做某事

8.go ahead请吧

9. as a matter of fact=in fact/effect事实上

10. by chance=by accident/happen to do/come cross偶然地/碰巧做……

11. find+宾+a./adv/n./现分/过分/介词短语/不定式 发现某人/物……

12. mind doing sth介意做某事 keep one’s mind on专心于……

Would you mind if I did sth? keep sth in mind记住……某事

have sth in mind想到;考虑做某事 你是否介意我做某事? change one’s mind改变主意 =Would you mind sb’s doing sth?

=Do you mind if I do sth? make up one’s mind下定决心

=Do you mind my/me doing sth? never mind不介意

to one’s mind依……来看

13. not…until直到……才…… 15. an unpaid hand不拿报酬的人

up till直到 16. account for导致(lead to );解释说明

14. earn my passage赚取我的船费 on account of=because of因为

17. It is +被强调部分+who/that+其余部分

Is it +被强调部分+who/that+其余部分? 特殊疑问词+be it who/that+其余部分?

18. seek help寻求帮助 19. to be honest=to tell you the truth说实话

20. on the contrary正相反 21. care about/for关心,担心/(care for介意,计较)

22.sb was(just) about to do…when…某人正要干……这时…… =sb was on the point of doing…when…

sb was doing…when…某人正在干……这时…… sb had just done…when…某人刚刚干了……这时……

23. compare…with把……和……比较 compare…to把……比作…… beyond compare无与伦比

24. order sb to do sth命令某人做某事 order sb sth命令某人某事 order sth for sb为某人预定…… order that sb( should) do sth命令/嘱咐某人应当……


①plenty of/lots of/ a lot of/ a (large)quantity of/(large)quantities of+[U]/[C]n.

②a (great/good) deal of/a (great/large) amount of/ a large sum of+[U]n.

③many a /many/a few/a (large) number of/masses of+[C]n.

26.众所周知: It is known that/As is known/People know that/ Sth is known to …

27. take a chance (on sth)(在……)冒险,碰运气

28. in…manner以……方式29. be rude to sb对某人粗鲁

It’s rude of sb to do sth某人做某事是不礼貌的

30. pay attention to 关注

31. be in rags衣衫褴褛

32. for the first time平生第一次做……(单独做状语)

the first time首次,第一次(引导时间状语从句)

It is/was the first time that+从句(现在/过去完成时)某人第几次……

33.as for/to就……而言 34. bow to sb向某人鞠躬 35. on the spot 当场,立即;在远处

Unit 4

1. think about考虑 think of 想起 think over仔细考虑

2. match…with把……与……配对

3. interest sb使某人感兴趣 be interested in对……感兴趣 an interesting topic一个令人感兴趣的话题






8. on earth世界上,人世间;到底,究竟(放who, what, when, where, how, why等后面)on the earth在地球上 in time及时 in time to do sth/for sth及时做某事 a wide accepted theory一个广泛被接受的理论 begin with始于 in all direction四面八方 directions for use 用法说明 in the direction of 朝着……的方向

under the direction of 在……指导下

9. be to do sth(按计划,安排)将要做某事

10. cool down冷却

11. unlike sb/sth不像某人/物 it’s unlike sb/sth to do sth做某事不像某人的做法

be unlike(两个人/事)不同/不像

12. It is harmful(for sb) to do sth对某人来说做某事是有害的

be harmful to sb对某人有害 =do sb harm=do harm to sb对某人有害

There’s no harm in (sb’s ) doing sth某人做某事无害处 =It does no harm (for sb) to do sth

13. as well as 也,又,还,和……一样好 as well也

14. dissolve…with把……溶解……里

15. a chain reaction一种连锁反应

16. lay eggs生蛋

17. exist in 存在于……中 exist on 靠……生存、生活 be in existence存在

bring into existence使发生/产生 come into existence开始形成

18. remain+n./a./prep.phr./to do/现在分词/过去分词

19. be different from与……不同

20. give birth to 生

21. too much+[u]n.太多…… much too+a.

22. prevent sb (from) doing sth阻止某人做某事=stop sb (from) doing sth=keep sb from doing sth

keep sb doing sth让某人不停地做某事

23. depend on 取决于,依赖于

24. the earth ‘s gravity 地球的重力

25. a satellite of the earth 地球的卫星

26. a./adv/v.+enough(adv.) 足够的…… enough+n./n.+enough(a.0

27. have a chance to do sth 有做某事的机会

28. explain to sb sth=explain sth to sb向某人解释…… explain that

29. be off休假

30. get close to接近,靠近(动态变化)be close to 离……近(状态)

31. cheer up欢呼

32. 原比名,倍总前,比较对象仍不变

A+be+倍数+as+a.(原级)+as+B A+be+倍数+a.(比较级)+than+B


33. now that既然

34. get the hang of掌握,熟悉

35. break out突然爆发 break down 打破,毁掉,坏除 break in 破门而入,打断

break away from 脱离,打破常规 break through 突围,冲垮,克服

break up 拆散,分裂 break one’s word 食言

find fault with sb专挑某人的毛病,找茬 at fault 有错,有责任 to a fault 过分地,过度地

36. die out (传统风俗等)消失;(物种,家族)绝种,灭绝 die of/from 因……而死

be dying for sth./to do sth 渴望某物/极想做某事 die a/the death彻底失败,完全消失,不复存在 die away逐渐衰弱,逐渐消失 die down逐渐变弱/j降低/平息/暗淡

die off相继死去


Unit 5

1. a multicultural country一个多元文化的国家

2. the second largest country 第二大的国家

3. be on/make/take/go on a trip to sp去某地旅行

4. rather than而不是

would rather do…than do…/would do…rather than do…宁愿做……而不愿……

5. take the train=by train乘火车

6. all the way 一直

7. fly (direct) to sp(直接)飞往某地

8. take…to…将……带到……

9. on the way to sp在去某地的路上

10. chat about sth聊某事

chat with sb/have a chat with sb与某人闲聊

chat sb up与某人搭讪

11. go eastward向东走

12. thousands of lakes成千上万的湖泊

five thousand student五千个学生

13. less than少于

14. from west to east从西到东

15. be surrounded by/with被……环绕/包围

16. aboard the train上火车

17. settle down定居下来,平静下来

18. manage to do sth=succeed in doing sth设法成功地做了某事

try to do sth 尽力做某事

19. catch sight of看见

20. be famous for因为……而闻名

be famous as作为……而闻名

21. compete in在……中竞争

compete with/against与某人竞争

compete for 为了……而竞争

22. have a gift for有……的天赋

23. begin to realize开始意识到

24. such an empty country这么人烟稀少的一个国家

25. go through 穿过,通过;浏览,翻阅;经历

26. a.的比较级表示最高级

①否定谓语+比较级 eg: I can’t agree more (我再同意不过了)

②比较级+than (any) other+单数名词(②③中若表示同一范围内除主语外的人/物,any需保留;若表示不同范围内除主语外的人/物,any需省略)

③比较级+than (any) of the other+复数名词

④比较级+than any of the others

⑤比较级+than (all) the other+复数名词

⑥比较级+than (all) the others

⑦比较级+than anybody/anyone/anything else

⑧比较级+than ever before

27. confirm sth/that证实,确认


it has been confirmed that…已证实……

28. in the distance在远处


at a distance稍远一点

from a distance从远处

keep a safe distance保持安全的距离,对……冷淡

be distant from离……远

29. leave for动身前往

30. on the south side of在……的南边(两地接壤)

to the south side of在……的南边(两地不接壤)

in the south side of在……的南边(两地包含关系)

31. as far as就……;远到……

as far as I know就我所知道的

as far as sb. concerned 就某人而言

32. it takes sb some time to do sth做某事花费某人多少时间 =doing sth takes sb some time

sb spend time/money on/(in)(doing)sth

33. at dawn在黎明时分

from dawn till dark从早到晚

dawn on/upon被理解

34. look over从(某物上面)看过去;仔细检查〔审视〕(某人或某物)

35. in broad term广泛的说,大体上说

36. impress sb.给某人留下深刻印象

impress on sb 使某人铭记……

37. in one’s tern轮到某人

38. on land在陆地上

39. fall over意外地从…上跌落, 掉下来;被…绊倒

40. make sure确保

