最新牛津译林版7B Unit1 Welcome to the unit课时练含答案

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◆Welcome to the unit (单元导入)

一、想一想,你能给下列国家找出其首都吗? Countries Capitals ( )1. Iraq A. Tokyo ( )2. Greece B. Rome ( )3. Thailand C. Baghdad ( )4. Egypt D. Athens ( )5. the UK E. Beijing ( )6. Philippines F. Washington DC ( )7. Russia G. Bangkok ( )8. France H. Cairo ( )9. the USA I. London ( )10. PRC J. Manila ( )11. Italy K. Paris ( )12. Japan L. Moscow 二、选择填空。

( )1. Which of them isn’t a capital city?

A. Paris B. London C. New York D. Moscow

( )2. –What are you going to do this weekend?

–I’d like ________ my parents. A. to visit B. visit C. visiting D. visits

( )3.–Are you from ________ USA?

–No, I am from ________ France. A. the; a B. /; / C. the; the D. the; /

( )4. Tokyo is _______capital of Japan.

A. an B. a C. the D. \\

( )5. _______ is in Europe (欧洲).

A. Thailand B. France C. Japan D. The USA

( )6. –Which country is this photo from?

–Oh, it’s from ______. This is Red Square. A. Japan B. Thailand C. Russia D. Canada

三、根据句意、首字母或中英文提示补全单词,使句子完整、正确。 1. Moscow is the c_________ of Russia.

2. Would you like to live in a beautiful _________ (the official home of a king, gueen, president,


3. Jack’s _________ (理想的)home is a house with a beautiful garden. 4. My family usually eat in a famous r_________ every weekend.

5. My ______________(特别喜爱的)drink is black tea. What about you? 6. The United Kingdom is short for (简写为) the ____________. 7. The United States of America is short for the __________. 8. He lives ___________ to my house. He’s my neighbour(邻居). 9. The CN Tower is in Toronto, ________.. 10. ----Where would you like to live?

----The _____________(最大的)hotel.


1. Beijing is the capital of China. ______________ is the capital of China?

2. He would like to go shopping tonight.(一般疑问句)


3. Which subject do you like best, maths, English or Chinese? (同义句)

____________ is your ___________, maths, English or Chinese? 4. Eddie wants to live next to the biggest restaurant. ___________________________________________________________?

