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1.Derivative:输入信号微分模块; 2.Integrator:输入信号积分模块; 3.State-Space:线性状态空间系统模型; 4.Transfer-Fcn:线性传递函数模型;

5.Transport Delay:输入信号延时一个固定时间再输出; 6.Variable Transport Delay:输入信号延时一个可变时间再输出; 7.Zero-Pole:以零极点表示的传递函数模型。 二、Discrete(离散模块库)


1.Discrete Transfer-Fcn:离散传递函数模型;

2.Discrete Zero-Pole:以零极点表示的离散传递函数模型;

3.Discrete Filter:实现无限脉冲响应(IIR)与有限脉冲响应(FIR)滤波器; 4.Discrete State-Space:离散状态空间系统模型; 5.First-Order Hold:实现一阶采样和保持器;

6.Memory:存储上一个时刻的状态值; 7.Unit Delay:一个采样周期的延时; 8.Discrete-time Integrator:离散时间积分器; 9.-Order Hold:实现零阶采样和保持器。 三、Look-Up Tables(查询表模块库)


1.Direct Look-Up Table(n-D):检索n维表,以重新获得标量、向量或2维矩阵 2.Interpolation(n-D)using PreLook-Up:执行高精度的常值或线性插值

3.Look-Up Table:使用指定的查表方法近似一维函数,即建立输入信号的查询表 4.Look-Up Table(2-D): 使用指定的查表方法近似二维函数,即建立两个输入信号的查询表

5.Look-Up Table(n-D):执行n个输入定常数、线性或样条插值映射

6.PreLook-Up Index Search:在设置的断点处为输入执行检索查找和小数计算 四、Math Operations(数学运算模块库)



2.Sum:加减运算,可以加减标量、向量和矩阵; 3.Product:对输入信号求积和商运算; 4.Dot Product:点积(内积)运算;

5.Gain:比例运算,或称为常量增益(输入信号乘以常数); 6.Sign:表明输入符号信号或符号函数;

7.MinMax:输出输入信号的最小值和最大值(即极值运算); 8.Slider Gain:可以用滑动条来改变增益; 9.Matrix Gain:矩阵增益,即输入信号乘以矩阵;

10.Math Function:包括指数、对数函数、求平方、开根号等常用数学运算函数; 11.Rounding Function:取整运算函数;

12.Trigonometric Function:三角函数,包括正弦、余弦、正切等; 13.Logical Operator:逻辑运算 14.Relational Operator:关系运算

15.Complex to Magnitude-Angle:由复数输入信号转为幅值和相角输出; 16.Magnitude-Angle to Complex:由幅值和相角输入信号合成复数输出; 17.Complex to Real-Imag:由复数输入信号转为实部和虚部输出; 18.Real-Imag to Complex:由实部和虚部输入信号合成复数输出。

19.Algebraic Constraint: Constrains input signal f(z) to zero and outputs an algebraic state z. This block outputs the value necessary to produce a zero at the input. The output must affect the input through some feedback path. Provide an initial guess of the output to improve algebraic loop solver efficiency.

20.Assignment: For vector mode:

Y = U1 Y(E) = U2 For matrix mode: Y=U1 Y(R,C) = U2

where U1 = first input port, U2 = second input port, E = elements, R = rows, and C = columns and E, R, and C may be specified either in the block's dialog or through an external input port.

21.Bitwise Logical Operator: Perform a bitwise operation on uint8, uint16 or uint32 input port data with values from the Second operand parameter. Hex values can be entered as strings, e.g., 'FF00'.

22.Combinatorial Logic: Look up the elements of the input vector (treated as boolean values) in the truth table and outputs the corresponding row of the 'Truth table' parameter.

The input side of the truth table is implicit.

23.Matrix Concatenation: Perform horizontal or vertical concatenation. 1-D vector input signals are treated as column vectors, i.e., [Mx1] matrices. The output is always a matrix.

24.Polynomial: Polynomial evaluation. Calculates P(u) given by the polynomial coefficient array P. P is sorted highest order to lowest order, the form accepted by MATLAB's polyval function.

25.Reshape: Change the dimensions of a vector or matrix input signal. Output - a one-dimensional array (vector), - a column vector (Mx1 matrix), - a row vector (1xN matrix), or

- a matrix or vector with specified dimensions, e.g., [M, N] or [W]. 五、Model verification(模型验证模块库)


1.Check Static Lower Bound:检验信号是否大于或者等于指定的下限; 2.Check Static Upper Bound:检验信号是否小于或者等于指定的上限; 3.Check Static Range:检验输入信号是否在相同的幅值范围内; 4.Check Static Gap:检验输入信号的幅值范围内是否存在间隙;

5.Check Dynamic Lower Bound:检验一个信号是否总是小于另外一个信号; 6.Check Dynamic Upper Bound:检验一个信号是否总是大于另外一个信号; 7.Check Dynamic Range:检验信号是否总是位于变化的幅值范围内; 8.Check Dynamic Gap:检验信号的幅值范围内是否存在不同宽度的间隙; 9.Assertion:检验输入信号是否为非零;

10.Check Discrete Gradient:检验连续采样离散信号的微分绝对值是否小于上限; 11.Check Input Resolution:检验输入信号是否有指定的标量或向量精度。

六、Model-Wide Utilities(模块实用模块库)


1.Doc Block:创建和编辑描述模型的文本,并保存文本; 2.Model Info:在模型中显示版本控制信息;

3.Timed-Based Linearization:在指定的时间,在基本工作空间中生成线性模型; 4.Trigger-Based Linearization:当触发时,在基本工作空间中生成线性模型。 七、Ports & Subsystems(端口和子系统模块库)


1.In1:为子系统或外部输入创建一个输入端口; 2.Out1:为子系统或外部输入创建一个输出端口; 3.Trigger:为子系统添加一个触发端口; 4.Enable:为子系统添加一个是使能端口;

5.Function-Call Generator:一个指定的速率和指定的时间执行函数调用子系统; 6.Atomic Subsystem:表示系统中包含的子系统,子系统模块表示一个真实的系统; 7.Subsystem:表示系统中包含的子系统,子系统模块表示一个虚拟的系统; 8.Configurable Subsystem:表示从用户指定的模块库中选择的任何模块; 9.Triggered Subsystem:表示一个由外部输入触发执行的子系统; 10.Enabled Subsystem:表示一个由外部输入使能执行的子系统;

11.Enabled and Triggered Subsystem:表示一个由外部输入使能和触发执行的子系统;

12.Function-Call Subsystem:表示可以被其他模块作为函数调用的子系统; 13.For Iterator Subsystem:表示在仿真的单步时间内反复执行的子系统; 14.While Iterator Subsystem:当该模块放在子系统内时,该模块作为while子系统实现Simulink当中与C语言类似的while或do-while控制流语句;

15.If:实现Simulink当中与C语言类似的if-else控制流语句; 16.If Action Subsystem:表示一个由if模块触发执行的子系统; 17.Switch Case:实现Simulink当中与C语言类似的switch控制流语句; 18.Switch Case Action Subsystem:表示一个由switch模块触发执行的子系统。 19.Subsystem Examples: These are examples of how to use the different types of subsystems.

八、Signal Attributies(信号属性模块库)


1.Data Type Conversion:将输入信号转化为模块中参数指定的数据类型; 2.IC:设置信号的初始值;

3.Rate Transition:处理以不同速度操作的模块之间的数据传输;

4.Probe:输出信号的属性,包括信号宽度、采样时间和(或者)信号类型; 5.Signal Specification:指定信号的属性; 6.Width:输出输入向量的宽度。 九、Signal Routing(信号路由模块库)


1.Bus Creator:创建一个信号总线;

2.Bus Selector:输出从输入总线中选择的信号; 3.Mux:将几个输入信号组合为向量或总线输出信号; 4.Demux:将向量信号分离为输出信号;

5.Merge:将几个输入信号组合为单个输出信号; 6.Selector:从向量或矩阵信号中选择输入分量; 7.Manual Switch:在两个输入之间切换; 8.Multiport Switch:在多个模块输入进行切换;

9.Switch: Pass through input 1 when input 2 satisfies the selected criterion; otherwise, pass through input 3. The inputs are numbered top to bottom (or left to right). The input 1 pass-through criteria are input 2 greater than or equal, greater than, or not equal to the thresh hold. The first and third input ports are data ports, and the second input port is the control port.

10.Data Store Memory: Define a memory region for use by the Data Store Read and Data Store Write blocks. All Read and Write blocks that are in the current (sub) system level or below and have the same data store name will be able to read from or write to this block.

11.Data Store Read: Read values from specified data store. 12.Data Store Write: Write values to specified data store.

13.From: Receive signals from the Goto block with the specified tag. If the tag is defined as 'scoped' in the Goto block, then a Goto Tag Visibility block must be used to define the visibility of the tag. After 'Update Diagram', the block icon displays the selected tag name (local tags are enclosed in brackets, [], and scoped tag names are enclosed in braces, {}).

14.Goto: Send signals to From blocks that have the specified tag. If tag visibility is 'scoped', then a Goto Tag Visibility block must be used to define the visibility of the tag. The block icon displays the selected tag name (local tags are enclosed in brackets, [], and scoped tag names are enclosed in braces, {}).

15.Goto Tag Visibility: Used in conjunction with Goto and From blocks to define the visibility of scoped tags. For example, if this block resides in a subsystem (or root system) called MYSYS, then the tag is visible to From blocks that reside in MYSYS or in subsystems of MYSYS. 十、Sinks(接收器模块库)



2.XY Graph:显示二维图形;

3.To Workspace:将输出写入MATLAB的工作空间; 4.To File(.mat):将输出写入数据文件(后缀名为.mat); 5.Display: Numeric display of input values. 6.Floating Scope: Simulink/Sinks/Floating Scope

7.Out1: Provide an output port for a subsystem or model. The 'Output when disabled' and 'Initial output' parameters only apply to conditionally executed subsystems. When a conditionally executed subsystem is disabled, the output is either held at its last value or set to the 'Initial output'. The 'Initial output' parameter can be specified as the empty matrix, [], in which case the initial output is equal to the output of the block feeding the out port.

8.Stop Simulation: Stop simulation when input is non-zero.

9.Terminator: Used to %unconnected output ports). 十一、Sources(输入源模块库)



2.Ground:用来连接输入端口位未与其他模块相连的模块; 3.From File(.mat):来自数据文件;

4.From Workspace:来自MATLAB的工作空间; 5.Constant:常数信号;

6.Signal Generator:信号发生器,可以产生正弦、方波、锯齿波及随意波; 7.Pulse Generator:脉冲发生器;

8.Signal Builder:生成任意分段的线性信号


10.Sine Wave:正弦波信号; 11.Step:阶跃波信号;

12.Repeating Sequence:重复信号;

13.Chirp Signal:生成频率不断增加的正弦波信号; 14.Random Number:生成高斯分布的随机信号; 15.Uniform Random Number:生成平均分布的随机信号; 16.Band-Limited White Noise:生成白噪声; 17.Clock:时钟信号;

18.Digital Clock:按照指定采样间隔生成仿真时间。 十二、User-Defined Functions(用户定义模块库)


1.Fcn:用自定义的函数(表达式)进行运算; 2.MATLAB Fcn:利用MATLAB的现有函数进行运算; 3.S-Function:调用自编的S函数的程序进行运算;

4.S-Function Builder:从用户提供的描述和C语言源代码中构造一个C语言MEX-S-Function。




2.Coulomb & Viscous Friction:库伦与粘性摩擦模块;

3.Dead Zone:死区非线性模块; 4.Saturation:饱和非线性模块; 5.Quantizer:量化模块; 6.Relay:继电模块;

7.Rate Limiter:变化率限幅模块; 8.Hit Crossing:选中交叉点模块。

