Error Analysis and Contrastive Analysis

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Error Analysis and Contrastive Analysis




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Error Analysis and Contrastive Analysis——(英语学习中的错误分析和对比分析)

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Error Analysis and Contrastive Analysis——(英语学习中的错误分析和对比分析)郭巷中学 霍金

Error Analysis and Contrastive Analysis

Error Analysis and Contrastive Analysis——(英语学习中的错误分析和对比分析)


a) Errors occur when new habits have to be acquired or old ones modified or replaced. b) Errors occur when the features of THE SECOND LANGUAGE differ from those of THE FIRST LANGUAGE of the L. conversely, where the structures are the same there will be no problems. c) Error consists of failing to respond with the correct response to a particular stimulus. d) THE SECOND LANGUAGE learners tend to“carry over” feature of THE FIRST LANGUAGE to THE SECOND L ANGUAGE These features may be from all learners of language structure syntax semantics and pragmatics. TG-influenced view (post-structuralist views)→errors are a necessary part of learning and therefore“good” -Errors should not be considered as symbols of failure but marks of continuous study. a) Errors are evidence of the learning process. Making hypothesis about target language→arrive at a particular inter-language–modifying his hypo thesis→goes towards the target language. b) Errors are beneficial to teachers he searchers and learners. 2. Contrastive analysis Systematic study of evidence of mother tongue influence a major concern of Applied Linguistics.“linguistics across cultures.” -language learns attempt to transfer to the features of Mother tongue to THE SECOND LANGUAGE. -positive transfer→structures of the two languages similar(facilitation) -negative transfer→structures of the two languages, different(interference) -“Many linguistic distortions heard among bilinguals correspond to describable difference in the la nguage involved. Based on behaviorism theory, errors considered as the results of negative transfer or inference of T HE FIRST LANGUAGE there are many other reasons for errors appeared in learning process. Based on the theory of cognitive psychology, we have systematically, described the properties, impor tance. A set of methods for analyzing errors. Identified three stages in the development of inter language and correspondingly three types of erro rs pre-systematic errors (have it mastered the rules) Systematic errors (having mastered the systematic rules, but understanding is not complete) Post-systematic errors(having mastered the systematic rule, can use them but haven’t internalized t hem. It is usual in error analysis to identify four types of errors. 1. Inter-lingual errors Language transfer gives rise to inter-lingual errors in which the learners’ errors are accounted fi rst by interference from the Mother tongue. As many as one third of the deviant sentences of learners belong to this cause.。 2.Inter-lingual errors Not features of THE FIRST LANGUAGE, but result from the learning process itself -Learners make inductive generalizations about the target language system or the basis of the data t o which they are exposed. The result of this process is to

reduce the target language system to an apparently“simple form” or more“regular” system Inter-lingual errors include: Over generalization, simplification developmental errors. Communicative based errors. 3. Pragmative failure Inappropriateness of the ways of speaking, or non-conformity with the expressive habits or not suit able with the situations. Pragmatic Linguistic Failure: Learners ways of expression don’t agree with the habit of the native. Sociolinguistic failure: learners doesn’t know the difference of the cultures of the two languages fail to choose the correct ways if expression. Errors are concerned closely with identity, register stat us etc. 4. Faulty teaching techniques or materials “Hypothesis false concepts” Non-contrastive analysis. -Errors are not caused by interference of THE FIRST LANGUAGE. e.g. He speaked English. -Learners knows some rules of English but applies them in the wrong place. The point at issue is the content to which the structure of THE FIRST LANGUAGE is a cause of the err ors of THE SECOND LANGUAGE.  Reference book:(参考文献)文秋芳:Applied Linguistics and Thesis Writing(应用语言学与论文写作)外语教育与研究出版社 教学研究录入:admin    责任编辑:admin l l

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Error Analysis and Contrastive Analysis

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