
更新时间:2024-05-05 19:37:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)

1. They did find that( )appears in a dream has far greater influence on mood than( )occurs in the dream.

A. the person ... the thing B. who ... what C. who ... that

D. the person who ... which 正确答案:B

2. Why do you blame him for his poor judgment on the matter( )he really needs is encouragement? A. when that B. since that C. when what D. now that 正确答案:C

3. Only when I got there( )how badly the crops had been damaged. A. did I realize B. I realized C. then I realized D. then did I realize 正确答案:A

4. The speaker lectured in( )a way that some people found it hard to understand him. A. so B. as C. such D. that


5. Historically, scientists and inventors are one group that seem to take full( )of relaxed moments. A. use B. chance C. advantage D. attention 正确答案:C

6. Our sleep influences our mood. Our mood( ), affects our performance. A. by turn B. turn over C. in turn D. after turn 正确答案:C

7. He spends most of his spare time( )English. A. to study

