词根与前后缀 大学英语

更新时间:2023-10-20 03:03:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


? audi-, audit: hear audience, auditorirum ? chron- : time chronology (年代学), chronological ? -spect- : look at inspect, spectator ? -port : carry porter, portable ? hetero- : different, other heterosexual, heterogeneous (异类的) ? auto- : self autograph (亲笔), autonomy ? psych- : psychology mind ? vis-, vid- : see vision, video ? -ology : study of… biology, psychology ? tele- : far telephone, telegraph ? anthro- : human anthropology ? homo- : same homosexual, homonym (同音异义词) ? mort- : death mortal, immortality (不朽的) ? hydr-, hydro- : water hydrogen (氢), hydropower (水力发电) ? -ic, -al musical ? -ate : ? activate : relating to comic, to make ? therm-, thermo : heat thermos, thermometer (温度计) ? -ism : action or practice ? Buddhism, communism ? -fy : to make ? liquify (使液化), justify ? -proof : to give protection a waterproof coat, ? -like : resembling childlike, hairlike ? -free : without saltfree food, taxfree ? -ize : to make ? maximize, minimize ? -proof : against a bulletproof car, a soundproof room ? -phobia : fear hydrophobia (恐水症) ? (-er, -or, -ist, -tion, -ation) (-ity, -ness)(-able, -ible, -ble, -ous, -ious) EXERCISES ? He lost his spectacles. ? glasses/gloves/pants/shoes

? Circle the words where in- means not. ? Inject inside insane inspect ? Invaluable inflammable inactive ? Invisible instant inefficient

? Dr. Swanson has written articles about interstellar travel. ? underwater/long-distance/high-speed/outer space.

? Children learning to ride bicycles probably already know how to ride a _______. ? Unicycle/megacycle/tricycle/motorcycle

? He should see a doctor about his chronic cough. ? Most countries import most of the oil they use.

? The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was look for a porter.

? All the hospital’s private rooms were occupied, so Michelle had to stay in a semiprivate


? He was shot during the robbery, but it is not a mortal wound. ? Mr. Adams is employed at a hydroelectric power plant.

? Some doctors prescribe medication to slow down hyperactive children.

? The immigration authorities deported Mr. Jensen because he did not have a legal passport. ? To apply to some universities, you must fill out the application form and include a short


? I enjoy reading biographies of kings and queens. ? Prefixes ? con-,col-, co- together, with cooperate, connect, co-author in-, im-, il-, ir-,not impolite, illegal ? en- to cause to be enrich, enlarge, enable ? fore- before foretell, forecast, forefather ? re-, retro- back, again return, recycle,retrorocket (减速火箭) ? circum- around circumference (圆周), circumstance ? inter- between international, intervene ? super- above, greater supermarket, superior

? mono- one, alone monopoly (垄断), monotonous ? poly- many polytechnic (理工的) , polygamy ? semi- half, partly semicircle, semiannual ? uni- one universe, unicycle, unity ? ultra- beyond, extreme ultramodern, ultrafashionable ? by- secondary byproduct de- remove desalt (除去…盐分),deforest,decolor,deface (使丢面子) ? extra- additional, beyond extraordinary, extracurricular ? counter- opposing; matching counter-attack, counterpart

? multi- many multiple, multi-purpose ? bene- good benefit, benefactor (捐赠人) ? bi- two bicycle, bimonthly ? tri- three triangle, tricolour (三色的) ? ultra- excessive ultraleft ? in-, im-, il-, ir-, invade, insert, ? pre- before prepare, prehistoric ? post- after postwar, post-graduate, post-doctorate ? mis- wrong mislead, mistake ? anti-, contra- against anti-war, contradict ? sub-, under subway, subtitle, ? trans- across trans-Atlantic, transportation in, into micro-small microscope, microwave ? de- down from, away; descend, depart ? ex- former ex-president, ex-wife ? quazi- seemingly, half quazi-historical, ? mal- badly maltreat, malnutrution

