190537 - 303大学英语形成性考核习题(四)江开大学 2018秋

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江苏开放大学 形成性考核作业

学 号 () 姓 名 ()

完成日期 2018年09月12日

课程代码 110004

课程名称 大学英语A(专) 评阅教师 (教师填写)

得 分 (教师填写)

评阅时间 2018年 月 日

第 4 次任务 共 4 次任务

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核4 第 1 页

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专)

形 成 性 考 核 4

答 题 纸

I. 选择填空(每小题 2分,共 20 分) 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 D 6 B 7 C 8 C 9 D 10 A II. 用方框里所给的短语完成对话(每小题2分,共10分)

1 B 2 D 3 A 4 E 5 C III. 阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 40 分) 1 T 11 D 2 F 12 A 3 T 13 B 4 T 14 C 5 T 15 B 6 T 16 B 7 F 17 C 8 F 18 A 9 T 19 C 10 F 20 B IV. 完成句子(每小题 3 分,共 30 分) 1. attended the funeral

2. help you to some more meat 3. quit rather than accept the new rules 4. alternated between rain and sunshine 5. prevent children from approaching the fire 6. The factory has been here 7. nerther accurate nor safe 8. is well worth seeing 9. making some pocket money 10.hard to do these things alone

教师评语: 。

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核4 第 2 页

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专)

形 成 性 考 核 4

试 题

I. Choose the choice that best fits into the blank.(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)

1. Allan is looking forward to ____________ his American partner at the trade fair. A. meet B. meeting C. be meeting D. having met 2. The sales manager had his secretary ___________ a press conference for their new products. A. arrange B. to arrange C. have arranged D. arranged 3. The message ________ Mr. Black was elected chairman of the committee arrived just in time. A. which B. what C. that D. how

4. They had talked for a few minutes __________ they found they were of different opinions. A. unless B. while C. before D. once 5. By the time you come to see me next month, I __________ my term paper. A. have completed B. complete C. am completing D. will have completed 6. Training astronauts ______ not an easy thing. A. are B. is C. were D. be 7. Would you be ______ by the idea of going to Paris? A. exciting B. excitably C. excited D. excitedly 8. There is no ______ that women are playing an important role in the world today. A. of deny B. to denying C. denying D. of denying 9. I am rather concerned ______ her, for I haven’t heard from her since last winter. A. of B. at C. with D. about 10. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I ______ your advice. A. had followed B. would follow C. follow D. have followed

II. Complete the dialogue with the expressions given in the box.(每小题2分,共10分)

Hans 决定请一位导游陪同游览背景,第一站是颐和园。在游览过程中Hans问了一些问题。 A. what are those bronze animals over there B. How big is it C. What do people typically do here D. When was it built E. What does it mean

Guide: Hans: Guide: Hans: Guide: Hans: Guide:

Here we are. This is the Summer Palace, Hans. Let’s go inside. OK. Wow, what a beautiful place!

Yes, it is. It is the largest royal garden in China. It’s cool. 1 ? It covers an area of 290 hectares. It’s amazing! 2 ? It was built in 1750 in the Qing Dynasty.

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核4 第 3 页

Hans: Guide: Hans: Guide: Hans: Guide: Hans: Guide: Hans:

A long history! By the way, 3 ? Oh, they are Qilin.

Qilin? 4 ? It’s a symbol of harmony. It sounds interesting.

Let’s go and take a look at Kunming Lake. It occupies three-quarters of the palace. It’s really big. 5 ? People usually take a boat ride on a nice spring day. It’s too cold now. What a Pity! Anyway, it’s still wonderful.

III. Reading Comprehension.(每小题 2 分,共 40 分)

Passage 1

Chinese wedding tea ceremony is a tradition that dates back to many centuries ago and is still widely practiced at modern Chinese weddings on the wedding day, either at home or at the banquet.

It is an official ritual to introduce the newlyweds to each other’s family, and is also a way to show respect and appreciation (感谢) to their parents. Tea is likely served also because it is the national drink of China.

When the tea itself is served, the newlyweds kneel in front of their parents, serving tea to both sides of parents, as well as elder close relatives. Parents give their words of blessing and gifts to the newlyweds. During tea presentation, a “good luck woman” would say lucky phrases to bless the newlyweds and the parents. This “good luck woman” should be someone who is blessed with a good marriage, healthy children and husband, and living parents.

Newlyweds also present tea to each other, raising the tea cups high to show respect before presenting to each other.


( ) 1. Tea ceremony is a way to show respect and appreciation to the newlyweds’ parents. ( ) 2. Tea ceremony is only practiced at the banquet.

( ) 3. The “good luck woman” must be the one with a good marriage, healthy children and

husband, and living parents.

( ) 4. During tea presentation, the newlyweds will receive gifts from their parents. ( ) 5. Tea ceremony tradition has a long history of several hundred years.

Passage 2

With a long history of more than 2,000 years, the Great Wall is now considered to be one of the greatest wonders in the world. The Wall is 6,700 kilometers long from Shanhaiguan Pass in Hebei Province to Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu Province. The wall is about 7.8 meters high, and it is 6.5 meters wide at the base and 5.8 meters at the top. The Great Wall was first built during the Warring States Period (476-221B.C.) to prevent people in the north from attacking. Then the First Emperor of Qin ordered several hundred thousand workers to connect different sections of the wall. Today, tourists can visit eight sections of the Great Wall. Most of them were built in the Ming Dynasty. The best section of the Great Wall is located near Beijing.

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核4 第 4 页

根据文章判断正误(正确的写T;错误的写F) ( ) 6. The Great Wall has a history of over 2,000 years.

( ) 7. The Great Wall is said to be the greatest wonder in the world. ( ) 8. Shanhaiguan Pass is close to Jiayuguan Pass.

( ) 9. The First Emperor of Qin ordered more than 100,000 workers to build the Great Wall. ( ) 10. Most of the present sections of the wall were built in the Qin Dynasty.

Passage 3

Some people seem to have a knack(诀窍)for learning languages. They can pick up new vocabulary, master rules of grammar, and learn to write in the new language much more quickly than other people. They do not seem to be any cleverer than others. What makes language learning so much easier for them? Perhaps if we take a close look at these successful language learners, we may discover a few techniques which make language learning easier for them.

Firstly, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on the book or the teacher; they’d rather discover their own way to learn the language than wait for the teacher to explain everything. They try to find the sentence patterns, the rules and the meaning of new words by themselves. They are good guessers. They look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes.

Besides, successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language, they loo0k for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them whenever they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat, they are willing to make mistakes and try again. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know every word’s meaning.

Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they have an interest in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. 11. Successful language learners are independent, so they ____________.

A. depend on the book or the teacher B. wait for the teacher to explain everything C. learn from their mistakes

D. discover their own way to learn languages

12. According to the passage, what will successful language learners do when they meet new


A. Try to guess their meaning. B. Ask their teachers

C. Look them up in the dictionary. D. Pay no attention to them.

13. Successful language learning is active, so successful learners _____________.

A. wait for a chance to use the language B. look for a chance to use the language C. only use the language in class

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核4 第 5 页

D. try to avoid using the language

14. Why do successful language learners want to learn the language?

A. Because they want to find better jobs. B. Because they want to get good marks in exams.

C. Because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. D. Because they have a knack for learning languages. 15. The purpose of the passage is to ____________.

A. explain the importance of language learning

B. introduce some useful techniques of language learning C. teach people how to learn English

D. compare language teaching with language learning

Passage 4

Colors are sometimes called hot, cold, or neutral(中性的). Red and yellow are said to be hot colors because they make a room feel warmer and the walls nearer to us than they really are. We say that blue and green are cold because they give us the opposite feeling. A neutral color is one that does not seem to affect our feelings. Brown and grey are both neutral, and they may also be mixed with hot or cold colors to reduce their effect on our feelings.

We can begin to see the importance of color selection. Although red might be perfect for a restaurant, it would be wrong for an art exhibition room, where we want to look at the paintings, not at the walls behind. Because of its effect on size, white could be used to make a small room seem larger, or dark blue to make a large one seem smaller.

Another way that we sometimes speak of colors is to say that they are loud or quiet. Again we are talking about the feeling that colors give us. We use sound to express how much colors catch our attention.

16. If a man wants to make a room warmer, which color will he choose for the walls?

A. Green. C. Black. A. Yellow. C. Grey.

B. Yellow. D. Brown B. Red. D. Green. B. paintings

D. the walls in a living room

17. Which color can be used with blue to reduce its effect on our feelings?

18. According to the second paragraph, red is most suitable for _____________.

A. restaurants C. an exhibition room

19. People would paint a small room into white because ____________.

A. white makes a room brighter B. white makes a room prettier C. a room seems larger in white D. a room seems smaller it white

20. “Loud” and “quiet” colors give people ____________.

A. the cooler feelings B. the opposite feelings C. the warmer feelings

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核4 第 6 页

D. the similar feelings

IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the bracket, and you should put them in proper order.(每小题 3 分,共 30 分)

1. Over two hundred people __________________ (参加葬礼) yesterday. (funeral ,the , attended) 2. May I ____________________ (帮你再取一些肉吗)? (to ,more ,help ,you ,some ,meat) 3. Bryson decided to__________________(离开而不是接受新规定). (quit, accept, rather, new, than, the, rules)

4. The weather __________________(时而下雨,时而放晴). (rain, sunshine, alternated, between, and)

5. We should __________________(防止儿童靠近火). (children, prevent, fire, the, from, approaching)

6. ____________________ (这家工厂就在这里了) since the 1970s. (factory ,been ,has ,The, here)

7. The equipment is __________________(既不精准也不安全). ( accurate, neither, nor, safe)

8.This film ________________ (很值得一看) if you are interested in history. (is ,well ,seeing ,worth)

9. He certainly wasn’t going to miss the chance of __________________(挣些零花钱). (pocket, making, money, some)

10. It’s __________________(独自一人做这么多事是很困难的). (these, alone, to, hard, do, things)

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专) 形成性考核4 第 7 页

