英语初级测试卷一 - 图文

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北 京 金 世 纪 教 育 试 题 纸 第 1 页 共 3 页

10. Is the box large or small?______________________ 11. What’s the matter, Tom?______________________ 12. 桌上的那个盒子是谁的?______________________ 13. 那个玻璃杯是空的吗?______________________ 14. 你现在好些了吗?______________________ 15. 屋子太不整洁了。我该怎么做呢?______________________________ 16. 打开窗户,给房子通通风。______________________________ 17. It’s a fine day today!______________________________ 18. —What are you doing? —I’m washing my face.______________________________ 19. 瞧,那只狗正在追赶一只鸟。______________________________ 20. ——他们在做什么?——他们在打字。______________________________ Ⅳ. 选择填空。(20%) 1. ―What’s your job? ―____. [A]I’m French [B]I’m a teacher [C]I’m Robert [D]I’m Italian 2. —How are you today? — . [A]I’m nine. [B]I’m Tony. [C]Fine, thank you. [D]How do you do? 3. ―Whose ___ this car? ―This is ___.[A]does, Tim’s [B]does, Tim [C]is, Tim [D]is, Tim’s 4. This is your shirt. Here ___. [A]you it [B]is it [C]you are [D]are you 5. Come upstairs ___ see it.[A]to [B]and [C]but [D]then 6. It’s ___ colour. It’s green, too. [A]a same [B]same [C]a [D]the same 7. ―What are their jobs? ―They are ___. [A]women [B]Swedish [C]keyboard operators [D]Jim and Anna 8. Emma is not a short girl. She’s ___. [A]fat [B]young [C]thin [D]tall 9. Our names are Tom and Jack. ___ are Americans.[ A]They [B]Our [C]We [D]Names 10. ―Is your father French? ―___ . [A]Yes, she is [B]No, I’ m not [C]Yes, he is [D]No, they aren’t 11. There ___ a hat on the table. [A]am [B]is [C]are [D]have 12. Give ___ some oranges, please. [A]me [B]I [C]my [D]we 13. ―Which one?―The one ___ the floor. [A]in [B]and [C]on [D]or 14. Give us some ___. [A]news paper [B]newspapers [C]newspaperes [D]newspaper 15. ―Is this your magazine? ―Yes. Please ___ me. [A]give it to [B]give to it [C]give it [D]give it for 16. ―___ man is Mr. Blake? ―The one in the car. [A]What [B]Who [C]Which [D]Where 金世纪教育初级英语测试试卷一 测试课程 1-36课 姓名 教师 日期 题号 得分 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 总 分 I.填入下列对话中所缺的单词。(12.5%) 1. — this your book? —No, it isn’t. 2. This is Sophie. Sophie a new student. She French. 3. —Is this your car? — , it is. —What is it? —Ford. 4. — you a student? — , I’m a teacher. Are you a teacher, ? —Yes. 5.— shirt is that? — is Tim’s. 6. Is this glass full? No, It’s e_____. 7. Be careful(小心)! It’s a s_____ knife. 8. W_____ is your car? The red one. 9. We’re tired and t_____. Look! There’s an ice cream man. 10. What n_____ are you? I’m French. 11. —_____ is Jack, John? —He is _____ his bedroom. 12. —_____ is Rose doing? —She is _____ at the picture. 13. —Look. There _____ a boy _____ the water. —He is swimming across the river. 14. —The sun _____ shining. —It’s a _____ day today. 15. —Excuse me, _____ is the park? —It’s _____ the middle of the city. Ⅱ.连词成句。(5%) 1. Where, going, car, is, the______________________________? 2. the, flying, river, are, birds, the, over______________________________. 3. old, who, man, this, is__________________________? 4. are, colour, your, what, handbags__________________________? 5. busy, these, are, very, today, postmen__________________________. Ⅲ. 英汉互译。(40%) 1.打扰一下。这是你的书吗? 2.这辆车是什么牌子的? 3. What nationality is he ? 4.你是邮递员吗? 5. ―This is Miss Zhang.―How do you do?___________________________ 6. 你的朋友们也是中国人吗?___________________________ 7. 他们是做什么工作的?___________________________ 8. 这个年轻人很勤奋。___________________________ 9. There are three books on the stereo.______________________ 北

17. This is ___ bag. That is ___ bag.[A]we; their [B]our; their [C]my; they [D]our; they 18. ―Are these the Tom’s books? ―No, it’s not. ___ books are blue. [A]He [B]His [C]Him [D]Her 19. ―These?―No, not ___.[A]these [B]the [C]ones [D]those 20. This is not my desk. It’s ___. [A]Bob and Susan [B]Bob and Susan’s [C]Bob’s and Susan [D]Bob’s and Susan’s 21. Look, the dog _____ after the cat. [A] is runing [B] runs [C] is running [D] running 22. My bike is _____ the tree.[A] under [B] on [C] in [D] over 23. Rose _____ the party. She _____ her skirt. [A] is going to, is putting on [B] goes to, is putting on [C] is going to, is putting off [D] goes to, is putting off 24. Susan is _____ under the tree, but John is _____ the tree. [A] siting, climbing [B] sitting climbing [C] siting, climbbing [D] sitting, climbbing 25. —What _____ your sister _____? —She is playing a game. [A] is, do [B] is, doing [C] are, do [D] are, doing 26. Teachers and students _____ the school bus. [A] are waiting [B] are waitting [C] are waiting for [D] are waitting for 27. The birds are flying _____ the river. [A] in [B] on [C] at [D] over 28. Are there _____ boats on the river? [A] any [B] a [C] some [D] the 29. Look at the picture. The ship is _____ the left. [A] in [B] on [C] at [D] of 30. —_____ is the boy swimming? —He is swimming in the river. [A] How [B] Why [C] What [D] Where 31. —Is _____ cat white? —Yes, it’s _____ white cat. [A] a, a [B] a, the [C] the, a [D] the, the 32. —Where is the bike? —It’s _____ the left. [A] to [B] at [C] in [D] on 33. —_____ pen is this? —It’s my pen. [A] Who [B] Whose [C] Where [D] Which 34. —_____ are my glasses? —They’re on the table. [A] which [B] What [C] Where [D] Whose 35. This is my coat. Please _____. [A] put on it [B] put it on [C] put them on [D] put on them 36. My cat is _____ the door. [A] in [B] on [C] under [D] behind 37. It’s time for school. _____ your coat, please. [A] Puts on [B] Put on [C] Takes off [D] Take off 京 金 世 纪 教 育 试 题 纸 第 2 页 共 3 页

38. What colour is her _____? [A] trousers [B] dress [C] shoes [D] glasses 39. —Which ball is Mike’s? —_____. [A] It’s blue. [B] Yes, it is. [C] The one near the house. [D] It’s yours. 40. —Are there any boys in the picture? —No, _____. [A] there is [B] there isn’t [C] there are [D] there aren’t Ⅴ. 按要求改写下列句子。(15%) 1. There are some magazines on the desk.(变为否定句)_____________ _________________. 2. There are some pens on the shell.(变为一般疑问句)_____________ _________________? 3. My brother is a taxi driver. (就划线部分提问)_______ _______ _________ 4. My friend is a policeman. (单数变复数)_____________ __________ 5. This is my dress. (就划线部分提问)______________ _________ 6. This carpet is Jim’s. (改为同义句)____________________ ___ 7. The children are swimming across the river.(就划线部分提问)__________________________ ___? 8. There are some sheep on the hill.(变为一般疑问句) _____________________________? 9. Tom is playing in the garden.(就划线部分提问)_____________________ 10. The girl is standing under the tree.(就划线部分提问)____________________________? Ⅵ. 完成下列情景对话。(7.5%) A. Sue: Hello, Tim. 1 ? Tim: I’m fine, thank you. And you? Sue: 2 , too. What’s this? Tim: It’s a photograph of my village. Sue: The photograph of your village! Your village is very beautiful. Tim: Yes. Our village is near a river. Sue: Oh. Look, 3 . Tim: Yes. And I am swimming in the river, too. Sue: 4 ? Tim: It is a school building. It is very big and new. Sue: 5 ? Tim: There are 1,000 students in the school. Sue: Your school is a very big school. [A] Many children are swimming in the river [B] What’s the matter with you [C] How many students are there in the school [D] I’m fine [E] How do you do [F] What is it [G] How are you B. ANNA: Hi, Lucy. 6 are you? LUCY: I’m fine, thank you. And you? ANNA: I’m fine 7 . Lucy, this 8 my friend, Mary. She is 9 Italy. LUCY: How 10 you do? C. MOTHER: What’s the 11 , Betty? BETTY: I’m tired. MOTHER: Would you like a 12 of water? 北

BETTY: No, Mom. Please 13 me a book. MOTHER: 14 one? The one on the shelf? BETTY: No. The one 15 the table. 京 金 世 纪 教 育 试 题 纸 第 3 页 共 3 页

