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目 录

Born To Try ....................................................................................................................................... 2 B What U Wanna B ........................................................................................................................... 4 I have a dream ................................................................................................................................... 5 Boulevard Of Broken Dreams ........................................................................................................... 6 Don't cry ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Just stand up .................................................................................................................................... 10 Through the rain .............................................................................................................................. 14 Bad day ........................................................................................................................................... 16 Change ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Trouble is a friend ........................................................................................................................... 20 I Can Do It ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Hero ................................................................................................................................................ 24 Proud ............................................................................................................................................... 26 Lose To Win .................................................................................................................................... 28 A New Day Has Come .................................................................................................................... 30 Everyday ......................................................................................................................................... 32 Some Dreams .................................................................................................................................. 33 Bruce Lee ........................................................................................................................................ 35 I Believe I Can Fly .......................................................................................................................... 36 Believe me ...................................................................................................................................... 38

Born To Try


——Delta Goodrem


Born To Try 生为拼搏:

Doing everything that I believe in做所有我相信的事

Going by the rules that I've been taught按照我被教导的规则 More understanding of what's around me更加了解我身边的事物 And protected from the walls of love在爱的围栏中受到保护 All that you see is me你所见到的所有都是我 And all I truly believe我所真正相信的 That I was born to try我生来为了尝试 I've learned to love我已经学习去爱 Be understanding去了解 And believe in life相信生活

But you've got to make choices但你不得不做出决定 Be wrong or right对或错

Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like有时你不得不牺牲自己喜欢的事

But I was born to try但我生来为了尝试

No point in talking what you should have been说你原本应该成为什么,那没有意义 And regretting the things that went on为已逝去的过去后悔

Life's full of mistakes, destinies and fate生命充满了错误和命中注定 Remove the clouds look at the bigger picture移开乌云,看向更大的画面 And all that you see is me你看到的所有都是我 And all I truly believe我所真正相信的 That I was born to try我生来为了尝试 I've learned to love我已经学习去爱 Be understanding去了解 And believe in life相信生活

But you've got to make choices但你不得不做出决定 Be wrong or right对或错

Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like有时你不得不牺牲自己喜欢的

But I was born to try但我生来为了尝试 All that you see is me你看到的所有都是我 All I truly believe我所真正相信的

All that you see is me你看到的所有都是我 And all I truly believe我所真正相信的 That I was born to try我生来为了尝试 I've learned to love我已经学习去爱 Be understanding去了解 And believe in life相信生活

But you've got to make choices但你不得不做出决定

Be wrong or right对或错

Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like有时你不得不牺牲自己喜欢的事

But I was born to try但我生来为了尝试

But you've got to make choices但你不得不做出决定 Be wrong or right对或错

Sometimes you've got to sacrifice the things you like有时你不得不牺牲自己喜欢的事

But I was born to try但我生来为了尝试

B What U Wanna B

做你想做的人 ——Darin Zanyar

B What U Wanna B 做你想做的人:

doctor actor lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌唱家.

why not president be a dreamer 为什么不是总统?做有梦想的人. you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为你想成为的人. police man fire fighter or a post man 警察,消防员或者邮递员. why not something like your old man 为什么不是你的老搭档. doctor actor lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌唱家. i know that we all got one thing 我知道我们都有一样东西. that we all share together 那就是我们正在分享的. we got that one nice dream 美好的梦想. we live for 奋斗的目标.

you never know what life could bring 你不会知道生活会给你带来什么. coz nothing last for ever 因为没有什么能永恒. just hold on to the team 只要坚持住. you play for 你现在的目标.

i know you could reach the top 我知道你会达到顶峰. make sure that you woni hope i't stop 确定你不会停下来.

be the one that you wanna be 做那个你一直都想成为的人. now sing this with me 现在和我一起歌唱.

you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为任何你想成为的人. we may have different ways to think 我们也许会从不同角度考虑问题. but it doesni hope i't really matter 但这没关系.

we all caught up in the steam of this life 我们都被人生的一些所征服. focus on every little thing 执著于每一件琐事.

thati hope i's what does really matter 这才是问题所在. luxury cars and bling 金钱和物质.

thats not real life 那都不是真正的生活.

last year i used to dream about this day 去年我还在梦想着有这么一天. now i'm here i'm singing for you 现在我在为你们而唱. i hope i could inspire you 我希望我能鼓舞你的斗气. coz i've got all the love 因为我得到了所有的爱.

coz i've got all love for you 我得到了你赐予我的所有的爱. i can ,you can ,we can我能,你能,一切皆有可能! you can,i can you can,i can我能,你能,一切皆有可能! me...you you you

I have a dream


---ABBA & Westlife

\来自于瑞典组合ABBA1979年的专辑《Voulez-Vous》。该曲没有在美国正式发行过,但却成为了深受听众喜爱的电台点播热曲。美国歌手Cristy Lane翻唱过该曲,并曾在1981的美国乡村音乐排行榜上位列17。在1999年,西城男孩翻唱,这首歌成了他们的冠军单曲。1999年12月20日夺冠并蝉联四周。

I have a dream 我有一个梦想

I have a dream,a song to sing我有一个梦想,一首歌去歌唱它 To help me cope with anything帮助我处理任何事情

If you see the wonder of a fairy tale如果你看见一个童话般的奇迹 You can take the future even if you fail即使失败你也能为未来拼搏 I believe in angels我信仰天使

Something good in everything I see我看见的每件事都有好的一面 I believe in angels我信仰天使

When I know the time is right for me当我知道时间对我是公平的 I'll cross the stream I have a dream我会跨过溪流,我有一个梦想 I have a dream,a fantasy我有一个梦想,一个幻想 To help me through reality帮助我直达现实

And my destination makes it worth the while我的目标让它有了价值

Pushing through the darkness still another mile 把我带出黑暗到达另一个英里 I believe in angels我信仰天使

Something good in everything I see我看见的每件事都有好的一面 I believe in angels我信仰天使

When I know the time is right for me当我知道时间对我是公平的 I'll cross the stream I have a dream我会跨过溪流,我有一个梦想 I have a dream,a song to sing我有一个梦想,一首歌去歌唱它 To help me cope with anything帮助我处理任何事情

If you see the wonder of a fairy tale如果你看见一个童话般的奇迹 You can take the future even if you fail即使失败你也能为未来拼搏 I believe in angels我信仰天使

Something good in everything I see我看见的每件事都有好的一面 I believe in angels我信仰天使

When I know the time is right for me当我知道时间对我是公平的 I'll cross the stream I have a dream我会跨过溪流,我有一个梦想 I'll cross the stream I have a dream我会跨过溪流,我有一个梦想

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams


《Boulevard of Broken Dreams》由Al Dubin,Harry Warren于1933年在巴黎创作,首次出现在1934年的电影《红磨坊》中,由Constance Bennett演唱,但是她从来没有录制过这首歌。第一个录制版由歌手Deane Janis与Hal Kemp爵士乐团在1933年10月芝加哥完成,后来有无数人翻唱,包括Tony Bennett,张国荣,还有Amy Winehouse。

Boulevard of Broken Dreams 碎梦大道: I walk along the street of sorrow 我走在一条弥漫着悲伤的路上 The boulevard of broken dreams 一条随处可见破碎了的梦的大道上 Where gigolo and gigolette 到处是翩翩舞男和舞女

Can take a kiss without regret

可以如此轻易的献吻而没有心灵上的失落 So they forget their broken dreams. 直至他们忘掉自己那些破碎的旧梦 You laugh tonight and cry tomorrow 你会在今晚大笑却在明早哭

When you'll be hold your shattered schemes. 当你冷眼瞧着自己那些被打的粉碎的计划 And gigolo and gigolette

这些纵情放浪的舞男舞女们 Wake up to find their eyes are wet

在早晨醒来的一刻感觉到了他们润湿的双眼 With tears that tell of broken dreams.

饱含的泪水讲述的是一个个破碎的迷梦 Here is where you'll always find me, 在这条大道上你总是可以寻到我身影 Always walking up and down, 不停的走着 来来回回 But I left my soul behind me 但我的灵魂已经不在了 In an old cathedral town.

我把她寄存在一个古老的神圣的教堂里面 The joy that you find here, you borrow,

所以在这里你找到的纸碎金迷 都只是是暂时的

You cannot keep it long, it seems.

你不可能占有这分快乐永久永久 But gigolo and gigolette 但这些舞男舞女们

Still sing a song and dance along 仍旧那么唱着 跳着

The boulevard of broken dreams. 在这一条充满了碎梦的大道上

The joy that you find here, you borrow,

所以在这里你找到的纸碎金迷 都只是是暂时的 You cannot keep it long, it seems. 你不可能占有这分快乐永久永久 But gigolo and gigolette 但这些舞男舞女们

Still sing a song and dance along 仍旧那么唱着 跳着

The boulevard of broken dreams. 在这一条充满了碎梦的大道上

Don't cry


—— Guns N' Roses

Don't cry 这首歌中枪花乐队一改从前的愤怒激烈,主唱沧桑哀婉低吟出一段令人荡气回肠的柔情曲,而歌曲表达出的无奈和失意正是愤怒的极至。不止在歌收尾的地方,在歌起时就有淡淡的的呻吟声,而且在整首歌里拖长的音非常之多,歌曲最后通过一声加长的低鸣来表达一种撕心裂肺的心痛。 Don't cry 今夜别哭泣

talk to me softly. 温柔地与我交谈.

there's something in ur eyes! 你眼中有千言万语! don't hang ur head in sorrow 不要低头悲伤. and please don't cry! 也请不要哭泣!

i know how you feel inside 我知道你心里的感受. i've been there before 我也曾经和你一样.

somethin's changin' inside you! 你心中已起了变化! and don't you know? 难道你不知道? don't you cry tonight! 今夜不要哭泣! i still love u baby! 宝贝我仍然爱你! don't u cry tonight! 今夜不要哭泣!

there's a heaven above you baby! 宝贝,天堂就在你头上! and don't u cry tonight! 今夜不要哭泣! give me a whisper. 在我耳边轻轻细语. and give me a sigh. 在我耳边轻轻叹息. give me a kiss! 给我个吻!

before u tell me goodbye! 分手之前!

don't u take it so hard now! 现在不要难过!

and please don't take it so bad! 也不要觉得遗憾! i'll still b thinkin' of u! 我仍然会想起你!

and the times we had...baby. 及我们共度的时光,宝贝! and please remember! 请记住!

that i never lied! 我从来不撒谎! and please remember! 也请记住!

how i felt inside now,honey! 我内心的感受,亲爱的! u gotta make it ur own way! 你必须用自己的方法解决! but u'll be alright now sugar! 但你会没事的,甜心! u'll feel better tomorrow! 你明天会好起来!

come the morning light now baby! 天将破晓了,宝贝! there's a heaven above u baby! 宝贝,天堂就在你头上!

and don't u cry! 不要哭泣!

don't u ever cry 不要再哭泣

baby maybe someday. 可能在某一天. don't u cry! 不要哭泣!

don't u ever cry! 不要再哭泣! tonight!于今夜!

Just stand up


这首歌曲是为\全球募捐大会而制作的,由著名音乐制作人Babyface亲自操刀,招来时下欧美最为走红的15位女歌手来合唱。光是15个名字就足以吓人一跳,但歌曲本身并不失色。大家可以下载听听看。该曲目前已经在美国电台开始派台,九月二号将在著名的付费下载网店iTunes上发售。所得的收益全部用于募捐。 演唱天后: 玛丽亚·凯莉(Mariah Carey) 碧昂丝(Beyonce) 灵歌天后 玛丽·布莱姬(Mary J. Blige) 蕾安娜(Rihanna)

黑眼豆豆主唱 菲姬(Fergie) 雪儿·克罗(Sheryl Crow)

奥斯卡最佳原创音乐得奖者 梅丽莎·伊瑟里德(Melissa Etheridge) 英国歌手 娜塔莎·贝丁菲(Natasha Bedingfield) 麦莉·塞勒斯(Miley Cyrus) 丽安娜·刘易斯(Leona Lewis) 凯莉·安德伍德(Carrie Underwood) R&B女歌手 凯西亚·科尔(Keyshia Cole) 乡村女歌手 黎安·莱姆丝(LeAnn Rimes) 亚香缇(Ashanti)

亚瑟小子师妹 席亚拉(Ciara) Just stand up勇敢站起来: Beyonce:

The heart is stronger than you think 心比你想象的要更加强壮 It's like it can go through anything 它能克服任何困难

And even when you think it can't it finds a way to still push on, though 甚至当你认为它不能继续坚持时 Carrie:

Sometimes you want to run away有时你想要逃离一切 Ain't got the patience for the pain不是内心没有煎熬

And if you don't believe it look into your heart the beat goes on 如果你不相信,听听你的心脏,它仍在跳动 Rihanna and Miley Cyrus:

I'm tellin' you that那么我要告诉你 Things get better一切都会好起来的 Through whatever无论如何

If you fall, dust it off, don't let up如果你跌倒了,掸掉身上的灰尘,不要气馁 Nicole Scherzinger:

Don't you know you can go be your own miracle你不知道你也可以创造奇迹吗 Beyonce:

You need to know你需要知道 【CHORUS】 Sheryl:

If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足 But the heart keeps telling you don't give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃 Sheryl/Beyonce:

Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑

what is what它是什么 Don't give up别放弃

THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光 Fergie:

It's like we all have better days就像我们大家都有更好的明天

Problems getting all up in your face所有问题会在你的面前得到解决 Leona:

Just because you go through it只是因为你经历过


Don't mean it got to take control, no这不意味着它被你所控,不 Leona:

You ain't gotta find no hiding place你是否找不到庇护之地 Keyshia:

Because the heart can beat the hate因为爱可以战胜仇恨 Leona:

Don't wanna let your mind keep playin' you别让你的思想玩弄你于股掌之中 Keyshia:

And sayin' you can't go on并且告诉你不能继续 Rihanna:

I'm tellin' you that那么我要告诉你 Miley:

Things get better一切都会好起来的 Through whatever无论如何 Rihanna:

If you fall如果你跌倒了 Miley:

Dust if off, don't let up掸掉身上的灰尘,不要气馁 LeAnn:

Don't you know你不知道 Natasha:

You can go你也可以 LeAnn:

Be your own创造自己的 Natasha: Miracle奇迹 Carrie:

You need to know你需要知道

【Ensemble: CHORUS】

If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足 (Melissa: adlibs)

But the heart keeps telling you don't give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃 (Melissa: adlibs)

Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑 What is what它是什么 Don't give up别放弃 (Melissa: adlibs)

THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光

IF WE ALL, JUST STAND UP!如果我们都能如此,我们就都可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光 Mary:

You don't gotta be a prisoner in your mind你不能做你心中的囚犯 Ciara:

If you fall, dust it off如果你跌倒了,掸掉身上的灰尘 Mary:

You can live your life你可以过自己的日子 Rihanna/Carrie: Yeah是的 Mary:

Let your heart be your guide让你的心做你的向导 Rihanna/Carrie:

Yeah yeah yeah没错 Mariah:

And you will know that you're good if you trust in the good



Everything will be alright, yeah一切都是那么美好,对啊

Light up the dark, if you follow your heart点亮黑暗,如果你遁循着你的心 Mary:

And it will get better然后它就会好起来的 Mariah:

Through whatever无论如何 【Ensemble: CHORUS】

If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足 But the heart keeps telling you don't give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃 Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑 What is what它是什么 Don't give up别放弃

THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光

【Ensemble: CHORUS】

If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足 But the heart keeps telling you don't give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃 Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑

What is what它是什么 Don't give up别放弃

THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光 Fergie:

You got it in you, find it within你通过自身努力办到了,发现它的内在 You got it in now, find it within now你现在办到了,并且发现它的实质 You got it in you, find it within你通过自身努力办到了,发现它的内在 You got it in now, find it within now你现在办到了,并且发现它的实质 You got it in you, find it within你通过自身努力办到了,发现它的内在

Find it within you, find it within发现它的实质,发现它的实质 Everyone:

THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光。

Through the rain


——Mariah Carey

Through the rain 为Mariah Carey(玛丽亚 凯莉)为父母的情感经历所创作,是一首励志歌曲。

玛丽亚凯莉的母亲为白人贵族,父亲为黑人。在当时的社会背景下,他们这段浪漫的婚姻是不被允许的,所以在结婚前,玛丽亚凯莉的家族长辈一直反对,最后在一次激烈的争吵中,玛丽亚凯莉的母亲被迫离开家门。虽说后来也有回去,但婚后的生活,因为没有来自家庭的支柱,她的丈夫又比较贫穷,所以可以说并不富裕。玛丽亚凯莉就是在这样的情况下,一步步成长为世界天后的。所以写下这首歌曲,一是对父母婚姻的支持,二是为了鼓励后人向她的父母一样敢于恋爱,三是作为一首励志歌曲,也有着鼓励他人战胜困难的作用。 Through the rain穿越风雨:

When you get caught in the rain with no where to run当你身处风雨,却发现没有避风之港

When you're distraught and in pain without anyone当你苦恼意乱,却发现无人可以依偎

When you keep crying out to be saved

But nobody comes当你迫切需要温暖,可是发现无人雪中送炭 And you feel so far away此时仿佛前路漫漫

That you just can't find your way home你竟迷失了家的方向 You can get there alone你能只身达到梦想的彼岸

It's okay, what you say is没问题的,只要你勇敢告诉自己 I can make it through the rain我可以穿越这场滂沱大雨 I can stand up once again on my own我能靠自己重新振作

And I know that I'm strong enough to mend相信我能重拾自我 因为我已足够坚强 And every time I feel afraid

I hold tighter to my faith每当畏惧阻我向前,我只需更加紧握住手中的信念 And I live one more day and

I make it through the rain只要我再坚持一天,我一定能达到阳光彼岸

And if it keeps falling down,don't you dare give in哪怕你不断跌倒 ,也绝不要轻言放弃!

You will arrive safe and sound,

so keep pressing on steadfastly你会安然无恙,再次屹立。继续进取,矢志不渝 And you'll find what you need to prevail你终能乘风破浪,收获自己的梦想 What you say is只要你鼓起勇气告诉自己

I can make it through the rain我可以穿越这场滂沱大雨 I can stand up once again on my own我能靠自己重新振作

And I know that I'm strong enough to mend相信我能重拾自我 因为我已足够坚强 And every time I feel afraid

I hold tighter to my faith每当畏惧阻我向前,我只需更加紧握住手中的信念 And I live one more day and

I make it through the rain只要我再坚持一天,我一定能达到阳光彼岸 And when the wind blows,

as shadows grow close don't be afraid当大雨侵袭,当恐怖的阴云接近你的上空 不要畏惧

There's nothing you can't face没有什么能让你屈膝

And should they tell you you'll never pull through纵然面临重重打击 Don't hesitate, stand tall and say不要犹豫,挺起胸膛大声说

I can make it through the rain我可以穿过这场滂沱大雨 I can stand up once again on my own我能靠自己重新振作

And I know that I'm strong enough to mend相信我能重拾自我 因为我已足够坚强 And every time

I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith每当畏惧阻我向前,我只需更加紧握住手中的信念

And I live one more day

and I make it through the rain只要我再坚持一天,我一定能达到阳光彼岸 I can make it through the rain我可以穿越这场滂沱大雨 And stand up once again也能靠自己重新振作

And I live one more day and night只要我再坚持一天 I can make it through the rain我一定能达到阳光彼岸 (Yes you can)(你可以的)

You will make it through the rain你一定能达到阳光彼岸

Bad day

雨过总会天晴 ——Daniel Powter

Bad day《糟糕的一天》 来自Daniel Powter——2005年MTV欧洲音乐奖提名最佳新人,出自专辑《Daniel Powter》——2005年荣登英国金榜第5名,这首歌被可口可乐选为广告宣传曲。同时这也是一首激励人心的励志歌曲,当命运和你作对时,不要垂头丧气,要接受挑战,糟糕的一天总会过去,雨过总会天晴。

BAD DAY 雨过总会天晴:

Where is the moment when we needed the most命运似乎在和你作对

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost你踢了踢地上的树叶 世界仿佛失去了活力

They tell me your blue skies fade to gray他们告诉我你的世界已经乌云密布 They tell me your passion’s gone away他们还告诉我你的世界已经冰冷无比 And I don't need no carryin' on我不希望你轻言放弃

You're standing in line just to hit a new low你的状况变得越来越糟糕

You’re faking a smile with a coffee you go你拿着杯咖啡从我面前走过 脸上露出勉强的笑容

Tell me your life's been way off line你告诉我你的生活已背离常轨 You're falling to pieces every time你正经历着又一次艰苦的考验

And I don't need no carryin' on我不希望你轻言放弃 Because you had a bad day只是因为你的运气有点糟糕 You’re taking one down所以你才会事事不顺

You sing a sad song just to turn it around你哼唱了一首歌曲 希望情况会变好 You say you don’t know你说你不明白为什么 You tell me don’t lie你要我告诉你真相

You work on a smile and you go for a ride你笑了笑然后舒缓了一下心情 You had a bad day你只不过运气有点糟 The camera don’t lie这些都已经成为了历史

You’re coming back down and you really don’t mind回想这一切,你会发现真的没必要太在意

You had a bad day你只不过运气有点糟 You had a bad day只是运气有点糟。。

Well you need a blue sky holiday也许你需要一个美好的假期 The point is they laugh at what you say别理他人对你的冷嘲热讽 And I don't need no carryin' on你会一直坚毅的走下去,不是吗? You had a bad day你只不过运气有点糟

You’re taking one down所以你才会事事不顺

You sing a sad song just to turn it around你哼唱了一首歌曲 希望情况会变好 You say you don’t know你说你不明白为什么 You tell me don’t lie你要我告诉你真相

You work on a smile and you go for a ride你笑了笑然后舒缓了一下心情 You had a bad day你只不过运气有点糟 The camera don’t lie这些都已经成为了历史

You’re coming back down and you really don’t mind回想这一切,你会发现真的没必要太在意

You had a bad day你只不过运气有点糟 (Oooh.. a holiday..)

Sometimes the system goes on the brink有些时候我们会被卡在生活的瓶颈里 And the whole thing turns out wrong然后朝着错误的方向发展

You might not make it back and you know你知道这是无法避免的事情 That you could be well all that strong但你可以改变自己

And I’m not wrong相信我是对的 (yeah...)

So where is the passion when you need it the most当生命需要动力的时候 动力就在那里

Oh you and I噢!你和我

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost你踢了踢地上的树叶 世界仿佛失去了活力

Cause you had a bad day只是因为你的运气有点糟糕 You’re taking one down所以你才事事不顺

You sing a sad song just to turn it around你重复的唱着一首歌曲 You say you don’t know你说你不明白为什么 You tell me don’t lie你要我告诉你真相

You work on a smile and you go for a ride你笑了笑然后舒缓了一下心情 You had a bad day你度过了倒霉的一天

You’ve seen what you like你知道自己喜欢的

And how does it feel for one more time?是什么样的感觉 再来一次 You had a bad day没错!糟糕都将过去 You had a bad day这世界终会雨过天晴


胜利所需的只是一点改变 ——Taylor Swift

《Change》是首英语励志歌曲。由Taylor Swift 演唱,是音乐流行摇滚和使用不同的弦乐器.抒情,它讲的克服困难,并取得胜利。出自专辑《Fearless》。 Change:

And It's a sad picture, 这是副悲惨的画面 The final blow hits you最后一击打垮了你

Somebody else gets what you wanted again他们又夺走了你的追求 You know it's all the same你知道每次都这样 Another time and place不同时间或者地点

Repeating history, and you're getting sick of it 重复的历史让你变疲倦 But I believe in whatever you do 但我仍坚信

And I'll do anything to see it through 我仍愿意做任何事只愿看到(胜利)

Because these things will change因为事情已经改变 Can you feel it now?你此时是否感觉到?

These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down 阻挡我们的坚壁将会倒掉

It's a revolution 这是一场逆转

the time will come for us to finally win 时间由吾, 最终得胜

We'll sing hallelujah我们高唱哈里路亚 We'll sing hallelujah我们高唱哈里路亚

Oh So you've been outnumbered 你曾经寡不敌众 Raided and now cornered你曾经走投无路

It's hard to fight when the fight ain't fair 难以抵抗不公平的战斗 We're getting stronger now(但)我们现在变的更强 From things they never found 只因为那些他们做不到

They might be bigger, but we're faster and never scared 他们也许更壮, 但是我们迅如闪电, 从不畏惧

You can walk away and say we don't need this 你可以选择逃避,嘴上说着放弃 But there's something in your eyes, says we can beat this 但你的眼睛里闪耀着对胜利的渴望

These things will change 已经变了

Can you feel it now? 你此时是否感觉的到?

These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down 阻挡我们的坚壁将会倒掉

It's a revolution, the time will come for us to finally win 这是一场逆转, 时间由吾, 最终得胜

We'll sing hallelujah 我们高唱哈里路亚

We'll sing hallelujah 我们高唱哈里路亚

Oh Tonight we're standing on our knees今夜我们不屈的站起

To fight for what we worked for all these years为那些多年夙愿奋斗 The battle was long, it's the fight of our lives为这场战争穷尽一生 Will we stand up champions tonight? 我们今夜能否登上顶峰 It was the night things changed已经改变了 Can you see it now?此时你是否感觉的到

When the walls that they put up to hold us back fell down 阻挡我们的坚壁将会倒掉 It's a revolution, throw your hands up, cause we never gave in 这是一场逆转, 高举双手, 因为我们从未放弃

We'll sing hallelujah 我们高唱哈里路亚 We'll sing hallelujah 我们高唱哈里路亚 hallelujah 哈里路亚

Trouble is a friend

——Lenka Kripac

在lenka的同名专辑《lenka》中,最为中国歌迷熟知的就是那首轻快的“trouble is a friend”,来自澳洲全名Lenka Kripac的Lenka,六岁时伴随吹奏小号的父亲而开口歌唱,慢慢培养出对音乐的高度兴趣。倚着曼妙琴韵随处飘扬,散发如Jem、Feist这类电气女伶相似迷离音场,甜而不腻之嗓音绝对讨好你挑剔的双耳 一位古灵精怪的小女孩,脑子充满天马行空的七彩画面转由音符输出,可爱有趣之迷人特质让听众很快的喜欢上Lenka,生动活泼的丰富曲风,完全排除千篇一律枯燥乏味的编排模式,加上毫不吹嘘的创作功力,Lenka邀你一同进入她多样的音乐异想世界。 Trouble is a friend:

Trouble will find you no matter where you go, oh oh 麻烦会找到你 不管你往哪里走 哦哦……

No matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow, oh oh 不管你是赶路 不管你想停留 哦哦……

The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh 平静的心竟想在清晨痛苦 哦哦……

You're fine for a while but you start to lose control 刚感到舒适 却又失去控制

He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart

他就在暗中 他就在心中

He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part 他等待幕后 他伺机前冲

Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友 Ahh... 啊 ……

Trouble is a friend, but trouble is a foe, oh oh 麻烦是朋友 麻烦也是对头 哦哦……

And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh 不管你怎么待他 他都生长不休 哦哦……

He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh 他见我所见 他知我所有 哦哦 ……

So don't forget as you ease on down the road 顺利前行也不要将他抛到脑后

He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart 他就在暗中 他就在心中

He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part

他等待幕后 他伺机前冲

Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友

So i don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm 他拉住你的手 你不要发抖

I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm 我不会让他赢,可挡不住他的魔咒

Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友 Ahh.. 啊……

How I hate the way he makes me feel 多么恨他带来的情绪

And how I try to make him leave

如何竭力想让他离去 I try, oh oh I try

我在尝试 哦哦… 我在尝试

Believe he's there in the dark, he's there in my heart 他就在暗中 他就在心中

He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part 他等待幕后 他伺机前冲

Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 耶… 麻烦是我的老友

So i don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm 他拉住你的手 你不要发抖

I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm 我摇下了窗 却挡不住他的魔咒

Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine 麻烦是朋友 耶 … 麻烦是我的老友 Ahh.. 啊…… Ooh.. 哦…… Ahh.. 啊…… Ooh.. 哦……

I Can Do It

相信我,我可以做到 ——Elin Lanto

Elin Lanto是一位不平凡的瑞典女孩,22岁的她不仅拥有年轻姣好的面容,而且充满音乐才华。lanto出生在瑞典英雪萍市附近的一个村庄,她从小学跳舞,7岁开始参加各类舞蹈比赛。然而一次严重的脚伤让她做出了一个重要决定――也许跳舞不再适合她了。 lanto喜欢跟着收音机哼歌,还和一个朋友尝试录制自己的样本唱片,录给她奶奶听,没想过作商业用途的。偶然的一次机会,着名的音乐人英格玛·伯曼收到并试听了她的一张唱片,从此这位才女的音乐潜力被发掘出来了。 2005年秋天,lanto发行了她的第一首单曲i wont cry。该单曲在各大电视电台引起了强烈的反响,受到一致好评,成为瑞典的单曲销量冠军。lanto还获得NRJ音乐颁奖典礼的最受欢迎女歌手奖,她的第一张专辑《one》于2006年二月在瑞典发行,曲风呈现出极具旋律感的新浪潮风格。正如lanto所说,成功是一道漫长的路,她已经做好了一切准备,向着她热爱的事业一步一步前进。 I Can Do It

Don't you dare tell me I'm at the end of the line 不准你告诉我,我已在终点

Cause this girl's not gonna take it this time 因为这个女孩这次做不到 I'm not just another pretty face


Gonna change the way the world thinks one of these days 有一天要改变这个世界的看法

I can do it, I can do it, I can really make it this time, watch me now 我能行,我能行,这次我真的可以做到,看着我吧

I can make it, I can make it, I can really take it this time, watch me now 我能做好,我能做好,这次我真的能行,看着我吧 I'll show you what I mean if you wondering how 我会让你明白我的意思,如果你还在疑惑 Just keep your eyes open and watch me now 睁大你的眼睛,现在就看着我吧 I can do it, I can do it, I can.. 我能行,我能行,我能… I will make it this time 这次我可以做到…

Don't take me for another push-over 不要随随便便以为我弱不经风

Don't mess around you might be a mush-over


Don't tell me cause I'm gonna make it 不要告诉我,因为我能做到

I'm not like other girls, I don't have to fake it 我和其他女孩儿不一样,我不必假装

I can do it, I can do it, I can really make it this time, watch me now 我能行,我能行,这次我真的可以做到,看着我吧

I can make it, I can make it, I can really take it this time, watch me now 我能做好,我能做好,这次我真的能行,看着我吧 I'll show you what I mean if you wondering how 我会让你明白我的意思,如果你还在疑惑 Just keep your eyes open and watch me now 睁大你的眼睛,现在就看着我吧 I can do it, I can do it, I can.. 我能行,我能行,我能... I will make it this time 这次我可以做到…

I've been so bitter chasing a dream 我苦苦追寻一个梦

But things are never what they seem

但是一切从未如它们所看上去那样 Will I ever make it, will I ever try... 我会做到吗,我会尝试吗... It's driving me insane.. 这让我发疯..

I can do it, I can do it, I can really make it this time, watch me now 我能行,我能行,这次我真的可以做到,看着我吧

I can make it, I can make it, I can really take it this time, watch me now 我能做好,我能做好,这次我真的能行,看着我吧 Make it this time..


I can do it, I can do it, I can really make it this time 我能行,我能行,这次我真的可以做到



——Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey的Hero是给予无数人力量的励志歌曲,有个想自杀的青少年在临死那一刻听到了HERO,很受感动和鼓舞,后来勇敢地活了下来。这件事情登上过报纸,MC还和那个孩子亲切合照,可以说HERO为MC提升了她在广大歌迷心中的地位。 Hero

There's a hero有一位英雄

If you look inside your heart如果你往你的内心深处寻觅 You don't have to be afraid你无需恐惧

Of what you are自己是什么 There's an answer会有一个答案

If you reach into your soul如果你往你的灵魂深处探索 And the sorrow that you know你所了解的悲伤 Will melt away将会消散

And then a hero comes along然后一位英雄走来 With the strength to carry on充满了力量继续着 And you cast your fears aside把你的恐惧甩到一旁 And you know you can survive你明白你能活下来

So when you feel like hope is gone所以当你感觉希望破灭之时 Look inside you and be strong正视自己并且要坚强

And you'll finally see the truth最后你终将发现这个事实 That a hero lies in you你就是英雄 It's a long road这是一条漫长的路

When you face the world alone当你独自面对这个世界的时候 No one reaches out a hand For you to hold没人向你伸出援助之手 You can find love你能够发现爱

If you search within yourself如果你往自身寻找 And the emptiness you felt你感觉到的空虚 Will disappear将会消散

And then a hero comes along然后英雄来了

With the strength to carry on充满力量的进行着一切 And you cast your fears aside把你的恐惧甩到一旁 And you know you can survive你明白你能活下来

So when you feel like hope is gone所以当你感觉希望破灭之时 Look inside you and be strong正视自己要坚强

And you'll finally see the truth最后你终将发现这个事实

That a hero lies in you你就是英雄

Lord knows上帝知道

Dreams are hard to follow梦想总是很难实现 But don't let anyone但是不要让任何人 Tear them away, hey yeah将梦想打碎 Hold on再坚持一下

There will be tomorrow还有希望

In time You'll find the way你终将找到路

And then a hero comes along然后有一位英雄走来 With the strength to carry on充满力量的进行着 And you cast your fears aside把你的恐惧甩到一旁

And you know you can survive你明白你能活下来

So when you feel like hope is gone所以当你感觉希望破灭之时 Look inside you and be strong正视自己要坚强

And you'll finally see the truth最后你终将发现这个事实 That a hero lies in you你就是一位英雄



——Heather Small

Heather Small的Proud是2005年伦敦申奥宣传片的主题曲,她以低沉灵魂嗓音所诠释,Make London Proud亦成为伦敦申奥口号。黑人女歌手Heather Small是英国着名house团体M-People主唱。这是一首非常励志的英文歌。 Proud:

I look into the window of my mind透过心灵之窗

Reflections of the fears I know I've left behind我知道我已经把眼泪抛诸脑后 I step out of the ordinary我拒绝了平庸

I can feel my soul ascending我感觉我的灵魂在升华 I am on my way我正在我的征途上 Can't stop me now没有人可以阻挡我

And you can do the same当然,你,也可以做到

What have you done today to make you feel proud?你今天做了什么,让自己自豪的事情?

It's never too late to try任何时候都可以去尝试

What have you done today to make you feel proud?你今天做了什么,让自己自豪的事情?

You could be so many people你可以和很多人一样

If you make that break for freedom只要你挑战极限,成就新境界

What have you done today to make you feel proud?你今天做了什么,让自己自豪的事情?

Still so many answers I don't know仍然有很多答案我不知道

Realize that to question is how we grow意识到问题是我们怎样去成长 So I step out of the ordinary我拒绝了平庸

I can feel my soul ascending我感觉我的灵魂在升华 I am on my way我正在我的征途上 Can't stop me now没有人可以阻挡我

And you can do the same当然,你,也可以做到

What have you done today to make you feel proud?你今天做了什么,让自己自豪的事情?

It's never too late to try任何时候都可以去尝试

What have you done today to make you feel proud?你今天做了什么,让自己自豪的事情?

You could be so many people你可以和很多人一样

If you make that break for freedom如果你挑战极限,成就新境界

What have you done today to make you feel proud?你今天做了什么,让自己自豪的


We need a change对,我们需要改变 Yeah do it today对,今天就行动

Yeah I can feel my spirit rising对,我感觉情绪在高涨 We need a change我们需要改变 So do it today对,今天就行动

'Cause I can see a clear horizon因为我看到了更美好的天地

What have you done today to make you feel proud?你今天做了什么,让自己自豪的事情?

So what have you done today to make you feel proud?你今天做了什么,让自己自豪的事情?

'Cause you could be so many people你可以和很多人一样

If you make that break for freedom如果你挑战极限,成就新境界

So what have you done today to make you feel proud?你今天做了什么,让自己自豪的事情?

What have you done today to make you feel proud? 你今天做了什么,让自己自豪的事情?

What have you done today你今天已经做了什么? You could be so many people?你可以和很多人一样

Just make that break for freedom如果你挑战极限,成就新境界

So what have you done today to make you feel proud?你今天做了什么让自己自豪的事情?

Lose To Win


——Daniel Robert Powter

丹尼尔·罗伯特·波特(Daniel Robert Powter,1971年2月25日-),亦作丹尼尔·帕德,加拿大唱作音乐人。2005年以一首被可口可乐用作为欧洲广告片主题曲的《Bad Day》(坏天气)红遍欧洲。丹尼尔细腻独特的感受力及出色的琴艺,让他总是能够在平淡无奇的生活中,找到音乐创作的题材,因此有着“城市琴人丹尼尔”的称号。 Lose To Win:

You wake up in the morning你在早晨醒来

But the story is the same as before但这个故事还是和以前一样 You're looking in the mirror你照着镜子

But you just don't see yourself anymore但你再也不到自己 So give up what you know,将那些你所知道的

What you learned and what you're all about你所学到的,以及与你有关的事物抛在脑后

As long as you don't give up on you只要你不放弃自己

Then you can find your way out…你就可以找到自己的出路…

It don't take any money don't take nothing but what you have inside这不需要花钱,不须付出任何事物这一切都存在于你的内在

It doesn't matter if you fall down如果你跌倒了没有关系

It only counts if you try…一切都是值得的只要你愿意尝试…

So pull the blinds and let the light shine through所以拉开窗帘让阳光照耀进来吧 Don't you think it's time for the light难道你不觉得是该让阳光照进来的时候了吗 To finally shine right on you…让那些阳光照在你的身上… PRE:

So let them know what's underneath it all…让他们都知道你的表面下蕴藏着什么潜力…

You won't fall你不会一直堕落的

And baby you will move mountains too亲爱的你将会改变现状

There is nothing really left for you to prove没有什么事是你必须去证明的 CHORUS:

'Cause everybody knows you lose before you win因为在你获得胜利之前大家只看见你的失败

And if you're finally at the end of your rope那么何不把每个失败的终点 Well then you just begin都当作是全新的起跑点

If the world feels like it's left you behind如果你感觉到这个世界遗弃了你 Just get back up and you will find只要再打起精神你就会发现

Everybody knows in the end you got to lose just to win…你不须任何人的证明最终你将会赢得胜利失而复得

So pull the blinds and let the light shine through因此拉开窗帘让阳光照耀进来 Don't you think it's time for the light

To finally shine right on you…难道你不觉是该让阳光照耀进来照亮着你的时候了吗… (PRE)

The only thing left to do这是你唯一你要做的事情 (CHORUS)

You got to lose to win…你终究会失而复得…

And when you got to know in the end of your rope will begin把每个失败的终点都当作是全新的起跑点

'Cause everybody knows you lose before you win你不须任何人的证明最终体将会赢得胜利失而复得

And if you're finally at the end of rope well then you just begin把每个失败的终点都当作是全新的起跑点

Everybody knows you lose before you win你不须任何人的证明最终体将会赢得胜利失而复得

And if you're finally at the end of rope well then you just begin何不把每个失败的终点都当作全新的起跑点 (CHORUS)

A New Day Has Come 崭新的一天

——Celine Dion

《A New Day Has Come》开篇的第一首歌曲是在说生活是积极向上的,生活的节奏是跳跃的,Celine的倩影可以从音符中走出来。是Celine招牌式的情歌,歌曲里表现出的优美,大气,根本不是一般的歌手可以做的到的。Celine表示这首歌曲代表了双重意义:一方面希望美国面对911创伤后,能重新站起来,另一方面则是受到儿子雷奈查尔斯的启发,她希望能以母爱护佑儿子,今后他的成长路上无论面临多大的风雨,终会有崭新的一天。 A new day has come 崭新的一天 : I was waiting for so long 漫长等待

For a miracle to come 等待奇迹的出现

Everyone told me to be strong 大家告诉我要坚强 Hold on and don't shed a tear 坚定意志,要把泪儿藏

So through darkness and good times 走过漫漫长夜与美好时光 I knew I'd make it through 我知道我一定会安然无恙 And the world thought I had it all 世人都以为我拥有一切 But I was waiting for you 但是,我正在等待着你 Hush love 安静爱

I see a light in the sky 我看见一道光芒划过天际 Oh it's almost blinding me 几乎夺走我的目光

I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love 不敢相信,天使触动了我 Let the rain come down 就让大雨滂沱落下 And wash away my tears 洗去我的泪水 Let it fill my soul 就让大雨注满我的灵魂 And drown my fears 淹没我的恐惧

Let it shatter the walls 就让大雨粉碎心墙 For a new sun 等待新的曙光

A new day has come 因为真爱来临

Where it was dark now there is light 光芒万丈,不再黑暗

Where there was pain, now there's joy 满心欢喜,不再痛苦

Where there was weakness, I found my strength 自信十足,不再脆弱 All in the eyes of a boy 我看到男孩的纯真眼神 Hush love 安静爱

I see a light in the sky 我看见一道光芒划过天际 Oh it's almost blinding me 几乎夺走我的目光

I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with love不敢相信,天使触动了我 Let the rain come down 就让大雨滂沱落下

And wash away my tears 洗去我的泪水 Let it fill my soul 就让大雨注满我的灵魂 And drown my fears 淹没我的恐惧

Let it shatter the walls 就让大雨粉碎心墙 For a new sun 等待新的曙光

A new day has come 因为真爱来临

Let the rain come down 就让大雨滂沱落下 And wash away my tears 洗去我的泪水 Let it fill my soul 就让大雨注满我的灵魂 And drown my fears 淹没我的恐惧

Let it shatter the walls 就让大雨粉碎心墙 For a new sun 等待新的曙光

A new day has come 因为真爱来临


过好每一天 —— Bon Jovi

I used to be the kind of guy 我习惯了做那种男人

Who'd never let you look inside 那种不让你看穿我内心的男人 I'd smile when I was cryin' 想哭时还假装微笑

I had nothin' but a life to loose 除了自由不羁的生活我什么都没有 Thought i had a lot to proof 虽然我面临着许多考验

In my life,there's no denyin' 但我从不否认这就是我的生活 Goodbye to all my yesterdays 对所有的昨天说声再见 Goodbye,so long,I'm on my way 再见,我在旅途中

I had enough of crying, bleeding, sweating, dying 已有了太多的哭泣,鲜血,汗水,死亡

Hear me when I say, gonna live my life everyday听我说,我要享受生命在每一天 I'm gonna touch the sky, spread these wings and fly我要触摸那天空,展开双翅飞翔 I ain't here to play我不再游戏人间

Gonna live my life everyday 我要享受生命在每一天

Strange,everyday's feelin' strange 陌生,每个人都感觉陌生 Never gonna be the same 谁和谁都是不一样的

Makes you wonder how the world keeps turnin' 设法让你自己知道世界如何运转 Life,learnin' how to pick my fights 生活,学习如何过我自己的生活 Learnin' how to pick my fights 学习如何战斗

Take my shots while i'm still burnin' 当我还燃烧着时,点燃我的激情 Goodbye to all those rainy nights 对所有的雨天说再见 Goodbye,so long,I'm movin' on 再见,我要离开了 Hit the gas take the wheel 灌满汽油,握紧方向盘

I've just made myself a deal 我只是让自己成为一诺千金的男人 There ain't nothin' gonna get in my way 没什么能阻碍我

Everyday/Goodbye,so long,I'm movin' on 每一天/再见,我要离开了 I,oh I ,oh I,i'm gonna live my life everyday 噢,我要过自己的生活 I gonna touch the sky 我要触摸蓝天

Oh I spread these wings and fly,oh I 哦,我要舒张翅膀,自由飞翔 I'm gonna live my life everyday 我要享受生命在每一天

Some Dreams

---Allan Taylor

有些梦想很大,有些很小;有些随风而去,不再想起;有些如同谎言,有些成真。这是一首来自allan taylor的经典歌曲。Allan Taylor是英国著名的民谣歌手,被誉为民谣诗人,其嗓音低沉稳重,唱腔平淡缓和,让人如痴如醉。此曲开场的三角铁声清脆明亮,飘逸舒展,给人一种梦境的神秘感,而之后而来的深沉的嗓音与之形成巨大的反差,给人强烈的听觉冲击,而曲子本身却始终能让人安静,这些奇异的感观错位,是这首曲子最为神奇之处。神似Mark Knofler的低沉醇厚的嗓音、深受Jack Kerouac影响充满Beat Generation风格的诗意歌词、耐听优美的曲调,与稳健幽雅的吉他演奏,这些特色造就了Allan Taylor独特的魅力。 Some Dreams:

Some dreams are big, some dreams are small有些梦想很大,有些很小

Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all有些随风而去,不再想起

Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true有些如同谎言,有些成真

I’ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you我做过了很多的梦,却总是梦见你

If not for me, if not for you如果不是因为我,如果不是为了你

I’d be dreaming all day I wouldn’t know what to do我会整日发梦,不知所措 I’d hang around, I’d lose my way我会团团乱转,迷失自我

I’d put off what I couldn’t do for another day并且日复一日,蹉跎万事 Some dreams are big, some dreams are small有些梦想很大,有些很小

Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all有些随风而去,不再想起

Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true有些如同谎言,有些成真

I’ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you我做过了很多的梦,却总是梦见你

I’ve spent my life hung up on dreams我消磨了光阴,沉醉梦里,

I float along like a summer cloud or so it seems我飘飘荡荡,好像夏天里的一朵云 I get it wrong most things I do我做错了太多的事情

But I can write a song and this one’s for you但我还能够写一首歌,这首歌,送给 Some dreams are big, some dreams are small有些梦想很大,有些很小

Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all有些随风而去,不再想起

Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true有些如同谎言,有些成真

I’ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you我做过了很多的梦,却总是梦见你

Some call it fate, some call it chance有人把这叫做宿命,有人说是偶然

Some call waiting around for someone to ask you to dance有人说这是在舞池里等待邀请

If I had my way, if I could call the tune如果当时我没有迷失,如果我可以挪动脚 You wouldn’t have to wait ’cause I would dance you around the moon你不必等待,因为我会像月亮的卫星,围绕着你跳舞

Some dreams are big, some dreams are small有些梦想很大,有些很小

Some dreams are carried away on the wind and never dreamed at all有些随风而去,不再想起

Some dreams tell lies, some dreams come true有些如同谎言,有些成真

I’ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you我做过了很多的梦,却总是梦见你

I’ve got a whole lot of dreams and I can dream for you我做过了很多的梦,却总是梦见你

Bruce Lee


——Emma Re


Emma Re的第一声《呐喊》,一下子就感动了所有华人,配合李小龙的招牌式呐喊和其传奇性的一生,Emma Re把这首作品演绎的酣畅淋漓,把这位华人的传奇人物在音乐中塑造的身形深刻,与李小龙在大众的心目中几乎有一种共同的认同感,其高大的精神形象跃然而起。有人说,Emma Re的歌声是可以触摸的,歌声中能传达的不光是声音,还有一种影像感。

Bruce Lee:

When life is a hard game每当生活是一场艰苦的竟赛 Don’t you blame你从不抱怨 It’s your chance to你总会 Arise your aim奋起你的双臂

Let your spirit be brave以勇猛顽强的精神

Always fight to hold your name永远为捍卫你的光荣而战 No matter how bad or rough不管有多苦多难多艰险

You never surrender你永不放弃

All the warriors in this world世界上所有的勇士

Join the passion of this master of soul无不为这伟大的心灵而心潮澎湃 From the Chinese hills and shore从中国的高山到海岸

We still listen to Bruce Lee battle call我们依然能听到李小龙的呐喊

I Believe I Can Fly

——R. Kelly

这首歌是歌手R. Kelly在1996年为飞人迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)的电影《Space Jam》(太空大灌篮)由自己作词、作曲、演唱的歌曲。《I Believe I Can Fly》成为了他最伟大的单曲之一,作为一个篮球迷、飞人的球迷我们都会相信这首歌完全是飞人的写照,只有飞人能配的上这首歌!也被世界歌迷评委十大英语励志歌曲之一。

I Believe I Can Fly:

I used to think that I could not go on 我原以为我无法坚持下去, And life was nothing but an awful song 生命只不过是首忧郁的歌, But now I know the meaning of true love 但现在我明白了真爱的含义, I'm leaning on the everlasting arms 找到了可以永久依靠的臂膀。 If I can see it, then I can do it 只要我能看见希望,我就能成功, If I just believe it 如果我相信我能行,

There's nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。 I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,

I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。

I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕, Spread my wings and fly away 展翅高飞…… I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞,

I see me running through that open door 我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔。

See I was on the verge of breaking down 看,我在崩溃堕落的边缘, Sometimes silence can seem so loud 有时沉默也能震耳欲聋。

There are miracles in life I must achieve 生命中很多奇迹等我去实现, But first I know 但我知道要实现奇迹,

It starts inside of me, oh 就必须先从我做起。 If I can see it 如果我还能看见希望,

Then I can do it 我就能成为那个我想成为的人, If I just believe it 我相信我能行,

There's nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。 I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,

I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。

I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕, Spread my wings and fly away 展翅高飞…… I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞,

I see me running through that open door 我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔。

Hey, cause I believe in me, oh 因为我相信自己 If I can see it 如果我还能看见希望, Then I can do it 我就能成功, If I just believe it 我相信我能行,

There's nothing to it 那就没有什么不可以。 I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,

I believe I can touch the sky 我相信我能触到天空。

I think about it every night and day 日日夜夜,我想象这一幕, Spread my wings and fly away 展翅高飞…… I believe I can soar 我相信我能高飞,

I see me runningthrough that open door 我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔, I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞翔,

Hey,if I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀。 I can fly 我可以飞翔,

I can fly 我可以飞翔, I can fly, hey 我可以飞翔,

If I just spread my wings 只要我张开自己的翅膀。 I can fly 我可以飞翔

Believe me

——Ellie Goulding

非常特别的嗓音,由Ellie Goulding带来,她的名气在中国不大,但是大家肯定都知道Adele,Adele是2010年BBC电台年初做了个“年度之声”的评选的冠军,今年,“BBC之声”的冠军授予了女歌手Ellie Goulding,Ellie Goulding玩的是电子加民谣加流行,时常玩跨界,曲风不受限制,经常给乐迷带来惊喜。这首歌算是唱出一个歌手的成名和心声,音乐可以让世界更美好。 Believe Me :

listen, i can hear the voice i need a helping hand just to beat the void i need a mission, a dream to stop me talking to myself and now the silence is broken

and my soul is to sell

i need to pick up the pieces to scatter to the wind hold the city to your ears

you can hear the winds come in

but you can't change the world with a song and you can't make it right when it's wrong

i can't stop this music travelling around with me wherever i go it's playing for you

i can't stop the voice unraveling around me whatever i do it's talking to you

the world dances to the rhythm of its own heart beating for you however you lose so speak to me

believe, believe, believe me

don't let it slip through your fingertips

when there's a ghost, don't try to reason with it 'cause now i'm tired, i'm wired so i won't miss a thing i rope my words out to dry and i've forgotten what to sing

but you can't change the world with a song

and you can't make it right when it's wrong

i can't stop this music travelling around with me wherever i go it's playing for you

i can't stop the voice unraveling around me whatever i do it's talking to you

the world dances to the rhythm of its own heart beating for you however you lose so speak to me

believe, believe, believe me if that's what it was to you, then that's what it was to me if that's what it was to you, then that's what it was to me if that's what it was to you,

then that's what it was to me

but you can't change the world with a song you can't make it right when it's wrong

i can't stop this music travelling around with me wherever i go it's playing for you

i can't stop the voice unraveling around me whatever i do it's talking to you

the world dances to the rhythm of its own heart beating for you however you lose

so speak to me

believe, believe, believe me believe, believe, believe me

路易斯·阿姆斯特朗(被称为爵士音乐之王)于1967年演唱了这首歌,他那具有强烈感染力的声音是这首歌充满了激动之情与乐观精神。如今,《多么美妙的世界》已成为20世纪“流行音乐的圣歌”(The Anthem of Pop Music),很多音乐家都有此歌的翻唱版本。[1]

What A Wonderful World 序号 01 02 03 歌词(英文) I see trees of green, red roses too I see them bloom for me and you And I think to myself, what a wonderful world 歌词(中文) 我看见绿树和红玫瑰 我看见他们为你我开放 我情不自禁地想到,这是一个多么美妙的世界 04 05 06 I see skies of blue and clouds of white The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night And I think to myself, what a wonderful world 我看见蓝天和白云 明亮而幸运的白天,深邃而深沉的夜晚 我情不自禁地想到,这是一个多么美妙的世界! 07 08 The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky Are also on the faces of people going by 天上的彩虹的颜色如此美丽 照映在过往人们的脸上 09 10 11 12 13 I see friends shaking hands, sayin' \do you do?\They're really saying \love you\I hear babies cry, I watch them grow They'll learn much more than I'll ever know And I think to myself, what a wonderful world 我看见朋友们握手问好 他们在说:我爱你! 我听见婴儿哭泣,看着他们长大 他们学到的东西将远胜于我 我情不自禁地想到,这是一个多么美妙的世界! 我情不自禁地想到,这是一个多么美妙的世界! 14 And I think to myself, what a wonderful world 15 16 17 18 19 I see friends shaking hands, sayin' \do you do?\They're really saying \love you\I hear babies cry, I watch them grow They'll learn much more than I'll ever know And I think to myself, what a wonderful world 我看见朋友们握手问好 他们在说:我爱你! 我听见婴儿哭泣,看着他们长大 他们学到的东西将远胜于我 我情不自禁地想到,这是一个多么美妙的

