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★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站: 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 期中练习题(一) 一. 按照语意排列句子。 1.

( ) It’s near our school.

( ) Great! How can we get there?

( ) Jim, let’s go to the park this afternoon. ( ) We go to the park by bus. ( ) OK. But, where is the bus stop? ( ) OK. See you at 2 o’clock. ( ) See you then. 2.

( )Then take the No.17 bus.

( )Find the white building on the right. ( )I’ll wait for you near the door. ( )Get off at the post office.

( )Start from the bus stop near our school. 二、请在B栏中选出A栏的答语,将序号填在括号中。(14分)


( )1.Where are you going tomorrow?

A.Tomorrow morning.


( )2.When are you going? dictionary.

( )3.What are you going to buy? going to the library. ( )4.Is it far from here? your school.

( )5.Where is the bookstore? name is Peter.

( )6.What is his name?


D.It’s near


F.No,it isn’t.

G.On May 8th.

( )7.When is your birthday? 三、选择填空

( )1. Stop ____ a red light. A. in B. on C. at D. to

( )2. How can I get ______ the park? A. in B. on C. at D. to

( )3. I _____ go to school by bike. But sometimes I go by bus.

A. sometimes B. usually C. today D. yesterday

( )4. Get off _____ the supermarket. A. in B. on C. at D. to

( )5. Turn right ______ the museum. A. in B. on C. at D. to

( )6. I go to the park ____ foot. A. in B. on C. at D. to

( )7. There are ____ traffic lights. A. one B. two C. three D. four

( )8. Is it far ____ here? A. in B. on C. from D. for

( )9. It's next ____ the hospital. A. in B. on C. at D. to

( )10. Walk straight ____ three minutes. A. in B. on D. for

( )11. What ____ your mother going to do? B. are D. be

( )12. The Science Museum is the left. A. on B. at C. in D. for

( )13. The Post Office is east the cinema. A. at B. of C. in D. on

( )14.The park is front of our school. A. on

B. in C. at D. under

A. is

( )15. Look me near the door. A. on B. in C. at D. for

( )16. Look the traffic lights. A. on B. in C. at D. for

( )17. I’m going to the cinema this weekend.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. /

( )18. I’m going to the supermarket my mom.

A. for

B. of

C. with

D. and

( )19. — are you going? —This afternoon.

A. Where B. What How

( )20. —What are you going to ? —A comic book.

A. be

B. /

C. do D. buy

C. When


( )21. —What are you going to do when you grow up? — .

A. I’m a teacher. computer expert.

C. I’m going to be a soldier.

D. I’m walking

B. I’m a


( )1. A. I am going this morning. B.We are going to the library.

( )2. A. I am going at two o'clock. B.I'm going to the bookstore.

( )3. A. By bus. B. Buy a comic book.

( )4. A. Yes, it is. B.Yes, he does. C. No, there isn't. ( )5. A. Yes, it is. B.No, she doesn't. C. Yes, there is.

期中练习题(二) 一、根据汉语完成句子。

1. 我经常骑自行车去上学。

I go to school by . 2. 通常我妈妈走路去上班。 my mother goes to work .

3. —你怎样去学校? —我乘公交车。

— do you to ? —I go . 4.—今天下午你要去哪里? —我要去书店。

— are you going this ?

—I’m _______ ________ the bookstore. 5.我要去买一本漫画书。

I’m going to ________a___________ ____________.


My father an mother are going to ______my_______


7.—你要去买报纸吗? —是的。

—Are you going a . —Yes, I am.


1. Is there a cinema near here?(做否定回答) , . 2. The cinema is west of the school.(对画线部分提问) is the ?

3. How can I get to the museum?(根据提示做回答) five minutes. Then .(直走五分钟,然后向右拐)

4. Are you going to the bookstore on foot?(做肯定和否定回答)

Yes, .

No, . 5. I’m at the cinema now.(对画线部分提问) are now?



M_y J__n__ d__t__ r__ __d m__m St__dy l__st__n r__n wr__t__ gr__ndp___ II.选择填空。(20分)

( )1.What’s the date ? It’s -------. A .February 29th B August 29th C. July 1st ( )2.My birthday is on ---------.

A New Year’s Day B Children’s Day C Teacher’s Day

( )3. Let’s draw ________.

A tree B horse C a birthday card ( )4.Kate ___playing chess . A am B is C are

( )5. Are you washing clothes ? _______ . A Yes ,you are . B . Yes , I am . C .No ,I am

( )6. _____ are you ? I’m here . A What B Where C Who

( )7. _____ do you do on the weekend ? A What B When C Who ( )8. _____ season do you like best ? A Which B Where C What ( )9. Is he ____ TV ? Yes he is . A watch B watching C not

( )10. _____ they taking pictures ? Yes ,they are . A Am B Be C Are III.连词成句。(10分)

(1) do, when, you, do, exercises, morning ________________________________? (2) do, why, winter, you, like _________________________________? (3) Dad, an, writing , is, e-mail _________________________________. (4) you, can, see, the, monkey _________________________________? (5) are, insects , they, counting, __________________________________. IV.连线题(12分)

A National Day 1 It’s January 1st B Women’s Day 2. It’s September 10th

C Army Day 3. It’s August 1st D Children’s Day 4. It’s October 1st E Teacher’s Day 5. It’s March 8th F New Year’s Day 6. It’s June 1st V.用所给词完成下列对话。(20分)

Tom , cold, from, sunny and warm, fall, children, friend, weather, in, hot and sunny

Teacher:Hello,1 . We have a new 2 .This is 3 . Children:Hello,Tom. Tom:Hi!

Sarah:Where are you 4 ,Tom? Tom: I’m from Austrsalia.

Sarah:What’s the 5 like 6 spring in Australia? Tom:It’s 7 .Sometimes it’s windy.

Amy: What’s the weather like in summer in Australia ? Tom: It’s 8

Mike : What’s the weather like in 9 in Australia ? Tom: Well, it’s windy and cool.

Zhang Peng: Is it warm in winter in Australia ?

Tom: No ,it’s 10 .


Jack and his mother are sitting at the table ,They are having lunch .

“I don’t like this soup .I don’t want to eat it .”says Jack and he puts down the spoon .“All right”.Says his mother .“Don’t eat it .”

After lunch Jack and his mother work in the field .They work so hard .

In the evening ,Jack’s mother gives him a bowl of soup .“Oh,this soup is delicious.”Says Jack..“It is the same soup .”Says his mother .

( )1.Where are Jack and his mother sitting ? ______________

A In the room B At the table C On the desk D Under the tree

( )2.What are they doing ?They’re __________. A having lunch B watching TV C reading English D talking

( )3.Does Jack like this soup ?______________________- A Yes,he does . B No,he doesn’t C He likes the soup D He doesn’t like it

( )4._________Jack and his mother in the field . A In the morning B After class C Before lunch D After lunch

( )5. In the evening ,Jack’s mother gives him __________.

A another bowl of soup B the same cake C the same bowl of soup D another cake

VII.下面是Sandy’s day ,把它填好,并写成小短文。(18分) Sandy’s day

( ) 6:40 a.m.

eat breakfast ( ) do morning exercises ( ) classes begin 8:00 a.m. ( ) 11:40 a.m. ( ) 4:00 p.m. eat dinner ( ) ( ) 8:30 p.m.

Hello, my name is Sandy.____________________________

____________________________________I go to bed at 8:30 p.m.


UNIT 1: pen pencil pencil-case ruler eraser crayon book bag

钢笔 铅笔 铅笔盒 尺子 橡皮 蜡笔 书 书包

sharpenper 卷笔刀 school 学校

UNIT 2: head face nose mouth eye ear arm hand finger leg

头 脸 鼻子 嘴巴 眼睛 耳朵 手臂 手 手指 腿

foot 脚 body 身体

UNIT 3: red yellow green blue purple white black orange

红色的 黄色的 绿色的 蓝色的 紫色的 白色的 黑色的 橙色的

pink 粉红色的 brown 棕色的

UNIT 4: cat dog monkey panda rabbit duck

pig bird

猫 狗 猴子 熊猫 兔子 鸭子 猪

bear 熊 elephant 大象mouse 老鼠 squirrel 松鼠

giraffe长颈鹿deer 鹿

UNIT 5: cake bread hot dog hamburger French fries Coke juice

蛋糕 面包 热狗 汉堡包 炸薯条 可乐 果汁

milk 牛奶 water 水 tea 茶 coffee咖啡


UNIT 6: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen

十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八

nineteen twenty thirty thirty-one forty forty-one fifty fifty-one

十九 二十 三十 三十一 四十 四十一 五十 五十一

doll玩具娃娃 boat小船 ball球 kite风筝 balloon气球 car小气车 plane飞机


UNIT:1 boy girl teacher student this my

friend I’m=I am

男孩 女孩 教师 学生 这个. 我的 朋友 我是

nice good morning good afternoon meet goodbye too

好的 早上好 下午好 遇见.碰见

再见 也,太

UNIT2: father dad mother mom man woman grandmother

爸爸 爸爸 妈妈 妈妈 男人 女人 祖母

grandma grandfather grandpa sister

brother let’s=let us great

祖母 祖父 祖父 姐妹 兄弟

我们 太好了

really 真的 and 和 how 多么

UNIT 3: how many 多少 can 能够,可以 look at 看,瞧

UNIT 4: peach pear orange watermelon apple banana strawberry grape

桃子 梨子 桔子 西瓜 苹果 香蕉 草莓 葡萄

like 喜欢 some 一些 thanks 多谢

UNI 5: bus bike taxi jeep desk chair

walkman lamp zoo

公共汽车 自行车 出租车 吉普车 课桌 椅子 随身

听 台灯 动物园

Your 你的

UNIT 6:small big long short tall CAN PRC


小的 大的 长的 短的 高的 加拿大 中国 英国 美国 上午 下午


UNIT 1: window board light picture door floor

classroom computer

窗户 写字板 灯 图片 门 地板 教

室 计算机

teacher’s desk 讲台 wall 墙 fan 电扇

UNIT2: Chinese book math book schoolbag story-book note-book

语文书 数学书 书包 故事书 笔记本

UNIT 3:long hair short hair thin strong quiet friend(s) music

长发 短发 瘦的 健壮的 安静的 朋友(复数) 音乐

science 科学 sports 体育运动 computer game

电脑游戏 painting 绘画

teacher教师 student学生 boy男孩 girl女孩

UNIT 4: study bathroom bedroom living-room kitchen home room

书房 卫生间 卧室 起居室 厨房 家 房间

phone电话 bed 床 sofa 沙发 shelf 书架

fridge 冰箱 table 桌子

school学校 classroom教室 window窗户 desk课桌,书桌 door 门 chair椅子 bed 床

UNIT5: rice fish noodle(s) beef vegetable soup knife bread milk

米饭 鱼 面条(复数) 牛肉 蔬菜 汤 刀子 面包 牛奶

egg water

蛋 水 chopstick(s) 筷子(复数) spoon勺子

plate 盘子 fork刀子

UNIT 6: family parents uncle aunt baby baseball player driver doctor

家庭 父母 叔叔 阿姨 婴儿 棒球运动员 师机 医生

farme农民nurse护士 sister姐妹 brother兄弟 father父亲 mother母亲


UNIT1: playground garden teacher’s office library canteen is that

操场 花园 教师办公室 图书馆 食堂 是 那,那个

your art room computer room washroom music room gym TV room

你的 绘画教室 计算机教室 卫生间 音乐教室 体育馆 电视机房

yes是的 it它

UNIT 2: lunch English class music class breakfast dinner P.E.class

午餐 英语课 音乐课 早餐 晚餐 体育课

what time it’s=it is o’clock get up go to school go home go to bed

什么 时间 它是 点,钟 起床 上学 回家 睡觉

P.E 体育music音乐for 为,给class课程math数学Chinese语文English英语

UNIT3: jacket shirt skirt dress sweater T-shirt jeans pants sockes

夹克衫 衬衫 裙子 连衣裙 毛衣 T血衫 牛 裤 长裤 袜子

shoes 鞋子 shorts 短裤 colour 颜色

UNIT4: warm cold cool hot weather today play football rainy

温暖的 寒冷的 凉爽的 炎热的 天气 今天 玩 足球 下雨的

snowy 下雪的 windy 刮风的 cloudy 多云的

sunny 晴朗的

UNIT5: colourful pretty cheap expensive how much sneakers slippers

色彩丰富的 漂亮的 便宜的 昂贵的 多少钱 网球鞋 拖鞋

sandals凉鞋 boots 靴子 are是 they 他们

how many 多少

UNIT6:sheep 绵羊horse马 hen母鸡 lamb小羊 goat山羊 cow奶牛 aren’t=are not不是 tomato 西红柿 cucumber 黄瓜 potato土豆 onion 洋葱 carrot 胡萝卜


UNIT1: young funny tall strong kind old short who’s=who is Mr

年轻的 滑稽可笑的 高的 强壮的 和蔼的 老的 矮的 是谁 先生

what’s=what is like he’s=he is principal university student strict smart

是什么 喜欢 他是 校长 大学生 严格的 聪明的

active积极的 quiet 安静的,文静的 she’s=she is 她是 very 很,非常 but 但是

UNIT2: Monday(Mon.) Tuesday(Tue.) Wednesday(Wed.) Thursday(Thu.)

星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四

Friday(Fri.) Saturday(Sat.) Sunday(Sun.) have do homework watch TV

星期五 星期六 星期日 有 做作业 看电视

read books 读书 What about …? 怎么样 too也 UNIT3: cabbage pork mutton eggplant fish green beans tofu we

洋白菜,卷心菜 猪肉 羊肉 茄子 鱼肉 青豆 豆腐 我们

healthy tasty sweet sour fresh salty favourit they’er=they are

健康的 好吃的 甜的 酸的 新鲜的 咸的 最喜爱的 他们是

fruit 水果 don’t=do not 不

UNIT4: empty the trash cook the meals water the flowers sweep the floor

倒垃圾 做饭 浇花 扫地

clean the bedroom make the bed set the table wash theclothes do the dishes

打扫卧室 铺床 摆饭桌 洗衣服 洗碗碟

put away the clothes收拾衣服 can’t=can not 不能 use a computer 使用计算机

UNIT5:air-conditioner curtain trash bin closet end table in on

空调 窗帘 垃圾箱 壁橱,衣橱 床头柜 在..里面 在..上 面

under near behind over in front

of clothes

在..下面 在..旁边 在..后边 在..上面 在…前面 衣服

UNIT6:sky cloudy mountain river flower grass lake forest path

天空 云 山 河流 花 草地 湖 森林 路,小道

park village city house bridge tree road building clean

公园 乡村,村庄 城市 房子,住宅 桥 树 公路 建筑物 干净的


UNIT1: do morning exercises eat breakfast have English class play sports

晨练 吃早饭 上英语课 进行体育运动

eat dinner when evening at usually noon climb mountains

吃晚饭 什么时候 晚上 在..点钟 通常 中午 爬山

go shopping play the piano visit grandparents go hiking weekend often

买东西 弹钢琴 看望祖父母 去远足 周末 经常 sometimes 有时侯

UNIT 2: spring summer fall winter season which best swim

春天 夏天 秋天 冬天 季节 哪一个 最,极 游泳

fly kites skate make a snowman plant trees why because sleep

放风筝 滑冰 堆雪人 种树 为什么 因为 睡觉

UNIT3:January(Jan.) February(Feb.) March(Mar.) April(Apr.) May

一月 二月 三月 四月 五月

June六月 July 七月 August(Aug.)八月 September (Sept.)九月

October(Oct.) November(Nov.) December(Dec.) birthday uncle first

十月 十一月 十二月 生日 叔叔 第一

second third fourth fifth eighth ninth tenth

twelth twentieth her date

第二 第三 第四 第五 第八 第九 第十 第十二 第二十 她的 日期

UNIT4: draw pictures cook dinner read a book answer the phone

画画 做饭 看书 接电话 listen to music clean the room write a letter write an e-mail study

听音乐 打扫房间 写信 写电子邮件 书房

UNIT5: fly jump walk run swim kangaroo sleep climb fight

飞 跳 走 跑 游泳 袋鼠 睡觉 往上爬 打架

Swing荡,荡秋千 drink water 喝水

UNIT6: take pictures watch insects pick up leaves do an experiment

照相 观察昆虫 采摘树叶 做实验

cach butterflies count insects collect leaves write a report play chess

捉蝴蝶 数昆虫 收集树叶 写报告


have a picnic 举行野餐

句子:1: Where is my ruler ? 我的尺子在哪儿? It’s on the desk. 它在课桌上。

2: How many cats can you see ? 你看见多少只猫?I can see eleven. 我看见十一只。

3: Do you like pears ? 你喜欢梨子吗? Yes,I do. 或No, I don’t.

4: What would you like ?你想要点什么?I’d like some beef. 我要一些牛肉。

5:What time is it ? 现在是什么时间? It’s five o’clock .五点钟。

6:Is this your skirt ? 这是你的裙子吗? Yes,it is. 或 No,it isn’t.

7: How much is it ? 它值多少钱? It’s ten yuan . 它是十元钱。

8:What’s the wheater like in Beijing?北京的天气怎样?It’s warm . 很温暖。

9:What’s your favourite food?你最喜欢什么食物?My favourite is mutton.

10:What can you do ?你会做什么?I can sweep the floor. 我会扫地。

11:What are you doing ? 你正在干什么?I’m doing the dishes.我正在洗碗碟。

12?What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字?My name’s Amy .我叫埃米。

13:Where are you from ?你来自哪儿?I’m from China .我来自中国。

14:What’s this(that )? 这(那)是什么? It’s a cat . 它是一只猫。

15: What colour is it ? 它是什么颜色?It’s blue.它是蓝色。

16:How are yor? 你好吗? I’m fine.我很好。 17:HOW do you go to school ? 你怎样去上学?I go to school on foot .我步行去上学。

18:Where is the cinema ?电影院在哪儿?It’s next to the hospital .它与医院相邻。

或者:It’s east of the hospital .它在医院的东边。 19:Where are you going this afternoon ?今天下午你

将要去哪里?I’m going to the bookstore.我将去书店。

20:What are you going to do this afternoon ?今天下

午你将去做什么?I’m going to buy a book.我将要去买一本书。

21:What’s your hobby ?你的爱好是什么?I like collecting stamps.我喜欢集邮。

22:Does she teach English ?她是教英语的吗?No,she

doesn’t.不,她不是。Yes,she does.是。她是。

23:What does your mother do ?你妈妈是做什么的?She is a Tv reporter.她是电视台记者

24:Where does the rain come from?雨来自哪里?It’s comes form the clouds.它来自云。

PEP小学英语六年级上册第三单元测试题 一. 根据对话内容判断正误:

Lily:Where are you going this afternoon? Jack:I’m going to shoe store. Lily:What are you going to buy? Jack:I’m going to buy a pair of shoes. Lily:When are you going? Jack:I’m going at 2 o’clock.

(1) Lily is going to the shoe store.( ) (2) Jack is going to the shoe tomorrow.( ) (3) He is going to buy a pair of shoes.( ) (4) He is going to buy some books,too.( )

(5) Jack is going at three o’clock this afternoon.( ) 二. 把下列单词组合成正确的句子: 1. to,you,there,what,going,do,are. 2. plants,need,some,I. 3. science ,to,one,teacher,I,day,want,a,be. 4. fun,walk,I,moon,think,the,it’s,to,on. 5. to,expert,a,computer,I,be,want. 三. 按要求变化下列句型: 1. I’m going to buy an English dictionary.(对画线部分提问) Are you going to ? 2. I’m going there this afternoon. (对画线部分提问) are you going ? 3.I have magazines.(变为一般疑问句) have magazines? 4.当你去商店时,售货员通常首先会说: ? 5. I’m going tothe pet shop tomorrow.(对画线部分提问) are you tomorrow? 6. I’m going to clean my room tonight. (对画线部分提问) 四. 根据表格的内容补全短文: Activities Play sports Read a magazine Watch TV Go to the cinema Buy a book When tomorrow afternoon this evening on Saturday next Saturday tomorrow morning This evening,I’m going to . Tomorrow morning,I’m going to ,then in the afternoon,I’m going to with my friends.This Saturday,I’m going to .And next ,I’m with my parents. 五.选择正确答案: ( )1.Sarah:What are you going to do this afternoon/ Amy: . A.I’m going to buy a book. B.I’m a student. C.I go to school by bike. D.Are you a teacher?

( )2.Zhang:What are you going to buy an English book?

John: . A. Do you have comic book? B.What are you going to buy?

C.This afternoon. D.I’m going to plant trees. ( )3.Jim:Where are you going this afternoon? Tom: . A.I’m going to buy some comic books. B.I’m going to the bookstore.

C. Can I help you? D.I’m going to visit my aunt. ( )4.Sarsh:Are you going to use any books? Mike: . A. I’m going to buy a magazine about plants. B. No,I am.

C. Yes,I am. D.I’m going to the shoe store. ( )5.Jim:Excuse me,Where is the library? Tom: . A.Where’s the museum? B. Where’s the school? C.Where’s the hospital? D.It’s next to the post office. 六.填空. 1.What’s he (do)now? 2.What (be)they going to (do)soon? 3.What (be) Tom (do)? 4.—Can you sing?---Yes,I (can). 5.—Where (be)she going next mouth? ---She is going to (go) to Japan.

Unit 1 Greeting and introduction First Period ⅠTeaching aims:

1. Ss should be able to put into practical use some useful expressions about greeting and introduction; 2. Understand the text and grasp the main idea; ⅡTeaching important points:

1. How to enable Ss to greet and introduce themselves in English.

2. How to let Ss understand the text and grasp the main


ⅢTeaching methods: answer-and-question method ⅣTeaching time: 2 periods ⅤTeaching procedures: [step 1 ] Lead-in Greeting the whole class

Teacher: Hello, boys and girls. Long time no see. Do you still remember me? What about your winter vacation? 谈论过年的相关话题:

Did you enjoy your Spring Festival?

Did you watch Spring Festival Gala Evening? [ɡɑ:l?] What’s your favorite program?

Short act 小品;dancing 舞蹈;singing songs歌曲;Magic Shows魔术表演;acrobatics杂技 The Origin of Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring. Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations are hanging around. All agree, however, that the word Nian, which in modern Chinese solely means \beast that started to prey on people the night before

the beginning of a new year.

The term \Nian\word \\paper and firing fire-crackers to scare away Nian should it have a chance to run loose is still around. However, people today have long forgotten why they are doing all this, except that they feel the color and the sound add to the excitement of the celebration. [step 2 ] Listening and speaking 1. Dictation(Page 4) How to Greet Each Other

2. Practice Sample 1 and Sample 2 with their partners.(3 minutes)

3. Look at Sample 3 together, and underline the useful expressions. Then try to pick up one or two volunteers to introduce themselves.(3 minutes) Sentence structures: I come from … My major is …

I have many hobbies, such as …

I sincerely hope we’ll get on well with each other and

help each other in our study and work during the new term.

[step 3 ] New words and reading

1. Follow the teacher to read the new words. 2. Read the text fast, then finish the Comprehension Check.

3. Write down the structure of this text.(Blackboard) First part (para 1~3) How to greet a person on different occasions in China.

In the past, Chinese used to cup one hand in the other before the chest as a salure.

Bowing was often used by subordinates, students and attendants.

Now, youngsters tend to nod.

the use of “title + surname” business/name cards

Second part (para 4) In English speaking countries, people often address each other directly by their names. Third part (para 5) How to address a person shows the differences between chinese people and westerners. [step 4]Homework 1. Review the new words

2. Read the Language points part and Sentence structures part. (Page 10-13)

Second Period ⅠTeaching aims:

1. understand the text and grasp the main idea; 2. master the important words, expressions and sentence structures like:

1) words: vital, depreciate, address, convey,

subordinate, deem, designation, arouse, title, superior 2) phrases: abide by, used to do, be used to sth./doing sth, insist on, serve as, rather than

3) sentence structures: think it + adj. + to do sth, adj./n. + as + S + V ⅡTeaching important points:

How to let Ss master the important words, expressions and sentence structures.

ⅢTeaching methods: answer-and-question method ⅣTeaching time: 1 period ⅤTeaching procedures: [step 1 ]Lead-in

1. Greeting the whole class

2. Dictate the little passage on Page 14 Practice 1 to review the whole text. [step 2 ] Language points

1. The Chinese consider it vital important to greet a person in the correct way.

·consider it + adj./n. + to do sth. 认为……是…… 为了保持句子结构的平衡,一般把it用做形式主语或形式宾语,把真正的主语和宾语——不定式短语——放在后面。 When in doubt, use the former manner of address since it is better to err on the side of formality.

e.g. Americans consider it a common form of greeting to hug each other.

It is considered highly inappropriate and rude to address out elders by their given names.

Do you consider it wise to mamke such a decision? 2. They abide by the modest principle of depreciating onself and respecting others to show appropriate respect towards the person being addressed. ·abide by to be faithful to; keep 忠于,遵守 e.g. I will abide by what I said.

An honest person always abides by his promise. ·principle n. 1) a basic truth, general law of cause and

effect 原理,原则

e.g. This is the first principle of political economy. 2) a guiding rule for behaviour 行为准则

e.g. It’s a good quality to live up to one’s principles. ·depreciate v. make or become less in value, say that sth. Has little value 贬值;轻视

e.g. The polluted land has depreciated.

Don’t depreciated your self-confidence. Without it, you can do nothing. ·respect n. 尊敬,尊重

e.g. We should show respect for our parents and teachers. v. 尊敬,尊重

e.g. We should respect our parents and teachers. respectful a. showing respect ( to… ) 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的

· respectable a. 1) (of person) of good character and good social position 品格高尚而有社会地位的,品行端正的。

2) deserving respect 值得尊敬的

e.g. Parents and teachers are respectable and we should be respectful to them. ·address vt. 1) make a speech to, using a title 向……发表演说,向……说话,称呼

e.g. Don’t address me as Professor Smith. I’m only a lecturer.

2) write a destination on (with the name of the person to whom sth. is to be delivered) 写地址 e.g. This letter was wrongly addressed.

3. The Chinese used to cup one hand in the other before the chest as a salute.

·cup vt. put into the shape of a cup 做成杯状

e.g. The instructor taught him how to cup his hands to catch a ball.

·chest n. 1) upper front part of the body 胸部 e.g. I am feeling pain on my chest.

2) large, strong wooden box with a lid for storing things 大木箱

·salute v. greet 致意,招呼

e.g. When the officer came, the soldier saluted smartly to him.

n. a friendly greeting such as a bow, raising of the hat 致意,招呼

e.g. He just nods to me as a salute.

4. And bowing to convey a higher level of respect, was often used by subordinates, students and attendants. ·convey vt.

1) take, carry 运输,运送

e.g. This train conveys both passengers and goods. 2) make known ideas, views, feelings to another person 传达(意思,见解,感情等)

e.g. I was too excited to convey my meaning with words. 5. Chinese youngsters tend to simply nod as a greeting. ·tend to do 往往会,常常会

e.g. When I’m tired, I tend to make mistakes. ·tend (to/ towards sth. ) 趋向,倾向,趋于 e.g. Prices are tending upwards recently. His views tend towards the extreme. ·tend vt. watch over, attend to 照管,照料

e.g. When I was on the farm, my duty was to tend cows. 6. Forms of addressing can serve as an indication of people’s relationship of power and solidarity in society. ·serve as be used as 可用作,被用作。多用主动式。 e.g. This beautiful leaf can serve as a bookmark. ·indication n. a sign or suggestion 象征,暗示 e.g. Did he give you any indication of his feelings?

7. They tend not to greet those close to them with greetings that may bear a negative connotation… ·bear vt.

1) carry 携带,负载

e.g. The ship sank deep in water because it was bearing a heavy load.

2) have, show 带有,显示

e.g. The boxer still bore the tracesof blows. 3) support, sustain 支持,负担

e.g. The ice is too thin to bear my weight. 4) endure, put up with 忍耐,忍受,容忍

e.g. I don’t want to have my bad teeth pulled out. I can’t bear the pain.

8. In English speaking countries, people, differently as they are in age and status, have a tendency to call the others directly by their names, even first names except when they call the doctors, not arousing offence between them, but demonstrating a sense of friendliness.

·tendency n. 倾向,趋向

e.g. There was little upward tendency in the company’s share.

·have a tendency to do sth 倾向于,趋向于

e.g. Westerners have a tendency to call the others their names.

·except prep. not including, but, not 除了……之外 e.g. We have class every day except Saturday and Sunday.

·except for used when what is excluded is different from what is included

e.g. You did well in the exam except for two minor mistakes.

·except that apart from the fact that…

e.g. We know nothing about the exam except that it will be held on next Monday. not… but… 不是……而是……

e.g. Don’t directly call him “Wang”, but “Professor Wang.” ·sense n. 1) 辨别,领悟,观念

e.g. Mr. Smith has a sense of humor (duty/ responsibility/ direction.) 2) 意识,自觉

e.g. How could you have done such a bad thing? You

really have no sense of shame. 3) 感觉,知觉

e.g. Blind as he is, he has a keen sense of hearing. 4) 意义,意味

e.g. This word has several senses. The sense of the word is not clear. ·in a sense 在某种意义上

e.g. This plan is practical in a sense. ·make sense 有意义

e.g. It makes no sense to talk about this in general. 9. … may be a Chinese form of compromise.

·compromise n. the settlement of a dispute by the two sides’ giving in 折中,和解,妥协

e.g. Finally, they reached a compromise on the distribution of these goods.

vi. compromise (with sb.) (on sth.) settle a dispute by making a compromise 折中解决

e.g. They were unwilling to compromise with the millitary.

vt. 受牵连,损害,使受怀疑

e.g. You will compromise your reputation if you continue to do that.

[step 3 ]Learn the forms of English letters 1. 介绍英文书信



英文书信的结构一般包括六个部分:信头(Heading)、信内地址(Inside Address)、称呼(Salutation)、正文(Body)、结束敬语(Complimentary Close)和署名(Signature),有时还有附件(Enclosure)和附言(Postscript)等。如图所示:


(写信人姓名、地址、日期) 信内地址

(收信人姓名、地址) 称呼




打印姓名 附件 附言

2. a letter of congratulation For example: Dear jack,

I’m very glad to know that you have been promoted to manager of the company recently. And your 40th birthday is coming near. Please accept my warmest congratulation and my best wishes for your health, wealth, happiness and further success.

Yours sincerely,


[step 4]Conclusion and Homework 1. Review the points

2. Finish Practice 3 on Page 15

3. Preview Section C Skill Development

Third Period ⅠTeaching aims:

1. Enable Ss to use the knowledge of word formation to form new words;

2. Help Ss have a good command of grammar on nouns and pronouns.

ⅡTeaching important points:

1. How to let Ss master the knowledge of word formation in this part;

2. How to let Ss be aware of nouns and pronouns. ⅢTeaching time: 2 periods ⅣTeaching procedures: [step 1 ]Lead-in

First, greeting the whole class

Second, review the new words. Ask Ss some questions about new words and let them make some sentences. [step 2 ]Word Formation

First, get familiar with the following five prefixes: bi- a prefix which means “appearing twice”, “biennial”, or “having Bicycle自行车, biplane双翼飞机, bilingual双语的 two” 二,两,双;每两年一度的 hemi- two prefixes which mean semi- “exactly half” 半,单侧,偏侧 Hemisphere半球, hemicycle半圆形,semifinal半决赛, semicircle半圆 uni- a prefix which means “one”,or “the same” 一,单,一方 unicycle单轮车, uniform制服/统一的, unisex男女皆宜的 mono- a prefix meaning “single” 单一 monocycle独轮脚踏车, monoplane单翼飞机 Second, try to finish the Task 1 by yourself. (3mins) Pay more attention to 5 and 8. semi-colonial, semi-feudal

Third, check the answers and correct the mistakes. [step 3 ]Grammar-The usage of Nouns and Pronouns Nouns (名词)

First, according to Section C, mainly learn four aspects of

nouns. (page 20-21)

1. The classification of nouns: proper noun and common noun. Add Content:

▲只有复数意义的集体名词:the police, the French, the English, people, team, audience.

▲只有单数形式的集体名词:the majority, the minority, the public.

2. The plural nouns Add Content:

▲有些-f结尾的名词,直接加-s:roof-roofs, belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs, gulf-gulfs

▲有些-f结尾的名词,有两种变化:handkerchief, scarf, dwarf 是两种变化

▲单复数同形的名词:sheep, deer, means(方法,手段), series, crossroads, species.

3. The forms and uses of genitive nouns of English Add Content:

▲“ ‘s ”属格1)多用于有生命的东西;2)表示时间、度量等;3)用以构成不同的节日 e.g. Children’s Day, Teachers’ Day

▲“名词+of”属格 1)多用于无生命的东西;2)用于名词化

的词。e.g. the life of the poor

注:由and连接的两个或多个名词共同拥有某物时,只将最后一个名词变为所有格形式。如表示各自所有,每个名词都要变为所有格。 e.g. John and Mary’s school 4. The nouns’ function

Second, try to finish Task 1 on page 21. Pronouns(代词)

At this part, we mainly learn the personal pronoun(人称代词), possessive pronoun(物主代词), reflexive

pronoun(反身代词), interrogative pronoun(疑问代词) and indefinite pronoun(不定代词). (Page23)

First, look at book (Page23), get familiar with these pronouns. ▲Add Content:

(人称代词)几个人称代词并列的顺序:you+he/she+I, we+you+they, he+she

特殊情况下,如果是承担责任,说话者把I/We 放第一位 (反身代词)做主语不能用反身代词;作为并列宾语中的一个,如其他词为名词或非反身代词,则不能用反身代词;在介词之后,宾语虽和主语指同一个对象,但不能用反身代词。 e.g. The chairman invited my wife and me to the metting. ∨

He closed the door after him. ∨ He close the door after himself. ×

The thing itself is not important. ∨ You yourself can do it well. ∨

Myself drove the car. ×

(不定代词)another 修饰单数名词,表示泛指,没有整体范围,指三者或以上中的另一个。

other 修饰复数可数名词,两者中的另一个。

The others 相当于the other+可数名词复数,表示特指。 Others相当于other+可数名词复数,表示泛指。 Second, try to finish the Task 1 on page 24.

Third, check the answers and place an emphasis on 3, 4, 6 and 7.

[step 4 ]Conclusion

Summary the points in this class, mainly about nouns and pronouns [step 5 ]Homework

Page 22 Task 2, Page 24 Task 1 and 2. Read and Finish Part: Passage 1 and 2

Fourth Period

ⅠTeaching aims:

1. Help Ss better understand the text.

2. Help Ss have a good command of grammar on nouns and pronouns.

ⅡTeaching important points:

1. How to enable Ss to master the useful expression and use them freely.

2. How to enable Ss to master the usage of grammar on nouns and pronouns. ⅢTeaching time: 1 period ⅣTeaching procedures: [step 1 ]Lead-in

First, greeting the whole class

Second, review the usage of Nouns and Pronouns and some prefixes. [step 2 ]Practice Check the homework Suggested answers:


Page 20: [Task 2] 1. hemispheres; 2. monocycle, bicycle; 3. bimonthly; 4. bilingual; 5. monoplane; 6. semi-feudal, semi-colonial; 7. semifinal; 8. uniform

Page 21: [Task 1] 1. is; 2. are; 3. is; 4. have; 5. were; 6. is; 7. is; 8. are; 9. is; 10. is; 11. was; 12. is. Page 22: [Task 2] BAACA BBACB ABDBC Page 24: [Task 1] BACBB BACCD

Page 25: [Task 2] 1. any; 2. either, neither; 3. either; 4. all; 5. both; 6. each, All; 7. None/Neither; 8. every; 9. neither; 10. any. Page 27: BBDBC

Page 29: 6. the universal sign of gooodwill; 7. aggression and honesty; 8. strong foundation for a lifelong friendship; 9. How do you do; 10. investigate your situation.

[step 3 ]Conclusion

Review all the points in this Unit and put the emphasis on Section B and C. [step 4 ]Homework Preview the Unit Two.


第一单元 This is My Day 单词:

