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Premier Wen Jiabao Meets the Press
温家宝: 记者朋友们,这是我在两会之后最后一次同大家见面了。我要感谢多年来记者朋友们对于中国改革和建设事业的关注。今年可能是最困难的一年,但也可能是最有希望的一年。人民需要政府的冷静、果敢和诚信;政府需要人民的信任、支持和帮助。This is the last time for me to meet friends of the press after the NPC and CPPCC sessions. I want to first take this opportunity to express my appreciation for your long-standing interest in China's reform and development. This year may be the most difficult year, but it may also be the most promising one. The people need their government to be calm, resolute and trustworthy, and the government needs the people's trust, support and help.
面对国际金融危机和欧债危机的蔓延、发展,关键是把我们自己的事情办好。我将在最后一年守职而不废,处义而不回,永远和人民在一起。In the face of the deepening international financial crisis and European debt crisis, what is most important is that we run our own affairs well. In my last year in office, I will not waiver in carrying out my duties and will remain true to my conviction. I will always be with the people.我愿意回答大家的问题。Now I'm ready to take your questions.
新华社记者: 总理,您好,我是新华社记者,也是中国新华新闻电视网的记者。今年是本届政府任期的最后一年,请问总理,您如何评价自己的工作?谢谢总理。Xinhua News Agency: Mr. Premier, this year is the last year of the term of this government. How do you evaluate your work?
温家宝: 我担任总理已经9年了,这些年过得不易,也不平凡。但我总觉得还有许多工作没有做完,许多事情没有办好,有不少遗憾。I have served as the premier for nine years. They have been nine difficult but momentous years. I often feel that much work remains to be finished, many things have yet to be properly addressed, and there are many regrets.我懂得政府的一切权力都是人民赋予的,我所做的工作都是应尽的责任。我为能做人民的公仆而为人民办些实事而感到欣慰。 I know full well that all power of the government comes from the people and every piece of the work that I have done for the people is only a fulfilment of my due responsibilities. I feel encouraged and happy that I have this opportunity to do some concrete things for the people as a public servant.我真诚希望,我,连同我这一生,给人民做的有益的事情,人民都把他忘记,并随着我日后长眠地下而湮没无闻。I sincerely hope that the people will forget me and all the concrete things I have done for them, and let these things fall into oblivion as one day I shall go to my eternal rest.
中国经济和社会所发生的问题,我都负有责任。为此,我感到歉疚。Due to incompetent abilities and institutional and other factors, there is still much room for improvement in my work. Although I have never committed any error in my work because of dereliction of duty, as head of the top executive body of the country, I should assume responsibility for the problems that have occurred in China's economy and society during my term of office, for which I feel truly sorry. 在最后一年,我将像一匹负轭的老马,不到最后一刻绝不松套。努力以新的成绩弥补我工作上的缺憾,以得到人民的谅解和宽恕。入则恳恳以尽忠,出则谦谦以自悔。我将坚守这个做人的原则,并把希望留给后人。我相信,他们一定会比我做得更好。In my last year in office, I will be as committed as ever like an old steed. I will continue to work hard, to make up for the shortfall in my work with new achievements and to win people's understanding and forgiveness. \duty conscientiously. When leaving office, he should conduct himself with humility and exercise self-reflection.\I will adhere to this principle in conducting myself, and I place hope on the next generation. I have confidence that they will do better than me.我秉承“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”的信念,为国家服务整整45年,我为国家、人民倾注了我全部的热情、心血和精力,没有谋过私利。我敢于面对人民、面对历史。知我罪我,其惟春秋。 I have devoted 45 years of my life to the service of my country, remaining committed to the conviction that I shall dedicate myself to the country in life and death irrespective of personal weal and woe. I have done my utmost with strong passion and energy to serve the country and the people and have never pursued personal gains. I have the courage to face the people and to face history. \are people who will appreciate what I have done, but there are also people who will criticize me. Ultimately, history will have the final say.\
美国全国广播公司记者: 我是美国全国广播公司的记者。得益于较好的国际环境和贸易体系,过去的十年,是中国经济发展最快的十年。在您任期的最后一年,特别是考虑到不久前在波士顿的国际码头工人协会向您授予奖项,如果您只能做一件事来使中美经贸关系实现再平衡,为更多的美国工人创造就业机会,您将会做什么事? 有些批评人士表示中国扭曲了国际竞争,使贸易对自己有利,您是否会考虑改革中国的贸易体系?NBC: Overall, the past ten years have seen China's fastest economic growth thanks in part to a benign international environment and trading system. With due respect, Premier Wen, in your last year in office, if you would have one thing that you can be allowed to do to re-balance the US-China economic relationship that can create American jobs for example, in keeping with the award bestowed to you recently in Boston by the International Longshoremen's
Association, then what is the thing that you would like to do? Would you consider, for example, reforming China's trade regime that some American critics say distorts global competition in China's favor? Thank you.
温家宝: 最近美国码头工人协会授予我一个“美国工人之友奖”,这个奖与其说是授予我的,不如说是中美经贸互利共赢的一个范例。Not long ago, the International Longshoremen's Association in the United States game me the award of \I am the recipient of this award, but I would rather see this award as a strong example showing that the business relationship between China and the United States is of mutual benefit. 记者先生提到,如果我做一件事能够缓解中美贸易的不平衡,那么我选择哪一件事情。其实这个问题我已经深思熟虑很久了,并且在2009年和2011年两次同奥巴马总统做了深谈。我以为解决中美贸易的不平衡,以及由此引起的各种困难和摩擦,还是要通过合作的办法。You asked me if there is one thing that I can do to ease the trade imbalance between China and the United States, what would it be. As a matter of fact, I have been thinking about this issue for a long time. In 2009 and 2011, I had thorough exchanges of views with President Barack Obama of the United States. I believe to ease the trade imbalance between the two countries and resolve the difficulties and frictions in our business ties, we still need to rely on cooperation.
因此,我比较完整地提出了关于促进中美经贸、金融与投资合作的一揽子计划的建议。它包括:For that purpose, I have set out to the US side a package proposal that suggests the two countries embrace stronger business, financial and investment cooperation. The main contents of my proposal are as follows:第一,进一步发展中美之间的双向贸易。中国扩大美国产品的进口,美国要开放美国产品的出口,取消限制。First, we need to further enhance two-way trade between China and the United States. China is ready to buy more from the United States, and the United States needs to ease its restrictions on export of certain goods to China. 其次,加强双向投资。两国应该为投资创造有利条件,并实行投资保护。Second, the two countries should work together to increase mutual investment. Both sides need to create favorable conditions for mutual investment and protect such investment.第三,加强两国在新能源、新材料、节能环保、航天航空等高科技领域的合作,开辟新的合作领域。Third, we need to enhance cooperation in high-tech fields covering new materials, new energy sources, energy conservation, environmental protection, aviation and space so that we can open up new dimensions for China-US cooperation.第四,加强基础设施建设的合作,并使这种合作与金融合作相联系。就是说中国将投资美国的基础设施建设,而扩大美国工人的就业。这是一举双得的事情Fourth, we need to enhance our cooperation in infrastructural development, and bring it in line with our financial cooperation. That means China is ready to make investment in the
infrastructural construction in the United States, and that will help generate local jobs. I believe this is of mutual benefit.
奥巴马总统非常重视我的建议,双方已经就此进行研究。我相信合作比对抗好,只要循着这条正确的路子走下去,中美经贸关系会走上一条健康、持久发展的道路。President Obama has attached high importance to my proposal, and competent authorities of the two sides are studying it. I believe that cooperation is better than confrontation. As long as we continue to move in this right direction, the business ties between China and the United States will enjoy sustained and sound growth.
至于你说到美国关心中国贸易体系改革的问题,如果讲得明确一点,主要指三个问题:With respect to your question concerning possible reform of China's trading system, I would like to make three points
第一,就是进出口的基本平衡。我可以明确地告诉你,在2011年中国经常性账户占GDP的比重已经达到2.8%,小于3%的国际公认标准。也就是说在国际收支和货物贸易上,中国已经实现了基本平衡。First, on the basic balance between imports and exports, I would like to tell you that in 2011, the current account surplus of China as a share of the GDP came down to 2.8%, which is below the 3% level that is internationally recognized as appropriate. This shows that China has achieved basic equilibrium in its international balance of payments and trade in goods.
第二,汇率,这是美国关注的。从2005年汇改以来,中国实际有效汇率已经提高30%。请记者先生注意一种现象:从去年9月份开始,在香港市场无本金远期交割,也就是所谓NDF,开始双向波动。这就告诉我们,中国的人民币汇率有可能已经接近均衡水平。我们将继续加大汇改的力度,特别是较大幅度地实行双向的波动。Second, on the RMB exchange rate which is of high interest to the US side. Since we launched the reform of the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism in 2005, the real effective exchange rate of the Chinese currency has appreciated by about 30%. I want to draw your attention to such a phenomenon, that is, since last September, the RMB exchange rate has experienced two-way flotation on the Hong Kong NDF market. This shows that the RMB exchange rate may have approached an equilibrium level. We will press ahead with the reform of the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism, in particular, we welcome greater elasticity of the RMB exchange rate.
第三,我们将坚持多哈回合的原则,主张自由贸易、反对保护主义。谢谢。Third, we will adhere to the purpose of the Doha round negotiations, support free trade and oppose protectionism.
台湾《中国时报》记者: 总理,您好,我是台湾《中国时报》记者。我想今天请教的问题是在过去四年两岸实现了三通直航,有关人民往来和经贸交流合作取得了历史性的高峰。过去台湾媒体评价认为,过去四年大概是两岸关系60年来最稳定、最和平发展的四年。未来四年可能要延续这样发展机遇。在今年政府最后任期一年里面,您所期待两岸文化交流前景是什么样的状况?在去年6月份,您提到过有关《富春山居图》的情况,在台湾展出,不晓得您当时的心情是什么样的?今天大家很关心在明年3月你退休以后有没有可能到台湾自由行?China Times: Over the past four years, the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have achieved three direct links and direct flights. Business exchanges and people-to-people contacts across the Taiwan Straits have reached an unprecedented level. Some people in Taiwan say that the past four years have probably been the most stable and peaceful period in the development of cross-Straits relations over the past more than 60 years. And we expect this good momentum to continue in the following four years. In your last year in office, what do you hope to see in the cross-Straits cultural exchanges? Last June, the painting of the Fuchun Mountain that you once referred to was put on display in Taiwan. How did you feel then? We are very interested in learning if you plan to visit Taiwan as a tourist after you retire in March next year.
温家宝: 我已经连续10年在这个场合谈台湾问题了,每一次心情都很不平静。我很高兴地看到,去年两岸同胞交往更频繁,感情更融洽,关系更紧密。九二共识的政治、经济、文化和民意基础更牢固。如果说在本届政府最后一年,在促进两岸关系和平发展,特别是在加强经贸关系方面再做一点什么实事。我首先考虑的是,要加快ECFA的后续谈判。在加强两岸经贸交往当中特别要照顾台湾中小企业、特色产业和基层群众的利益,尤其是中南部群众的利益。This is the tenth consecutive time for me to address the Taiwan question on this occasion, and each time I do so, strong emotions well up inside me. I am happy to see that over the past year compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits have enhanced their exchanges and become closer to each other. The political, economic and cultural and social foundation for the \has become stronger. You asked me in the last year of its term of office, what concrete steps will this government take to promote peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and in particular to enhance the business ties between the two sides. The first thing that comes to my mind is that we will accelerate the follow-up negotiations of ECFA. In expanding the business ties between the two sides, we will pay particular attention to accommodating the interests of small and medium enterprises, vulnerable industries, and ordinary people in Taiwan, particularly those in central and southern Taiwan.
创造条件帮助他们转型升级、扩大内销市场。At the same time, we will promote cross-Straits financial cooperation. We will promote cooperation on the bank clearing system, and encourage banks of the two sides to acquire stake in each other so that banks will be able to play their due roles in boosting economic cooperation and trade between the two sides. We will pay particular attention to the development of Taiwan-invested enterprises on the mainland. We will create conditions to help them achieve upgrading and expand the local market.
我2009年在这里讲了《富春山居图》的故事,精诚所致,金石为开。我高兴地得知,这幅分离很久的《富春山居图》终于在台北合璧展出,这反映出中华文化具有强大的向心力和震撼力。我虽不能至,但心向往之。我常想,难道几千年的文化恩泽就不能消弭几十年的政治恩怨?我真诚希望两岸进一步加强文化交流和人员往来。In 2009, I told the story about the painting of the Fuchun Mountain here. I believe that with utmost sincerity no difficulty is insurmountable. I'm encouraged to learn that the two pieces of this painting, which had been apart from each other for so long, were finally put together on display in Taipei. This shows that the Chinese culture has strong cohesiveness and inspiration. I wish I could have been able to go and see the painting for myself. I cannot help but ask why can't the nourishment of our common cultural bond that has stretched several thousand years resolve our political grudges that have lasted just several decades. It is my sincere hope that the two sides will work together to promote people-to-people and cultural contacts.
至于我在退休以后能不能到台湾去自由行,坦诚地讲,我愿意去,但是还得看条件。不过请你转达对台湾人民的问候。我想起了台湾割让以后,台中有一位诗人叫林朝崧,他曾经写过一句诗,叫“情天再补虽无术,缺月重圆会有时”。我相信,只要全体中华儿女共同努力,祖国统一和民族振兴的大业一定能够实现,这是整个中国人的骄傲。谢谢。You asked me if I would like to take a tour of Taiwan after retirement. Honestly, I would love to go if conditions permit. Please convey my greetings to the compatriots in Taiwan. At this moment, I recall a poem written by a poet from central Taiwan by the name Lin Chaosong. He wrote the poem shortly after Taiwan was ceded. The poem reads, \heal the wound in my heart, but there will be a day when the half moon becomes full again.\I believe that with joint efforts of all compatriots of the Chinese nation, we will achieve the reunification and revitalization of the country. And that is something that all Chinese can take pride in.
新加坡《联合早报》记者: 温总理您好。新加坡《联合早报》记者。很高兴能在您最后一次的两会后记者会上提问。我的问题是,最近几年您多次在不同场合提到了政治体制改革,引起了很大的关注。请问您多次反复提到政治体制改革的原因在哪里?中国推进政治体制改革的难度又在什么地方?谢谢。Lianhe Zaobao: In recent years, you have addressed political structural reform on several occassions and that has attracted wide attention. Why have you done so and what is the difficulty that confronts China's political structural reform?
温家宝: 是的,这些年我多次谈到政治体制改革,应该说已经比较全面和具体了。如果问我为什么关注这件事情,我出于责任感。粉碎“四人帮”以后,我们党虽然作出了若干历史问题的决议,实行了改革开放。但是“文革”的错误和封建的影响,并没有完全清除。I have talked about political structural reform in China on many occasions in these years. And I have set out my views on this topic in full and in detail. Why have I taken such a keen interest in this matter? It is because I have been seized by a strong sense of responsibility. After the crackdown of the Gang of Four, our Party adopted the resolution on certain questions in the history of the Party since the founding of the People's Republic of China and took the important decision of conducting reform and opening-up in China. However, the vestige of the mistake of the Cultural Revolution and the impact of feudalism have yet to be fully eliminated.
随着经济的发展,又产生了分配不公、诚信缺失、贪污腐败等问题。我深知解决这些问题,不仅要进行经济体制改革,而且要进行政治体制改革,特别是党和国家领导制度的改革。And as our economy continues to develop, such new problems as income disparities, lack of credibility and corruption have occurred. I am fully aware that to resolve these problems we must press ahead with both economic structural reform and political structural reform, in particular reform in the leadership system of the Party and the state.
现在改革到了攻坚阶段,没有政治体制改革的成功,经济体制改革不可能进行到底,已经取得的成果还有可能得而复失,社会上新产生的问题,也不能从根本上得到解决,文化大革命这样的历史悲剧还有可能重新发生。每个有责任的党员和领导干部都应该有紧迫感。The reform in China has come to a critical stage. Without the success of political structural reform, it is impossible for us to fully institute economic structural reform. The gains we have made in reform and development may be lost, new problems that have cropped up in China's society cannot be fundamentally resolved and such historical tragedy as the Cultural Revolution may happen again. I believe all responsible Party members and government officials should have a sense of urgency.
当然,我深知改革的难度,主要是任何一项改革必须有人民的觉醒、人民的支持、人民的积极性和创造精神。在中国这样有13亿人口的大国,又必须从国情出发,循序渐进地建立社会主义民主政治。这不是一件轻而易举的事情,但是改革只能前进,不能停滞,更不能倒退,停滞和倒退都没有出路。I am fully aware of the difficulty of the reform. For any reform to succeed, it needs the consciousness, support, enthusiasm and creativity of the people. To conduct such reform in our big country with 1.3 billion people, we must always bear in mind China's national circumstances and develop our socialist democracy in a step by step manner. This is not an easy thing, but the reform can only go forward. The reform must not stand still, still less go backward, because that offers no way out.
我知道,人们不仅看我说什么、我的理想和信念,更看我通过自己的努力能够实现什么样的目标。我可以对大家讲,为了中国的改革开放事业,只要还有一口气,我就奋斗一天。I know that the people take an interest not only in what I have to say and what my ideals are, but also, and more importantly, in what results my efforts can bring. I want to tell you that as long as I have a single breath, I will dedicate myself to advancing China's reform and opening-up cause.
《人民日报》记者: 总理您好,人民日报社记者提问。最近一轮房地产市场调控,大家都非常关注,中央的决心很大,力度也很大,一些城市的房价已经开始回落。请问总理,住房价格回落到什么程度才算是达到了调控目标?另外,面对经济增速放缓和地方财政压力,楼市调控会不会半途而废?谢谢。People's Daily: People have paid much attention to the recent round of housing market regulation. We have seen a strong resolve and tough measures taken by the central authorities. Home prices in some Chinese cities have started to level off. How much does the home price need to drop for it to be considered as meeting the regulation target? In the face of economic slowdown and pressure of local finances, will this round of regulation measures be abandoned halfway?
温家宝: 我最近出于一种责任感,把从2003年开始的房地产调控认真地回顾了一下。其实我们在2003年已经提出了6条调控措施,2005年又制定了国八条,2006年又制定了国六条。但是,为什么调控不见成效?群众也在责怪我们,说房价越调越高,政策不出中南海。我听到了感到十分痛心。Out of a sense of responsibility, I have carefully reviewed the regulation measures we have taken for the housing market since 2003. As a matter of fact, in 2003, we already introduced six measures to regulate the housing market. In 2005, the State Council issued eight measures. In 2006, another six measures were adopted.
But why haven't these measures made a difference? People have complained that the more regulation measures, the higher the home price and that the regulation policy cannot make its way out of Zhongnanhai. I feel deeply distressed by such complaints from the people.
我觉得房地产市场关系到财政、金融、土地、企业等各项政策,涉及到中央和地方的利益关系,特别是地方从土地出让中获取大量的收入。涉及到金融企业和房地产企业的利益,改革的阻力相当之大。I have recognized that the housing market concerns our fiscal, financial, and land policies. It involves the relationship between central and local governments. It also concerns the interests of financial enterprises and real estate developers. Our regulation efforts have encountered massive resistance.
为什么这两年房地产调控在艰难中看到一点曙光?有所进展。首先是我们调控的决心坚定而不动摇;其次,我们抓住了一个抑制投机和投资性需求的要害问题,采取了有针对性的政策措施。But why have we seen a glimmer of hope admist all the difficulties in the past couple of years and why have our measures in the recent couple of years paid off? It is because, first, we have a very firm resolve. Second, we have put our finger on the crux of the problem, that is, to curb speculative and investment-driven demand, and we have taken targeted measures to address this problem.
对于房地产市场,我有个基本看法,那就是中国有13亿多人口,又处在工业化和城镇化阶段,对住房的需求是刚性的,而且将会是持续的。当然,我们说住有其居,并不意味着住者有其屋。从方向上看,应该鼓励更多的人租房。My basic view on the housing market is that China is a big country with 1.3 billion people and it is at a stage of rapid industrialization and urbanization. The Chinese people's housing demand is inelastic and this kind of demand is here to stay. To provide adequate housing for all people does not mean that each and every one owns his home. We need to encourage more people to rent houses. 关于房地产市场发展,我有几个观点:With respect to the development of the housing market in China, I would like to make three observations.
第一,要保持房地产长期平稳和健康发展。如果盲目发展,出现经济泡沫,一旦破灭,不仅影响房地产市场,而且会拖累整个经济。First, we must ensure the long-term, steady and sound growth of the housing sector. If we develop the housing sector blindly, a bubble will emerge and when it gets burst, it will not only adversely affect the housing market, but also weigh on the entire Chinese economy.
第二,什么叫房价合理回归?我以为合理的房价,应该是使房价与居民的收入相适应,房价与投入和合理的利润相匹配。现在我可以明确地告诉大家,房价还远远没有回到合理价位。因此,调控不能放松。如果放松,将前功尽弃,而且会造成房地产市场的混乱,不利于房地产长期健康和稳定发展。Second, what do we mean by bringing home prices back to a reasonable level? What we mean is that a reasonable housing price should match people's income and the construction cost, and the profits should be reasonable too. At present, the home price in some places is far from coming back to a reasonable level. Therefore, we must not slacken the regulation efforts. Otherwise, past gains will be lost and there will be chaos in China's housing market. That is not in the interest of long-term, steady and sound growth of the housing sector in our country.
第三,房地产的发展,毫无疑问要充分发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用,就是说要充分利用市场这只手。但是政府这只手也不可以缺少,因为它更具有稳定性和促进公平。谢谢。Third, in developing the housing market, we must give play to the fundamental role of the market in allocating resources. That is to say, we will make most of the \at the same time, the \help ensure stability and promote fairness.
香港无线电视记者: 总理您好,我来自香港无线电视。总理您2003年曾经访问过香港,九年过去了,香港也发生了很多的变化,而我们也将迎来新的变化。对于现在进行的香港特首选举,请问总理您有什么看法?另外除了政府换届和欧债危机等挑战外,您认为香港还面临着哪些深层次的问题有待解决?最后对于香港未来的发展您有什么祝愿?谢谢。TVB of Hong Kong: Mr. Premier, you visited Hong Kong in 2003 and much has changed in the past nine years since then and we expect to see more changes in Hong Kong. How do you see the election of the new Chief Executive in the Hong Kong SAR? In addition to the challenges brought by a change of government and the European debt crisis, what underlying problems do you think Hong Kong faces and how do you see the future development of Hong Kong?
温家宝: 我是爱香港的。2003年我曾经去过一次香港,我在那里用了黄遵宪先生的一句诗来形容:寸寸河山寸寸金。香港回归15年了,15年香港发展的变化证明了“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治具有强大的生命力。I have deep love for Hong Kong. During my visit to Hong Kong back in 2003, I quoted a line from a poem written by Mr. Huang Zunxian to express how I feel about Hong Kong. He wrote \as precious as gold.\Fifteen years have passed since Hong Kong returned to the embrace of the motherland. What has happened in Hong Kong over the past 15 years has
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