2019届高考英语(外研版)一轮复习练习:选修8 5 Module5知能演练

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Ⅰ 阅读理解


(2018·福州高三适应性练习)No human has set foot on the Moon since 1972. Now,after more than four decades of inactivity,interest in putting humans back on the Moon is finally heating up again. But who will get there first?


On 14 December 2013,China successfully landed its Jade Rabbit rover(探测车)on the Moon. It is now working on its next exploration mission. Named Chang’e 4,the mission is scheduled to touch down in the Aitken Basin near the end of 2018. If successful,it will be the first landing on the Moon’s far side.


Russia plans a manned Moon landing in 2030. It is currently working on a project whose idea is that the landers will explore the south pole of the Moon,exploring for resources such as minerals and water ice to be used to provide for a human outpost(前哨站).


Following the success of its Chandrayaan-1 in 2008,India announced a follow-on mission. Chandrayaan-2 was meant to cooperate with Russia. But when the Russians failed to deliver the promised lander in 2013,India decided to go it alone. Chandrayaan-2 is about to be sent up in 2018.


In December 2018,NASA plans to send up the Exploration Mission 1,an uncrewed test of their Orion astronaut capsule in which the craft will circle around the Moon before returning to Earth. All being well,a crewed capsule will follow in 2023. Should the mission prove a success,the astronauts will be the first humans to see the far side of the Moon with their own eyes since Apollo 17 in 1972.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了中国、俄罗斯、印度和美国的登月计划。 1.What will China do in its next space mission? A.Improve its Jade Rabbit rover. B.Work with other countries. C.Land Chang’e 4 on the Moon. D.Explore the south pole of the Moon.

C 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知,嫦娥四号将在2018年底降落在月球



Aitken Basin地区。据此可知,中国的下一步空间计划是嫦娥四号登月,故C项正确。

2.Why did India try to carry out its follow-on mission alone? A.It couldn’t find a partner. B.It didn’t get the lander as planned. C.The Russians refused to work with India. D.It planned to launch Chandrayaan-2 in advance.

B 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第三句可知,由于俄罗斯没能给印度提供着陆器,因此印度决定自己实施登月计划,故B项正确。

3.Which country is interested in resources on the Moon? A.Russia. C.India.

B.China. D.U.S.A.

A 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,当前俄罗斯正启动一项工程,其思路是登陆器将探索月球的南极,寻找矿物质和水冰等资源以供人类前哨站使用。故A项正确。

4.What can we know from the text?

A.Russia has built a human outpost on the Moon. B.China will be the first to see the far side of the Moon. C.U.S.A. will send a crewed capsule to the Moon in the future. D.Humans have kept active in exploring the Moon since 1972.

C 解析:推理判断题。根据第五段第二句可知,如果一切顺利,美国将于2023年发送载人太空舱登月。据此可知,美国将在未来实施载人登月计划,故C项正确。


(2018·合肥高三调研性检测)In our everyday lives we meet situations in which we take many things for granted. We only treasure things when they are gone. This is a sad truth of human nature. One day, I found myself as a witness to a similar situation.

One evening, I left work and boarded the train. After entering, I noticed something unusual. The center of the car had a few empty seats while both ends were crowded with people standing. I didn’t pay much attention and sat down on one of the empty seats. I sensed a funny smell. It wasn’t long before I noticed a homeless person sleeping on three seats in front of me. He was bleeding from his nose. Why wasn’t anyone helping him?

His clothes were torn and he was giving off a strange smell. Along with the smell, his eyes were dull, watery, and red. Occasionally he scratched himself and people looked at him as if he had committed a crime. As the train stopped at stations and more people came in they covered their noses and faced away from him. All the seats around him were empty.



Suddenly, he began to swear at the people around him. A plain-clothes police officer who looked like a construction worker took out his certificate and showed it to the homeless man. The officer, not wanting to touch the homeless man, told him his rights and directed him to exit the train. As the officer walked the man out of the train, the homeless man turned around and said “MY HOME!” and started crying.

A man doesn’t value things until they are gone. If he didn’t have a home, at least he had freedom. Now he has neither. No one wants to help someone who won’t help himself.

【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。乘坐火车时,“我”发现了一个流浪汉,他衣衫褴褛,身上散发异味,乘客们避而远之。突然,他开始咒骂他周围的乘客。后来流浪汉被便衣警察带走,他不仅没有家,这一次还失去了自由。

5.When entering the car, how did the author feel at first? A.Annoyed C.Sad.

B.Puzzled. D.Calm.

B 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第三句可知,车厢中部有一些空座位,而两头却挤满了站着的人;据此可以判断,“我”感到很困惑,故B项正确。

6.How did people react to the homeless man? A.They caught him and called the police. B.They covered him with clean clothes. C.They disliked and avoided him. D.They stared at him curiously.

C 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段第三句可知,车厢中部有一些空座位,而两头却挤满了站着的人;根据第三段第三句可知,流浪汉偶尔抓挠自己,人们看着他,好像他曾经犯罪了一样;据此可以判断,人们不喜欢他,避免和他接触,故C项正确。

7.It can be learned that the policeman________. A.was very rude to the man B.sent the man back to his hometown C.forced the man to leave the city D.went off the train with the man

D 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句可知,警官最后带着这个流浪汉走下了火车,故D项正确。

8.What does the author think of the homeless man?



A.He is a loser of life. B.He is worth our respect. C.He is very funny. D.He is a fearless fighter.

A 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段第二、第三句可知,如果他没有家,至少他还有自由,如今他两个都没有了。据此可以判断,他是一个生活的失败者,故A项正确。


(2018·云南高三11校跨区调研考试)Spider(蜘蛛) webs have something in common with guitar strings. The long, thin strings on a guitar can vibrate(振动). They move back and forth, or from side to side. So do webs made by spiders. The lines of silk they produce can carry vibrations. This movement gives the small creature information about what landed on the web.

Spiders have eight legs and usually eight eyes. The animals build webs with their own soft, naturally-made silk. And much like playing the strings of a guitar, a spider can send out vibrations across its web over many different frequencies(频率). Spiders catch their food, usually insects in their webs. They make small movements, which spread across their webs. The vibrations can give the spider details about what is caught in the web—maybe a possible mate,or something tasty to eat.

Vibrations are not just used to spot what is for dinner. They are also important in courtship(求爱), so lots of males will actually create a very specific kind of musical pattern which the females can use to determine not only that they’re a male, but they’re the right species, and whether they might want to mate with them as well.

Spiders make their own vibrations to find out the condition of the webs. By controlling the tightness of the material, they can effectively control how information is getting to them when they hang out in the middle of the web.Spiders have a special ability to shape the physical nature of their self-made materials and creations. Scientists think that spider silk may have changed over time for this purpose.

【解题导语】 本文介绍了蜘蛛吐出的蛛丝可以传播不同频率的振动,这些振动让它们知道蜘蛛网上落下了什么东西并且这些振动在求爱中也非常重要。

9.How does a spider feel that an insect is caught in the web? A.Through its sense of sight. B.Through vibrations of its web. C.Through different frequencies.



D.Through a musical pattern.

B 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的“The vibrations can give the spider details about what is caught in the web”可知,蜘蛛可以通过蛛网的振动知道有东西落到蛛网上了。故选B项。

10.What does the underlined word “They” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to? A.Insects. C.Spiders.

B.Strings. D.Vibrations.

A 解析:代词指代题。根据第二段的“Spiders catch their food... across their webs.”可知,蜘蛛在它们的蛛网上捕食,一般捕到的都是昆虫。它们制造出传遍整张蛛网的小振动。所以They指代的是昆虫。

11.Which of the following statements is TRUE? A.Silk produces vibrations as the strings of a guitar do. B.Female spiders make special sounds to attract a partner. C.Hunting will be hard for spiders if the silk is loose. D.The tightness of silk can’t be adjusted once it’s made.

C 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的“By controlling the tightness of the material, they can effectively control how information is getting to them”可知,蛛网的紧密度对蜘蛛捕猎至关重要,故选C项。

12.The text mainly tells readers ________. A.guitars and spider webs are similar B.spider webs have various functions C.spiders are skillful in hunting insects D.vibrations are vital in a spider’s life

D 解析:主旨大意题。根据整篇文章的叙述,尤其是第二段中的最后一句可知,D项正确。

Ⅱ 七选五

(2018·广东七校联考)It is necessary to be reasonable and flexible enough to avoid conflicts as much as possible and live in peace with others. 1.________If you have done all your best to avoid conflicts and you are still arguing, then read these effective tips on how to avoid conflicts.

Don’t get in the center of the conflict.

Sometimes people can get in the center of conflicts due to their enthusiasm for offering help. Frankly speaking, it is very unwise, because it can make you the main figure of the conflict.



2.________ You should focus on your own life issues.

Be kind.

3.________ Life is full of conflicts and disagreements, and that’s why you should find more conservative ways of dealing with them. For example, kindness can lessen the conflict.

Try to be a peacekeeper.

Peacekeepers tend to cooperate with people without bad emotions which usually lead to arguments and even conflicts. “4.________”This saying is the life motto of a natural-born peacekeeper. Don’t worry if you are not a natural-born peacekeeper; you can gain this skill during life.

Walk off.

When the conflict is gathering pace and you can’t manage to control yourself, you should choose to handle the situation in another way. By all means, try to keep yourself away from stress. 5.________ You should get away from the situation for a while.

A.The greatest victory is a battle not fought. B.Conflicts are unavoidable, so try to accept them.

C.Weak people usually desire others to offer help and support. D.Let other people solve their problems without your presence. E.It is helpful to put some distance between yourself and the opponent. F.When someone pushes you to the limit, try to act kindly towards this person. G.Arguing can either break your friendship or affect your relationship to some degree. 【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了几种有效避免冲突的建议。

1.G 解析:根据空前一句可知,尽量避免冲突是十分有必要的;据此可以判断,空处承上启下,介绍冲突的严重危害,引出文章主题,故G项正确。

2.D 解析:根据空后一句可知,作者建议把注意力集中在自己的事情上;据此可以判断,空处建议“让其他人自己解决他们自己的问题”,故D项符合文意。

3.F 解析:根据该段标题“Be kind.”可知,该段主要阐述“和善待人”的建议,这与F项中的“try to act kindly towards this person”照应,故F项符合文意。

4.A 解析:根据空后一句可以判断,空处是调解人的一句格言。A项意为“最伟大的胜利是一场没有战斗的斗争”,符合文意,故A项正确。

5.E 解析:根据空前一句可知,这里作者建议要远离冲突,离开对手;据此可知E项符合文意。




