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it Four








由于在技术上已可以细分使产品互有区别,以符合消费者经常提出的越来越细的选择,知识创造和转让的价值已提高。因此,我国先进的计算机及电信产品具有极高的价值,在知识领域成功创新的计算机公司及电信公司的股市价值特别高的原因,都是不难理解的。 可以期待,信息和其他技术的普及和有效应用,将使生产率大幅提高,使企业成本大为降低。当然,我们已经可以看到,质量控制的明显改进,已大幅减少代价极高的废品率和因此而损失的时间。而运用计算机和卫星技术研发出的更为复杂而精准盘存系统明显提高了货物流通的效率。新技术已广泛用于服务部门,例如在保健服务方面,诊断和治疗的改进特别令人难忘,还有在航空效率和安全方面,以及目前由文字处理、电传及语音邮件和电子邮件为主要设备的办公服务方面等。














Key to the exercises

Text Analysis and Comprehension


1. inaugurate the economic seminar series; education

2. the accelerated expansion of computer and telecommunications technologies; our standard of living; the stock of plant and equipment; obsolete at a higher rate.

3. cars (or other modern products); refrigerators(or other modern products); crop yields increased, steam power was developed, textile fabrication became more efficient, and available work hours were freed; less constrained by limits of physical bulk; medical care; education; entertainment; travel

4. physical resources and manual labor; ideas and concepts; information; how to rearrange physical reality to achieve ever-higher standards of living

5. vacuum tubes; transistors; thin fiber optic cable; less physical material than was required 50 or 100 years ago; downsize

6. costly product rejects and lost time; improve the efficiencies of moving goods through more sophisticated, just-in-time, inventory systems.

7. business services and financial transactions now are transmitted almost instantaneously across global network.

8. develop and to apply new technology; the forefront of new ideas and products; the rapid international diffusion of technology.

9. considerable infrastructure; the part of managers and workers who have to implement new processes and who must be prepared to adapt, over their lifetimes, to the ongoing change that innovations bring

10. cognitive skills; conceptual abilities; lifelong; keep pace with the new demands evolving in the job market

11. child-rearing; basic education at the elementary and secondary school levels; the education deficiencies of all too many of our young people; the skills of workers who have not kept up with the changing demands of the workplace; business; education 12. C

13. people, ideas, and processes


1. defined 2. wealth 3. exchange 4. economic 5. because 6. needs 7. infinite 8. automobile 9. commodities 10.Common 11. that 12. satisfied 13. same 14. feed 15. desires


I. Error Correction

1. A pen can be defined as something with which we can write.

2. When I want to get away from it all, there are three solitary pleasures I enjoy: walking quietly in the country, reading a good book, and listening to fine music.

3. Another reason why modern toys soon lose their appeal is that they are made of plastic commonly.

4. Jack was so drunk that he fell off the bike and lay by the road until the next morning.


5. By the time the applicant makes up his mind, the offer will have been cancelled. 6. You would be irritated if you watched the mail pile up on your desk every day. 7. To be qualified for the job, one needs to have profound knowledge in electronics. 8. The decision having been made, what is to be done now is how to carry it out. 9. It has been proved that once deprived of oxygen, the brain dies.

10. He warned his son not to go into the forest alone because he was fearful that some wild animals might hurt him.

II. Sentence Refining

A) Refining by Combining

1. We could spend our day off together shopping at the mall, or fishing.

2. After keeping an item for just a few months, children want to throw it away and get something new.

3. My sister, who is trying to teach me to play tennis, says that my forehand and serve are all right, but I need to work on strengthening my backhand.

4. Toni knows that she is not likely to get the vice-president’s job, but she wants the experience of applying for it.

5. The boy kept his electric train carefully boxed so that he could give it to his cousin.

6. Plastic costs almost nothing to make; and when painted in bright, vivid colors, it can see shiny and desirable.

7. Pirates cove, a small town on the coast of Maine, resembles the old New England seaports depicted in paintings hanging in country inns and seafood restaurants.

8. She had just arrived from a little town in the eastern Oregon, filled with ambition and dreaming of a great career in the theater.

B) Refining by Eliminating Wordiness

1. We must take a stand on this pressing issue.

2. Mr. Henderson arrived late for work because he stopped at many red lights. 3. The recently released report shows that many students like reading.

4. Before the travel agent finished explaining the differences among the unique vacation packages his travel agency was offering, the customer changed her plan.

III. Paragraph Editing

In modern society, more and more people think that the university should not provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training. In my opinion, it is necessary for the university o offer students with more opportunities of practical training.

University education aims at bringing up people well prepared for the society, which demands more practical ability now. However, many universities, without awareness of this fact, do not attach great importance to practical training, nor do they provide students with chances to practice what they have learnt. Students have to focus their study on books. Therefore after graduation, many students feel frustrated when they find it hard to get a job or to adapt to the


working requirements. This is the failure of university education.

翻译技能要略之七:含义的反面表达 1. 我们对生活要永远抱乐观态度。

2. 当纳赛尔由别人介绍与海卡尔见面时,他只简单地说:―我读过你写的文章,想不到你这样年轻。‖

3. 正如没有经历过大事的人一样,他是经不起成功也经不起失败的。

4. 她的注意力集中得过分了;她做这工作,精神上和肉体上都用不着那样紧张。 5. 我愿意接受你的建议。实际上,我太赞成你的看法了。 6. 趁他还没来得及阻拦我,我已经跑出了教室。

7. 我将诸位聚集一起的目的是,我们共同努力来解决危机影响的必要性远远没有结束。 8. 通常,我们读书时并没有一个明确统一的思想:要求小说要真实,诗歌可虚构,传记应颂扬,历史则应强化我们的成见。

9. 多年来,我们取得了巨大的成就,比任何其他人都繁荣昌盛,如果要找这其中的答案,那就是在这片土地上我们最大限度地解放了人的能量和才华,这是前所未有的。

10. 我想让你们毫无疑虑地明白在我任总统期间,无论涉及到谁,正义将得到公正地、完全地、客观地伸张。这个职务是一种神圣的信任,我下定决心不辜负这种信任。 11. Such a tour will be a most rewarding experience.

12. The old lady fell down from the stairs before she knew it. 13. I am afraid the matter has quite escaped his memory.

14. These basic principles must be kept in mind in our discussion.

15. This organization has not, so far, justified the hopes which the people of the world place in it. 16. Sometimes the wronged forgets more easily than the wrongdoer.

17. No one of us should ever forget this bitter lesson and we must all take warning from it.

18. We cannot fail to realize that the later developments in Chinese painting, especially those made by the poetic and idealistic landscape painters, have been great advances over the Tang artists.

19. Yu Nan had a problem he couldn’t talk about. His wife, Wanying, was just too virtuous; she gave him no pretext for divorcing her.

20. The dethronement of Confucianism, therefore, will be assured when it is regarded not as the solitary source of spiritual, moral, and philosophical authority, but merely as one star in a great galaxy of philosophical luminaries.

21. Great scientists of the past produced scientific ideas which were the basis for human advances, but their ideas sometimes had to wait for years before they were fully understood.

22. More than sixty years have passed, and what happened in this drawing class is deeply engraved on my memory. Though Mr. Hu is no longer around, his smiles are still vivid in my mind’s eye and his voice still ringing in my ears.


1. ??冬夜漫长,白昼苦短而多风雪,这种生活真是够他忍受的。 2. 他在化学方面有许多发现,但是他生性超脱,并未发表其研究成果。




观众们的心中真的有“杀戮欲”吗,还是他们所观看的表演激发了他们的“杀戮欲”呢?另一个发生在艺术界的事件是一个剧作家和一个话剧总监之间的辩论。这次,辩论不是被比喻成战争,而是被比喻成一场拳击赛 ---- 这项运动,和辩论一样,从本质上来说就是一场战斗,需要你全身心地投入战斗才能取胜。报道这件事的新闻大标题为“拳击场一角”,副标题为“黑人剧作家和白人评论家的角斗”。新闻是这样写的:

??这是一场奥古斯特·威尔逊与罗伯特·布鲁斯汀之间的对峙。威尔逊是美国话剧史上最杰出的黑人剧作家,而布鲁斯汀则长期担任《新共和国》的剧评人和马萨诸塞州剑桥美国保留剧目剧院的艺术总监。这两个重量级选手从去年六月以来一直在文章中唇枪舌剑?? 只见他二人从拳台的两侧入场,握了握手,开始拳击 ---- 至少是轻拳出击。 威尔逊,文章解释道,曾发表演说反对黑人演员在没有种族歧视的影片中扮演“白人”的角色;布鲁斯汀则写了一篇专栏文章反驳他;接着两人便你来我往地辩论起来。 根据文章所述,“威尔逊和布鲁斯汀对峙的戏剧性在于二人互不妥协的态度。”没有人会质疑观众对戏剧性事件的喜爱有什么不妥。但二人互不妥协的态度真的是这一事件中最富戏剧性的地方吗?我碰巧在广播里听到了他们俩的这场辩论。赢得最多掌声的却是最后主持人安娜·狄阿弗拉·史密斯对他俩的一句提问,她问:“你们俩在这场辩论中都从对方那儿学到了什么?”观众响亮的掌声充分说明了他们并不崇尚互不让步的态度,他们想要看到不是互不妥协的双方在僵局中那短时间的戏剧性场面,他们想要看的是另一种戏剧性:变化 ----虚心地听取别人不同观点而带来的变化。


战争隐喻的替代者:身体里的国家 如果说我们把每一件事物都看成战争的做法促成、并巩固了我们现有的这种争执型的文化,那么别的文化也许能为我们提供新的隐喻,以及处理信息和争端的另一种方法。金伯利·琼斯正开始向一个强调统一协调,反对对抗的文化学习如何处理争端。她发现,日本人在某些情况下,特别是在办公室同事间,往往尽量避免公开的冲突,但在其他情况下,比如电视政治辩论中,冲突则很普遍。但这种冲突在大多数美国人眼中还是很“柔和”的。举个例子来说,辩论双方很快就能就小的问题达成一致,这样他们在更重要的问题上就能措辞更加强烈。除此之外,他们表达不同立场的方法也不同于我们的思维定式。 听一听别的语言表达思想的方式,你就会发现语言的世界是多么的不同。在美语中,我们用战争和体育隐喻谈论那么多的事物,于是我们很难想象还能怎样来表达同样的想法。美国人谈论疾病时频繁地将人体比作战场,而日本专家却能将经济比作是人体 ---- 一个“身体里的国家”。 比如,日本语言学家阿苏库·宏达曾分析过一个电视谈话节目。节目中的两名客人对日本的经济形势有不同的评估:铃木对经济形势很乐观,而塔卡哈史则很悲观。主持人使用了医学隐喻;当他问铃木是什么引起了经济的衰退,他用了“yamu”这个词,即“疼痛”(动词,意为“遭受病痛的折磨”),并且他向铃木询问“诊断结果”(shindan)。铃木说,


他认为这是一个消化系统的问题:“由于过度饮食,消化器官出了问题。所以需要静养一段时间。”他的评论暗示了当前的形势就像是一顿大餐后轻微的消化不良一样,并无大碍。他解释说:“这并不严重,不像肝或肾这些内部的重要器官,如果这些器官出了问题,病人就必须住院治疗了。” 塔卡哈史接受了过度饮食的隐喻,但却用它来解释情况的严重性:“所以,这就是说肌肉已经很疲惫了。换句话说,因为体重超重,身体机能已经衰退十分严重了。”他的描述说明我们必须付出更多的关注和努力,经济才能复苏。塔卡哈史认为,“循环系统正在出现问题”。他继续使用了医疗隐喻,用它做了一件让美国人大吃一惊的事,---- 他承认自己也没有解决方法:“至于我们要怎样做才能让商业重现生机,我们也没有什么好的药物。”

Key to the exercises

Text analysis and comprehension

1. novel/new; calcified; their metaphorical implications

2. cat; pussyfoot; the movements of a cat cautiously circling a suspicious object

3. Americans talk about almost everything as if it were a war; breast cancer detection; Party Wars; ―battle‖, ―conquer‖, and ―shot‖

4. a loaded gun; wound or kill just as surely; the terms in which we talk about something shape the way we think about it

5. bumped; smashed; smashed; say having seen broken glass; the power of words to shape perception/ that the terms in which people are asked to recall something affect what they recall 6. they train us to think about everything in terms of fighting , conflict and war, which limits our imaginations when we consider what we can do about the situations

7. what triggers aggregation/ what makes the single cells join together; there must exists a pacemaker cell; such a cell doesn’t exist and the aggregation is just a reaction of the cells to their environment; that we tend to view nature through our understanding of human relations as hierarchical/ the conceptual metaphor of hierarchical governance; common metaphors that are taken for granted influence how researchers think about natural phenomena

8. the metaphors we use in our language not only shed light on how we think about the people and the world around, but also shape the way we think about them 9. warriors; a fight between two opponents

10. Mr. Wynton Marsalis, the trumpeter, defeated Mr. John Lincoln Collier, the writer, in their debate in August at Lincoln Center about their different opinions on Jazz which they had held for several years. What was unpleasant was that the audience liked the humiliation in the debate rather than the elucidation

11. a fight; animosity; we demonize those with whom we disagree

12. Black performers taking ―white‖ roles in color-blind casting; boxing; duke it out; to fight with fists

13. intransigence; listening to someone with a different point of view 14. argument; emphasize harmony and discourage confrontation 15. fight, bullet, weapon, war, battle 16. You’re wasting my time. This gadget will save your time.

How do you spend your time these days? That flat tire cost me an hour.


You’re running out of time. You need to budget your time. Put aside some time for ping pong. Is that worth your time?

You don’t use your time profitably. I lost a lot of time when I got sick.


1. shapes 2. as 3. expression 4. in that 5. explicit 6. assumption 7. extensive

8. provides 9. convey 10. based 11. or 12. toward 13. cycle 14. coined 15. proposed

Error Correction

1. Vancouver is a wonderful city to live in for anyone who likes rain and dog.

2. Driving recklessly and without lights, Gina was stopped by the police at a road block. 3. In a hurry to get to the interview on time, I left my resume at home.

4. Tanya had obviously drunk too much, so I drove her to her apartment, made her a pot of coffee, and called her mother.

5. In order to succeed in this economy, small businesses must be creative, innovative and flexible.

6. The old house on the bay at St. Anthony’s island looks just as good as it was twenty years ago.

7. What the heroes seek is not wealth nor peaceful life, but the undying fame. 8. I wish I were a piece of cloud giving them cool shade.

9. No matter what difficulties they may come across, they will help one another to get over them.

10. The mathematician had spoken about his research for two hours, but not a word could we understand.

I. Sentence refining A) Combining

1. John O’Hra is said to have disregarded revision altogether in his later years, for he typed his pages and mailed them unrevised to his publisher.

2. Joseph P. Kennedy, father of President John F. Kennedy, made a fortune in banking and real estate.

3. She achieved her goal in 1920 when Congress passed the Nineteenth Amendment giving women the right to vote.

4. It is so strange that everytime I see roses, my nose starts to itch.

5. Though Frank Waters was a powerful man, he could not lift the big stove, which weighed over four hundred pounds.

6. Although Custer’s extraordinary exploits in the Civil War made him the youngest general in the Union Army, most people only know that he was the central figure in ―Custer’s last stand‖. 7. Unlike ants or bees which live in colonies, the young walk away and live alone when



8. When the snow melts in the spring, the dirt roads in the region turn into muddy streams, so people who live in isolated houses use old footpaths to reach Bridgeton, which has two grocery stores and one gas pump.

B) Refining by eliminating wordiness

1. Some of the compact cars sold by American companies are manufactured in Japan.

2. In French, a computer is called an ordinateur, software le logiciel, and data processing I’informatique.

3. I feel that there is no basis in fact for the existence of UFOs.

4. In my view, an English program that teaches the fundamentals is prerequisite to one’s success in college and society.

III. Paragraph Editing:

On the opening night of our school play, I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life, not because I didn’t know the lines for my insignificant part in the play, but because I knew that our crew was not well prepared. I was terrified that something would go wrong while I was on stage, and that I would look like a fool in front of all my family and friends who sat in the front seats. As it turned out, my fears were justified that the performance was a complete disaster.


1. 对任何市场的控制达到这样的地步都不可避免会给社会带来负担,这负担虽然隐藏不露,其代价却可能是难以估量的。

2. 这个措词温和、审慎草拟的决议草案基本上是一项呼吁,尽管它有缺点,我们仍然要支持。

3. 伊丽莎白不肯再和这样一个女人说话,这个女人现在异常无礼,十分令人反感。 4. 它符合宪章精神,因为宪章承认由地区进行排解纠纷的作用。

5. 为了确保数字时代的语言——软件能一如既往地保持富有创新性,我们今天所采取的行动将对二十一世纪我们的生活和经济产生深远的影响。

6. 历史上每个时刻转瞬即逝,因而既珍贵又独特。但是有一些时刻却标志启元,其间确定了未来几十年乃至几百年的发展道路。

7. 我很庆幸自己出生在英国,在诸多理由中,首要原因的是我能够用我的母语阅读莎士比亚。

8. 1991年,本世纪最多事的年份之一,世界目睹了卫星现场直播电视对这些事件所产生的影响。连新闻定义本身也被改写了,从已发生的故事变为收看时正在发生的事。

9. 于是,就出现了这样的情况,正当新办的工厂纷纷成立需要劳动力的时候,成千上万无家可归、肌肠辘辘的从事农业的劳动者,携妻带儿,被迫流入城市。他们要找活干,不管什么活儿,不讲什么条件,只要不让他们饿死就行。

10. 当时,有教养的人家对于女子至多不过让她们对艺术稍有涉猎,并不鼓励她们去做更有抱负的事。但她不受旧思想的约束,担任了一家名叫《家庭通杂志》的编辑。她在这个刊物上大胆发表革命社会主义者朱尔瓦莱斯的文章。

11. 跟在她后面的是她的女儿,一种惧畏和羞怯使她躲缩在后边,眼睛不敢正视前方,这种神情是谁都看的出她是从那儿得来的。原来她的母亲虽然没有受过教育,却具有诗人般的情怀,拥有幻想、感情和天生的仁厚,她的父亲呢,又特具一种沉着和稳重的性格,两下



12. In 1905, he was to publish a theory which stands as one of the most intricate examples of human imagination in history.

13. Good clocks have pendulums which are automatically compensated for temperature changes. 14. Albert Einstein, whose theories on space, time and matter helped unravel the secrets of the atom and of the universe, was chosen ―Person of the Century‖ by Times magazine on Sunday. 15. He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it.

16. One who has accumulated moral power will certainly also possess eloquence; but he who has eloquence does not necessarily possess moral power.

17. This strength and confidence demonstrates our national cohesion with which China will march into the new century, a century of challenges and hopes.

18. Computers, which have many advantages, can not carry out creative work and replace man. 19. Now the integrated circuit has reduced by many times the size of the computer of which it forms a part, thus creating a new generation of portable computers.

20. Those that have gone have gone for good, those to come keep coming; yet in between how swift is the shift, in such a rush?

21. The inevitable consequence of tardiness or infrequence in answering letters is a corresponding reduction, and ultimate cessation of, the pleasure of receiving letters, in which case friendship is prematurely broken off, until the day in sackcloth and ashes you summon up the willpower to put pen to paper again.

22. Those who you really put out of your mind, and do so without qualm, are those friends who have already been replied to.

23. For the sake of a better world and our offspring, we should follow a path of development driven by science and technology that is economically viable, resource conserving and environmentally friendly. Supplementary Reading New words in Context

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. B 8.D 9. C 10. D




Unit Seven 麦当劳与热带雨林

你好,快餐连锁店。 再见,热带雨林。




热带雨林只占地球陆地面积的百分之七(过去占到百分之十二),但却为地球上一半的生命物种提供了生存环境。 “地球上(至少)有五百万物种”, 由于热带雨林的消失,“现在每天都至少有一个物种灭绝。”诺曼·梅尔斯说道。梅尔斯先生著有许多雨林研究方面的文章和书籍,还是世界银行和世界野生动物保护基金会的顾问。“在恢复生态平衡之前,至少有四分之一的物种将灭绝,这一数字可能更高, …… 如果这种情况继续下去,那么到下世纪中叶将有两百万物种灭绝。”梅尔斯把热带雨林的毁灭称作“地球表面发生的最严重的生态灾难之一。”关于热带雨林的毁灭将对生物进化过程所产生的影响,梅尔斯是这样评述的:

“在进化过程中即将发生巨大的变化,它将和古生物纪中最重要的几次生物革命齐名。无论从规模,还是重要性来讲,它都将毫不逊色于需氧呼吸的发展,有花植物的出现,和有肢动物时代的到来。但是,它对未来物种进化的影响显然不是创造性的,而是毁灭性的。” 换句话说,如此迅速的物种灭绝将使生物链中突然增加许多空位,有利于产生一种“害虫杂草”式的生态系统。某些特别能够适应环境变化的物种,(例如,老鼠、蟑螂之类)将迅速繁衍。























空洞,从而丧失了合成许多新型农作物的可能。此外,还有无数尚未被发现的植物品种 ---- 仅在南美洲,就有约15,000种未知物种,而它们有可能具有一些非凡的特质。(在马达加斯加长春花中发现的生物碱使对白血病和霍奇金病的治疗产生了革命性的突破,英国生物化学家约翰·汉弗莱在描述这种生物碱时说道:“如果我们没有分析这种植物的话,即使是凭化学家最大胆的想象,我们也不可能知道这种细胞结构有如此高的药性。”)而现在,百分之九十的马达加斯加森林都已经被毁。






Key to the exercises


Text Analysis and Comprehension 1. McDonald’s; fast-food chains 2. free-market; the tropical forests; commercial; 150,000 square kilometers; a fifteenth or a twelfth 3. C 4. the course of biological evolution; the Earth’s weather patterns 5. half the species; the disappearance of at least a quarter of all species 6. ―The Hamburger Connection‖; the development of aerobic respiration; the emergence of flowering plants; the arrival of limbed animals; impoverishing; creative; the rapid destruction will vacate many niches for some opportunistic species such as rats, roaches and the like 7. rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere heat the planet by preventing infrared radiation from escaping into space; the fires set to clear tropical forests; carbon dioxide/CO2; devastating 8. D 9. beef consumption; Latin America and Central America; cheaper than that in North America; fast-food chains 10. B 11. dropping; five to ten; easy bank loans; much help and encouragement 12. B 13. red; the most insoluble; the living canopy; the thin layer of humus; the matter shed by the canopy; shallow 14. a meat packing corporation; quick ways to clear the land/ quick ways to destroy tropical forests 15. a huge chain between two enormous tractors; a few tens of thousands of acres of tropical forest; the debris; a plane over to seed the ash with guinea grass; thrives/ grows like crazy; eroded; leached; runoff 16. tractor-and chain; the use of herbicides; all plants except grasses; plant soil-enriching legumes 17. immediate profitability; destroy the tropical forests; new agricultural hybrids; remain unknown/remain undiscovered 18. leukemia and Hodgkin’s disease; how great our loss will be if we destroy the tropical forests and all the unknown plants there 19. once the foreign beef is inspected by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it is no longer required to be labeled ―imported‖ 20. short sighted/ catastrophic; the earth/ the planet; it destroys the environment; it is a poor converter of energy to protein; it provides few benefits for the vast majority of tropical peoples in terms of employment or food 21. Possible reasons are the high demand for wood and forest products, the mechanization of the logging industry, the need for fuel, the hunger for land, etc.


1. contribute 2. from 3. applying 4. resource 5. sources 6. successful 7. deforestation

8. toward 9. play 10. However 11. step 12. for 13. as 14. preserved 15.




I. Error correction

1. Since he suffered a lot from stomachache, the doctor insisted that he should not drink wine any more.

2. Though written in ancient times, the book still appeals to readers today.

3. To decide on a career, students should think closely about what they are interested in and what they are skilled at.

4. By noon on Friday, the whole dorm have left their rooms and headed for the local pubs and coffeehouses.

5. The government did not reply to my letter, nor did it offer me a job. 6. Donna laughed, her eyes flashing with mischief.

7. After checking the figures, the voters rejected the new budget.

8. Because there was little heat in the bedroom, Evans was cold most of the night. 9. It is estimated that the flat is worth 10,000 dollars in rough.

10. Not only will the novel be interesting to us, but also its English will help us write compositions.

II. Sentence Refining A) Refining by Combining

1. Unlike such materials as leather and wood, plastic does not mellow with age. 2. The street vendor she saw on her way home sold wild mushrooms. 3. The village was silent, its shops closed, the streets deserted.

4. The gradual decline of College Board scores over the past twenty years indicates that American high school education is less effective than it used to be.

5. Ralph, the leader of the boys, summons them to meeting by using a large shell that makes a loud noise when he blows into it.

6. Reaching the top of a long rise, I take a short break before turning back and heading home. 7. The bird sailed for hours, searching the blanched grasses below him with his telescopic eyes. 8. By hitchhiking to the house of a friend in Salt Lake City and then borrowing his motorcycle to make the rest of the trip, Mary traveled from Denver to San Francisco.

B) Refining by eliminating wordiness

1. A clerk checks and records all incoming mail.

2. Professor Wang knows a great deal about the American history. 3. Helen always behaves respectfully towards others.

4. Baseball has a rhythm that alternates between waiting and explosive action.

III. Paragraph Editing

As we know, men play an important role in both the society and the family. However, in someone’s opinion, a good job and high social status take precedence over other things for men, and housework can always be left to their hard-working wives. Men, by succeeding in their careers, can achieve both confidence and money which is what every family needs.


Others have a different idea. They believe while being successful in their jobs, men should also help their wives with family matters, such as doing housework, and looking after their babies. And only by this way, can a man be a perfect ―man‖.

I agree with the second view. Families are very important in our lives because they are the source of happiness. Men can’t treat their wives as all-day-long labors, leaving all the housework to them. So in my opinion, a man must take care of both his family and his career.

翻译技能要略之十二:否定的理解与翻译 1. 她给他增添了无穷的麻烦,巨大的苦恼。

2. 有时,这种自由的代价是高昂的,但是我们始终愿意付这个代价。

3. 我发现我的鼻梁长得不好,不适合戴夹鼻眼镜,于是订购了一副可用金属线牢系于两耳后面的眼镜。我一个星期还没戴完就发现它把我的耳朵都要割碎了。

4. 每当想起曾在伦敦住过的伟人以及曾在这里从事过写作的诗人、剧作家、小说家,来访者不能不感到他们给这地方带来了浪漫色彩和诱人的魅力。 5. 他根本不知道你讲的话是什么意思。 6. 我们没有因你做了说明而有所开窍。

7. 我应当看出双方的年龄相差太大,不见得会是一对夫妻。

8. 我并非不相信未来;我并不害怕我们面临的问题。我们面临的是大问题,但我们的心胸更宽大。我们面临的挑战很艰巨,但我们的意志更坚定。如果说我们的弊病层出不穷的话,那么上帝的爱是真正的广袤无边。

9. 他们大多数人认为他是个无能的、不称职的人,起不了什么作用,而且在技能方面根本不能与他们相比。

10. 他连鞋子都来不及脱就急匆匆地跟着公主进了她那最里面的闺房。

11. It is not until society accepts new thoughts that the development of economy, science and technology is made possible.

12. We all cried so instinctively, so shamelessly. That, I suppose, is a necessary experience before we grow up into true human beings.

13. It is a matter of great regret that many people mistake freedom for license. They misinterpret the meaning of freedom.

14. In fact, it is his meticulousness that is preventing him from making any progress in his research.

15. A proverb says that money moves the world, but I should think that ability moves the world. Without ability we could hardly accomplish anything.

16. He is too much of a sophisticate not to see through your fine pretensions.

17. I wrote these words almost thirty years ago, having no other purpose than to rebuild and register instants in the lives of those people who engendered and were closest to my being.

18. He was so used to her being there. When he looked up and didn't see her, he felt thoroughly ill at ease.

19. He believes that all things have their visible sides and their invisible ones and that we will know nothing about either until we manage to see both.

20. By this I do not mean arguing that artists can abandon self-discipline in morality and clear conscience in politics, nor defending the demonic and vulgar artists, but I am drawing attention to the transcendence and liberality of aesthetic pursuits. 翻译技能要略之十三:成语与四字结构的运用


1. 大多数人面对造化弄人,人生境遇,不仅逆来顺受,甚至还能随遇而安。 2. 他坐在那儿注视着,觉得眼前的景象,既是始终如一,又是变化多端;既是光彩夺目,又是朦胧黑暗;既是庄严肃穆,又是轻松愉快。 3. 他们视而不见,充耳不闻,对所见所闻漫不经心,毫无鉴赏珍惜之意。 4. 陆军准将乔治· 莫斯利是艾森豪威尔少校的朋友。艾森豪威尔后来说他是个“才气横溢”、“生气勃勃”、“富于创见”的人。 5. 我马上注意到客人中夹杂着不少年轻的英国人,个个衣着体面,个个面露饥色,个个都在低声下气地跟殷实富裕的美国人谈话。 6. 春天处处带来赏心悦目的复苏景象,生命在继续,死亡不过是时间的匆匆过客。天道从不蹒跚踌躇,从不三心二意。一切都是有条不紊。一切的一切,从来都是这么有条不紊。 7. 他是底特律的一名律师,为人能干,事业成功。35岁时就门庭若市,收入可观,屡屡胜诉,声名昭著,前程似锦。 8. 鉴于西方文化千差万别,有些事物在某个社会的一部分地区已经完全销声匿迹,而在另一部分地区可能仍然方兴未艾。 9. 阿尔伯特思潮起伏,心情激动。他第一次意识到自然界里还有看不见、摸不着、几乎不可思议的东西。 10. 艾森豪威尔后来回忆往事时说,只要麦克阿瑟感到友人对他不够尊重,就“发起脾气来,破口大骂人家好耍权术,不懂礼貌,乱出主意,出尔反尔,狂妄自大,违反宪法,感觉迟钝,麻木不仁,如今世道真是见鬼,等等。” 11. This song has been sung all over China for 50 years; the melody still lingers in the air. 12. The valley of the Grand Bend is full of multipeaked mountains, joined canyons and turbulent waters. 13. Many of us take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. 14. The next 15 years represents an extremely important period linking the past with the future. 15. The Chinese government stands ready to further strengthen economic cooperation and trade ties with other Asian nations on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, mutual openness, long-term cooperation and common progress. 16. A scientist who braves all difficulties, keeps on working and perseveres to the end will surely achieve great successes in his work. 17. Science stresses reality. Science is honest knowledge free from falsehood, and it requires painstaking labors and efforts. 18. On the other hand, the most assertive words will lose their impact if expressed in a hesitant, indirectly manner. 19. Having been at the end of their tether just moments before, he now sensed that a catastrophe had been averted. They could press on again. So he rolled over and promptly fell sound asleep. 20. The fight against the flood brings out a noble anti-flood spirit, which is characterized as unity of mind and willpower, braving difficulty and hardship and going all out in the tenacious struggle, persistence and unyielding as well as striving for success. This is our treasured national spiritual asset.


Supplementary Reading New words in Context

1. A 2.D 3.D 4.C 5. B 6. B 7. D 8.A 9.A 10.C




Unit 8


1996年,哈佛医学院神经生物学系和医德研究部的丽萨· N·格勒博士等人进行了一项关于美国基因歧视的调查。调查显示,基因歧视现象比人们所想的要普遍得多。在许多机构中都存在基因歧视现象,包括商业保险公司,社会医疗保障机构,政府部门,领养机构和学校。研究人员对患亨廷顿病、粘多糖贮积病、苯丙酮酸尿症和血色沉着病这四种遗传性疾病风险较大的人或与他们相关的人进行了调查。亨廷顿病是一种致命的紊乱性疾病,中年人发病较多。黏多糖贮积则会引起痴呆和器官肥大。苯丙酮酸尿症也会引发痴呆,但可以通过后天的特殊饮食来治疗。血色沉着病是一种铁代谢紊乱性疾病,大量多余的铁会淤积在体内组织中。 在917名被调查者中,有455名报告说他们曾经因基因构成和易患遗传性疾病的体质而受到某种歧视。商业保险公司和社会医疗保障机构的服务中最容易出现基因歧视现象。例如,如果患者被诊断为I型粘多糖贮积病,医疗保障机构就会拒绝支付专业治疗的费用,并辩解说这种病是天生的。再比如,有一个二十四岁的姑娘,因为她家有亨廷顿病史而被保险公司拒保,尽管她从未接受过有无该病的检查。《纽约周刊》就保险行业中的歧视所做的一项调查也发现了类似的案例。当保险公司发现一个家庭的四个孩子中有一个得了脆性X染色体疾病,就取消了这个家庭的所以保险项目。其他的孩子虽然没有得病,却也都被拒保。…… 想收养孩子的夫妇也一直因为他们的基因类型而受到差别对待。报道中有这么一个例子,有一对夫妻不能收养孩子,就因为那个妻子有患亨廷顿病的“可能”。又如,如果母亲患有亨廷顿病,她的孩子则不能通过国家儿童领养机构被他人收养。还有一对夫妇,因其中一人有患亨廷顿病的可能,就不能领养一个健康的婴儿,但却可以领养一个也有可能患亨廷顿病的婴儿。“有患病风险”的夫妇只能和“有患病风险”的婴儿相配对,反之亦然。这种观点也预示着在即将到来的新世纪中可能会发展出一种非正式的基因等级体系。 同样糟糕的是,在生物技术世纪可能会就不同的种族进行不同的基因归类。随着科学家们在人类染色体研究方面获得越来越多的成果,他们将能成功地辨别更多的只有某一种族才有的基因特征和先天特质,由此为可能发生的各种族间的基因歧视敞开方便之门。例如,我们已经知道亚美尼亚人更容易患家族性地中海热病。犹太人是泰-萨克斯病和高歇尔氏病的携带者,而非洲人则有携带镰状细胞的基因。这些特定种族的基因信息会不会被某些机构用作种族歧视,种族隔离,种族毁谤的工具呢? 雇主们现在对利用基因筛选试验来选择未来雇员的方法也越来越感兴趣。他们的原因千奇百怪,无奇不有。有些化工企业就喜欢用此试验来评估工人对高毒性工作环境的基因敏感性,因为他们害怕承担高昂的医疗保险费,残疾补偿索赔和误工费。他们希望借此技术避免聘用那些更易患病的员工。如果不考虑工人患病风险的话,将工人的基因与工作环境相挂钩的做法,与清理工作场所,为工人提供安全的工作环境相比,将是一个更经济节约的选择。 生命技术能够提高人类未来的生活质量。发展此项技术,对它最热心的支持者来说,无疑是一种道德高尚的行为。而任何对这项新技术的反对都可能被大批支持者们指责为不人道的、不负责任的、应受到谴责的、甚至是可耻的行为。 然而,新的基因工程技术也带来了人类历史上最有争议的政治问题。在这个新的时代里,谁有权去决定哪一种基因是优秀的基因,应该保留,而哪一种基因是低劣的基因,应


该被消灭呢?是政府?企业?还是大学科学家?在这个问题上,没有人能说出哪一个机构、团体或个人能有权做这样的决定。但是,当有人问我们是否应该发展新的生物技术,让它为我们子孙后代的身心健康造福时,我们大部分人都会毫不犹豫地表示支持。 人类基因筛选技术和基因疗法在历史上第一次使我们重建人类种群的基因蓝图,重新规划未来地球上生物演化的方向成为可能。创造人类新的优秀种群已不再是疯狂政客们的梦想,它在不久的将来就会成为可能,并将孕育一个潜在的有着高额利润的商业市场。 基因工程技术,从本质上来说,就是优生学的工具,因为它和优生学的观点密不可分。关于这项新技术革命有创见性的讨论,没有哪一次能避开优生学的问题。“优生学”这个词是在十九世纪由弗兰西斯·高尔顿爵士,查理斯·达尔文的表兄提出的,大致分成两个学派。消极优生学派倡导有计划地消灭所谓的低劣遗传基因。积极优生学派则提倡进行有选择的生育来“改善”种群的特质…… 美国优生运动的历史应该被公开,尤其是现在,因为许多新的科学发现和技术发明使得以前优生改革家们只有在梦想中才能实现的优生社会变成可能。每当那么多主流的政客、科学家、学者和社论作家都对二十一世纪将出现优生运动将信将疑时,美国过去的优生运动史就会严肃地提醒我们“它完全可能在这里发生。”


“有一天,我们会意识到传宗接代是优等公民主要的,也是不可避免的责任;我们不应允许劣等人群在这个世界上继续生存下去。文明的重要任务就是要保证人群中优秀的因子比低劣的因子相对更多…… 只有充分重视遗传的巨大影响力,我们才能完成这项任务…… 我非常希望完全禁止劣等人群进行生育;当这些人邪恶的本质充分彰显的时候,我们就应该实施这样的政策。罪犯和弱智者都应该被剥夺生育能力…… 重点应放在鼓励优等人群的生育上。”




……生物技术革命将影响我们生活的方方面面。饮食、恋爱、婚姻、生育、教育,以及我们感知这个世界和我们在这个世界中位置的方式 ---- 所有个人的和公共的生活都将深受生物技术世纪中新科技的影响。所以,理所当然的,在应用这些与我们生活密切相关的技术之前,我们应该进行广泛的讨论和仔细的辩论。

Key to the exercises


Text analysis and comprehension

1. more widespread than previously thought; insurance companies, health care providers, government agencies, adoption agencies and schools 2. A

3. insurance companies; health providers; free occupational therapy; MPS-I was considered a preexisting condition; was refused life insurance; her family history of Huntington’s disease; the entire insurance coverage; one of its four children was afflicted with fragile X disease

4. adoption of a normal baby; to adopt a baby at risk of coming down with Huntington’s disease; a kind of informal genetic caste system

5. the success achieved in identifying genetic traits and predispositions that are unique to specific ethnic and racial groups will possibly facilitate racial discrimination.

6. may be more susceptible to illness; health insurance coverage, disability compensation claims, and absenteeism

7. a way to improve humanity’s own prospects/ a way to reengineer the genetic blueprints of our own species and begin to redirect the future course of our biological evolution on Earth; what is a good gene that should be added toe the gene pool and what is a bad gene that should be eliminated

8. hereditary improvement of the characteristics of an organism or species; negative and positive eugenics; negative eugenics involves the systematic elimination of so-called undesirable biological traits; while positive eugenics is concerned with the use of selective breeding.

9. Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the U.S.; America’s eugenic past; criminals and feeble minded people; be prevented entirely from breeding/be sterilized/ be forbidden to leave offspring behind them

10. it can happen now and here; the new discoveries and applications in the biotech field could become tools to realize the past eugenic ideas

11. For example, cloning has always been controversial. ―Dolly‖, the successfully cloned sheep prompts ethical debates. …

12. the technology is inseparably linked to eugenics ideas; the scientists, corporation, or state; which are good genes that should be inserted and preserved and which are bad genes that should be altered or deleted. 13. C

14. the potential for genetic discrimination and the threat of eugenics; considerable public attention/ to be widely discussed and debated by the public


1. facility 2. cloned 3. reproduced 4. instead 5. debate 6. focused 7. despite 8. form 9. intention 10. breakthrough 11. transferring 12. characteristics 13. containing 14. exploring 15. humans

Writing Exercises I. Error Correction

1. He is exhausted from the two-hour trip through the mud.

2. I shall never allow you to marry the girl, and you are not my son if you do.

3. When hearing the bad news, she was at her wit’s end and didn’t know what to do.


4. Twenty original African wood carvings were donated to the museum.

5. Feeling impatient for someone to return and give me an answer, I paced up and down the hall.

6. I would have written more often if I had known you cared.

7. The union workplace-climate committee found the factory to be noisy, smelly, and dirty. 8. There are two ways to make these machines, but the first one is worthy of note.

9. Meetings such as this are fine for small groups, but large groups have to be handled in a different way.

10. Crawling from my bed, I put on my black wool cycling shorts, along with my green-and-black shirt.

II. Sentence Refining

A) Refining by Combining

1. On Interstate 70 in Colorado, a stretch that extends from Idano Springs to Glenwood Springs offers tourists many attractive sights.

2. The moon may become the new playground of the superrich, if commercial airlines offer regular flights to the moon by the year 2050.

3. Red Cloud, who led the Sioux Indians, denounced Custer’s invasion because it violated the treaty.

4. The vacuum-cleaner salesman who came to our door this morning was the kind of person who won’t take no for an answer.

5. Our cafeteria, with its dreary salad bar, greasy chips, and soggy sandwiches, completely take away my appetite.

6. She waited restlessly, clutching a big white suitcase covered with stickers marked ―Broadway or Bust‖.

7. Holly Cole, who is the star headlining tonight’s show, is responsible for two albums which have been nominated for Juno awards.

8. He sang about a red-haired young woman dressed in a shiny black raincoat and standing on a crowded New York street corner.

B) Refining by Eliminating Wordiness 1. Nothing may come of these preparations.

2. During that period, many car buyers preferred pink, shiny cars.

3. A teller shortage at our branch office during rush hours has caused customer dissatisfaction. 4. American industrial productivity depends more on psychological than on technological factors.

I. Paragraph Editing

I love my major, journalism and communication. To be a good journalist is my dream.

When I entered Nanjing University last fall, I applied to Nanjing University Youth, a campus newspaper founded by the students here, for a position as a part-time journalist. I passed two interviews and got the first journalist certificate in my life. Nanjing University Youth is issued semimonthly, focusing on the news around the campus

The work for Nanjing University Youth was so exciting that even the interesting stories of such


famous journalists as Robert Capa and Helen Tomas could not be compared with it. At the end of last September, our reporting team received our first assignment, a quarter-page news story. We decided to write about the different choices college students make after graduation, -- to find a job, to go to graduate school, or to further their study abroad. We had discussed a lot, interviewed students, and worked out a long article. But when the press day came in October, we were so disappointed to find our article unprinted. Now, after learning news writing for a year, I can easily tell the reason why it was not accepted by the editor at that time. Our ideas were too simple, lacking profundity. However, as it was our first article, I’ve been saving it in my computer till now.


1. 书本理应是人们观察自然的视镜,却常常被视力不够和生性懒惰的人用来遮光护眼,使他们对自然的光芒和变幻的景色视而不见。那种把学识当作常识的陪衬,以学识代替真知的人真是太多了。

2. 他立即与她攀谈起来,虽然谈的只是当晚下雨和雨季可能到来之类的话题,但他那样和颜悦色,使她不禁想到,即使最平凡、最无聊、最陈腐的话题,只要说话人卓有技巧,同样可以说得很动听。

3. 遥远的童年的回忆清晰地涌现在眼前:他又站在我身边,焕发着青春风采;我听见他的说话声;他丝毫未变。而我由于和他相隔一段恍若如烟的岁月,心想假如他知道在他死后三十年的此时此刻,他热爱的母校——一个曾让他脆弱的心灵莫名烦恼的地方——以这样的方式纪念他,给他这样高的荣誉, 他会做何感想呢?

4. 伊丽莎白尽管打心眼里厌恶他,但是能受到这样一个人的爱慕,她又不能不觉得是一种恭维。虽说她的决心不曾有过片刻的动摇,但她知道这会给对方带来痛苦,因此开头还有些过意不去。然而他后来的话激起了她的怨恨,她的怜悯之情完全化作了愤怒。

5. 关键是所有这些看法都超出了一般的反感之情,它们揭示了一种强大的全国性的观点:即城市的促进与发展无论如何都不是首要的,我们显而易见的未来在于西部那未开垦的土地,在于不断地向西拓展,在于最大限度地把大片土地分给所有人。

6. 但是,经济制度却灌输我们去购买商品,直到我们进入“金字塔之墓”而告终,这个金字塔是由转移我们对纯粹愚蠢行为注意力的分期付款、抵押贷款、怪诞的小玩意儿,以及各种玩物筑成的。

7. 我们认为人们的个性是一成不变的,一些心理学家却相信这种感觉实际上是错觉,它源于我们倾向看到人们不变的性格而不是源于他们行为真正的一致性。密歇根大学的理查德·内斯贝特是持有这种观点的主要心理学家之一。

8. 他胸怀宽广,思想高尚,具有政治家的风度和真正献身于联合国崇高原则的精神,博得人们广泛的赞赏。他曾作为大会主席和秘鲁首席代表,成绩卓著地为联合国服务。多年来,他把丰富的思想献给了联合国组织,直到他停止高贵的呼吸。

9. 纽约的特别之处在于,在这里,你既可以感受参加活动的兴奋,也能够获得隐密独处。而且,如果你想要与世隔绝的话(我们几乎都想要或需要这种隔离),它比任何人口稠密的都市都能更好地把你同周围每时每刻发生的各种重大或美妙事件隔离开来。

10. 不管是一枚钱币、一幅画,还是难得的莎士比亚作品珍本,亦或是政府中的某个职位、一个情人,一旦到手,追求时的那种殷切心情则必然有所失落。毕竟,美餐之后的满足感总没有饥饿的感觉来得那么有滋味,那么急切。

11. I put on my clothes by the light of a half-moon just setting, where rays streamed through the narrow window near my crib.


12. The other attitude is to use our heads and learn those things which suit our conditions, that is, to absorb whatever experience is useful to us. That is the attitude we should adopt.

13. In an increasingly complex and fascinating world, we must gather our courage and use our wisdom to accept the challenge of love, which can mean life and death and, also, happiness.

14. China’s opening toward the rest of the world has become a fundamental permanent policy in our country, which opens up much broader prospects for international cultural exchange.

15. Because she had gone to school and was gradually getting older, Shantao had more and more questions about the world. Some concerned her textbook, others life. She raised some of them to the teacher and had been given satisfactory answers. However, Shantao kept others, particularly those concerning life, to herself.

16. Deed and word must be consistent, theory and practice must be closely integrated. We must reject flashiness without substance and all sorts of boasting. There must be less empty talk and more hard work. We must be steadfast and dedicated.

17. All the way along the train line from the border right up to Peking, as far as the eye could see, the countryside was literally covered up with a green carpet of growing crops, holding a promise of bumper harvest.

18. Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.

19. Although the two were kindly people, it was not a compassionate soul the prompted them to act in that way: What concerned them, without sentimentalism and rhetoric, was to protect their daily bread, as is natural for people who, to maintain their life, have not learned to think more than is needful.

20. Communication through culture and art provides opportunities for peoples of different nations to learn from each other, thereby playing a significant role in flourishing artistic understandings in different nations, enhancing mutual understanding and nurturing friendship among all peoples. Supplementary Reading New words in Context

1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A 6.D 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A




