成功理工职场英语答案Unit 4

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Unit 4 Safety, Maintenance, and Quality Control


Team Project


Additional Resources



Unit 4 Safety, Maintenance, and Quality ControlLesson 1. What caused the explosion Lesson 2. The prevention of accidents

Lesson 3. Wearing special clothesLesson 4. The amplitude of motion Lesson 5. Quality and a finished item

Lesson 6. A “ total quality control” approachEXIT


Unit 4 Safety, Maintenance, and Quality Control

Additional Activities Reading Resources Additional Resources Writing Resources Unit Test Grammar Resources



Lesson 1

What caused the explosion

a Look at the photograph below and, in pairs, answer thequestions. 1. What accident does the photograph show? 2. When and where did this incident take place? 3. What caused the accident? 4. How many lives were lost in the accident?


b Skim through the text quickly to check your answers.


NASA space shuttle consists of three major components: a winged orbiter that carries both crew and cargo, an external tank containing liquid hydrogen (fuel) and liquid oxygen (oxidizer) for the orbiter’s three main rocket engines, and a pair of large solid-propellant rocket boosters (SRBs). On January 28, 1986, the Challenger shuttle and its crew of seven (including teacher Christa McAuliffe, who had been selected to be the first private citizen in space) were destroyed shortly after launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The primary cause of the loss of the Challenger was the failure of an O-ring seal of a joint on one of the solid rocket boosters. The SRBs are constructed in four cylindrical sections. These have to be sealed together completely to prevent the escape of the extremely hot by-products of the burning fuel during a launch. The O-rings are rubber rings that play a vital part in sealing the joints.


On the day of the launch, the weather was unusually cold and this caused the rubber of one of the O-rings on the joint between the bottom two segments of the right SRB to become brittle. This, combined with the faulty design of the joint, allowed hot gases from the burning solid rocket fuel to escape. The gases and flames burned through the metal that held the SRB in position. When the SRB broke off, it ruptured the side of the external fuel tank. This allowed the liquid hydrogen and oxygen to mix prematurely and this is what caused the explosion.


c Read the first paragraph of the text and, in the diagram,label the three main components of the space shuttle. History capsule Another tragic accident occurred on February 1, 2003, when the Columbia space shuttle broke up over north-central Texas at an altitude of about 40 miles (60 kilometers) as it was returning from an orbital mission. All seven crew members died in the accident.

a. ___________________________________ b. ___________________________________ c. ___________________________________ ___________________________________


d Read through the text again and complete the sentenceswith because or so.


1. The O-ring was brittle __________the weather was cold. because so 2. The O-ring was brittle, ____this allowed hot gases to escape from the SRB. 3. The metal holding the rocket was damaged, ____ so the rocket broke loose. 4. The hydrogen and oxygen mixed and exploded __________ because the rocket ruptured the fuel tank.


e In your notebook, write four conditional sentences about thecauses of the accident. eg. If the weather had not been cold, the O-ring would not have become brittle.

f Draw a series of diagrams to explain exactly what caused theChallenger accident.

g In pairs or small groups, discuss your reactions to what youread in the text.


h Listen to an interview with a NASA spokesperson andanswer the questions.Script Key

1. When was the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident created? Early February 1986. ____________________________________________________ 2. Who was named chairman of the commission? William P. Rogers. _____________________________________________________ 3. Who set up the Challenger Data and Design Analysis Task Force? NASA. _____________________________________________________ 4. How long did the commission’s investigation take? Four months. _____________________________________________________ 5. How many people were involved in the investigation? More than 6,000. _____________________________________________________ 6. When was the commission’s report published? Early June 1986. _____________________________________________________


i Listen to the next part of the interview and complete the notes.Script Key

completely redesigned 1. SRBs: _______________________________ 2. A new joint design: _________________________________________ subjected to stringent examination and review 3. Main space shuttle engines: __________________________________ put through most thorough ground-testing _________________________________________________________ program in their history, equivalent to more than 36 real missions 4. Office of Safety, Reliability, Maintainability, and Quality Assurance:____ _____________________ established in 1986


j Research and prepare a report about another accident.

Describe what caused the accident (mechanical failure, electrical failure, materials failure, human error, etc.), how the accident could have been avoided, and what happened as a consequence of the accident.


Interviewer: What happened in the immediate aftermath of the Challenger accident? Spokesperson: In early February 1986, President Ronald Reagan announced the creation of a Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident. Interviewer: Known to most people as the Rogers Commission, right? Spokesperson: That’s right. The chairman of the commission was William P. Rogers. At the same time, NASA established the Challenger Data and Design Analysis Task Force to support the work of the Commission. Interviewer: How long did the investigation take? Spokesperson: It took four mo

nths to complete and required the involvement of more than 6,000 people. The report was published and delivered to the president early June 1986.


Interviewer: So what changes were made as a result of the commission’s report? Spokesman: Well, modifications were made both to shuttle hardware and to NASA’s safety and quality assurance procedures. While the space shuttle fleet was grounded, hundreds of modifications were incorporated into the shuttle system. The SRBs were completely redesigned and a new joint design was subjected to stringent examination and review. NASA put the main space shuttle engines through the most thorough ground-testing program in their history. This was the equivalent in operational time to more than 36 real missions. All engine improvements were certified to demonstrate improved reliability and operating safety margins. Interviewer: I see. Spokesman: And, as I mentioned, apart from making changes to hardware, NASA completely reorganized its safety programs. The Office of Safety, Reliability, Maintainability, and Quality Assurance was established in 1986. This has direct authority for safety and quality control for all NASA operations.


Lesson 2

The prevention of accidents

a Look at the four types of engineers and, in pairs, discuss thequestions. safety engineer maintenance engineer operating engineer control engineer

1. What differences are there between these types of engineers? 2. What do these fields of engineering have in common?


b Listen to check and compare your answers.Script


c Read the interview and write the questions that you thinkthe interviewer asked.Key

Where do safety engineers usually work Q: 1. ___________________________________________? A: Many large industrial and construction firms employ safety engineers. Also nowadays, insurance companies working in the field of employee compensation maintain safety engineering departments. How do people become safety engineers Q: 2. ___________________________________________? A: In most cases, safety engineering is a specialty adopted by engineers who received their initial training in some other branch of engineering.



Q: 3. What ___________________________________________? do safety engineers do A: Well, the principal objective of engineers working in this field is preventing accidents. Safety engineers work on ways of safeguarding all types of worker but particularly the ones who work in occupations that can be hazardous. Q: 4. ___________________________________________? Do all safety engineers work in the field A: No, not all of them. You see, some safety engineers also help in the design of machinery, factories, ships, and roads. They suggest modifications and improvements to try to reduce the likelihood of an accident.


d Match each word from the interview with the correctdefinition. The first one has been done for you.Key

d a f b c


e Read through the text and, for each phrasal verb in

parentheses, suggest a more formal re

placement from the box, in the correct form. There are four extra verbs. The first one has been done for you.Key

conceal modify

eliminate prevent

ensure propose

initiate reduce

maintain seek

As we have seen, safety engineers can offer help at the design stage by (1) proposing (put forward) improvements that can (2) _________ reduce (cut down) the risk of accidents. For example, when some new machinery is being designed, a safety engineer tries to find ways to (3) _________ eliminate (get rid of) any dangerous projecting parts that might hurt someone. The conceal (cover up) the moving parts of a safety engineer tries to (4) _________ machine to minimize the chance of accidental contact with the operator.



The safety engineer will also (5) _______ ensure (make sure) that any emergency cutoff switches are within reach of the operator. As for the design of safer roads, when a new road system is being seek (look for) ways of avoiding designed, safety engineers (6) ______ hazards like sharp turns or blind intersections—things that have been known to cause traffic accidents.

