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2014学年上学期 第 2 周 日期20140909~20140913 班级 教学目教学准备 教 学 过 程 K2 2认识新老师。 3复习26个字母 课题 JOYFUL ENGLISH 主教 Candy 1认识本学期学习的书本。 标 4感受英语游戏的快乐,乐意学习英语 1.Joyful English书本一本 1 Greeting:Hello,children,My name is Candy,Nice to meet you.(Ask for the kid’s name) 2 Warming up: chant 3 lead in:(show the book and ask the children to answer the question) T: Look, What’s this? It’s a book. What’s name of the book. S: Joyful English’s book.. T: Yes, wonderful, and do you remember 26 letters? T&C: A BC.... T:You did a good job, now let’s play a game , please follow me and say puppet puppet stop, when I turn ,you must stop, and I’ll count one to three, as soon as you hear you must squat down, or I’ll catch you , if I catch you , you must answer my question . 1. Ending Song T: Children ,are you happy? Let’s sing a song 效果分析


2014学年上学期 第 3 周 日期20140915-20140919

班级 教学目标 教学准备 school teacher的图片 粘球 K2 课题 JOYFUL ENGLISH 主教 Candy 1.学习英语单词school teacher 2. 感受英语游戏的快乐,乐意学习英语 3. 遵守游戏规矩 1 Greeting:How is the weather? What date is today? 2 Warming up: chant 3. Lead in Show the teacher and school 4. Practice GAME :THROW THE BALL 5. Consolidation 教 GAME: WHAT’S MISSING 学 过 程 效果分析


2014学年上学期 第 4 周 日期20140922-20140927 班级 教学目标 K2 课题 The little helper 主教 Candy 1.学习英语单词 a book a pencil blocks和句子 I have a… 2.能正确理解句型含义。 3.踊跃地参加游戏,大胆大声练读。 教学准备 教 学 过 程 书本 铅笔 积木实物,单词卡片 老虎头饰一个 两个小锤子 1 Greeting:How is the weather? What date is today? How is the wether? 2 Warming up: song HOLLE 3.Review the words:school teacher 4. Lead in Show the magic bag T:I have a magic ,let’s guess what it is in the bag T: Let’s say a book a book T: Look, I have a book (read it one by one) (show the pencil and blocks in the same way) 4. Practice GAME :Touching game 5. Consolidation GAME: Tiger Tiger Tiger what do you have? 6.Ending: song . 效果分析 教案记录表

2014学年上学期 第 5周 日期20140928-20140930 班级 教K2 课题 The little helper 主教 Candy 1. 学习单词a girl a boy. 学2. 意识自己的性别。 目3. 大胆介绍自己的名字和性别。 标 4. 复习学过的单词 教学准备 教 学 过 程 1. 图片各一张 1 Greeting:How is the weather? What date is today? How is the weather? 2 Warming up: song How is the weather 3.Review the words:school teacher a book a pencil blocks和句子 I have a… 4. Lead in (请一个男孩子上来问小朋友他是男还是女孩) T:Children, look, he is a boy or a girl? T: Yes, he is a boy (study the girl in the same way) 4. Practice GAME :Touching game 5. Consolidation GAME: Face to face 6.Ending: song < How is the weather >. 效果分析


This is me 主教 Candy 2014学年上学期 第 6周 日期20141008-20141011 班级 教K2 课题 1.学习单词two eyes twoears a nose a mouth 学2.复习学过的单词 目3.复习句型I have... 标 教学准备 教 学 过 程 图片各一张 自制脸谱一个 1 Greeting:How is the weather? What date is today? How is the weather? 2 Warming up: song How is the weather 3.Review the words:school teacher a book a pencil blocks a boy a girl和句子 I have a… 4. Lead in (T:Children, look, he is a boy or a girl? T: Yes, he is a boy T:(touching two eyes) Look, what are they? Two eyes.(read it one by one) (study the other in the same way) 4. Practice GAME :Touching game and I say you do 5. Consolidation GAME:HAVE A RACE(贴五官) 6.Ending: song < How is the weather >. 效果分析


