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1 System Control /系统控制

1.1 Start-Up / 启动

参考转速基准(TNR) (Turning Reference) 转速 (Speed) 排气温度 (Exhaust) 最大瓦振 (Max Vib)

燃料行程基准FSR (Fuel Stroke Reference) 进气抽气加热系统(IBH) (inlet bleed heat) 进口导叶片(IGV)

速度比率截止阀(SRV) Stop/Speed Ratio Valve 气体控制阀(GCVs)Gas Control Valves 燃气温度(FTG)

主汽门(MSV) main steam valve 高压调门(CV) Control Valve 中压主汽门(RSV)reheat stop valve 中压调门(IV) Intermediate Control Valve 低压主汽门 (ASV) 低压调门 (ACV)

后缸喷水阀 (Exhast Hood Spray valve) Status Run Status Turbine State Control Mode Fuel Control Misc. Status IGV Control Speed Level Mode Select Off Crank Fire Auto 模式选择 离线/无 盘车 火/消防 自动 Run Loading Preselect Auto Speed . IGV Temp Ctrl 14HS 机组状态 运行状态 蒸汽轮机状态 控制模式 燃料控制 IGV控制 转速水平 运行 带负荷 预置 自动 速度控制 IGV 温度控制 14HS Remote 远程 Bus母线 Gen发电机

Load Select : Preselect Ld, Base Load 负荷选择:预置,基本负荷

Generator Momde: Volts, PF, Var 发电机模式:电压、功率因素、无功功率 Master Control: Start, Fast Load Stop 主控: 启动、快速带负荷、停机 MWATT Control SetPoint 功率MW 控制 设置点 Startup Trend 启动趋势

Speed/Load Control 转速/负荷控制: raise 升, Lowe 降 KV/KVAR Control 电压/乏控制:raise 升, Lowe 降 Lube Oil 润滑油泵 Emerg. LO 事故润滑油泵 Hyd Oil 液压油泵 Emer Seal Oil 事故密封油泵 Gland Seal 轴封油泵

1.2 FSR Control / FSR (Fuel stroke Reference) 燃料冲程基准控制

DWCK:负荷限制控制 CPR: 压比控制 SU: 启动控制 ACC: 加速控制 SD: 停机控制 SPD: 转速控制 TEMP:温度控制 MAN: 手动控制 MIN: 最小限制 FSR: 燃料行程基准

FSR Manual Control FSR 手动控制: Gag Preset 档杆预置; Manual SP 手动设定点

1.3 DLN / (Dry Low NOx) 干式低NOx燃烧器

SRV (Stop/Speed Ratio Valve) 速度比率截止阀 To Vent 放空 Purge air 吹扫空气

Gas Fuel inerstage Pressure 气体燃料级间压力(P2) FTG 燃气温度(性能加热器之后的温度) FQG 燃气流量 PTG 扩散通道清吹温度

DLN mode—Piloted Premix 干式低NOx燃烧器燃烧模式---导向预混模式

Combustion Data Comb Ref Temp Allowable Spread Exhaust Spread 度 Exhaust Temperature Gas Control Valves Ref / Fbk Piloted base premix 燃烧数据 燃烧参考温度 允许分散度 排气温度分散排气温度 气体控制阀 参考值/反馈值 导向预混基准 Exhaust Speed Max CPD 力 IGV 度 Watts Vars Flame Intensity 排气温度 转速 最大振动 压气机排气压进口导叶片角有功功率 无功功率 火焰强度 1.4 Gen/Exciter / 发电机/励磁

Ex2100 Status and Control Regulator Active Regulator Balance (Field) Generator Field Current Generator Field Voltage Generator Field Temp Terminal Volts Generator Frequency Generator Stator Current Generator Stator Watts Generator Stator Vars Power Factor 运行状态和控制 调节器动作 调节器场平衡 发电机转子电流 发电机转子电压 发电机转子温度 机端电压 发电机周率 发电机静子电流 发电机定子功率 发电机定子无功 功率因素 EGD Breaker UEL OEL Not Active Exciter enable disabled Primary Volts KV/KVAR Control Speed/Load Control 以太网中的交换标准 发电机断路器 低励限制 过励限制 未激活 励磁 有效 无效 一次电压 电压/无功 控制 转速/负荷 控制 Power Systen stabilizer 电力系统稳定器 1.5 IGV Control / (Inlet Guide Vane)进口导叶片控制

IGV Temp Ctrl Speed Level IBH Mass Flow IBH Valve Reference IBH Valve Position Min. Operating IGV Angle Corrected Speed Fuel Stroke Reference Temperature Control Ref Temperature Control –Speed Biased Inlet Heating Cntrl Valve Ref




进气抽气加热系统调节阀门开度参考 进气抽气加热系统调节阀门开度 最小IGV运行角度 修正转速 燃料行程基准 温度控制参考温度 温度控制-转速偏差


IGV Reference Temperature IGV Angle Reference Part Speed IGV Reference IGV Full Open Position Simple Cycle IGV Ref IGV Temp Control Ref 进口导叶片参考温度 进口导叶片角度参考值

部分转速下进口导叶片参考角度 进口导叶片全开度

简单循环进口导叶片参考温度 进口导叶片温度控制参考值

1.6 Motor /风扇风机

#2 bearing Cooling Fans Turbine compartment Cooling fans Exhaust frame Blower Load Compartment Cooling fans Diffuser Compartment Vent Fans Turbine compartment Humid heater Generator Heater Gas Fuel Compartment Humid Heater

#2轴承冷却风机 蒸汽轮机间冷却风机 排气框架通风机 负荷间冷却风机 排气扩压间通风机 轮机间湿度加热器 发电机加热器 燃气间湿度加热器

1.7 Steam / 蒸汽

Control Mode 控制模式 Auto Status 自动状态 Manual mode 手动模式

Turbine Trip Status(TRIPPED/RESET) 汽机状态显示(跳闸/复置) Flow Demand Status(STANDBY/POWER)

Load Reference Hold(ON) 负荷保持(暂停进汽) IP Pressure 主蒸汽进口压力 IP Setpoint 主蒸汽进口设定值 IP Reference 主蒸汽进口参考值 Control Reference IPC IN/OUT 进口压力控制投运/切除 Load Control 蒸汽轮机负荷控制 Load Ref. Cmd 蒸汽轮机负荷参考指令 Load Reference 蒸汽轮机负荷参考值 Load Ramp Rate 蒸汽轮机负荷变化率(进汽速率) Oper Ramp Rate 运行人员设定的蒸汽轮机负荷变化率(进汽速率) Recommended MARK6计算推荐的蒸汽轮机负荷变化率(进汽速率) Admission Pressure 低压蒸汽进口压力 Adm Press Setpoint 低压蒸汽进口压力设定值 Adm Press Ref. 低压蒸汽进口压力参考值 Adm Flow Setpoint 低压蒸汽进口流量设定值 Adm Flow Ref. 低压蒸汽进口流量参考值

1.8 Turning Gear / 盘车

Turning Gear Permissives 盘车允许条件

Bearing lift oil sup pressure normal 盘车顶轴油压正常 Lube Oil pressure normal 润滑油压正常 Gen. Breaker opened 发电机断路器打开

All stop valves closed to TG 所有截止阀对盘车关闭 Zero Speed 零转速

Compress air pressure normal 压缩空气压力正常 Turning gear interface 盘车界面

Motor status / Not Running 马达状态/未运行 Turning Gear / Not Engaged 盘车/未啮合

Turning Gear status / Stand by 盘车状态/备用 Auto Mode 自动模式 Manual Mode 手动模式 Manual engage 手动啮合

1.9 Limiters / 限制器

Inlet Pressure Limiter(Fixed) 进口压力限制器(固定)(定压运行) NOT LIMITING 无限制

IPL Setpoint 进口压力限制设定值 IN 投入 OUT 退出 Set Limit 设定定值

IPL Ref 进口压力限制参考值

Inlet Pressure Limiter(Rate) 进口压力限制器(变化率)(滑压运行) NOT LIMITING 无限制 Inlet Press 进口压力

IP Internal Setpt 进口压力设定值 IP Limiter Ref 进口压力设定参考值 Valve Position Limiter 阀位限制器 NOT LIMITING 无限制 Setpoint 设定值

Adjust Fast 阀门快关 Fast Cancel 快关取消

VPL Ref 阀位限制参考值 VPL Setpoint 阀位限制设定值 Control 控制 Track 跟踪 Cancel 取消

Admission Press Limiter(Rate) 低压蒸汽压力限制器(变化率)(滑压运行)

2.11 Lube Oil Sys / 润滑油系统

Lube oil Temperature Control 润滑油温度控制 Manual/ Auto 手动/自动

Setpoint / reference Process


设置点/参考值 过 程 输出/旁路

Lube Oil tank temperature Lube oil cooler outlet temp Seal oil differential pressure Bearing oil pressure at C/L Main Pump Test DC pump Test Lift Oil pump


润滑油冷油器出口温度 密封油压差 C/L处轴承油压 主泵测试

直流润滑油泵测试 顶轴油泵

2.12 Hydraulic Sys / 液压油系统

HPU Header Pressure HPU 集管压力 HPU Pump #1 HPU #1泵 High Pressure Filter #1 高压过滤器#1 Delta P 压 差 Normal 正 常 HPU discharge pressure HPU 排放压力 Tank Level 油箱油位 HPU Reservoir Temp HPU油箱温度 Auto Temp Control 自动温度控制 Stby Hydraulic Pump Test 备用液压油泵测试 Run 运 行 Standby 备 用 Stop 停 用

2.13 Generator RTD / 发电机温度

Gen RTD Trend Stator Coupling End Stator Collector End Stator Center Cold Gas Coupling End Cold Gas Collector End Hot Gas Coupling End Hot Gas Collector End

发电机RTD趋势 定子耦合端 定子励端 定子中心

冷却气体耦合端 冷却气体励端 热气体耦合端 热气体励端

Cold Gas Frame Flux Shield 冷却气体框架 通量屏蔽罩

3 Auxiliary /辅助系统

3.1 Flame Intensity/ 火焰强度

Flame Intensity 火焰强度

3.2 Off line WW / 离线水洗

Tunbine Speed>2.0% 机组转速>2.0% Tunbine Speed<0.5% 机组转速<0.5%

Master Control - Startup Permissive 主控-启动允许 Crank Mode Selected 选择冷拖方式 WW Ready to Start 可以开始水洗 No Flame Detected 未检测到火焰

Wheelspace Temp<300 deg F 轮间温度低于300°F Turbine Master Reset 机组主控复置 WW Start Request 请求开始水洗

Crank Speed or Purge Active 冷拖转速或在清吹 Request WW Valve Open 请求开启水洗阀 Off Line Water Wash 离线水洗 Off 停止 On 开始

Initiate Wash 启动水洗 Initiate Rinse 启动漂洗 5 Extra Rinse 5次附加漂洗 End Rinse 结束漂洗

3.3 On line WW / 在线水洗

Inlet Temp>50 deg F 进口温度>50°F

Online Water Wash Permissive 允许在线水洗 WW Start Request 请求开始水洗

Request WW Valve Open 请求开水洗阀 On Line Water Washs 在线水洗 Off 停止 On 开始

Run status / Preselect Load 运行状态/预置负荷

Turbine State / Preselect Control Mode / Auto Fuel Control / Speed IGV Control /IGV Temp Ctrl Speed Level /14HS 热机运行状态/预置

控制模式/自动 燃料控制模式/转速 IGV温度控制 转速水平/14HS

3.4 Start Check / 燃机启动检查

Start Check 0/1/2/3 启动检查0/1/2/3

Comp Inlet thermocouples Disagree 压气机进口热电偶不符合 IGV Control Valve Fault 进口导叶片控制阀故障 Customer permissive to Start 用户允许启动 E-Stop Push Button E-停止按钮 Flame Detector Trouble 火焰探测器故障 Control Mode==OFF 控制模式= =停止 Hydraulic Protective Trouble 液压保护故障 Generator Breaker Closed 发电机断路器关闭 Loss of Master Protective 失去主控保护 Master Protective Startup Lockout 主控保护启动闭锁 Compressor Op limit bleed heat OK 压缩机抽气加热OK

Comp Bleed Vlv Fault Pos Lockout 压气机抽气阀位置故障闭锁 Load Commutated inv Ready to start LCI就绪 Loss of Master Protective 失去主控保护 HP Speed –Minimum Firing Speed HP 转速—最小点火转速 Vibration Start Inhibit 启动振动阻止 Loss of CDP Bias 缺失CDP偏差

EGD Link to the Exciter is Bad EGD连接到励磁故障 EGD Link to the LCI Fault EGD连接到LCI故障 EX1100 ready to start EX1100就绪

Gas Purge OK to start permissive 气体吹扫OK允许启动 Steam Turbine Ready to Start 蒸汽轮机准备启动就绪

Signals in the proper state to permit a start are shown in GREEN. Therefore, a green signal is required to start the unit. Signals which are RED inhibit start requests.


3.5 Shaft Voltage / 轴电压

Shaft AC Frequency Shaft AC Current Test Status - Brush Test Status - Shunt Alarm Test


轴电流 测试状态-电刷 测试状态-分路器 报警测试

Sensor Test 传感器测试

3.6 Trip Diagram / 跳闸框图

Protective Status Trip 1 保护状态跳闸1

Fire indication trip Generator Trip lockout Relay Circuit Status Exhaust Pressure high trip

Protective Status Trip 2 Vibration Trip Startup Fuel flow excessive trip Loss of Protective HP Speed Inputs Customer Trip input P2 Pressure High trip logic P2 Pressure low trip logic Stop/Speed ratio valve position error trip

Protective Status Trip 3 Control Speed Signal Lost-HP Protective Speed Signal Trouble Control Speed Signal Trouble GCV Not Follow in Ref Trip Secondary GCV Not Following Ref Trip Quaternary GCV not following Ref Trip

Protective Status Trip 4 Control System Fault trip VPRO Composite trip Local 5E/PB Circuit Status Remote 5E/PB Circuit Status Gas Scrubber Trip Gas Coalescing Filter Level Emerg Trip

Pre-ignition Trip Auxiliary Check Gas Purge Fault Pre ignition Trip Failure to ignite gas fuel Pre-ignition P2 Pressure High trip Hazardous gas level Hi High start inhibit Shutdown Gas leak test failed Startup gas Leak Test failed Gas Aux Stop valve Position

着火指示跳闸 发电机跳闸闭锁 继电器回路状态 排气压力高跳闸

保护状态跳闸2 瓦振跳闸 启动燃料流量过量跳闸 缺失HP转速输入保护 用户跳机输入 P2压力高跳闸逻辑 P2压力低跳闸逻辑 截止/速比阀位置故障跳闸保护状态跳闸3 转速控制信号缺失--HP 转速保护信号故障 控制转速信号故障 GCV未跟随跳闸 第二GCV未跟随跳闸 第四GCV未跟随跳闸 保护状态跳闸4 控制系统故障跳闸 VPRO足迹爱你跳闸 本地5E/PB回路状态 远程5E/PB回路状态 燃气涤气器跳闸 燃气过滤器紧急跳闸 点火前跳闸 辅助检查

气体吹扫故障点火前跳闸 点火失败

点火前P2压力高跳闸 毒害气体程度高启动抑制 关闭气体密封测试失败 启动气体密封测试失败 气体辅助截止阀位置

Flame detection control

Post Ignition Trip High Exhaust Temperature Trip Loss of flame trip Exhaust Over temperature trip Exhaust Thermocouple Open trip Compressor bleed Vlv Pos trouble trip Load Tunnel temperature High trip Turbine Elec Over speed trip Loss of comp discharge press bias Compressor Operating Limit Error Hazardous gas level high trip Red sen fuel Hyd press low Trip Post-ignition Trip –Auxiliary signal

Master Protective trip Protective Status Trip Pre-ignition Trip Post-ignition Trip Starting Device trip Inlet guide vane control trouble trip Gas purge fault trip GT reset PB to steam turbine Voted steam turbine trip signal


点火后跳闸 排气温度高跳闸 无火焰跳闸 排气超温跳闸


压气机抽气阀位置故障跳闸 负荷隧道高温跳闸 透平发电机超速跳闸 压气机排气压力偏差缺失 压气机运行限制故障 毒害气体浓度高跳闸 燃料液压低跳闸

点火后跳闸-辅助信号 主控跳闸 保护状态跳闸 点火前跳闸 点火后跳闸 启动设备跳闸

进口导叶片控制故障跳闸 气体吹扫故障跳闸

燃机重置PB到蒸汽轮机 蒸汽轮机跳闸信号

3.7 Timers / 计时&计数器



手动启动次数 总启动次数 快速加负荷次数 点火次数 事故跳闸次数 总量

有功小时总数 无功小时总数 总燃料流量 总点火小时数 燃烧器记时器 扩散燃烧方式:D5

次先期预混燃烧方式:D5+PM1 先期预混燃烧方式:D5+PM1+PM4

Manually Initiated Starts Total Starts Counter Fast Load Counter Fired Starts Counter Totalizers

Emergency Trips Counter Mega Watt Hours Mega VAR Hours Timers


Total Gas Fuel Flow Total Gas Fired Time Dry Low Nox Timers Diffussion: D5

Sub Piloted Premix: D5+PM1 Piloted Premix: D5+PM1+PM4

PM1 Load Rejection: PM1 甩负荷燃烧方式:PM1

3.8 Static Starter / 静态变频启动器

Static Start Mode/ LCI Cmpl Seq 静态启动模式/LCI 顺序启动模式

Static Start Ref Out Turbine Speed

Static Start Running

静态启动参考输出 机组转速 静态启动器运行

Static Starter Shutdown 静态启动器停用 Static Start Make Torque 静态启动器启动旋转 Turning Gear


Turning Gear Status 盘车状态

3.9 ST Trip check / 蒸汽轮机跳闸框图

Master Protective Trip 主保护跳闸 Primary Over speed latch trip 过速闭锁跳闸 VPRO HP Over speed trip VPRO HP过速跳闸 GT trip to ST 燃机跳机至汽机 Auxiliary Trip 1 辅助跳闸1 Low lube oil level trip 润滑油低油位跳闸 Low lube oil pressure trip 润滑油低油压跳闸 Hydraulic fluid pressure low trip 液压油低压跳闸 L-1 Stage Steam temperature trip L-1级蒸汽温度跳闸 High exhaust temperature trip 排气温度高跳闸 Exhaust vacuum trip 排气真空度跳闸 Off-line ETD test trip 离线ETD测试跳闸 Auxiliary Trip 2 辅助跳闸2 HP-Zero Speed trip HP-零速跳闸 HP-turbine Speed trip HP-透平转速跳闸 VPRO HP zero speed VPRO HP零速 Auxiliary Trip 3 辅助跳闸3 Manual Emerg. Trip circuit activated 手动紧急跳闸回路触发 Process trip from BOP DCS BOP DCS 过程跳闸 VPRO-Loss of Protective Speed Signal VPRO缺失速度保护信号 Auxiliary Trip 4 辅助跳闸4 Axial Position trip 轴位置跳闸 Axial Probes failed trip 轴探测故障跳闸 Axial Probes failed or position trip 轴探测故障或位置跳闸 Differential expansion trip 胀差跳闸 Vibration trip 瓦振跳闸

3.10 ST Holds / 蒸汽轮机速度/负荷保持

Current status Look ahead stresses Lube oil temperature Lube oil temperature Manual hold Stress calculation valid No holds Vibration level OK No customer load holds Active 当前状态 超前应力 润滑油温度 润滑油温度 手动保持 应力计算有效 无保持 振动程度OK 无用户负载保持能动 继续行程条件 超前应力< 允许值 润滑油温度 > 100 F 润滑油温度在115~125 F 之间 无操作员触发转速/负荷保持 自动模式-应力计算有效 列表中无能动ATS保持 轴承瓦振程度无报警 无用户负载保持 Conditions to proceed Look ahead stress < allowable Lube Oil temperature >100 F Lube Oil temp between 115&125 F No operator initiated speed/load hold Automatic mode-stress calculation valid No active ATS holds on list NO bearing vibrations levels in alarm NO customer Load holds

Automatic loading rate is the minimum of the following: 9.5%/min HP & RH turbine loading rate, due to stresses. 10.0%/min Loading rate, due to differential expansion And can be zero 0.0%/min due to the following: -High stresses (any stresses > 93%) -rate of change of stresses -Differential expansion

Operator’s load ramp;10.0%/min will limit automatic loading rate


由于热应力,9.5%/分钟 高压&再热透平载荷率 由于胀差,10%/分钟载荷率 也可以由于以下原因为0.0%/分钟:

-高应力(任何应力>93%) -应力改变率 -胀差


3.11 ST Start Perm / 蒸汽轮机自动启动条件

Permissives Satisfied Not Satisfied Satisfied Current Value Turbine Status Lube Oil Temp Steam Seal Header Temp Eccentricity Turbine Rotor Turning Drain Valves Control Start Thermocouples Exhaust Vacuum Differential Expansion Probe #1 Differential Expansion Probe #2 ATS Hold Status HP/IP Evacuation Valves TG Compartment Pressure Lube Oil Pump Hydraulic Pump Lube Oil Tank Vacuum Lift Oil Pump HPU Heating/Cooling 空 顶轴油泵状态 EH油再循环泵 态 EH油泵状态 润滑油箱真当前状态 机组状态 润滑油温度 轴封汽母管温度 偏心度 机组转速 疏水阀状态 启动控制热电偶 真空 1#差胀 2#差胀 ATS保持状态 高中压通风阀状态 盘车间压力 润滑油泵状Conditions for Roll Turbine must be Reset Must be between 80 & 90 deg F Must be between 300 & 587 deg F Eccentricity less than 3 mils Actual Speed > 0 All drains must be open and healthy All control start TC's must be healthy Exhaust vacuum < 127 inHg Not in alarm or trip Not in alarm or trip No Active ATS Holds on List Valves must be open Must have high pressure Must have one lube oil pump running Must have one hydraulic pump runnning Must have high vacuum Must have lift oil pump runnnig Must have HPU Heating/Cooling in Auto 冲转条件 机组必须已复置 必须在80-90°F之间 必须在300-587°F 小于3mils 实际转速>0 所有疏水阀正常且开启 所有启动控制热电偶状态正常 真空<127inHg 不在报警或跳闸值 不在报警或跳闸值 无保持条件 阀门必须开启 压力足够高 至少一台润滑油泵运行 至少一台EH油泵运行 必须保持高真空 至少一台顶轴油泵运行 EH油再循环泵在自动状态

允许条件是否满足 不满足 不满足

Stress Calculations Water Wash 应力计算 水洗状态 Stress calcs must be Must not be in waterwash during start 应力计算满足自动启动stabilized before Autostart 条件 启动中未进行水洗 3.12 LCI Xover / 负荷换向逆变器交叉

Status Not Serving any generator Fault Status/ ready to start


未服务任何发电机 故障 状态/准备启动

4 System Tests /系统测试

4.1 ETD Offline /ETD 离线测试

Combined IV/RV #1/#2 中压联合汽门A/B

STEAM TURBINE ETD offline test 汽机ETD离线试验 PTR#1/2 PTR#1/2 ETD#1/2 ETD#1/2 Emerg. Trip Header 紧急跳闸母管 Turbine Status 机组状态

WARNING: The Off-Line ETD test can only be performed with the generator breaker open. The Off-Line ETD test will Trip the Turbine.


4.2 ETD Online / ETD 在线测试

On line test To Stop Valves

在线测试 去截止阀

4.3 Valve Tests / 阀门测试

Valve Closure Test Display 阀杆活动试验

Select the desired valve to test from the list at the upper Right. When ready to begin test select TEST ON button at the Bottom Right.

从右上角选择要做试验的阀门,当试验条件满足并准备试验前选择TEST ON即开始试验。

Point Names Valve tests Combined MSV/CV #1 Pause Print

点名 阀试验

高压联合汽门 暂 停 打 印

4.4 Overspeed Test / 超速测试


Selecting an electrical overspeed trip test raises the high speed stop to 111.5% 电超速试验时转速最高升至111.5%

Electrical overspeed test 110% or 3300 RPM 电超速试验在110%或3300 RPM Normal high speed stop 107% or 3210 RPM 正常高转速在107% or 3210 RPM停止 Trip Test Max Speed 试验动作跳闸最高转速 Maximum Vibration 最大振动 Exhaust Temp Avg 排气温度平均值 Turbine Speed 机组转速 Speed Reference 转速参考值 Electrical Overspeed Trip Test 电超速试验 GT Primary Overspeed Trip Test 燃机主超速试验 Steam HP Primary Overspeed Test 汽机主超速试验 Start 开始 Abort 中止试验

4.5 Online Over Speed / 在线超速测试

STEAM TURBINE ON-LINE OVERSPEED TESTS 汽机在线超速试验 Controller 控制器 Primary Overspeed Test 主超速试验 POST Status POST 状态 Emergency Overspeed Test 紧急超速试验 EOST Status EOST 状态

4.6 ASV Test / ASV测试

Admission Stop Valve Test ASV Status TEST ON TEST OFF


低压主汽门状态 试验开始 试验停止

