
更新时间:2023-05-18 19:56:02 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Warming up Skimming Digging Interpreting

Critical thinking Unfamiliar wordsLanguage in use Vincent van Gogh Talking point

Warming up

Work in pairs. Check ( ) the things which you think are forms of art. architecture cinema classical music cooking dancing fashion design martial arts novels painting poetry popular music sculpture

Now add some more ideas to the list.


Warming up Work in pairs and answer the questions.

1 What examples can you think of for each art form? (Reference.) 2 What do great works of art have in common? They refresh the spirit. They have beauty. They express some aspect of being human more clearly for us. 3 Which is the greatest of all the art forms, and why? Music explores emotions beyond words and has a worldwide appeal. Poetry as a form of art has meaning as well as beauty.

Warming up architecture: the Temple of Heaven, Beijing cinema: Chen Kaige’s Yellow Earth (《黄土地》) classic music: Mozart’s 40th Symphony (《莫扎特第四十交响曲》) cooking: a meal at Da Dong Roast Duck Restaurant (大董烤鸭店), Beijing dancing: a performance of Swan Lake fashion design: a show by Giorgio Armani (乔治·阿玛尼) martial arts: a display by Jet Li (李连杰) novels: The Dream of the Red Chamber painting: a Rembrandt’s (伦勃朗) self-portrait poetry: Qu Yuan’s Li Sao popular music: Teng Lichun’s (邓丽君) When will you return? sculpture: Michelangelo’s (米开朗基罗) David


Warming up

Watch a video collection of van Gogh’s works and try to learn the song Starry Starry Night. Lyrics:Portraits hung in empty halls , F rameles s heads on nameles s walls , With eyes that watch the world and can't forget. Like the s trangers that you've met, T he ragged men in the ragged clothes , T he s ilver thorn of bloody ros e, Lie crus hed and broken on the virgin s now. Now I think I know what you tried to s ay to me, How you s uffered for your s anity, How you tried to s et them free. T hey would not lis ten, they're not lis tening s till. Perhaps they never will...

Warming up Look at the painting of sunflowers and answer the

questions.1 In what period do you think this was painted? The 1880s. 2 Which is the strongest colour? An orange yellow.

Warming up

3 What do you think the painter hoped to express with this painting? It is clearly more than the appearance of the flowers. I think his emotions about them or perhaps his emotions in general are expressed in the form of sunflowers. (A sense of welcome and happiness.) 4 What (if anything) does the painting tell us about the personality of the painter? Powerful emotions, almost a sort of pain about life. (the intensity of his feelings.)

Skimming Task

◇Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it. ◇Analyze the structure of the passage: 1. how many parts can the passage be divided into? 2. what’s the main idea of each part?


on of the passage Part 1 (1--3) Part 2(4--9) Part 3(10--15) Part 4 (16)

Main idea of each part Part 1 (1--3):brief introduction to Vincent van Gogh Part 2(4--9): van Gogh’s life Part 3(10--15): the reasons for his productivity Part 4 (16): conclusion


Answer the questions.

1 What two facts do most people remember about van Gogh? His use of colour and his mental illness. 2 What did his early paintings show? The gloomy light of Northern Europe. 3 How did the Impressionists influence his style? His style became lighter and brighter.

4 Why did he paint so many pictures of himself? Because he could not afford to hire models.


5 Why did he move to the south of France? Because he grew discouraged with his life in Paris, and he was drawn by the sunshine of Arles. 6 How did van Gogh and Gauguin get on with each other? They were very close but they had serious disagreements. 7 Why did van Gogh need to spend time in a mental hospital? For depression and because he was worried about hearing voices. 8 What do art lovers think about van Gogh now? He produced some of the greatest paintings the world has ever known, and gave inspiration to so many later artists.

Skimming Match the conditions 1–5 with the symptoms (a)–(e).

1 epilepsy 3 lead poisoning 5 bipolar disorder

2 sunstroke 4 schizophrenia

(a) hearing voices inside your head (b) seeing circles of light around objects (c) experiencing periods of intense activity followed by tiredness (d) feeling sick and aggressive (e) feeling the need to write a lot


Answer:1-(e); 2-(d); 3-(b); 4-(a); 5-(c)

Digging Background informationMP3译文

Vincent van Gogh1 Between November of 1881 and July of 1890,

Vincent van Gogh painted almost 900 paintings, but never achieved fame. Yet since his death, he has become one of the most celebrated painters in the world.


2 The two most important but apparently

independent features about van Gogh which most people know about are his spectacular, almost explosive, use of colour and the poor state of his mental health, which brought his life to a sad end.



3 Yet, according to medical research since van

Gogh’s death, it now seems that these two features may be linked, and that his mental health may have contributed to his artistic style, not just at the end of his life, but at earlier times as well.


4 Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853, and his early career working for an international art dealer took him to London, Paris and Belgium. When he decided to become a painter in 1880 with the support of his brother Theo, his early work was, not surprisingly, filled with the gloomy light of Northern Europe.


5 In Paris van Gogh met many of the artists later known as Impressionists, such as Degas, ToulouseLautrec, Pissarro and Gauguin. His style changed under their influence, and became lighter and brighter. H

e used small strokes of primary colours (red, blue and yellow) and complementary colours (purple, orange and green). He was also sensitive to the more abstract style of Gauguin’s paintings, where shapes of objects are represented by distinct zones of colour.



Yet despite working in such an encouraging atmosphere, van Gogh could not equal his friends’ growing success. He was unable to pay for models, and so he painted a large number of self-portraits, which may indicate his potential for soul searching.


7 Van Gogh soon grew discouraged with his life in

Paris, and moved to Arles in the south of France, where, drawn by the sunshine, he hoped to establish an artists’ community. He felt liberated by the people, the buildings and the scenery there, and painted them with vivid, passionate colours and a cheerfulness which was new to him and his career. He was keen for Gauguin to visit him, and finally persuaded him to make the journey.More

