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Part III Vocabulary and Structure

1. Steam turbines (涡轮机) are used for the _____ of electricity.

A) construction

B) manufacturing

C) change

D) generation

正确答案: D

2. John says that his present job doesn’t provide him with enough _____ for his organizing ability.

A) scope

B) opening

C) capacity

D) range

正确答案: A

3. The scientists have absolute freedom as to what research they think is best to _____.

A) engage

B) devote

C) seek

D) pursue

正确答案: D

4. One foolish mistake can _____ you in a good deal of trouble.

A) release

B) involve

C) evolve

D) empower

正确答案: B

5. The doctor suggested __________ my diet with vitamins E and A.

A) supplement

B) supplementing

C) add

D) adding

正确答案: B

6. ____________, this essay is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes. Which one of the following choices is NOT appropriate to fill in the blank?

A) On balance

B) Generally

C) Generally speaking

D) In balance

正确答案: D

7. Up the chimney roared the fire, and ______ the room with its broad blaze.

A) brightened

B) lingered

C) furnished

D) fused

正确答案: A


8. Now the cheers and applause _____ in a single sustained roar.

A) mingled

B) concentrated

C) assembled

D) permeated

正确答案: A

9. They also are looking closely at what may be two key pieces of Columbia (哥伦比亚号航天飞机) _____ — a 2-foot piece of one wing and a 300-pound cover of a landing gear compartment.

A) debris

B) garbage

C) palette

D) canvas

正确答案: A

10. "I am afraid it will not _____ my dress," she answered, "and, besides, the Chamberlain's nephew has sent me some real jewels, and everybody knows that jewels cost far more than flowers."

A) settle into

B) stand out

C) expose to

D) go with

正确答案: D

11. Unable to go out because of the deep snow, she felt _____ in her own house.

A) isolated

B) isolating

C) imprisoned

D) imprisoning

正确答案: C

12. Nobody encourages a man to dissect his appearance, feature by feature. _____ perfection, that is considered trivial — almost unmanly.

A) As for

B) As of

C) As from

D) As by

正确答案: A

13. "Now that you have a job and I don't," the husband said to his wife, "our situations are _____."

A) remarkable

B) diverged

C) transferred

D) reversed

正确答案: D

14. The street sellers repeatedly _____ their selling cries about their goods.

A) advocated

B) pursued


C) barked

D) confirmed

正确答案: C

15. "We are convinced that efforts for a peaceful resolution of the situation regarding Iraq should be _____ continued," Putin told journalists after talks with Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in Berlin.

A) genetically

B) normally

C) persistently

D) significantly

正确答案: C

16. With a tremulous whisper, he broke off in the middle of a sentence, his hands flapping at his side in a ______ shrug.

A) psychic

B) helpless

C) capable

D) tranquil

正确答案: B

17. During the citywide drive, doctors will provide free consultation and blood pressure examinations in local communities. ______, medical staff at district hospitals will receive special training to improve their professional skills in treating hypertension patients.

A) As a result

B) On balance

C) For instance

D) In addition

正确答案: D

18. We can _______ with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive.

A) go for

B) go off

C) get through

D) get by

正确答案: D

19. Teachers are on strike in protest at the pay settlement _______ by the government this year.

A) added

B) stressed

C) forced

D) imposed

正确答案: D

20. Tim is good, smart and hardworking. __________, I can't speak too highly of him.

A) As a result

B) In a word

C) By the way

D) On the contrary


21. Animal rights activists are _____________ to using animals for medical research.

A) punctual

B) offensive

C) sentimental

D) opposed

正确答案: D

22. She turned away, prepared to go, _____________ to accept further rudeness.

A) uneasy

B) unwilling

C) undoubted

D) unique

正确答案: B

23. Brown is certainly confident ________ his future success.

A) in

B) with

C) of

D) to

正确答案: C

24. She was sent on a special ________ to Africa.

A) mission

B) cause

C) tour

D) delegation

正确答案: A

25. My professor suggested that I ________ the data accumulated over the years when I work on my project.

A) make use of

B) take possession of

C) benefit

D) benefit from

正确答案: A

26. By visiting and talking to former prisoners in the camps, the journalist came to an obvious conclusion that they were ______.

A) disguising

B) cloning

C) puzzling

D) starving

正确答案: D

27. A large majority of elderly Americans ______ an old-age allowance from the government.

A) give up

B) get through

C) count on

D) get by


28. For a lot of people, baptisms, weddings and ______ are the only occasions they go to church.

A) inaugurations

B) funerals

C) advertisements

D) salvation

正确答案: B

29. Local people have mixed feelings about the planned ______ of their town into a regional capital.

A) arrangement

B) transformation

C) target

D) improvement

正确答案: B

30. We were intrigued to hear about Richard's ______ when he went mountain-climbing.

A) exploits

B) horsepowers

C) monsters

D) homesteaders

正确答案: A

31. In the story the clever little fox ______ the hunters and escapes from the trap they set.

A) outsmarts

B) imposes

C) defeats

D) disguises

正确答案: A

32. Rochelle L. Stanfield, a former staff correspondent for National Journal, is a Washington, D.C.- based ______ writer specializing in demographics and urban affairs.

A) unanimous

B) deputy

C) freelance

D) supreme

正确答案: C

33. The colorful leaves _____________ the diversity and beauty of life here on earth.

A) specialize

B) optimize

C) minimize

D) symbolize

正确答案: D

34. To call the music of another music-culture "primitive" is __________ one's own standards on a group that does not recognize them.

A) putting

B) emphasizing

C) forcing


D) imposing

正确答案: D

35. If the fire alarm is sounded, all residents are requested to ________ in the courtyard.

A) assemble

B) converge

C) accumulate

D) crowd

正确答案: A

36. Countless divorced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago had they even thought of a divorce, let alone __________ one.

A) getting

B) to get

C) gotten

D) get

正确答案: C

37. Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, __________ to find it locked.

A) just

B) only

C) hence

D) thus

正确答案: B

38. This meeting laid a solid foundation for the two countries to ____________ enduring and constant economic ties.

A) shape

B) forge

C) generate

D) proclaim

正确答案: B

39. Japan has already returned the vessel and 14 of the crew, but continues to _____________ the captain.

A) detain

B) retain

C) sustain

D) entertain

正确答案: A

40. After this concert she was firmly on the road to _____________ and fortune.

A) distinction

B) recognition

C) famine

D) fame

正确答案: D

51. Troy was very clever for his age and had already figured out ways to ______ her.

A) outsmart

B) outgrow


D) betray

正确答案: A

52. Tom, did it ever ______ to you that you would be punished for cheating in exams?

A) happen

B) occur

C) reflect

D) strike

正确答案: B

53. Modern forms of transportation and communication have done much to ________ the isolation of life in Alaska.

A) break through

B) break down

C) break into

D) break out

正确答案: A

54. It’s outrageous, and we won’t ________ any more.

A) stand for

B) stand out

C) stand by

D) stand over

正确答案: C

55. In India more than one hundred languages are spoken, ______ which only fourteen are recognized as official.

A) of

B) by

C) with

D) within

正确答案: A

56. If I criticize him, he gets ______ and starts shouting.

A) defensive

B) impressive

C) aggressive

D) decisive

正确答案: C

57. Many businesses have ______ because of the recession.

A) closed up

B) closed in

C) closed down

D) closed around

正确答案: C

58. It’s so ________ of you to complain in the presence of the director.

A) senseless

B) sensible


D) sensual

正确答案: A

59. The plane ________ so smoothly that the passengers could hardly feel it.

A) took off

B) took up

C) took over

D) took on

正确答案: A

60. The manager’s arguments are rather _________ to criticism.

A) sensitive

B) vulnerable

C) opposed

D) exposed

正确答案: B

61. In case of damage, our manager had all the possessions _________.

A) insured

B) ensured

C) assured

D) guaranteed

正确答案: A

62. The local government has ________ several highways in this district.

A) put on

B) put up

C) put over

D) put down

正确答案: B

63. This nation has defeated tyrants and _______ death camps, raised this lamp of liberty to every captive land.

A) overseen

B) enforced

C) liberated

D) unsung

正确答案: C

64. That story has too many gaps in it to _______.

A) make sense

B) make it

C) make like

D) make over

正确答案: A

65. The Bush administration says the tax cuts will give the U.S. economy and the world economy a badly needed boost and the faster growth will help lower U.S. _______ deficits in future years.

A) tariff

B) statistics


D) existence

正确答案: C

66. Terrified villagers have ______ themselves into their house.

A) insured

B) hitched

C) resisted

D) barricaded

正确答案: D

67. Since 1970s this small town has gradually been ________ into a huge modern city.

A) transferred

B) transplanted

C) transmitted

D) transformed 该选项共0人选择

正确答案: D

68. The commander ordered his troops to ________ on the enemies.

A) close up

B) close down

C) close off

D) close in

正确答案: D

69. _________ places on the Earth where plant and animal life has not been affected by the activities of humans.

A) Few

B) There are few

C) Being few

D) The few

正确答案: B

70. The city of Kalamazoo, Michigan, derives its name from a native American word _________ "bubbling springs".

A) meant

B) that is meant

C) meaning

D) whose meaning

正确答案: C

71. She got some books out of the library and immersed herself ________ Jewish history and culture.

A) of

B) out

C) in

D) to

正确答案: C

72.Some of the commercially produced venison (鹿肉) ________ beef in flavour.

A) assembles


C) congregates

D) corresponds

正确答案: B

73. She is a very ________ student. She’s always talking about travelling to outer space.

A) imaginary

B) imaginative

C) imaginable

D) imagining

正确答案: B

74.This is not an economical way to get more water; ________, it is very expensive.

A) otherwise

B) on the contrary

C) in short

D) anyway

正确答案: B

75. A key task is to get pupils to ______ for themselves the relationship between success and effort.

A) perceive

B) conceive

C) deceive

D) receive

正确答案: A

76. ______ average, people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.

A) Above

B) On

C) Under

D) In

正确答案: B

77.The cargoes ________ when it stopped raining.

A) had just unloaded

B) were to unload

C) were just being unloaded

D) were just unloaded

正确答案: C

78. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were ________ deeply.

A) applied

B) approved

C) appreciated

D) appealed

正确答案: C

79.In spite of the wide range of reading material specially written or ________ for language learning purposes, there is yet no comprehensive systematic program for the reading skills.

A) assembled


B) acknowledged

C) appointed

D) adapted

正确答案: D

80. Most parents encourage their children to take an active part in social events, ________ those events do not interfere with their studies.

A) so that

B) provided

C) lest

D) unless

正确答案: B

81. Thirty people were injured in the ensuing fracas that turned the restaurant into a ______ of broken glasses and overturned tables.

A) hometown

B) campus

C) territory

D) battlefield

正确答案: D

82. The symbol of the shepherds' crook (曲柄杖) is an ancient one, representing the ______ shepherds who were the first to worship the newborn Christ.

A) traditional

B) bushy

C) weary

D) humble

正确答案: D

83. "How could they do this to my children?" cried one man with tears ______ down his face.

A) saturating

B) streaming

C) slashing

D) sprinkling

正确答案: B

84. Jane glanced at the clock. "Oh dear, I'm late! I have to run or I'll be late for my first appointment." She kissed her husband quickly, picked up her ______, and started for the door.

A) checkbook

B) briefcase

C) shoeshine

D) champagne

正确答案: B

85. People often say "I'll put the ______ on" when they are going to make tea or coffee.

A) spice

B) rack

C) kettle

D) oven

正确答案: C


86. That music always ______ happy memories.

A) comes down to

B) takes on

C) brings back

D) pops out

正确答案: C

87. Since the couple couldn't ______ their differences, they decided to get a divorce.

A) repel

B) reconcile

C) resume

D) revise

正确答案: B

88. Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than ______ eastern Nebraska.

A) does

B) in

C) it does in

D) in it does

正确答案: A

89. ________, we need to improve the equipment in our factory right now.

A) As it is

B) As it was

C) As it were

D) As it will be

正确答案: A

90. ______, we should be glad.

A) Were they to come tomorrow

B) They were to come tomorrow

C) They would come tomorrow

D) They come tomorrow

正确答案: A

91. Both conservatives and Communists have simply ______ their attitude to the government.

A) tough

B) toughly

C) toughening

D) toughened

正确答案: D

92. And, of course, they seek those features which make an estate ______ from the rest.

A) stand by

B) stand in

C) stand out

D) stand up

正确答案: C

93. But they seek also to have a religion which is ______ with the world in which we live.

A) out of tune


C) for the tune

D) to the tune

正确答案: B

94. Despite ______ rumors in Washington of further infidelities, Mr. Clinton says there will be no more surprises about him.

A) sustaining

B) supporting

C) persistent

D) insistent

正确答案: C

95. They were lost in the mountains for ten days, ______ hunger, thirst, and intense cold.

A) endured

B) enduring

C) remained

D) remaining

正确答案: B

96. She ______ to touch the surface, aware of a chill that seemed to have settled around her.

A) reached down

B) reached over

C) reached through

D) reached out

正确答案: D

97. All his peers make a _________ of his clumsiness.

A) imitation

B) tease

C) ridicule

D) mock

正确答案: D

98. I have kept that portrait ________ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in New York.

A) which

B) where

C) that

D) when

正确答案: B

99. The doctor ________ all night with the patient.

A) sat up

B) lay up

C) sat with

D) laid up

正确答案: A

100. A human’s eyesight is not as ________ as that of an eagle.

A) eccentric


C) sensitive

D) acute 正确答案: D

