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班级:物流三班 姓名:秦汉乾 学号:2013041975

Introduction to Logistics

Logrstics is the management of the flow of the goods, information and other resources in a repair cycle between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requiements of customers. Logistics involves the integrtion of infomation, transportation, detailed list warehousing, materil handling, and packging, andand occasionally secwit. Logistics is a channel of th supply chain which adds the value of0f time and place utility. Today the complexity of poduction logistics can be modeled,d analyzed, visualized and optimized by plant simulation software The term logzshcs comes from the Greek logos (2byos), meaning \reason, ratro, mtionalit, language, phrase\and more specifically from th Greek word lqgisrtki gaytonkq),), meaning acounting and financial organization. The word logistics has its aigin in the French verbb loger to lodge or t quarter. Its original use wasto describe the science ofmovemcnt, srppying &g & maintenance of military forces in the feld. Lateron it was sed to desaibe the managemcnt ft 0f materials fiow through an o:ganization, from raw materials through to Saished good Logistics is considered to have originated in the military's nead to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved 6rom their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roma and Byzantine empires, military officers with the titie Lagistikass were responsible for financia and supply distribution matterss Logistics management is that part of the supply cbain which plans, implernents and controls the efficient, effective forwad and reverse flow and storage of goods, savices andd related information between te point of origin and the poin of consumptioo in crder tott mect customer and legal requirements. A professioal woricing in the feld of logisticscs management is called a logistician Logistics management is Known by many narnes; the most common are as foDows Materials Management Channel Management Distnbution (or Physical Distribution) Business or Logistics Managemenl Supply Chain Management Business Logistics Logastics as a business concept evolved m the 1950s Business logastics can be defined as \the right item in he rightt quantity at the right time at the tight place for the right pnce In te nght condition to the nght customer , and Is the science of processs The main fimchoas of a qualified logsshcran include invcntory managemeru, Inachasmg, transportabon, warehousing, consultation and the organizing nd plarming of these activitiess Logrsticrans combme a professional Imowledge of ech of these fimctrcn to coordmate resowcesee in ao organization. There are two ftmdamentally dfferent forms of logistic3: co8 opriniaoaa a steady flow of mateial; the other coordinates a sequence of resources to cnry otd some peujectc peop Production logistics The tenn production logistics is used to describe logistic processes within an induatc) The purpose of production logistics is to ensure that each machine and workstation is being fed with he right product in the right quantily and qualityat the rigt time. The concem is nctncc the transportation itself; but to streamline and control the flow through value-adding prcessess and eliminate non-vlue-adding ones. Production logistics can be applied to existing as welll as new plants. Manufacturing in an existing plant is a constantly changing procss. Prothaetionn logistics provides he means to achieve customer response and capital efficienc)) Warehouse management systems and warehouse control systems Although there is some ftinctionality overlap, the. differences between warehouse management systems) and warehouse control systems (WCS) can e significant. AA WMS plans a weekly ctivity forecast based on such factots as statistis and trends, whereas a WCA acts s4pervisor, working in real time to neaaa For Instance, a WMS get the job docbe b the mostt ctock-keepl \can tell the tystem rt n comsideratioos may avee SKU B hours m advance, bot by the_ trme It acts. other as going to need five of tri come into play, A WCS can ume and adapting to the situation and operational s 9tatus. Working synrgisticali, Dy making a last-minute decaston based preventthatproblembwarkinginreal1 1y, WMS and WCS can resolve these issues.

Logistics has evolved to unmatched heights because of advances in the field all over the globe. Many organizations which used to treat the process as a buden are now focusingon the growth and development of logisties by making it as an integral organization. Those with an interest in the 6eld may find some 101 part of te ll uutially confusing, so we present definitions of some frequently used Dhraser phraser ABC aoalysis It refers to the process of classification of products as per the level of terms of their relative criteria such as purchase or sales volume. It can be :mportance ia l tectinique that is used in a business sense for

denoting a categorization of lage voltt descnhed 18 a data into groups. These groups can be mrked as A, B and C. This means thatt ume or l activities thes l are considered high on prioriy are labeled as A, those witha lesser priority atete coder B and the groups of activities that are last on the list of priority are labeled C grouped

Open Pollcy This refers to a cargo insurance pohcy that has an open contracL An open poll form of lcy asa l cargo insrance policy that is used to cover all grpes of sbipments undertakcn b J l tbe insured party. sometimes referred to as blanket coverage, the client is covred forr sl\and conditions of the insurancee agreement, as long s those ll shipments have been properly declared to the company that underwrites the policy Consagnee Tbis refers to an individual, company or manufacturer to whom a shipper or seller sends l merchandise. Intermediate consignee refrs to a patty who is responsible for merchandisee delivery to the ultmate consignee. intimate consignee, on te other hmd, refers to a party J l who is in the actual receipt of the merchandise in an export-related ransactionn Air Way bill This refers to a bill of lading that is related to air transportation which tends to serve as l the shippr's receipt. It indicates that the carrier company has consented to th licted goods J l and under an obligaion to carry the products that are delivered in the form of a ll consignment to the destination airport in accordance with te conditioos specifid to fr J l consignee and consignor. Air way bills are always non-negotablee Loglshcs can be referred to as an enternse planrung network used for the purnose off purpose information, material management, capital flows. In the words of a layman It cat bee described as deliveing at the right time, for the right prie and in the right condition. Whenen seen in te modem day competitive business action, it includes complex information alongg with importance to the control and communication systems of the organizaticrn. No matter the size and the area of operations of ati organization, logistics information plays an important role in the achievement of the goals of the organization Logistics does not refer to a single activity performed for delivery of goods; it extends to delivery of goods at the right time, at the right place, in the right condition and at the right price The loglshcs manager ensures that no fraud Is committed dunng the logrstrcs process and the logistics systems nm in accordance with the predefined plans and policies of the organization. An efective and efficient logistics system ensures the smooth fimctioning ofthee organization and it is rightly considerd as an integral part of the plans of th organizationon The plan must be clearly defined so that there is no confosion in the minds of the iogistics team. This clarity will help to accomplish the desired objectives of the organization. It must be drafed in accordance with the objectives of the organization. Itst aam must be to provide timely delivery of goods besides rendering noml ftmctions off logistics under strct deadlines and in conformity with busiess goals1s The loglstics team works under predefined objectives to ensure that the product Is delivered as and when needed, for an economtcal pnce and in the nght condition It may use the services of various modes of transportation such as trucks, bses, trolleys,, COUTII er companies, flights, boats or outsource he task to third-party logistics (3PLS).I Thus, logistics do play an important role in the execution of normal tasks associated with an organization. The orgnization must make necessary plans and guidelines to0 enslue that their logistics information system is ftinctioning smoothly at all times.

A Diversity of Modes Transport modes are the means by which people and freight achieve mobthty. They fall into one of tluee basic ypes, depending on over wbat suiface thcy travel - land (roadd nil and Papelines), water (shipping), and air. Esch mode is charactcrized by a set of teehnioal, opaational and commercial charactetistics: Road transportaton froad infrastriicbaes are large consumers of space with the lowest lcvel of physical co:iataints among tansponationa modes. Road transportation has an average opaatenalal flexibility as vehisles can serve several pnrposc but are ranely sble to move oirtcide roada.. Road transport systems have high maintenance costs, both for the vehicles and infrastriictures. Tey are mainly liaked to light industries where rapd movements of freightht in smatl atches are the normm Rail transportation Railways ate composed of traced paths on wbieh sce bound vebicles. They have an average level of pbsical constrains linked to the types of tocomotives and a low gradient isB required, particularty fot freight. Heay industries are traditioaally linked with rail trnapprtrr systema, lthough containerization has improved th fexibi:ity o[ roil transportaion by by linking it with roa and maritime modes.I Pipelloes Pipeline routes ete practically unlimited as they can be laid on land ar under water Pipeline constriiction costs vary accoalg to the diameter and increase proportinally withitt the distance and wih the viscosigr of fiuids (from gas, low viscosity, to oit, ttigb viscosity).- The Trans Alaskan pipeline, which is 1,oo km long, was built under diffrcutt conditionss and bas to be above ground fbr most of ita path. Pipeline tenninals are very important aince they conespoad to refineries and harbors. Maritime transportation Maritime trensportation is the mast effective mode to move large quantities of cargo over long distances. Main maritimc routes are composed of oceans, coats, seas, lakes,, riven and ebannels. Bowever. due to the location of economic activities mantime cinulation takes place on specific parts of the maritime space, particulerty over the Norht Atlantic and Inc Notb Prcific. Mantime tiansporlation has bigh terminl costs, since portrt infraatuchaes are aong the most expensie to btdld, maintain and impDoe. Higbigb inveotory costs also charactierize maritime transponation. Mcre than any other ade,, maritime ransportiton is linkcd to heavy industris, such as steel and petrochemcalica1 frcilitie adjaeent to poct sites. Air transportation Air routes are practically unlimited, but they are denser over the North Atlantic, inside North Ameica and Europe and over the Noath Pacifi. Air transport constraints arere multidimensional and include he site (a commercial plane needs about 3,300 meters off runway fbr

landing and taldng off ), the climate, fog and aerial currents. Air activities are linked to the tertiary and quatemary sectors, notbly finance and tourism, which lean on tete long distance mobility of people. More recently, air transportation has been acconunodating growing quantities of high vaue freight and is playing a growing role in global logisticss Intermodal transportation Concerns a variety of modes used in combination so that the respective advantages of each mode are better exploited. Althoug intermodal transporation applies for passengerer movements, such as he usage of the diffrent, but interconneted modes of a public transitsit system, it is over reight transportation that the most signficant impacts have beenen obsenred, Contrinerization has been a powerful vector of intermodal integration, enabling maritime and land tansportatin modes to more effectively inerconnectect Telecommunications Cover a grey area in terms of if they can be considered as a transport mode since uolike true transportation, telecommunications ofen does not have physicalhh ty Yet, they are structured as networks with a Practically unlimited capacity with verv 11 very low constraints, which may include te Physiogrphy and oceanic masses thatat may impair the settng off cables. Tey provide for the instantaneous movement of informati,l theory). Wave transmlssaons, because of their hmited coverage, often on (speed of light in require substations. such as for cellula phone networks. Satellites ar often uslsl Ing a geostationary orbit which is getting eowded. Hig network costs and low distribtioni0n costs chaacterize many telecommuication networks, which are linked to th tertiary and quaternary sectors (stockCK markets, business to business information networks, etc). Telecommunications can provide a substittion for personal movements in some economic sectors Introduction to Warehousing Wt.aeo:_ho\ia the storage of goods for profit as the part of firm's logistics system. Thshpiz51-~n:locujte,thewarchouse.isastoragefecrtly that recelves goos and productscts Hlstory Ware-houstng s roots date back to the crcatton of grananes to store food d of fbmine. As European explorers began ng arehouses at the ports grew In Importance for thc storage of products and commodn to creale Shipping-trade routes with other narions, from afar. As railmads began to expend ravel andd t les for the storage of materials became necessary. Later, because the trnnsportation, the creation of rail depots resinctions On railroads, govemment placed more commercial wa:ehousing began to grow. World War n also mpacted warehousutg. As mass productlon grew throughout mamfactunng, the needs off efficientand effective wuehousing capabilitiesgrewwith it. Modern Development arehouse industry also cofed with new methods of distribution, such as just-in-hme U\maoufacturing-where warehousing is unnecessary because products are shipped dvectly to customers. Warehousig companie8- are now striving to beb nnfly storage facilities. They a:e transforming temselves into \logisticss Provjders\or \that provide a wide array of services aad flancioos. Con;emporaryy arebousing facilities ofrer ligkt manufacturing, caH centers, labeling, and othre non-sto:age optrons. Warebouse Classifications Warehouses are divided into public warehouse, private wa:ehouse, leased warehouse aod contract Werehouse. Public warehouse uwolves he client paying a staadard fee fior thee storage of merchandise. Private warehouse is storage and operations controlled completely .by a sinle manufacturer. Leaed warebouse is an optioa for more stabte inventoryrr Contract warehouse clients Fay fees regrdless of whether thy are usin the space or not:ot: the space is always there for them to use, however. Aecording to Overiew of Warebousingg in North America, contract waehouse accounts for more tban 60 percent of the U.S.+ Commercial market. Warebouse Fnnctions Warehousing is a key eomponent of the overall business supply chain. Warehouse fia:etions include the storage of goods to permit managing product fow or to accommodate longer production runs; a mixing point where products from difrerent suppliers are mixed and then distributed to fulfll customer orders; a sales branch and customer service location: a source of supplies for production; a staging area for final packaging or finishing Warehouse Operation and Management The basic function of a warehouse is to receive customer orders, retrieve requhed items, and finally prepare and ship those items. There are many ways to organize these operations but the overall process in most warehouses shares the following common phasea Receiving-the process of unloading, checking quality and quantity, and disassembling or repacking items for storage Put-away-4efining the appropriate location for items and transferring them to the specified storage location to wait for demand Order picking-retrieving items from their storage locations and transporting them either to a sorting process or straight to the shipping area Shipping-inspecting, packing, palletizing and loading items into a carrier for further delivery Warehouse operations need clear visibility and real-time information on the location and movement of items. Using bar code, RFID, advanced labeling and wireless data collection technologies, your warehouse eliminates costly inefficiencies in your receiving, put-away, picking and shipping processes. AII items are accounted for with bar code labels and RFID tags. Inventory locations are clearly identified with long-range scannable labels Wareisouse employees receive ptcking and put-away instructions through wireless handheld and vehicle-mount terminals communicating real-time with your

hrms Warehouse management systems (WMS) are best descnbed as the advanced technology and operating processes that optimize all warehousing functions. These functions typically begin with receipts from suppliers and end with shipments to customers, and include all inventory movements and Informataon fows in between Warehouse management systems have typicalty been associated with 1: operations. Small_ arger, more complex distriboaion non-complex distribution facilities have historiclly not becnc candidates to signiicantlyy viewed as streamline operations and reduce costs. However, evem smallrc and midsize companies are Increaslngly recognizing he sogrufiance of0f warehouse management systems in today's environment of interated logistics justin-time deheh and e-commerce fulfillment wery la practice, successful solutions are generally designed to mrgee compl uter hardware, software, and peripheral equipment with improved operating practices fer managing inventory, space, labor, capital and equipment in warehouses and distribution centers. Implementaion of a WMS allows a company to increase its competitive advantagee by reducing labor costs, improving customer service, increaing inventory accwacy, andd improving flexibiliy and responsiveness. A WMS enables a company to manage inventoryr In real tlme, wath information as current as the most recent order, shipment, or receipt and any movement in beteenn With these technologies in place, the companies are better able to respond quickly to the needs of your customers 译文 物流简介

物流是从原产地到消费地之间,在维修周期内对产品、信息和其他资源的一种管严流程,其目的是满足消费者的需要。物流综合了信息处理、运输、详细清单、物坪搬运、包装及意外安全保障。物流是一种附加有效时间和地点效奋的供产今通过工厂的模拟软件,复杂的生产物流可以被模式化、分析止 形象化和最优化。 于希腊语.ogos (Mynt),意思是“演讲,理由,比例,合理性,语 吕,短语”。更具体含义来自希腊语lagrshin (boyecol),意思是结算和财政机构。寄存,佳宿。其本意是用来描述学科,地域的军力供给与维护。后来,被用作描述通过组织的转管理。从原材料到成品的物流,从基地到前线定量的供应武器和弹药。在古希腊、罗马和拜占庭帝国时期 带有头衔的军官负责财政和地区物料的供给。供原产地及消费地之间的服务及相关信启 以满足顾客和执行和控制往返物品迅速有效的流动和,储存物流管理工作的人被称作物流师。法律的要求。一个专业从事物流管理有很多名称,最常见的有以下几种 物料管理

' 渠道管理

' 配送( 或物资调运) ' 商业后勤或后勤管理 ' 供应链管理


20 世纪50 年代,物流的概念开始融入企业。。企业物流可被定义为 “对恰当的顾客,在恰当的时间与地点。参考译文流是科宁的过乙原,以恰当的价格和条件提鳟警虽的恰当产品,品,企业物一乏巴芒挚乎呷的主要职能有库存管理、采购- 坛平平。物流师要把每一职能的专采购、运输、存储、商议组织及两种基本形大厂-种是使票乏芝芝誓与甲挝程中的资源相结合起来,规划。使稳定物资流最优化;另一种是协调一系列资源实施某一。物流有:


严物流是企业在生产工艺中的物流活动。个工作姑在洽当时间内有恰当数量和质量的恰当产品。企业物流不仅仅关系到垤输本生产物流的目的是确保每台机器和每身,还涉及合理控制物流的增值流程 并消除非增值流程。生产物流既可应用于现有工厂,又可应用于新的工厂。现有工厂的生产是一个不断变革的过程。生产物流为实现顾客反馈和资本有效化提供了途径。 仓储管理系统和仓储控制系统


地将工作完成。举个侦J子,仓储管理系统能提前预测出将需要5 个库存单位A 和5 个库存单位B 的工时,但在执行时或许还有其他事项需要考虑。仓储控制系统能及时防止生产中产生的问题,并基于当前的活动和操作情况作出紧急决策,以适应当前的情况。仓储管理系统和仓储控制系统协同工作能解决这些问题。 物流术语

因为物流领域在全球的发展,使其已经发展到无与伦比的高度。许多组织曾经将物流看做是一种负担,但现在,他们视物流为组织中的一个主要部分,开始关注物流的成长和发展。对物流领域感兴趣的入会发现有些物流术语在刚开始接触时,会让人感到困惑。所以,在这里我们给大家列出一些日常用语的定义。 ABC 分析法

根据产品的相对标准,如进货或销售量,区分重要等级。它是一种适用于商业意识的技术,将大量数据进行分类成组。这些组被标记成A、B、C。即最优先的活动被标记为A,其次的活动被标记为B,排序靠后的活动被标记为C。 预约保单

预约保单是指签订开口合同的货物保单。预约保单是货物保单的一种形式,覆盖投保方所有类型的运输业务。有时被称之为统一承保,只要将运输业务准确地告知承保公司,承保公司对于保险条款中规定的各种状况都会对客户承保。 收货人

接收发货人或卖方所发货物的个人、公司或厂商叫做收货人。中间收贷人是将货物发送给终端收货人的一方。另一方面,终端收贷人指在出口交易中实际收到货物的 5) 0 空运提单

空运提单指与空运有关的运单,可以充当托运人的收据。表明根据给发货人和收货人规定的条款,运输公司已经同意运输所列货物并有义务把货物以委托物的形式运送至目的地机场。空运提单通常不可转让。 物流信息可用性

物流被视为企业计划网,用于信息、材料管理和资金流动。用外行的话说,它可在适当的条件下,以合适的价格买入物品,按时将其发送到指定地点。在当下的商业活动竞争中,物流包括了复杂的信息,对组织的管理和通信系统也十分重要。不论公司经营规模大小,物流信息在公司实现目标上扮演着一个重要的角色。 物流不单单是表现为送货这一单一的活动,它更引申为送货时要到按时,正确的地点,准确的环节,以及适当的价位。物流经理需要确定整个物流过程没有意外,物流系统按照企业的预先计划和方针执行。良好有效的物流系统可以确保物流正常运作,因此物流计划的每个环节都必须被考虑到。



因此物流在执行与组织相关联的任务时起着重要的作用。组织必须制定必要的计划和指南以确保它的物流信息系统一直稳定运作。 运输模式 多元化模式

运输模式是由人及货运实现运输的手段。根据其运输的方式,将他们分为3 种基本类型一一性地(公路、铁路和管道餐道)运输水上运输 及航空运输。每种模式式在技术、运作和商业上,都具有自己的特色。 公路运输


铁路运输铁路是由轨道线路组成,车辆行驶受限。受限的:平均程度与机车类型有关,并且要求低坡度,特别是货运。尽管通过与公路和海上运输模5,货物集装箱化提局了铁路还输模式的灵活性,但从传统角度而言,重工业与铁路垤输系统还是密切相关的。 管道运输

管葩输几乎是不受限制的,因为他们可以铺设在陆趾办木T产逝瞀肇的成本取决于不同管道直径和运输增加的距离,并与流体的黏度也有关系十什芒空芒的气人r 到高黏度的浊九长,30公里的横跨

阿撕加的管龊在很秘的砰严严成的 大多数的路径不得不在陆上建立。管道终端是非常重要的,因为它们对劝龌于炼油厂和港口。 水上场输

水上运忐是大批量货物的长距离运输的最有效模式。主要水运航线由海洋、海岸湖泊 河流知运河组成。然而,由于受经济活动地点的影响,海洋环流运输的地点产生在特定部分海域,特别是在北大西洋和北太平洋沿岸。海上运输模式具有极高的平站成本,因为建立、维护和改善港口基础设施的费用是最昂贵的费用。高库存成本平太忐士海上运输。相对于任何其他模式,水上运输模式与重工业联系紧密,如毗邻港口钢铁企业和石化企业。 航空运输

航线几乎是无限的,但他们密集的遍布在北大酉色、北美和欧洲内部以及北太平洋。航空运输的制约因素是多方面的,包括地点( 商业飞机大约需要3300 米跑道降落和起飞)、气候、雾,还有气流。航空活动与第三、第四部分产业相关联,特别是金融业和旅游业中那些长距离活动的人。最近,越来越多高价值的货物由航空协调运输,空运在全球物流中发挥着日益重大的作用。

涉及多种模式的组合使用,使每个模式各自的优势都得到更好的开发利用。虽然联合运输申请客巧量,如用途不同,但公共交通系统相互关联结束了这种货物迢输的禀茳乙誓薏严晋输是-种功能强大的矢量-体化忐乙的运输T海陆蹦土盂温祟效地联系在一起。 电信

与真正的交通迢输方式不同,把覆盖的一个灰色区域视为一输方式,往没有主体。然而,他们作为低约束、几乎能力无限的网络结构,包括地相学以及P电信往能会损害海底电缆的海洋生物群。他们提供瞬时运作信息 (光速理论)。波传输,因为覆盖范围有限,

往往需要变电站,如蜂窝电话网络。卫星往往利用越来越拥挤的地哭牛严。卢成本网络和低成本网络分布表现了电信网络的特士忐忐尘飞四部分产业相关的 (股票市场,企业对企业的信息网络等)可以替代个人形式的运作。 仓储简介

仓储作为公司物流系统的一部分,是为获得利润储存货物的过程。仓库的实际地点是一个用来接收货物和产品的存储设备,用于最终配送给消费者或是其他的行业。 历史



随后,因为政府对铁路出台了很多限制措施,商用仓库开始发展起来。‘二战” 也对仓储业产生了影响,由于大批量生产贯穿于整个制造业,快捷有效的仓储能力也随发展了起来。 现代发展

仓储业还要应对新的配送方式,例如,准时制生产,这种生产方式中,仓库变得多余,原因是产品直接运送到客户手中。仓储公司现在力求不仅仅要成为简单存储设备,他们正在转变成为 “第三方物流服务供应商”,能够提供广泛的服务和功能。当代的仓储设备能够提供轻工业、客户服务中心、标签和其他非存储选择。 仓库分类

仓库可分为公用仓库、自用仓库、租赁仓库和合同仓库。公用仓库需客户为存储商品平付标准费用。自用仓库是-个制造商完全控制着存储和运作的古库。租赁喜 库对于更稳定的库存是个选择。不管是否使用仓库的空间,合同仓库的客户都要支付费用;空间总是为他们所使用。但是根据北美仓库概述,合同仓库在美国的商业市场中占60%. 仓库的功能

仓储是整个商用供应链的关键部分,它的功能如下: 货物的存储有利于对商品流动的管理或调节更长的生产运行: 仓库是一个货物混合的地点。来自不同供应商的产品在仓库中混合,然后配发出去以满足客户的订单需求: 仓库是一个销售分支和客户服务地 仓库是生产供应商的商品来源,

仓库是最终包装或精加工的集结地。讫匕白弓口 仓库经营和管理 仓库的基本功能是接收顾客的订单,检索所需物品,并最终准备运送那些物品。


接收货物: 是卸货,检查质量和数量,为了存储,拆卸或再包装物品的过程。

入库上架: 是为物品规定合适的位置,将货物搬运到制定的存储位置等待需求。

拣选: 是从他们的存储地点检索物品r,或者运送到分类拣选过程或是直接迭到运送区

运送: 是检查,包装,用贷盘装运以及将物品装载到运输工具的过程,以备日后河 交货。




仓库管理系统可恰当的描述为优化所有仓库功能的先进技术和操作过程。这些功能通常以收取供应商的进款开始,最终以货物发送到顾客手中为止,包括在期间所有的库存运转和信息流动。仓库管理系统通常已经和大型的复杂的配送操作联系在一起。茌历史上,小型简单的配送设备并没有被认为是在很大程度上优化操作和降低成本的备选方式,但是中小型企业越来越认识到仓库管理系统在今日的集成物流,准时制生产运送以及电子商务运作中的意义。 实际上,通常成功的仓库管理系统设计是将计算机硬件、软件以及外部设备和改善的操作实践融为一体,能够更好地在仓库和配送中心里管理库存、空间、劳动力、资本和设备。仓库管理系统的启用能够降低劳动力成本,提高客户服务质量,增加库存的精确性、灵活性和响应性,因而增加了公司的竞争优势。仓库管理系统能获得目前最前沿的订货、运输、收发以及期间任何运作的信息,使得公司实时对库存进行管理。 拥有合适的技术,公司会更好、更决地回应客户的需求。

