新牛津版九年级unit 2 culture shock课文部分及练习

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新牛津版九年级unit 2 culture shock课文部分及练习适用于上海深圳广州沈阳版本


Unit 2. Culture Shock


1. culture n. (C/U) – adj. ______________

nation n. – adj. ______________ -- international adj.


① I like and meeting people from .


② Moving to London was a bit of after ten years of living in the country. 共享同一文化背景的人可以更好地了解彼此。

People who share the same can understand each other better.

③ Cultural differences between our two societies 两种社会的文化差异

类似: education; nature; office; tradition; practice…

2. admit v. – 过去式 ____________ - 过去分词 ______________ 名词: ______________ admit (that) … 接受… 事实; admit to sb. (that) … 向某人承认…

admit doing … 承认做过某事

admit sb. into/to sp. 准许进入某地


I have to America was a big for me.


① He will never he is lazy.


② He stolen the car.

3. spare adj. 空闲的; 空余的; 备用的 v. 腾出时间/钱/人手…; 多出…

(time when you are not working) =spare time in one’s spare/free time 在某人的空闲时间 你在空闲时间做什么?

① What do you do / ?


② Have you got any boxes? (not being used at present) 多余的; 闲置的

③ a 备用钥匙


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④ , I can’t . 抽不出时间。

⑤ They still have some money to spare. 他们还有一些余钱。

⑥ Can you spare (me) 20 dollars? 你能借我20美元吗?

4. degree n. 程度; 度数; 学位

to some degree = to a (certain) degree = partly =in a way在某种程度上


① However, , life in the US was hard to get used to.

② We would like to help him to some degree.

③ His job demands a high degree of skill. (高超的技能)

④ Preheat the oven to 425 . 把烤箱预热到425度。

⑤ five degrees Centigrade-- 5摄氏度

⑥ bachelor’s degree 学士学位; master’s degree 硕士学位 doctor’s degree 博士学位

5. fail v. -- ____________ n. 失败; 不及格 failure (n.) 失败;失败的人或事物

fail to do sth. 为能做什么


① I much in the first few weeks.


The doctor the old man’s life.


② He but passed all the other tests. ③ She always feels a bit of a failure at school. (someone or something that is unsuccessful) 她上学的时候总觉得自己有些失败。

④ The plan was a total/complete failure. 这个计划彻底失败。

⑤ Tom’s plan ends in failure. 以失败告终。

6. manage v. 完成 = do/ deal with (困难的事情) -- _________________ n. 管理

– manager n. 经理 manage to do 完成\处理某事

(to succeed in doing sth, especially something difficult) – to do something difficult successfully – make it

我很快去适应它的。 ① I soon get used to it.


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They get to the airport in time .

② to manage a factory 管理工厂

③ In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile. 勉强微笑

④ I don’t know exactly how we’ll manage it, but we will, somehow.

我说不准我们如何去完成这件事, 但不管怎样我们一定会完成的。

7. everyday/ every day

1) everyday adj. = daily (only before noun) 每天的; 日常的 (ordinary; usual; happening every day)

2) every day = each day 每天


① The internet has become part of our life.


② Their is very different from what we learn in China.

③ a small dictionary for everyday use.

④ I go to school on foot .

8. especially adv. 尤其; 特别 (particularly)

special adj. 特别的 特殊的 专门的 specially adv. 特别地 特殊地


① I have many great memories of that year, playing in the snow in winter. ② The car is quite small, especially if you have children.


③ I made it for you.

④ I wasn’t feeling especially happy that day. (very much)

⑤ –Do you like his novels? –Not especially. 不十分喜欢。

注意: especially 不放于句首.

Especially I like sweet things. (F) I especially like sweet things. (T)

9. education n. – v. ________________ -- adj. ________________ -- well-educated 受过良好教育的 adj.

良好的教育是通往成功之路 A good can be the gateway to success.


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10. valuable adj. 值钱的, 贵重的; 宝贵的, 有价值的; be worth much money

① valuable experience 宝贵的经验

② a valuable painting 名贵的画


③ I won’t waste any more of .

Valueless adj. (worth no money or very little money) 不值钱的; 没有价值的; 不重要的; 质量差的

Invaluable adj. (extremely useful) 极有价值的


The internet is an source of . 11. Whatever (pron.) 任何事物;一切事物 = anything , everything

I said, they disagreed. 无论我说什么,他们都不同意。

The person has lied so much that people turn a deaf ear to whatever he says.


Just take you need. 你需要什么就拿走吧。


1. It is raining cats and dogs. = It is raining heavily.

2. on an international exchange 在国际交流

3. give/make a speech 演讲

4. culture shock 文化冲击

5. in one’s spare time 在某人空闲时间

6. to a certain degree 在某种程度上

7. get/be/become used to doing … 习惯\适应做某事

8. mange to do … 设法完成 ,处理

9. admit doing … 承认做过某事

10. under the weather 不适应 不得劲

11. be different from / be the same as … 不同于/相同,和…一样

12. be similar in 在….方面相似

13. require/ask sb. to do … 需要、要求某人做某事

14. be dressed as 打扮的像

1) I dressed quickly. 我很快穿好了衣服。

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2) She dressed the children in their best clothes. (dress sb. in sth.)


15. as well 也

16. make sb. do … 使某人做某事

17. set off 使(炸弹)爆炸

18. take off 脱下

19. attend class\meeting 上课\参加(出席)会议

20. feel lonely 感到孤单\寂寞


1,Chinese people usually eat a big dinner and fireworks at Chinese New Year’s Eve. (除夕夜),

2, It is very hot outside. You should you coat.

3, He does a part-time job to make some money .

4, I had a fever yesterday, and I’m still now.

5, When it is heated ,ice can be changed into water.

6, Teacher always students do homework on time.

7, they many ways.

for a party nest week.

9,although they aren’t brothers ,but they many aspects(方面).

10,,He a woman. (He was wearing women’s clothes)

11,he a serious mistakes.


1, )

A, secret B, free C, busy

2, )

A, similar B, whole C, daily

3, )

A, treats B, agrees C, needs

4, ) A, surprise that I had B, changes that I had C, events that were remembered

5,5,He doesn’ )

A, truly B, actually C, specially

6,6,’s first teacher. ( )

A, In my opinion B, To my surprise C, To a certain point D, In a way

7,’t lose his courage. ( )

A, are unsuccessful in B, are successful in C, are bored with

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8, )

A, wanted to get B, succeeded in getting C, started to get

9, )

A, nothing B, something C, anything )

A, friendly B, excellent C, important meeting. ( )

A, provided B, asked C, worked

三. 根据句子意思,从方框中选择合适的短语填空。

1. As a traditional way to celebrate the New Year, ___________ firecrackers is welcomed by most Chinese people.

2. He ___________ his shoes, and went into the bedroom.

3. There are a lot of useful things to learn_______________.

4. The factory was not far from the village. However, _______ it influenced the normal life of the villagers.

5. When she first went to the farmland, she found life there a bit difficult to ____________.

6. If you know that he’s been _______________, you must ask him to see the doctor.

7. He’s sunbathing ______________ he can get browner.

8. A famous scientist will come to our school to _________________about the universe next Friday.

9. Not only I like this movie, but my mother likes it ____________.

10. Our classroom _______________theirs, ours is brighter.


1) The most positive (乐观) person I have ever seen is my dad! He is 1. ____________ positive that I seldom hear a single word from him which is related to hopelessness.

Unlike most mums and dads, my dad never says things that make me feel 2. ____________ (awfully). He is always there to give me encouragement and help. 3. ____________ sometimes I do

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something wrong, he is not angry and always tells me what is right in a positive way. For example if I am in 4. ____________ (trouble), he often tells me to open the books he bought for me. Then he asks me to read the titles that can help me 5. ____________ the problems I’m facing. After that we have a 6. ____________ (discuss) together.

Even though I’m not always a good kid, my dad never shouts or gets 7. ____________ (anger) with me. I know that he’s waiting for a day---a day when I grow up and understand things in my life. I can see the reason why he is so positive. That is, he believes in 8. ____________ (him). And he believes that whatever 9. ____________ (happen), it is under control. So we have nothing 10. ____________ (worry) about. Be positive.

2) (More practice)

By West Lake, in the city of Hangzhou, there is a small statue of _______ traveler _________ (name) Marco Polo.

Marco Polo ___________ (grow) up in the city of Venice. _________ 1271, at the age of 17, he set off on a journey ________ Asia. His travels took him across Asia, along the Silk Road and throughout China. He loved Hangzhou ____________ much that he described it ___________ ―the finest city in the world‖.

When Polo came back to Venice, there was a war and he was ____________ (capture). While he was in prison, another man wrote a book of the stories Polo told about his travels. The _______________ (describe) of Asia in the book were so interesting that soon it became popular in Europe. Europeans became more and more _______________ (interest) in the East. The book also influenced many other explorers, ______________ (include) Christopher Columbus.

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状语从句复习 (知识点略--通过习题讲解)


1. It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we ____ to bed too late.

A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone

2. If farmers ______ trees and forests, giant pandas _____ nowhere to live.

A. cut down; have B. will cut down; will have

C. will cut don; have D. cut down; will have

3. When you ________ at a restaurant , please order just enough food .

A. ate B. will eat C. eat D. haven eaten

4. Henry will give us a report as soon as he _____.

A. arrives B. arrived C. is arriving D. will arrive

5. —What are you doing tomorrow, Jane?

—I’ll go bike riding if it ______. I like riding on rainy days.

A. doesn’t rain B. is cloudy C. is snowy D. rains

6. If Nancy _____ the exam, she will go to Australia for English study.

A. pass B. passed C. passes D. will pass

7. Amy was reading a book _____ I came in.

A. when B. while C. because D. though

8.Linda was just going out for shopping ______ the telephone rang.

A, while B. when C. after D. because

9. I’ll go to visit my aunt in England _____ the summer holidays start..

A. while B. since C. until D. as soon as

10. 一Mom, I'm leaving for Beijing tomorrow.

一That’s nice. You’d better ring me up ____ you get there.

A. until B. as soon as C. because

11. If the weather ______ fine, we _____ have a sports meeting this weekend.

A. will be, will B. is, will C. was, would

12. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we _____ swimming.

A. go B. will go C. went

13. _____ he was exercising at the park yesterday morning, he found a purse under the tree.

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A. While B. Before C. Though

14. You will be late for school _______ you don’t get up early.

A. but B. if C. and D. or

16. We’re going camping if it ______ rain tomorrow.

A. doesn’t B. don’t C. won’t

—Alan! Why are you so late?

—Sorry! When I _______ home, I met one of my old friends.

A. went B. am walking C. has gone D. was walking —I want to know if Maria ______ us in the fashion show tonight.

—I believe if she ______ her homework, she will join us. A. joins; finishes B. will join; finishes C. joins; will finish D. will join; will join

—Excuse me, could you please tell me if the sports meeting _______ on time? —Hard to say. If it _______ tomorrow, we’ll have to put it off.

A. will hold; rains B. will be held; rains

C. will be held; will rain D. holds; will rain

