研究生英语写译教程八章练习与课后翻译 词汇讲解

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1. There was no haste or restlessness in his manner but a poised friendliness. 他从容不迫,和蔼可亲。

2. The lifetime dream of every mature artist in the United States was a Lathrop Prize.

在美国,每个有成就的艺术家一生的梦想,便是得一次拉索普奖。 3. All of his purchases of recent years had to be liquidated at a great sacrifice both to his health and his pocketbook.


4. It gives the Lathrop Gallery pleasure to announce that the First Landscape Prize of $ 1000 has been awarded to Collis P. Ellsworth for his painting, “Tree Dressed in White.”


5. She wondered at the magnitude of this life and at the importance of knowing much in order to do anything in it at all.


6. She felt the need of a breath of fresh air and a drink of water, but did not venture to stir.


7. She was concentrating herself too thoroughly—what she did really required less mental and physical strain.


8. In the Red Square, where Lenin spoke so often to his comrades, teaching, explaining, leading them forward to new battles against difficulties, his coffin is laid on the raised platform.


II. 运用适当的技巧翻译下列句子

1. It was soon recognized that this approach offered the best framework for a



2. Some analysts say that the banks an anticipating money tightening actions by

the Federal Reserve Board.


3. His snorting response was interrupted by the arrival of a much older man wearing

a warm Christmas smile. 他刚一露出一副不屑搭理的模样,就过来了一位年纪比他大得多的人,满脸喜气洋洋的过节神情。

4. I like him none the less for being outspoken. 他说话很直率,但我照样喜欢他。

5. Pulling through the woods, the little swine-herd was coming towards her, in a

shaggy cap, a short sheep-skin jacket.


6. 没有安定团结的政治环境,干什么都不成。

Noting can be accomplished without a stable political environment.

7. 对我来说,我的水族箱就像我的一个小王国。我就是里面的国王。 To me my aquarium is like my little kingdom where I am king.

8. 正如没有经历过大事的人一样,他是经不起成功也经不起失败的。

Like those of little experience, he was easily elated by success and deflated by failure.

9. 交出翻译之前,必须多读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方。

Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved.

10. 我们的教育方针,应该使教育者在德育、智育、体育几方面都得到发展,成为有社会主


Our educational policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually and physically and become a worker with both socialist consciousness and knowledge.

III. 综合运用各种技巧翻译下列长句

1. Crowding down to the water are rows of low houses, dirty and dark, inhabited

by countless thousands of poor folk, whose days are spent in unending toil and the struggle to keep alive. 沿河挤满了一排排又暗又脏的矮房子,不计其数的穷苦百姓居住在这里,他们经年累月永无休止地辛苦干活,挣扎着活下去。

2. The memory of the great men who have lived in London and the poets and dramatists

and novelists who wrote their works lend the place a romance and charm that every visitor cannot but feel.


3. A canting, lie-loving, fact-hating, scribbling, chattering, wealth-hunting,

pleasure-hunting, celebrity-hunting mob, that, having lost the fear of hell, and not placed it by the love of justice, cares for nothing but the lion’s share of the wealth wrung by threat of starvation from the hands the classes that create it.


4. “I am defending myself, an accused communist; I am defending my political honor

my honor as a revolutionary; I am defending my communist ideology, my ideals, the content and significant of my whole life.” 我正在保卫自己——一个被控告的共产党员;我正在保卫我的政治荣誉,一个革命家的荣誉;我正在保卫我的共产主义观点、我的理想、我全部生命的内容和意义。

5. The discovery of surplus value suddenly threw light on the problem, in trying

to solve which all previous investigations, of both bourgeois economists and socialist critics, had been groping in the dark. 由于剩余价值的发现,这里就豁然开朗,而先前无论资产阶级经济学家或者社会主义批评家所做的一切研究都只是在黑暗中摸索。

6. Dimitrov knew German quite well, and save at once he must learn to know it even

better in order to fight victoriously and so he studies, chains on his hands and feet, German grammars, the works of Goethe, German history, for he felt that this would also prove an excellent weapon.


7. 当前我们迫切需要一个装备优良、人员齐备、按照安全保护原则、本着一丝不苟精神建


A well-equipped and well-manned nuclear-energy lab is badly needed at present. Such a lab must be advanced in technology and built in accordance with the principle of security and protection as well as in the spirit of meticulous discretion.

8. 历史业已证明,人类对资源的认识、开发和利用,以及制造生产工具利用资源和能力,


History has proved that man’s understanding of natural resource and his tapping and utilization of them, as well as his capability of making tools of production to make use of these resources, are very important signs to indicate the developing level of social productive forces. And to some extent, these, too have decided the basic structure and developing patterns of a given society.

9. 知识分子是工人阶级中掌握科学文化知识较多的一部分,在改革开放和现代化建设中有


Intellectuals are members of the working class who have a better scientific and general education than others. They have an especially important role to play in the reform, the opening up and the modernization drive. Whether we do or not give full scope to their abilities will determine, to a considerable degree, the prosperity or decline of our nation and the success or failure of the drive for modernization.

10. 本厂以有35年生产丝绸服装的历史,其产品远销全球50多个国家和地区。完全真丝,


We have been at silk garment trade for 35 years. The products find a ready market in 50 countries and regions. They are made of high quality pure silk, soft and smooth, an easy fit in latest style. Fast to washing and sunlight, the silk garment is a must for ladies of good tastes.

11. 2008年将是有历史以来奥运会火炬传递行程中最艰难的一年,北京2008年奥运会火炬


The year 2008 will witness the most arduous journey of the Olympic flame in its history.

The flame of the Beijing Olympic Games is set to cross the highest peak of our Planet—an occasion capturing the Olympic spirit of “faster, higher, stronger”.

12. 浙江省地处中国东南沿海长江三角洲的南翼,自然风光和历史人文景观交相辉映,素有


Zhejiang province, located in the south of the Yangse River Delta, is a coastal province in southeast China. With beautiful landscape and rich anthropological features, it has long been known as a “land of fish and rice”, the “home of silk and tea”, an “area of rich cultural heritage”, and a “paradise for tourists”.

课后翻译 Unit 4

As one travels abroad and examines the ways in which space is handled, startling variations are discovered; differrences which we react to vigorously. Since none of us are taught to look at space as isolated from other associations, feelings cued by the handling of space are often attributed to something else. In growing up people learn literarily thousands of spatial cues, all of which have their own meanings in their own contexts.

Unit 5

Wealth exposed American manners to continuing international scrutiny because it underwrote an expansion of tourism. In the late nineteenth century the American abroad symbolized for some the dangders of sudden wealth and became an instrument to expose comparative social codes and standards of morality. Boasting, vulgarity, obsessive acquisitiveness, and insensitivity were soon associated with this early version of the Ugly American. Representing a small portion of the population, the international travelers seemed to stand for the whole country in the eyes of many foreigners, and it was the prodigality of their wealth, the apparently limitless wallets and purses, that seemed most dangerous. American money threatened to loot the Old World of its historic treasures, and aggressive celebrity hunters and relic gatherers to invade European privacy as well.



Unit 6



I agree to this ideal: people should be good in all aspects, It is necessary to have not only the mind, but also magnificent physique. I hope to get some kind of happiness and joy. The United States is the best place to get these things, because the people here and their ideas come from all over the world. So far , here are still many people to seek a dream. Now I know, It is not education, not opportunities, and not hard work, but power and fear that decide whether the American dream can come to be or

not. The higher your position is in enterprise, the more you lose something. The American dream is not the end. The idea is very popular in the United States today: never lose one’s dream.

Unit 7

Clinton and Bush are different greatly from each other. Clinton attends in person to everything, trival of critical; He can memorize data well just like a computer; He and his advisors never fail to take part in the interminable meeting of politics or economy. On the contrary, Bush dislike a meeting that lasts over 15 minutes, and even loathes being bothered by confusing figures. Clinton has cared very much about public approval presented by polls since his early presidency, where Bush, in a sharp contrast, proclaimed at the outset of his election that he would make all decisions on his own. Clinton is an avid reader, but his successor is not. Joyful, casual and elegant, the ex-president time and again drinks a little, but the new president has been a teetotal since he abstained from it 14 years ago. Bush Jr. was born of a privileged WASP family in Texas, while the former, from an ordinary family, has tempered himself and developed his talents in hardships. He works with his wisdom and eloquence, which his successor is short of. 词汇 Unit 4

Infringe 破坏,侵犯,违反 Tangible 真是的,明确的 Secular 现世的,世俗的 Integrate 完整的,综合的

Architecture 建筑风格,建筑学 Persistent 持久的,持续的 Floral 花的,像花的 Anthropologist 人类学家 Patterns 模式 Spatial 空间的

Unit 5

Provocative 激怒,挑衅 Notional 抽象的,概念性的

Curb 抑制;路边;勒马绳;控制;勒住 Devastating 毁灭性的,摧毁,毁坏 Appalling adj. 可怕的;令人震惊的 v. 使惊愕;惊吓

Perspective n. 观点;远景;透视图 adj. 透视的

Counterpart n. 副本;配对物;极相似的人或物 Fray n. 争论;打架;磨损处

vt. 使磨损;变得令人紧张、急躁 vi. 被磨损

Defuse vt. 平息;缓和;使除去危险性 Frustrated 失败的

Unit 6

Therapeutic n. 治疗剂;治疗学家

adj. 治疗的;治疗学的;有益于健康的 Involved adj. 有关的;卷入的;复杂的 v. 涉及;使参与;包含

Committed adj. 坚定的;效忠的;承担义务 的 v. 承诺;委托;干坏事;付诸 Figure out 解决;算出;想出;理解;断定 Formulate vt. 规划;用公式表示;明确地表达 Affluent n. 支流;富人

adj. 富裕的;丰富的;流畅的 Quest n. 追求;寻找 vt. 探索

vi. 追求;寻找

The end of the rainbow 彩虹的尽头 Tie down 束缚;约束;栓系 Convinced adj. 确信的;深信的 v. 使确信;说服

Unit 7

Scoff 嘲笑;愚弄;笑柄 Unfazed 不苦恼的,未受影响的 Misgiving 担忧;疑虑;不安

Mull 研磨;思索或思考某事物; 混乱;软薄布 Misbehave 使举止失礼;使行为不端

Pretentious 自命不凡的;炫耀的;做作的 Obsolete 废词;陈腐的人,废弃的;老式的 Wince 畏缩,退避

Whiz through 抓紧时间,迅速

Squelch 消除;镇压;压碎,噪声控制;嘎吱声;压倒对方的反驳 Jaded 厌倦的;疲倦不堪的

Sanctuary 避难所;至圣所;耶路撒冷的神殿

Pose 造成,形成;摆姿势;装模作样;提出…讨论

Grueling 惩罚;劳累;累垮人的;折磨人的

