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英国The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,the United Kingdom or U.K., Great Britain, Britain. Informally不正式的名称: England

组成:England ,Scotland ,and Wales;numerous smaller coastal islands; and Northern Ireland 位置:Britain is situated in Western Europe and is separated from the European continent by the North Sea, the Strait of Dover and the English Channel. Islands including the northern part of the island of Ireland between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.To the west of it lies the Atlantic Ocean, across and beyond it is America.

Land areas: 242,900 (km2) 240 thousand squire kilometers.(占全球面积的0.67%相当于广东省的面积)

? The total area is about 244,820 square kilometers.

? It Is over 1,000 km. from south to north and it is about 500 km. from west to east. British Isles(不列颠群岛)Two large islands several small ones two states Britain :The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain:England, Wales ,Scotland

National Flag: Union Jack(It combines the red-on-white crosses of England’s St George and Ireland's St Patrick, with the white-on-blue cross of Scotland’s St Andrew)白底红正十字代表英格兰守护神——圣乔治,蓝底白色交叉十字代表苏格兰守护神——圣安德鲁,红色交叉十字代表爱尔兰守护神——圣帕特里克。

British national anthem国歌:“god save the queen” or “God save the king” National flower:Rose Capital:London

National emblem英国国徽:中心图案为一枚盾徽,盾面上左上角和右下角为红地上三只金狮,



Nickname of England:John Bull Population:60million(60,209,000 ),占全球总人口数的0.9%(湖北省的人口数59million 0.89%) 1 pound = 11.09 yuan RMB 1 dollar = 6.83 yuan RMB There are Five Official Languages in UN.:

1 Chinese 2 English 3 Russian 4 French 5 Spanish 1. Countries & territories in the world s : 224 2. English speaking countries & territories:171

Terrain (地形、地势)

Mostly rough hills and low mountains.

Level to rolling plains in east and southeast

Land use:1.forest 10.4% 2.pasture(牧场)45.9% 3.agriculture 24.8% 4.other 18.9%

Much of the land is used for human habitation住所. London is Capital of England and Britain

Scotland has an area of 78,760 square kilometers. Edinburgh爱丁堡 is the capital of Scotland.

The capital of Wales is Cardiff 加的夫、卡迪夫. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.

Climate and Weather :In Britain the weather is rainy, changeable and unpredictable.

In fact it has a favorable maritime climate. It rarely rises above 32℃ in summer or falls

below –10℃ in winter. Winters are mild, not too cold and summers are cool, not too hot. Population:The population in the UK was 60,209,500 in the mid-2005.

There were about 50 million people in England. 2,96 million in Wales、5million in

Scotland、1.7million in Northern Ireland The English are Anglo-Saxon in origin

The three Germanic tribes部落: the Angles, the Saxons and Jutes which invaded(入侵) Britain form the basis of modern English people.

The characteristic of the English are谨慎细心cautious, 沉默寡言silent, 讲究服从deference , 有点保守conservative, and 有侵略性aggressive.

The Welsh are the descendants后代 of the Britons of the second Celtic tribes. Wales has been called ―The Land of Song‖. 歌唱之国

The Irish are known for their charm and vivacity [vi`v?siti] 活泼as well as for the beauty of their girls. Languages

The major languages spoken in Britain are English, Gaelic and Welsh.

English is the official language of the country and is spoken by most of the population. One fourth welsh people in Wales speak welsh language.

In 1535 Welsh was forbidden as an official language, but in 1965 it was given equality with English for all official use in Wales.

This emigration of qualified people from Great Britain is called the “brain drain”人才外流 Britain is divided into highland area and lowland area.

It has large mountain ranges : the Pennies ,The Cumbrian Mountain Range, the Grampian Mountains , the Cambrian Mountain Range such important rivers as Thames River ,the Seven River Mercy River, the Humber, the Clyde River and the Forth.

Mountain in Scotland:The Grampian Mountain格兰扁山脉 Which covers about two third of Scotland is the highest and largest mountain in Britain . The Peak is Ben Nevis which is 1,343 meters high. Rivers in Scotland :The Clyde River(克莱德河) is the most important river in Scotland and is about 170 km. It flows through the third largest city of Glasgow.The Forth River is flowing through the Scottish Capital - Edinburgh.

Mountain in Wales:The Cambrian Mountain Range covers most of Wales and is the second highest mountain in Britain. Its highest peak is Snow don which is 1085 meters high.The Cambrian Mountain Range is the second highest Mountain in Britain.

River in Wales:The Severn River(塞文河) rises in northeast Wales and flows through central England to the Bristol Channel. It is 355 Kilometers long and is the Longest river in Britain.

Mountains in England:The Cumbrian Mountain Range is the third highest mountain in Britain. It lies in northwest of England and the peak of Scafell is 977 meters high. The Lake District is instituted in the Cumbrian Mountain Range .This area is beautiful and quiet and the Lake poets(湖畔诗人) once lived in the Lake District (湖区). Pennies(奔宁山脉)

The Pennies is a kind of ?upland‖ Since the 19th century, it has been called the ―backbone of England‖, which stretches about 120 kilometers from the Scottish border to Derby-shire. The highest point of the Pennies is Cross Fell which is 893 meters high.

Rivers in England:Thames River is the most important river in England.It rises in Cotswold Hills and empties into the English Channel.It is 338 kilometers long and flows through London. Lakes in Britain:The largest Lake in England is Windermere, which covers an area of 16 square kilometers and is located in Lake District. The Lake District, which is a scenic spot, is situated in Cumbrian Mountain Range in northwest of England.

Natural Resources:Coal:Britain has some of the great coal fields of the world. The annual coal production output is over 120 million tons. Oil:Britain is the world ?s ninth largest producer.

Natural Gas:Britain is the fifth largest gas producer in the world.

Britain is rich in water resources with too much rain and many short and rapid rivers

Rainfall:Mild and temperate climate: the weather is rainy, changeable and unpredictable. The average annual rainfall in Britain is over 1,ooo m. Wales----land of castles

Sports:FOOTBALL/ soccer Britain?s premier最初的 clubs(Its biggest club) Golf-------Scotland?s most famous golf courses

London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom and It is the largest city in Europe.London consists of the city of London and Greater London.Greater London is made up of 20 outer London boroughs and 12 Inner London boroughs伦敦自治市。 The East End is the poorest quarter of London.In the 20th century large numbers of immigrants have settled there.

London's landmark:Big Ben & Houses of Parliament

London Clock Tower-------It is 320 feet high and is 20 feet across. It is called Big Ben, after Sir Benjamin Hall, who designed it in 1858 .

Big Ben is the nickname for the Great Bell of the clock at the north-eastern end of the Palace of Westminster in London and is often extended to refer to the clock or the clock tower as well. It is the largest four-faced clock and the third-tallest free-standing clock tower in the world.its 150th anniversary in May, 2009,

The Tower of London------It was started in 1076 and completed in 1097. William, the Conqueror first built it for the purpose of protecting and controlling the city. Now is one of the most popular tourist sights and attracts thousands of visitors a year.It is the oldest building used by the British government. But is best known as a prison and execution place. (particularly for high status and royal prisoners.)a place of execution死刑 (Anne Boleyn,the second wife of Henry VIII, in 1536)and torture拷问, an armoury兵工厂, a treasury国库, a zoo, the Royal Mint, a public records office, an observatory天文台, and since 1303, the home of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom Major cities:1. London (in England): the largest and capital city in Britain.

2. Birmingham (in England): the 2nd largest city in Britain.is called Black Country

3. Glasgow (in Scotland): the 3rd largest city in Britain.It is center of the shipbuilding造船业 and manufacturing制造业.

4. Edinburgh (in Scotland): the capital city in Scotland.famous in Scottish legend and literature

5. Cardiff (in Wales): the capital city in Wales.The city is one of the largest coal shipping ports in the world and a center of iron and steel industry in Britain.UK's greenest cities 6. Belfast (in Northern Ireland): the capital city in Northern Ireland.

About a fifth of the total population of the UK lives in the Greater London area.Two well-known areas of London are the West End and the East End. The former is known for its many theatres, cinemas and expensive shops. The latter is known as the poorer residential area of central London. London is also cosmopolitan(世界性的).

Major tourist attractions----England:1. Stonehenge 2. York 3. Oxford 4. Cambridge 5. Robin Hood 6. Stratford upon-Avon 7. Haworth 8. Lake District Scotland:9. Loch Ness Wales:10. Mount Snowdon Northern Ireland:11. the Giant’s Causeway


The Iberians 伊比利雅人:At about 3000 B.C., the dark -- haired short Iberians from Mediterranean lands. Sailed up to west coast of England and around Scotland to Scandinavia. They settled down along the coast of Cornwall, Ireland, Wales, and Scotland.

Three Celtic Tribes凯尔特部落:About 750 B.C. Three Celtic Tribes From Upper Rhine Land of northwest Europe came to settle on the island. They were tall ,with red hair and blue eyes.The first tribe came and they were the “Gaels”, whose language is still spoken in Scotland.About 500 B.C. The second group of the Celts called Britons came . From the Britons came the English name for Britain.About 100 B.C.The third group , Belgae came from Gaul.In the fighting ,the Celtic took control of many areas and mixed with the Iberians to some extent. Celts forced them to follow their tribal organization.

Roman Occupation (55B.C----410A.D)In 55 B.C. and 54B.C. Julius Caesar, the great Roman Emperor invaded Britain for the first time.The Roman occupation last for about 350 years. They brought Christianity(基督教) to England . Roman power in Britain collapsed崩溃 in 410, Hadrian?s wall(哈德利安长城)

The name Britain came from the Britons, a Celtic tribe. Recorded history in Britain began in the year 55 BC, when the Roman general Julius Caesar and his Roman troops invaded the island. This is the first “date” in popular British history. In 410, all Roman troops left Britain, thus ending the Roman occupation of the island.The real conquest began in 43A.D. and the Roman Emperor, Claudia headed the Roman army to invade Britain.The British chieftains were defeated and Britain became a Roman province in name.

different attitudes towards Romans‘ occupation:The lowland Britons soon accepted and appreciated the Roman way a life because they had an economy based on settled agriculture. But the hillside dwellers居民 were not willing to submit服从 to Roman conquest because their economy was based on sheep and their freedom of life was threatened by the Roman urban城市 civilization.

The Anglo-Saxons Invasion (446—871). About 449A.D. three Germanic tribes, Angles, Saxons and Jutes, invaded Britain. By the 7th century, they regarded themselves as ?the nations” and they lacked unity.The Anglo-Saxons brought with them their religion-- Christianity基督教 to England.(The names Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday derive from their gods)The Anglo-Saxons laid the foundations of the English state. Angles came from southern Denmark and occupied the north of Humber.

Saxons came from Germany and took the southern part of Thames.

Jutes came from Jutland peninsular and controlled Kent and south Hampshire in the southeastern corner of England.

England was divided into seven small Kingdoms called “Heptarchy‖. 七国争雄时期

Fighting last almost 200 years and finally in 829 the king Egbert(艾格伯特国王) of Wessex (韦塞克斯王国)defeated the other kings and united England. Egbert was regarded as the first king of England.

UK V.S. China:BC221 Qin defeated the other six kings united China.St. Augustine became the first Archbishop(大主教) of Canterbury In 597.

The Invasion of Viking and the Danish Rule:The brave Alfred, the king of Wessex ( A.D. 871—899) began to fight against them. He knew the only way to defeat the Danish invaders was to fight them at sea.He built boats which were faster and stronger than that of the enemies thus he known as ―the Father of British Navy‖. He protected the coasts and encouraged trade.known as “Alfred the Great” — the only monarch君主 in English history to be given this title.

At the end of the 10th century, a weak king of England Called Ethelred 艾塞尔雷德 came to power. buying off收买 the Danes instead of fighting them.

He became known in English history as Ethelred the Unready, and the word referred not to his unprepared ,but to his failure to follow good advice.

The Growth of Feudalism封建主义 1066:King of England, Edward died in 1066

Earl(伯爵) ,Harold, was chosen to be the new king. William, Duke of Normandy and the king of Norway claimed that he had the sole独占 right to the king of England. Hereditary世袭

1st 公爵 (Duke) 2nd侯爵(Marquess/marquis)3rd伯爵(Earl)4th子爵(Viscount) 5th男爵(Baron)

not hereditary:准男爵(Baronet),骑士(Knight)

The Norman Conquest (1066---1381):The Norman Duke (公爵)and others dukes were loyal to the kings of France; but in fact they were completely independent. Norman House: WilliamⅠ。Normandy was the most highly organized state in Europe at that time. Duke William was crowned加冕 and became William the Conqueror征服者威廉 On Christmas day 1066 Duke William was crowned in Westminster Abbey. A new House of Norman began to rule England and William became William the Conqueror.

William the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers.He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England.

The Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453):The Hundred Years’ War was a series of wars fought between England and France over trade, territory, security and the throne王位。The causes were partly territorial领土 and partly economic. The economic causes of the war were connected with Flanders where the Flemish clothing manufacturing towns were the importers of English wool but they supported French king. Hundred Years‘ War was not one war, but a series of intermittent(时断时续的) war between France and England. It lasted intermittently on from 1337 to 1457. It was started by England and was fought entirely in France. At last English was completely defeated and driven from France except the port of Calais. The war ended in 1457.

The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485):The Wars of the Roses was a series of civil

wars between 2 great noble families: the House of York (a white rose) and the House of Lancaster (a red rose). The wars lasted for 30 years. In the end, the House of Lancaster won and their leader Henry Tudor became King Henry VII, and started the rule of the House of Tudor.

Henry II was the most powerful ruler in Europe in his time. In 1181 Henry II issued the ― Assize of Arms‖ (武器法). The most important was his jury system陪审团制度.It was real progress for it replaced old English ordeal by fire and Water and old Norman trials by battle.

The Great Charter(The Magana Charta)大宪章

In 1215, King John was forced by a group of feudal baron and the church to grant them a charter of Liberty and political rights. The Great Charter placed some limits on the king’s ability to abuse his royal power. The Great Charter is regarded as the foundation of the British constitutionalism and it provides the basic principles for the protection of individual rights in both Britain and the United States.The spirit of The Great Charter was the limitation the powers of the king. It placed some limits on the king’s ability to abuse his royal power. The Great Charter is regarded as the foundation of the British constitutionalism and it provides the basic principles for the protection of individual rights in both Britain and the US.It guaranteed the barons‘ (贵族)feudal rights. It is traditionally regarded as the basis of English liberties自由.It was a statement of the relationship between the Crown and the barons. Simon de Mont fort kept Henry and the royal family prisoners and he summoned the Great Council to meet at Westminster in 1265.The Great Council was made up of lords and clergymen and with two knights from each county and two citizens from each town .The parliament of 1625 is considered the beginning of parliament议会.Edward I conquered Wales and in 1285 the conquest was completed.In 1301 Edward gave his first son the title of Prince of Wales. Peasants Uprising (1381):农民起义 The uprising was brutally suppressed(残酷镇压), but it had far-reaching significance in English history.Third, a new class of yeomen(自由民) farmers emerged, paving the way to the development of capitalism.(产生新兴的自由民阶级,为资产阶级革命的到来铺平道路)

House of Tudor 1485-1603(都铎王朝,又称新王朝)

1485 the end of Wars of the Roses 1603,the death of Elizabeth I·The Tudor Monarchy(君主制) was in the transitional stage from feudalism to capitalism. (1455-1485)Henry Tudor was crowned at the end of 1485 his title was accepted by Parliament. He was known as Henry VII.The Tudor Monarchy was in the transitional stage from feudalism to capitalism. (1455-1485Henry VII was anxious to have friendly relations with foreign countries.He used his children‘s marriages to strengthen his position abroad and help prevent being given to claimants to his crown.)And he increased the income of the government. As the king had gained his financial independence, he had no need to call Parliament for the purpose of obtaining grants of money. Henry VII gave England peace and orderly government and he encourage

education , exploration and increased trade.

There was an inevitable conflict between the Roman Catholic Church and the king of England. In the 1530s, Henry used Parliament to pass laws which swept away the power of the Roman Church in England. His quarrel with Rome was nothing to do with doctrine(教义), it was because he wanted to be free to marry again and to appoint whom he wished as leaders of the Church in England.Shortly after they were married,

Anne gave birth to Elizabeth.Later Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth I.

Three main causes for the Reformation:

Direct causes: HenryⅧ wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon(阿拉贡) because she could not produce a male heir for him.

Purpose: Henry?s reform was to get rid of the English Church?s connection with the Pope(天主教教皇), and to make an independent Church of England. Two acts:

1. 1534 Act of Succession (继位法)、 2. 1535 Act of Supremacy(至尊法案) Three important effects:

They stressed the power of the monarch; Parliament had never done such important; His attack on the Pope?s power encouraged many critics of the abuses of the Catholic Church.

He became Supreme Head of the Church of England in 1535.

―bloody Mary‖(血腥玛丽)Mary hated those who had upset her mother?s marriage. She married the king of Spain.She reestablished Catholicism had brought the Church back under the power of Rome. She burned 300 hundred Protestants(新教徒)at the stake In four years.

The English Renaissance文艺复兴(1459-1600)The period under the rule of Elizabeth I (1558-1603) saw the beginnings of the English Renaissance, with the works of William Shakespeare, and the start of English expansion and empire. Renaissance is a French word that means rebirth. Italian scholars first used the word in the mid-16th century to express the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture. The Absolutist Rule of the Stuarts (1603------1649)斯图亚特王朝的专制统治

In the early years of 17th century, the bourgeois through enclosures and foreign plunder(劫持) had gained economic supremacy in England.Mary Stuart ( James‘ mother): imprisoned and then beheaded by Elisabeth I in 1587.Elizabeth I:died in 1603 But in politics,they were still under the control of the feudal nobles with the king as the head.House of the Stuarts:

James I (Mary Stuart ?s son ): The Absolutist Rule of the Stuarts from 1603 to 1625. Charles I( James‘s son): 1625 – 1649

In 1649, Charles was deposed 废黜as ―Tyrant(暴君), Traitor(卖国贼), Murderer and public Enemy‖ and was executed.In 1651, Charles?s son marched into长驱直入 England from Scotland, but was defeated and flees to逃走 France. The Second Civil War was over.

James I insisted on the Divine(神圣的) Right of King.James I thought that kings were responsible to God and not to Parliament 议会. His would be the law. He tried to make

the Church of England subservient(屈服) to his will.He persecuted 迫害Puritans清教徒 and Catholics天主教徒.

In 1629 Charles dissolved解散 parliament议会 and ruled without it for 11 years.He took Catholic as ministers首相 and persecuted(迫害) Protestants新教徒. He persecuted迫害 Puritans清教徒, arresting逮捕, torturing拷问, finding裁决 , and humiliating羞辱 them and many of them were forced to leave the country.Charles I collected taxes税收 without approval of parliament .For the shortage of money and the attack of Scottish, Charles was forced to call Parliament once more and It lasted until1653 which was known as long parliament in English history. The Civil war began in August 1642.:The west and north supported Charles and those who supported Charles were feudal nobles封建贵族 and their followers. The supporter of the king were called Cavaliers(保皇党).London and southeast were for Parliament.The supporters of the Parliament were called Roundhead(圆颅党,因其头发都简短;清教徒)

First Civil War (1642-1646):In the first year of the war, the parliamentary army was defeated because of its poor organization and because the leaders were afraid of development in the revolution and eager for compromise妥协 with the king.In 1643pay the money to Scotland for military军队 help。The important and decisive决定性 factor was Cromwell‘s new army, which was called “New Model Army”.

Second Civil War (1648-1651):In 1647, King(Charles) escaped and made a deal with the Scots苏格兰.In 1648, Cromwell defeat Scots army induced引诱 by Charles. This is the beginning of the Second Civil War.

The Industrial Revolution in Britain first began in the textile(纺织) industry. Processes:

① 1770, power-driven machinery, real “revolution” in textiles;

② 1733, flying shuttle(纺织机的梭), John Kay, speeded up hand weaving;

③ 1766, spinning jenny(珍妮纺纱机), James Hardgrave's, enabled one hand laborer to spin many threads at a time; 1769, water frame, Richard Arkwright; ⑤ 1779, mule(走锭精纺机), Samuel Compton;

⑥ 1784, power loom, Edmund Cartwright, enabled weaving to catch up with spinning; ⑦ 1765, steam engine, improved by James Watt, first by Thomas Newcomer at the end of 17th century.

⑧ 1709, smelting iron with coke instead of charcoal, breakthrough;

⑨ 1784, pudding and rolling processes, provide increased quantities of high-quality iron; ⑩ Improved transportation.

In 1836 a group of skilled workers and small shopkeepers formed the London Working Men‘s Association.伦敦工人协会

The Corn Laws 谷物法were import tariffs 关税designed to support domestic British corn prices against competition from less expensive foreign-grain imports between 1815 and 1846.

The Tory保守党 Prime minister首相, Robert Peel ,in 1846 repealed the Corn Law. The abolition of the Corn Laws caused the party boundaries blurred.混乱 Colonial Expansion:In the 17th and 18th centuries the old colonial movement 殖民运动reached its height.The economic root of the new imperialism(帝国主义) was the rise of

industrial and financial capitalism seeking寻找 new markets and new fields of profitable investment投资.By the end of 19th century, the British Empire climbed to its peak.No wonder the British bourgeoisie资产阶级 boasted自吹自擂 that their empire was a sun-never-setting empire.

The title Empress of India was given to Queen Victoria in 1877 when India was formally incorporated(合并) into the British Empire. When Victoria died and her son Edward VII ascended the throne, his title became Emperor of India. The title continued until India became independent from the United Kingdom in 1947. British Colonial Expansion:

They took one –fifth of the world land ; ruled over population of 560 million.

1 The British Empire Occupied 33million sq. km., taking up one-fouth of the earth?s habitable area.This area was about 135 times as large as Great Britain.(244,820sq.km.) 2 It ruled over a population of 560 million, which was more than ten times as large as that in Britain.

The Rivalry(竞争) between Britain and Germany:1) Naval Rivalry (海军军备竞赛)2) Colonial Rivalry(殖民竞争)3) Economic Rivalry (殖民竞争)Britain?s economic lead was gone.

There were 2 separate European alliances同盟 :1. The Triple Alliance三国同盟 : Austria-Hungry奥匈帝国, Germany, Italy 。Austria-Hungry, Germany, Italy were in the Triple Alliance in 1882. 2. The Triple Entente三国协约: Britain, France, Russia In 1894, Russia and France signed their Dual双的,二元的 Alliance. The Direct causes:On 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir继承人 to the Austrian throne王位, went to inspect troops in the Bosnian[波斯尼亚] capital of Sarajevo and was killed. Austria, backed by Germany, used this as an excuse for declaring war on Serbia [塞尔维亚].Russia supported Serbia塞尔维亚. Germany declared war on Russia and France.

When Germany invaded入侵 Belgium比利时, Britain declared war on German on Agu.4 1914. The war lasted four years. Germany surrounded in November 1918, and the side of Entente协约 won the victory.

Result of the World War I:The casualties [`k??ju?lti]伤亡人数 :It claimed the lives of 2,700,000 men and disfigured twice as many again.

In January 1919, representatives代表 from over thirty nations gathered in Paris to decide the fate of the defeated nations. The talk was dominated by the ―Big three‖ : the United States , France ,Britain.

Britain Between the Two World Wars:The Historic Background

1 The Soviet Union苏联 was born. The imperialists regarded her as a menace [`men?s]威胁 that threatened the existence of capitalism .They want to strangle [扼杀] the young Soviet Union in the cradle. 2 In 1920 the British Communist Party was founded and it played an important part in labor movement.

3 The British colonies were awakened and encouraged by the Russian Revolution. They wanted independence.

In1924, Labor Party came to power for the first time;In 1931, Great Depression大萧条 hit hard in British isles, strikes and labor unrest不安 occurred and colonial ties became weakened in 1930?s.

Britain and the Second World War:Hitler and Nazism希特勒和纳粹

For the failure of Chamberlain?s policy , Churchill became war leader in 1940.When Winston Churchill became Prime Minister in 1940 Britain was under daily air attack an in danger of an invasion by sea.Munich Conference 慕尼黑协议(29 September 1938) At the Munich Conference were Germany, Britain, France and Italy.

Result of the War----Second World War

A. destroyed many cities;

B. changed the face of London;

C. people spent their nights in the underground stations; D. some evacuated(撤离) to the countryside; E. Churchill received massive popular support.

Out come a. 250,000 casualties [`k??ju?lti] 伤亡人数 b. poor cause economic and financial difficulties; c. end of empire. The result of the Second World War ended British empire. A. In 1947, India won their independence.

B. In 1948, Burma(缅甸) became independent;

C. In 1949, Newfoundland(纽芬兰) joined the Dominion of Canada.

In 1979, Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain.

Thatcherism撒切尔主义: It included the return to private ownership私人所有制 of state-owned国有制 industries, the use of monetarist policies货币政策 (the supply of money in Britain) to control inflation通货膨胀, the weakening of trade unions工会, the strengthening of the role of market forces 市场规律in the economy, and an emphasis on law and order治安.


Educational system:1 Primary Education初等教育 2 Secondary Education中等教育 3 Independent School独立学校 4 High Education高等教育

The Department of Education does not provide or maintain维持 any schools or colleges, or employ, pay, or dismiss解散 any teachers;

These matters are the responsibly of the universities, the Local Education Authorities, or the governing bodies of independent establishment.

In junior school 小学children are expected to learn more skills and teachers try to maintain a just balance between knowledge, skill, activity, and experience in this stage.Traditionally, at end of the primary school Children were allocated [分配] to different secondary schools on the basis of selection tests taken at the age of 11 known as eleven-plus examination. Eleven plus now totally abolished.State school is state-run and publicly funded. About 90% of the state secondary school population in Great Britain attend comprehensive schools.

Secondary education was originally a three-part system in England and Wales. Old Universities:

Oxford (1167) and Cambridge (1209) are the two oldest and most famous universities in Britain.

In Oxford University, there are 35 colleges.5 for women only,1 all-male college and the rest for both men and women. There are 18,000 students in

