北京美国留学申请文书解析与案例分析 致知品格教育

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3、结构简单,衔接紧密,主线明确,便于理解。谨记:simple is the best。





















PS从写作手法上来说要有起承转合,所谓“起”就是要从宏观上给自己一个定位,为整个文章做个基调。接下来就是要“承”,从文章宏观基调过渡到用具体的理由说服对方录取你。“转”也可以成为升华,结合自身情况和将来学习的项目,对自己的未来有一个怎样的期待和规划。“合”对前文进行提炼,照应开头的基调,做到首尾呼应,这样才做到一气呵成,整个文章浑然一体。此外,PS段落注意有长有短,有轻有重,有主有次,字数一般在800-1000字左右,切忌重复啰嗦。这样,才能将PS撰写的较为完美,值得一读。 总之,完成后的PS应给人一种行文流水,从容自如的感觉。既不过分夸大自我,也不长篇大论没有主次,而是一份独家专属的个人陈述。








A book—Beauty of Mathematics I read at my sophomore year brought me into a big wow and deep self-reflection on my choice of program. It profoundly intrigued my interest and passion for statistics. With every nerve being excited, I was aware that numbers hide infinite useful information, and statistics holds the key! I felt so excited statistics is an effective way to solve issues and gradually believed it helps make a greater difference. Thus, although I was recommended to take the graduate program—Foodstuff Engineering, I was deeply aware


that statistics leads to my better future. After a term of graduate study, my desire got stronger to study Statistics. Having a thorough reflection on myself, I realize my background in all sides supports me to step further into the magic statistical field.

Inheriting the mathematical genes from my mother, a mathematics teacher, I not only excel in mathematics and other science subjects, but also think and behave mathematically. The business data and information dealing I learnt from my father strongly sharpened my indentifying ability and formed my sensation to numbers. This part of my life shaped my motto—never see things as we are, see them as they are. With such basic but most crucial qualities, I took my undergraduate program—Food Quality and Safety, which was even a much supportive factor for me to set foot in statistics. I mastered well such courses as Advanced Mathematics, Probability Theory, Linear algebra, Bio-statistics and Experimental Design, and Social Investigation etc The program shared the attributions of statistics and enabled me to contact statistics via food perspective. To be frank, the program was actually a process of setting my professional foundation of statistics, primarily deepening my cognition of it and its application. Such process


was not only about academic or theoretical aspect, but also the hands-on one. I got me comprehensively promoted in the professional researches.

The Subcritical Acetone Extraction of Antioxidative Compounds from Marigold Grounds witnessed my mature combination of theory, skill and personal qualities. Acting as the project leader, I, a green hand in the field as well, control each procedure and part of the entire experiment Numerous difficulties as I met, I solved them one after another with fixed faith and constantly digested expertise, promoting my scientific researching ability, group managing ability and strong leadership. Worthier of mentioning, in the process of experiment design and data analysis, I made perfect use of statistics and related software, which was of vital significance to my experiment. And, I made a detailed and helpful brochure for reference of others. Owing to the successful process of my work, the experiment received a sponsorship of 10,000 Chinese dollars when I took it as a project in College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project. What’s different was, because the subcritical method cost too much time, I innovatively applied the orthogonal experiment method learnt on the Mathematical Statistics course.


That statistical method enormously reduced the frequency of our multi-factor and multi-level research and optimized the experiment program.

Not only did I apply statistical methods in the experiment process, I also applied them in writing the theses. Processing the experiment data with SPSS, I conducted descriptive statistical analysis, outlier test and significance test and so on, finding so many funs of dealing with numbers. I understood that statistics makes numbers live, visible, aesthetic, helpful and indicative, will bring me brand-new angles in my future researches and career. With the meticulousness, authenticity and reference value, my thesis—Subcritical Acetone Extraction of Antioxidative Components from Marigold Grounds was published on a famous journal—Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2013, 34(20):289-293. This success made I feel so thrilled and determined to found a brand-new world with statistics, which gets accordance with our age of Big Data. The project showed clearly to me the significance of “making numbers speak” and statistical methods gradually became my priority in my researches, activities and work afterwards. In the NNSF Program—Screening and Application of High Producing β-Galactosidase Microbes,


I also widely adopted statistical means. As expected, intentional application of statistics as the tool contributed to another outstanding professional attainment of me. My graduate thesis based on the above research—《Optimization of β-galactosidase Production by Paenibacillus Polymyxa and Research on Its Enzymatic Properties》was enrolled by the university as one of the China Agricultural University Excellent 100 Graduation Theses out of 3,000.

A matter of course, lab was not my only platform to get higher professionalized. As the student representative, I used to participate in the 2014 International Forum on Food Safety, having face-to-face communication with prominent foreign professors, senior managers of food enterprises and government sector principals. From them, I learnt the operation specifications of the food industry. In particular, I had deep cognition of the application of statistics in the food safety assessment and had greater interest in furthering studying and researching by means of statistics. To learn more about how statistics “interacts” with other fields, especially business, I attended the Mars Business School, so as to make my statistical foundation much organic and systematic and smoothly set foot in the business field. Its business theories,


case analysis and leadership cultivation got me increasingly equipped in all sides. Speaking of leadership cultivation, I pride my strong background in this aspect. I was the leader of many organizations and activities, including the largest school practice project—Food Safety Spark Volunteer Team Leadership experience was the supporting point for me in both extracurricular and professional aspects. As the leading role in groups, I not only practiced my leadership, I also got more opportunities to apply and test my expertise, including statistics. For instance, as the leader and planner of Food Safety Spark Volunteer Team, I used to conduct theme surveys and researches on infant formulas and student nutritious diets and vinegars sampling inspections. Admittedly, these were ideal “labs” for me to strengthen and mature my statistical skills, for I made full use of statistical methods in the researches and the later-on journal making process.

And, in the internship, I had deeper understanding that data is an iceberg while statistics provides the opportunity to explore the bigger part under the water surface. Working for the trade department of Kerry Oils & Grains Tianjin Co. Ltd, I was responsible for processing the statement data, contact data, marketing data and business brief reports making via


EXCEL and specific formulas. Of course, I was not satisfied with the regular data input merely. I took advantage of my rich statistical experience and once again made eye-catching breakthrough. I firstly guaranteed the quality and accuracy of my daily work and then cooperated with the colleagues in sincerity. And then, I tried to simplify the tedious data and procedures under guidance of statistical principles. Sometimes, I can even deduce the general situation via partial data. And with the sharp insight and familiarity with data processing, no wonder I was always the one working with highest efficiency and quality, getting awarded with the honor of Excellent Intern. Working in the real world made me feel the charm of statistics again and become deeper convinced that statistics greatly decides the development of other industries and my increasingly stronger statistical expertise helps me make greater difference.

Thereupon, Statistics program is undoubtedly the best fit for me. I keep in mind my desire to make a greater difference, making life of general populace worthier of living. To take the program of Statistics in the USA is a breakthrough, which supports my plan to become a data analyst in the future. I prefer to enter the food or medicine field, constructing China’s food


safety and risk monitoring system based on related data analysis results. Supportively, your university enjoys an excellent reputation, free atmosphere and wide alumnus network, thus your program catches my eyes as your university is a stepping stone for me to develop academically, intellectually and professionally. Thanks and look forward to your admission!

