
更新时间:2023-03-08 04:37:54 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载


Motion sickness The upchuck wagon How not to feel queasy in a self-driving motor car EXPECTATIONS are high, among those boosting the idea of self-driving cars, that people will be able to do other things, such as reading, working on a laptop or having a nap, when riding in such a vehicle. But for many that is an unlikely prospect. Apart from those who have no intention of even getting into an autonomous car, which currently amounts to some 23% of Americans, another 36% would be willing to ride but would not take their eyes off the road, according to a study published in 2014 by the University of Michigan. Some of those people will be looking out of the window because it helps to avoid nausea, dizziness and vomiting, particularly if they are among the 5-10% of the population who regularly experience the unpleasant symptoms of motion sickness. Help, though, is at hand. The selfsame authors of the Michigan study, Michael Sivak and Brandon Schoettle, who both work for the university’s Transportation Research institute, have just been awarded a 晕动病 “令人作呕”的车 乘坐自动驾驶汽车时怎样才能不犯恶心 那些致力于推动自动驾驶汽车这一理念的人热切期望,人们在乘坐这种车时还可以做别的事,比如看书、用笔记本电脑工作,或者打个盹。但对很多人来说这不大可能实现。根据密歇根大学于2014年发布的一项研究,除去那些根本就无意乘坐自动驾驶汽车的人——目前约占美国人的23%,还有36%的人虽然愿意乘坐,但不会把眼睛从道路移开。这之中有些人会望向窗外,因为这能帮助避免头晕、恶心或呕吐。尤其如果他们属于人们中常出现晕动病不适症状的那5-10%,就更会往窗外看了。 不过,帮助近在眼前。上述研究的作者、供职于密歇根大学交通研究所的迈克尔·西瓦克和布兰登·索特尔发明的一种设备刚刚获得了专利,可能成为晕车的解1. upchuck英[??pt??k]美[??p?t??k] vb 呕出;吐出 ■If you upchuck, food and drink comes back up from your stomach and out through your mouth. 2.queasy英[?kwi:zi]美[?kwizi] adj ■likely to vomit 要呕吐,恶心的 ? I started to feel queasy as soon as the boat left the harbour. ? Just the thought of blood makes me queasy. 3.prospect ■the idea of something that will or might happen in the future 前景;展望;设想 ? The prospect of spending three days with her fills me with horror. ? I’m very excited at the prospect of seeing her again. ? We face the prospect of having to start all over again. 4.nausea英[?n?:zi?]美[?n?zi?, -??, -si?, -??] ■when you feel as if you are going to vomit 恶心,呕吐感 ? Signs of the illness include fever, nausea and vomiting 5.vomit英[?v?m?t] 美[?vɑ:m?t] ■to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth 呕吐 ? He came home drunk and vomited all over the kitchen floor. ? She was vomiting (up) blood. 6.self-same adj ■exactly the same 完全一样的,同一的 ? The self-same car has been parked outside three times this week. 7.patent nc 英[?p?tnt] 美[?p?tnt] ■the official legal right to make or sell an invention for a particular number of years 专利权 ? In 1880 Alexander Graham Bell was granted a patent on an apparatus for signaling and communicating called a Photophone.亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔发明了一个可用来发送和传输讯号,称为“光线电话”的装patent for a device that could act as a countermeasure against the malady. Motion sickness is caused by a conflict between signals arriving in the brain from the inner ear(which forms the base of the vestibular system, the sensory apparatus that deals with movement and balance, and which detects motion mechanically), and from the eyes, which detect motion optically. If someone is looking at a stationary object within a vehicle, such as a magazine, his eyes will inform his brain that what he is viewing is not moving. His inner ears, however, will contradict this by sensing the motion of the vehicle. The resulting confusion, at least according to one theory, leads his brain to conclude that he is hallucinating because he has ingested poison. Hence the need to throw up, to rid the stomach of any toxins. The idea that Dr Sivak and Mr Schoettle have come up with is to arrange for an array of small lights to appear in the periphery of a potential sufferer’s field of view, meaning that these lights can be seen regardless of what the person in question is looking at. Such lights, most probably small panels of LEDs, could be fitted into a headset, a hat or onto the frame of a pair of glasses. They would be 药。 置,并于1880年获授了此装置的专利权。 ? The company took out/filed a patent on a genetically engineered 晕动症是大脑中来自内耳和tomato that remains firm longer than untreated tomatoes.该公司取眼睛的信号产生冲突所致。得了一项基因改造番茄的专利以,这种番茄比未经处理的番茄保鲜时间更内耳是前庭系统这一应对运长。 动和平衡的感觉器官的所8.countermeasure nc英[?ka?nt?me??(r)]美[?ka?nt?rme??(r)] 在,通过机械的方式感知运■an action taken against an unwanted action or situation 对策;反措动;眼睛则是通过视觉感知施,应对措施 运动。如果一个人在国内注? The Chancellor’s countermeasures against inflation have been 视一件静止的物品,比如一completely ineffective.总理抑制通货膨胀的对策丝毫不奏效。 本杂志,他的眼睛就会传达9.malady 英[?m?l?di] 美[?m?l?di] 给大脑:他正在看的这个物■a disease 病,疾病 件没有移动。然而他的内耳? All the rose bushes seem to be suffering from the same mysterious 却感觉到了汽车的运动,这malady.所有的玫瑰丛似乎都得了同一种怪病。 就与眼睛传达的信息产生了10.optical adj 冲突,从而造成混乱。起码■relating to light or the ability to see 光学的;视觉的;视力的 有一种理论认为,这种混乱? An optical effect 会让大脑这个人是因为服用? An optical microscope 了毒药而产生了幻觉,因此11.hallucinate vi.英[h??lu:s?ne?t] 美[h?'lu:s?ne?t] 他需要呕吐,好把胃中的毒■to seem to see, hear, feel or smell something which does not exist, 素排出来。 usually because you are ill or have take a drug (因生病或吸毒而)产西瓦克和索特尔的点子是在生幻觉 有可能晕车的乘客的视野边? Mental disorders, drug use and hypnosis can all cause people to 缘布置一组小灯,这样无论hallucinate.精神失常、吸毒和催眠术都可以使人产生幻觉 该乘客在看什么,视域内都12.ingest vt英[?n?d?est]美[?n'd?est] 会出现这些小灯。这种小灯■to eat or drink something 摄取,咽下 (很可能会是LED光源阵列)? The chemicals can be poisonous if ingested. 可以安装在头戴设备、帽子13.rid 或眼镜框上,由多种运动传■to cause someone or something to be free of an unpleasant or harmful 感器控制,通过闪烁来模拟thing or person 使?摆脱;从?清除;使?去除 controlled by various motion sensors and blink on and off in a way that is designed to mimic the velocity, rolling, pitching and other movements of a vehicle. For the wearer of such kit, the effect would be to provide a visual response that corresponds to the movements the inner ear is detecting. So, for instance, a panel of LEDs positioned at the side of each eye might flash from the front to the back when a vehicle is moving forward but stop when it is braking. Similarly, the lights could blink in sequence towards the left if the car was turning left. The speed of the flashing and the brightness of the lights could be tuned to match the intensity of the movement, such as the vehicle’s rate of acceleration. Dr sivak and Mr Schoettle think the light arrays could also be fitted to various parts of vehicles’ interiors, such as their door pillars, sidewalls and seats. That way a passenger would be aware of them without having to don special aquipment. The Michigan team are making a prototype and the university, which hopes to commercialize the idea, is in discussions with carmakers and automotive supplies. The system could, of course, also be used by passengers who ? Our aim is to rid this government of corruption.我们的目的是要消除这届政府中的腐败现象。 13.Periphery nc.英[p??r?f?ri]美[p??r?f?ri] ■the outer edge of an area 周边,边缘,外围 ? Houses have been built on the periphery of the factory site. 乘客在佩戴该设备后,? The ring road runs around the periphery of the city centre.环状道将会接收到与其内耳感知到路把市中心的周边地带连接起来 的运动相一致的视觉响应。■the less important part of a group or activity(某一团体或活动的)举例来说,当车辆行进时,次要部分,边缘 两只眼睛旁边的LED光源阵? Many women feel they are being kept on the periphery of the armed 列或许会自前向后发光,在forces.许多女性感到她们在武装部队中被边缘化了。 车辆制动时停止闪光。同样,14.velocity n.英[v??l?s?ti]美[v??lɑ:s?ti] 如果车辆左转,小灯可能会■the speed at which an object is travalling 速度;速率 依次向左闪烁。或许还可以? Light travels at the highest achievable velocity in the university. 通过调整闪光的速度及光的? He always used high velocity lead bullets in his rifle.他的步枪一亮度,使它们与车辆运动的起使用高速铅弹 强度相一致,例如加速度。15.pillar 西瓦克和索特尔认为这种光■a strong column made of stone, metal or wood which supports part of 源阵列还可以安装在车内的a building (建筑物的)柱子,支柱;墩 多个位置上,比如车门立柱、? A row of reinforced concrete pillars supports the bridge一排钢筋侧壁和座椅,这样乘客不用水泥柱支撑着桥梁 穿戴特殊装备就能察觉到光? A pillar of smoke/flame烟/火柱 亮。 16.prototype nc英[?pr??t?ta?p]美[?pro?t?ta?p] ■the first example of something, such as a machine or other industrial product, from which all later forms are developed 原型 这个密歇根大学的团队? A prototype for/of a new car 新型轿车的原型 正在制造该制备的原型。该17.obscure adj英[?b?skj??(r)]美[?b?skj?r] 校希望能将这一创意成果商■not clear and difficult to understand or see费解的,晦涩的;模糊的,品化,正与汽车制造商和汽朦胧的;不清楚的 车零部件供应商洽谈。当然,? Official policy has changed, for reasons that remain obscure.官方汽车的速度、摇摆、颠簸以及其他动态。 feel sick in cars with a driver at the wheel-a fate to which children seem particularly susceptible, for reasons that remain obscure. It might also help with other forms motion sickness, such as airsickness or seasickness, although the ways aircraft and boats move are different from the movement of cars. For many, helping people feel well in cars would be enough. And for taxi companies like Uber and Lyft, which are planning to offer autonomous vehicles that can be summoned by an app, the flashing lights could save a fortune in cleaning bills. 这一系统也可供那些在有人驾驶的汽车上感到不舒服的乘客使用——小孩子似乎尤其容易出现这种情况,原因尚不清楚。这个设备也许还有可以帮助克服其他类型的晕动病,比如晕机或晕船,尽管飞机和船的运动方式与汽车的运动方式不同。对很多人来说,能让人们在车上感觉舒服些就足够了。优步和Lyft正筹划推出可以通过应用来召车的无人驾驶汽车服务,对这些出租车公司来说,这些闪烁的小灯说不定能节省一大笔清洗费用呢。 的政策已改变,原因尚不清楚。 ? His answers were obscure and confusing 18.susceptible adj英[s??sept?bl]美[s??s?pt?b?l] ■easily influenced or harmed by something易受影响的,易受伤害的 ? She isn’t very susceptible to flattety. ? These plants are susceptible to frost. ? Among particularly susceptible children, the disease can develop very fast. ■describes someone who is easily emotionally influenced 易受感动的,感情丰富的,多情的 ? They persuade susceptible teenagers to part with their money.他们劝说这些易被感动的年轻人捐出他们的钱。

Currency Wars Tweeting the dollar down America’s president, but not its Treasury, names currency manipulators Most governments are happy when foreigners want their bonds, especially when those foreigners are long-term holders, like central banks. But America is different. It worries that some foreign governments buy its debt to keep the dollar pricey and their own currencies cheap. This “currency manipulation” gives other countries a competitive edge, raising their own trade surpluses and America’s deficit. Brad Setser of the Council on Foreign Relations, a think-tank, sees an “arc of intervention” across Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea that has slowed the dollar’s decline over the past nine months. America has reportedly persuaded South Korea to forswear currency manipulation in a “side-agreement” to their revised trade deal. And on April 16th President Donald Trump tweeted that “Russia and China are playing the Currency Devaluation game…Not acceptable!” Mr Trump’s tweet was at odds with his Treasury Department’s assessment. Every six month it must tell Congress if any big trading partner if manipulating its currency. 货币战争 “推”低美元 指认“货币操纵国”的不是财政部,而是美国总统 大多数国家的政府都乐见本国债券受外国投资者青睐,如果那些外国人是外国央行等长线投资者就更是如此了。但美国却不同。它担心某些外国政府购入自己的国债是为了推高美元、让本国货币保持在低位。这种“货币操纵”会给其他国家带来竞争优势,增加它们的贸易顺差,扩大美国的贸易赤字。 美国智库外交关系委员会的布拉德·塞瑟发现,过去九个月里,一道“干预弧线”出现在泰国、新加坡、台湾和韩国,延缓了美元的贬值。据称美国已通过美韩贸易协议修订版中的一份附带协议说服韩国放弃操纵货币。4月16日,特朗普发推文表示:“俄罗斯和中国正在耍货币贬值的把戏…不可接受!” 特朗普的推文与美国财政部发布的评估报告存在矛盾。美国财政部每半年必须向国会提交报告,说明美国主要贸易1.都知道美国总统喜欢玩tweet,这里妙用这个词 2.注意大多数童鞋常见的是treasure,表示金银财宝。这里是treasury,更多时候加the时表示英美等国的财政部 3.manipulate这里扩展一个非常常见的前man,manu表示hand的含义。含义为操作;操纵。如另外一个常见考点词emancipate英[??m?ns?pe?t]美??m?ns??pet]e(out of; from)+man+cip(to take)+ate—emancipate(to take from the hand or power of another; set free, liberate) 4.注意keep这里后面加名词形容词的使用。积累推高美元,保持本国货币低位的说法。 5.常用短语,give sb a competitive edge给某人竞争的优势;常用的动词还有gain, have表示获得优势,占据优势的含义 6.注意this的使用,使文章的连贯性很好 7.deficit英[?def?s?t]美[?d?f?s?t]赤字,逆差,亏损 8.think-tank nc.(尤指政府的)智囊团,智库 9.foreswear to make a serious decision to stop doing something 决心放弃,发誓戒除 ? To forswear alcohol发誓戒酒 10.devalue to reduce the rate at which money can be exchanged for foreign money(使)贬值 10.本段出现了很多非常重要的短语,在很多学术类文章里尤为常见。比如at odds with常常让你去找同义改写。还有后面提到的refrain from doing sth尤为常见。 11.注意这里brand这个词的使用,没有去乱给别人贴标签。可以学学这里用了一个词,brand最常见的含义是品牌,这里作动词,表示的含义见下方。 12.be at odds to disagree 与?不合;与?意见不一致;与?相矛盾 13.chastise英[t???sta?z]美[t??s?ta?z, ?t??s?ta?z]vt严厉批评,谴责,斥责 14.refrain to avoid doing or stop yourself from doing something 避

(Offending governments are scolded, followed by other chastisements if they do not mend their ways.) But its latest report, published on April 13th, refrained from branding anyone a manipulator. The report did admonish China for its persistently large trade surplus in goods with America. But Russia was barely mentioned. The recent decline in its currency was, after all, prompted by the Treasury’s decision to strengthen sanctions. Instead the report paid uncustomary attention to India, pointing out that it has a large trade surplus in goods with America and that its central bank has intervened heavily in currency markets, with net foreign-exchange purchases worth 2.2% of its GDP. It was added to a “monitoring list” of countries warranting closer scrutiny. The list itself does not bear much scrutiny, however. As well as India, it comprises China, Germany, Japan, South Korea and Switzerland. But India has no overall trade surplus and Germany has no currency if its own to manipulate. The list also ignores Thailand and Singapore, which have intervened over the past year to curb the rise in their currencies, according to Mr. Setser. These oddities are not entirely the Treasury’s fault. It is required to assess a country 伙伴是否有操纵货币之嫌。货币操纵国会受到批评,如果不改弦更张,美国将进一步施以惩罚。但美国财政部在4月13日发布的最新报告并没给谁贴上货币操纵国的标签。 报告确实就中国对美国长期和庞大商品贸易顺差提出了警告,但对俄罗斯几乎只字未提。毕竟,卢布最近大幅贬值是由美国财政部决定加大对俄制裁而引发的。 报告倒是不同寻常地关注了印度的情况,指出印度对美商品贸易顺差庞大,而且其央行重度干预货币市场,净外汇购买额占到了国家GDP的2.2%。印度被列为需进一步观察的国家,添至“监控名单”中。 但这份名单本身却经不起推敲。除印度外,名单中还有中国、德国、日本、韩国和瑞士。然而,印度整体上不存在贸易顺差,德国也没有自己的货币可操纵。塞瑟表示,这份名单还漏掉了泰国和新加坡,这两个国家在过去一年都曾以干预措施遏制本国货币升值。 出现这些怪象,并不能全免;忍住;节制 15.brand to say that you think someone is as atated加污名于;谴责 15.admonish 英[?d?m?n??]美[?d?mɑ:n??] 1.to tell someone that they have done something wrong告诫;警告;责备; 2.To advise someone to do something力劝;忠告 16.sanction an official order, such as the stopping of trade,which is taken against a country in order to make it obey international law制裁 16.注意这里instead是副词,表示反而,相反地。再写作中,常常用来连接句间,很常用,值得童鞋们学习。多来例子:He reached for the wine but did not drink, pushed it, instead, across the table towards Joanna…他伸手拿酒却没有喝,而是把它推给了坐在桌子对面的乔安娜。The kitchen might have been workable had Nicola kept it tidy; instead it was littered with pots and pans…如果妮古拉会收拾,厨房本来是能用的;但现在,这里到处乱放着锅碗瓢盆。 17.uncustomary含义是being out of the ordinary。所以这里pay uncustomary attention 翻译成了不同寻常的关注了。 18.Warrant英[?w?r?nt]美[?w?:r?nt] to make a particular activity necessary 使有必要 19.scrutiny英[?skru:t?ni]美[?skrutni] NU. the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information about it 细看,仔细审查 20.经不起推敲,审查可以说:sth does not bear much scrutiny. 21.注意according to 后面不能接自己,不能说according to me.可以接他人。 22.comprise to have as parts or members, or to be those parts or members 包含;包括,能成 23.curb to control or limit something that is not wanted控制;限制,约束;抑制 24.oddity英[??d?ti]美[?ɑ:d?ti] someone or something that is strange and usual怪人;怪事;反常现象 against three criteria: its current-account surplus with the world and its intervention in currency markets. The first measure makes little sense, point out Fred Bergsten and Joseph Gagnon of the Peterson Institute for International Economics. In today’s global supply chains, countries like Singapore can sell materials to China that end up in products bought by America. Their direct exports to America may seem modest. But their indirect exports, embedded in goods sold by China, may be large. The treasury is also required to consider only American’s “major” trading partners. It thus limits its analysis to the largest dozen (plus Switzerland, the15th-largest). That gives small, interventionist economies a free pass, notes Stephanie Segal of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, another think-tank. Within these broad limits the report’s authors enjoy substantial discretion. And the Treasury is considering broadening the definition of a “major” trading partner. It thus had leeway to prepare a more rigorous report if it had wished to do so. Instead, says, Mr. Setser, it wrote this report to be ignored. Perhaps Treasury officials do not want to be drawn into Mr. Trump’s tariff tit-for-tat, suggests Mr. Gagnon. The report waves the 怪美国财政部。该部门需要根据三个标准来评估一个国家:对美国贸易顺差、全球经常账户顺差、对货币市场的干预。彼得森国际经济破空所的弗雷德·伯格斯滕和约瑟夫·加格农指出,第一项标准意义不大。在当今的全球供应链中,像新加坡这样的国家可以向中国出售原材料,而制成品最终售往美国。它对美直接出口额也许看似不大,但包含在中国出口商品中的间接出口可能就很大了。 而且,财政部只需考虑美国的“主要”贸易伙伴国(再加上第15大贸易伙伴瑞士)。这无疑给奉行干预主义的小型经济体发了免死金牌,另一个智库战略和国际研究中心的斯蒂芬妮·西格尔指出。 在上述系统设定的范围内,报告撰写人有大量自行裁量权。而且财政部正在考虑扩大“主要”贸易伙伴的定义。所以,如果财政部当时想要拟定一份更严格有力的报告,它是有操作空间的。但正相反,塞瑟说,它却拿出了一份不痛不痒的报告。加格农猜测,也25.criteria英[kra?'t??r??]美[kra??t?r??] a standard by which you judge, decide about or deal with something(作出评判、决定或处理的“标准,准则 26.modest (数量、比率或改进程度)不太高的,适度的,适中的 You use modest to describe something such as an amount, rate, or improvement which is fairly small 27.embed 使(态度、感情等)植根于,使融入 If something such as an attitude or feeling is embedded in a society or system, or in someone’s personality, it becomes a permanent and noticeable feature of it . 28.dozen 十二个,一打 29.enjoy这里不是享受,表示含义相当于拥有 30.注意很多时候考试会考察substantial的含义,表示大量的。但是很多童鞋又会把substantial 记错含义,这个词表示的是证明的含义。Substantial常用的同义词可以考虑considerable(大量的),而不是considerate(体贴的),前面提到过一个词叫handsome在表达数量的时候也不是帅气的,而是可观的,大量的 31.同一段落里,第一交出现的broad是形容词表示广的。第二次broad是作为动词,扩大,词汇的多样性的体现。 32.tit-for-tat 针锋相对; 以牙还牙,一报还一报。今天补充几个其他相关说法。An eye for an eye。以眼还眼,以牙还牙。One good turn deserves another以德报德。Return good for evil or repay evil with kindness.以德报怨。 33.leeway freedom to act within particular limits 自由空间,自由度,余地 34.rigorous 1.careful to look at or consider every part of something to make certain it is correct or sefe.严密的,缜密的,严谨的 2.severe or strict严格的,严厉的 35.Invoke引起,唤起,激发(感情或景象,许多人认为这种用法不正确)If something such as a piece of music invokes a feeling or an image, it causes someone to have the feeling or to see the image. Many people consider this use to be incorrect. 36.reciprocal英[r??s?pr?kl]美[r??s?pr?k?l] A reciprocal action or arrangement flag (invoking “fair and reciprocal” trade) but fires no bullets. It may be hard to cheapen the dollar, but it is easy to depreciate a report. 许财政部官员不愿卷入特朗普的关税报复战。这份报告挥舞大旗,要求“公平互惠”的贸易,却没有真正开火。让美元贬值也许很难,让一份报告贬值却很容易。 involves two people or groups of people who behave in the same way or agree to help each other and give each other advantages.相互的;互惠的;报答的 37.depreciate 英[d??pri:?ie?t]美[d??pri?i?et] to (cause something to) lose value, especially over time(尤指随时间)(使)贬值,(使)跌价

Privacy and advertising Who will be the main loser from Europe’s new data-privacy law? “Please don’t leave us.”From the dozens of e-mails in peoples inboxes, begging them to give their consent to be sent further messages, you could deduce that the senders of newsletters and the like are hardest hit by the European Union’s tough new privacy law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which goes into effect on May 25th. But the main loser may well be an industry that few have ever heard of but most have dealing with every day: advertising technology, or ad tech. In fact, the GDPR would probably not exist at all were it not for this collection of companies, which have an insatiable hunger for personal data. Ad tech emerged because advertising is the internet’s default business model. Since targeted ads tend to be more efficient and targeting requires personal data (sites previously visited, searches in online stores and the like), these data became the fuel of a new industry to automate online advertising. It is so complex that even experts often resort to what is known as “LUMAscape ”, a collection of maps of the business packed with logos put together by Luma Parters, a 欧洲出台新数据隐私法,谁将成为大输家? “请不要离开我们。”人们的收件箱收到数十封这样的电子邮件,请求他们同意继续接收信息。你可能会由此推断,在5月25日欧盟严格保护隐私的新法律《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)生效后,受打击最重的是这类发送营销内容的企业。然而,主要的输家很可能是一个少有人听说、但大多数人每天都在接触的行业:广告技术。事实上,要不是因为这个对个人数据贪得无厌的行业的存在,GDPR条例可能根本就不会出台。 广告技术的兴起是因为广告是互联网的默认商业模式。由于定向广告往往更奏效,而定向以需要个人数据(曾访问过的网站、在网上商店的搜索历史等),因此这些数据成为一个新行业实现在线广告自动化的“燃料”。广告技术十分复杂,连专家也要经常依靠LUMAscape这份行业地图。该地图由投行LUMA Partners 绘制,分18个类别罗列了数百家公司的标志。 1.inbox表示含义是电子邮件的收件箱 2.and the like是一个常见的短语,表示诸如此类 3.may well很有可能 4.newsletter通讯,简报 5.insatiable英[?n?se???bl]美[?n?se??b?l, -?i?-] ■(especially of a desire or need) too great to be satisfied(尤指欲望或需求)无法满足的,贪得无厌的 ? Like so many politicians, he had an insatiable appetite/desire/hunger for power.和许多政客一样,他对权力贪得无厌 ? Nothing, it seemed, would satisfy his insatiable curiosity. 6.emerge 出现 emerge of 出现兴起 emergency n.紧急事件 adj.紧急的merge v.融合,合并 7.resort to 诉诸于某种手段 8.default 默认的 9.automate 使自动化 10.venture capitalist风险资本家 11.back这里是动词,表达support的含义 12.fragment ■to break something into small parts or to be broken up in this way.(使)支离破碎;打碎;(使)分裂 ? The satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the Earth’s atmosphere. ? The government is planning to fragment the industry before privatizing it. 13.in real time 实时 14.beast(含诙谐意)有特定性质的事物,性格特别的人 You can use beast to refer to something or someone in a light-hearted way, and to mention that they have a particular quality. 15.cog (齿轮的)嵌齿,轮齿;齿轮 16.mesh ■when different things or people mesh, they suit each other bank. It lists hundreds of firms in 18 different subcategories. One cause for this fragmentation is the generosity of over-optimistic venture capitalists, who have backed even the most unlikely ad-tech ideas. Another is the nature of the beast: many cogs have to mesh to match people and ads in real-time. The fact that personal data are widely shared with lots of companies creates even more business complexity- but also makes the system a favorite target of privacy advocates. Yet the “ad-tech bubble” has been deflating for some time, says Brian Wieser of Pivotal, a research firm. The industry thought that consumers would welcome “relevant” ads, but as these got more intrusive and creepy, people reacted by installing ad-blockers. Both Facebook and Google, ad-tech ecosystems unto themselves ,have grabbled ever more ad dollars, leaving slim picking for rivals. As a result, the industry was already consolidating. The GDPR will spend up the process by, in effect, assigning a value to personal data. Under a realistic reading of the GDPR, most ad-tech firms will need consent from individuals to process their data. This will be hard, since most have no direct relationship with consumers. And even if they do, people 市场如此分散,一个原因是过度乐观的风险资本家慷慨投资—他们甚至会支持那些是不切实际的广告技术理念。另一个原因是这一行业的特性:要实现人和广告的实时匹配需要众多环节的紧密配合。众多公司广泛共享大量个人数据,增加了业务的复杂度,但同时也让整个系统成为隐私保护倡导者最热衷攻击的目标。 不过,研究公司Pivotal的布莱恩·威泽表示,“广告技术泡沫”一直在缩小。业界以为消费者会欢迎“关联性”广告,但这些广告越来越能干扰人,也越来越鬼鬼祟祟,人们开始安装广告拦截软件。自成广告技术生态系统的Facebook和谷歌攫取了越来越多的广告收入,没给竞争对手留下什么机会。因此,该行业已经在整合。 GDPR条例实际上是为个人数据赋予了价值,将加速这一整合过程。一种对GDPR条例比较现实的解读是,大多数广告技术公司未来将需要征得个人同意才能使用他们的数据。这会很难,因为这些公司大多与消费者并无直接关系。or work well together紧密配合;相互协调 ? The members of the team just didn’t mesh. ? Whether the new personal pension works will depend much on how well it meshes with employer’s schemes.退休金制度能否行得通,很大程度取决于这个制度能否与雇主的计划方案相配合 17.intrusive英[?n?tru:s?v]美[?n?trus?v, -z?v]打搅的,侵扰的 18.creepy ■strange or unnatural and making you feel frightened 怪异的,令人毛骨悚然的,让人起鸡皮疙瘩的 19.unto ■to 朝,向,到 20.consolidate英[k?n?s?l?de?t]美[k?n?sɑ:l?de?t] ■to combine several things, especially business, so that they become more effective, or to be combined in this way.(尤指企业)合并,联合 21.opt■to make a choice, especially for one thing or possibility in preference to any other.选择,挑选;(尤指)优先选择

