新冀教版九年级英语(全一册)Lesson 19 教学设计教案

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课题名 主备人 上课教师 教学目标 马建忠 课时 上课时间

Lesson 19 A Story or a Poem? 1 课时 2015 年 月 日

知识目标:Words and expressions 能力目标: Understand the topic about story and poem. 德育目标: Learn about some of the literary and language elements. 重点句型 1)Compared with poems, stories usually have longer passages. 2)I feel that it’s easier to write a story. 3)Like it’s calling me aloud to eat! compared with/to such/so 教学过程 Step 1.Greetings. Step 2. Think about it. 1. Do you have a favourite poem or story? What is it? 2. Have you ever tried to write a poem? 一、words compare, passage, limit, format, rhyme, although, effort, fat, aloud. 二、Patterns 1)Compared with poems, stories usually have longer passages. 2)I feel that it’s easier to write a story. 3)Like it’s calling me aloud to eat! Step3. Listen and read. 1. Listen to the text two times and read the text by themselves. 2. Do exercise1. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Step 4. Discuss. Try to compare stories and poems. A. It must have a beginning,a middle and an end. B. Although it is short, every word must have power and meaning. C. Usually fewer words are used. D. It is longer and has more words. E. You have to think about the format. 个性化设计


教学难点 教学步骤


Present the Learning Aims and Tasks

Self-learning & Group-work



Step 5. Language Points 1. Have your finished your English homework yet, Brian? 现在完成时的构成:“助动词 have /has +动词的过去分词” yet 是现在完成时的标志词之一,常用于否定句。

Presentation and Giving Directions

They haven’t received the news yet. 2.辨析:still, already, yet. 1).still 意为“仍然;还”,可用于各种句式,一般位于句中。 2).already 通常用于肯定句,用于疑问句表惊讶怀疑语气。 3)yet 意为“已经,尚未” ,用于疑问句和否定句。 They have already been away . She is still busy ; she has not finished her homework yet. 3. I haven’t decided which one to write yet. which one to write 为“疑问词+不定式短语’’,作宾语。 I don’t know where to go next. 在宾语从句中,当主句谓语动词是 know ,ask, learn ,decide, tell, wonder, show, teach 等时,如果主句的主语或宾语和宾语从句 的主语一致,往往可把宾语从句省略为带有疑问词的动词不定 式。 Can you tell me how I can get there? =Can you tell me how to get there? pared with poems, stories usually have longer passages. compare v. 比较 compare…with… “把…与…对比, 强调两者之 间的比较,从而发现不同之处。 Compare this coat with that one and you will find which one is better. compare …to… “把…比作…,说明两事物之间有类似或 想死 之处。A teacher is often compared to a candle. 5. Like it’s calling me aloud to eat! 1.aloud 表示“

大声地’’,只用作副词,不用作形容词。 1)强调“出声”,即把话说出来,而不是在心里默默地“说”,通 常与 read, speak ,think 等动词连用。 read aloud 朗读 2)表示“大声地,”通常 cry, laugh, shout, call 等动词连用。The boy is crying aloud. 2.loud 表示“大声(的), 响亮(的),”可用作形容词或副词。 1)用作形容词:The music is too loud ;please turn it down .2)用作 副词(与 loudly 同义),一般只与 speak, talk, laugh, sing 等动 词连用,且必须放在这些动词之后。 I can’t hear you ----please speak louder. 3) loudly 只可用作副词(与 loud 同义) Don’t talk so loudly. Step 6. Exercises. Let the students do some exercises about the key points. Step 7. Homework 1)Finish off the exercises in the activity book. 2)Preview the Lesson 20.

Consolidation and Summary Homework

