
更新时间:2023-09-20 21:59:01 阅读量: 自然科学 文档下载


Unit Three summary

This passage mainly discuss many kinds of lies ,why we have to tell lies ,why we can,t tell the truth .In the beginning ,this passage elicits the topic by taking some examples in the real life .There is nothing absolute about lies or truths or facts ,so they are easily molded to fit our version of reality and truth .Further on ,this passage analyses why we have to lie .It says we need our lies to mask our fear and anxiety about life and death .It concludes that we participate actively in our own deception .

In the main part ,this passage goes on with exploring another kind of lie--religion ,there are no gods,just man in nature ,but here is the contradiction :without religion ,magic ,the arts ,mankind would be in constant fear and anxiety .As a conclude ,this passage summarizes that people yearn for the comfort of familiar lies to create a more amenable reality.

As far as I am concerned ,sometimes excuse and lies are indispensable lubricant in life ,but we need to be reasonable to take advantage of lies.

Unit two summary

This essay is written by Dr.Barbara Moses .It focuses on the topic of our career recession-proof .In the beginning ,through telling us that these days ,no job is secure ,we are all temporary workers ,thus she elicits the the theme of the essay .

Further on ,to recession-proof our career in the uncertain environment of Temp World ,she goes on with giving some strategies to improve economic prospects for the future . She suggests some skills which are indispensable when responding to new work trends .She recommends discovering your key skills ,making sure a wide range of positions are available to you .Moreover ,emotional resilience is also important ,so never let yourself down and find a balance between the ambitious Type A and more relaxed Type B .Finally ,the author concludes that being in tune with the Zeitgeist can help you establish personal relationship and manage your career more effectively .

As far as I am concerned ,hardship will lead to prosperity ,while comfort will incur destruction .There are many things that we can do to protect ourselves from change and economic upheaval .

Unit five summary

This is a Bill Gates,s inspiring speech . It focuses on the topic of reducing inequity .In the beginning , he gets straight to the theme , points out that reducing inequity is the highest human achievement .It took him decades to find out that the millions of people living in unspeakable poverty and disease in developing countries .Further on ,he comes up with some ideas for reducing inequity .

In the main part ,he goes on with taking examples to turn out that the barrier to change is not too little caring ;it is too much complexity .Finally ,through asking four questions ,he wants to exhort each if the graduates to take on an issue-a complex problem ,a deep inequity and concludes that don,t let complexity stop you ;be activists . As far as I am concerned ,we should have awareness of global inequity ,and we must start sooner ,and carry on longer .It is high time that such a fundamental problem be solved in a sustainable way, and international cooperation can help in this regard.

Unit one summary

This article is written by Joseph Brodsky . In the article ,firstly ,the author points out importance of reading good books .Our natural preference should be for good books .Secondly the author comes up with the difficulties in finding good books .The alternative may takes a hell of time and we may easily find ourselves old and grey ,heading for the exit with a lousy volume under our arm .In the main part ,the author goes on with taking examples to give some suggestions to follow .Some books are to be tasted ,others to be swallowed ,and few to be chewed and digested .Finally ,the author suggests that reading poetry is the way to develop good taste in literature ,because it is the supreme form of human locution ,the most concise way of conveying the human experience ,and offers the highest possible standards for any linguistic operation.

As far as I am concerned ,the books are inseparable from the lives of young friends and mentor .As the writer Mr Keller,a book is like a boat to

take us from narrow place towards the infinite life of the vast ocean.

Unit six summary

This passage focuses on the topic of time .In the beginning ,this passage comes up with a problem about the definition of time .some people thought time was looked upon as a flow like a river .With the arrival of Albert Einstein,s theory of relativity ,time was first seen as a dimension -like height and width -giving a unified picture of events in time and space .But time remains a riddle .Further on ,this passage takes

many kinds of events about exploring accurate calendars and clocks in the history .With the development of science and technology ,atomic clocks were built in 1948 ,accurate to within a few nanoseconds a day . In the main part ,this passage goes on with discussing another kind of time-human time .The human body is as much a part of the clock work universe as any time piece we ever built .Finally ,this passage concludes that more than anything else time is what we make of it .

As far as I am concerned ,maybe we still don,t know what time is ,but we are in control of how we use time and how it affect us .

Unit two

This essay is written by L.A.G.Strong.It focus on the topic of the pleasures of ignorance.In the beginning ,when the author suddenly awoke in the morning ,he came to the conclusion that he knew practically nothing about anything .It did not depress him ,on the contrary,he was sane and happy .Thus he elicits the theme of the essay.

Further on,he goes on with giving some examples of life to turn out that the acquisition of this inconsiderable store has cost him many years and a good deal of money .At this time ,though rethinking why he need bother to learn this ,that and the other thing, he understands we need not bother and ignorance is all done for us.Knowledge is at the discount .In a word,we should not be ashamed of our ignorance ,when in the nature of things we can only know a very little about a very little .

As far as I am concerned ,the happily ignorant man ,the man aware of his own ignorance ,and perfectly content with it,does not misquote.

Unit three

The passage focus on the topic of exercise .In the beginning, the author gets straight to the theme ,though quoting the British philosopher,s words .Exercise is a state of mind .We should begin thinking of body and mind health as conceptually identical .

Further on,he goes on with taking examples to introduce the importance of exercise. With exercise ,several biological changes occur that make your nerve cells more robust .Exercise is a pretty good antidepressant ,too-equal to drags or psychotherapy in some studies .In the main part ,we still need the motivation of exercise and we also need to know where it come from .To improve motivation for exercise ,it would help us to better understand how our genes control our experience of exercise . As a conclude ,whoever finds the genetic wellspring of motivation ,he will have found a key to good health .

As far as I am concerned ,a sound mind in a sound body is so important to us .I hope that scientists will soon find that a form of psychotherapy or a medication-that will help us feel like it and keep us moving.

Unit four

This article is written by Clive Crook .In the beginning ,through introducing the background of Unite States,opportunity is the crux of the American idea .America is exceptional in its material opportunity ,thus he elicits the theme of the article .

In his opinion ,the American model has been regarded as proposing a kind of bargain .Idleness and incompetence are sternly punished -but merit gets rewarded .Secondly ,he exposes the fact that America is not any longer a land of opportunity for the people born here .Incomes are now rising more slowly from generation to generation .

On the other hand ,the current distributing of income is not scientific or reasonable ,thus widening the income difference .As a conclude ,the real focus of an effort to restore social and economic opportunity in America ought to be improve its worst and poorest schools.

As far as I am concerned ,although America has no roots in feudalism ,or nation of inherited orders of society .There are a lot inequalities.Poor people ,only through their own skill and industry,can reach the higher tiers.

Unit five

This passage is written by Jeffery S.Victor .It focus on the topic of evil .In the beginning,he gets straight to the theme ,points out that the purpose of this passage is to make a preliminary discussion our children about the moral issue .

Further on ,from the perspective of human nature ,he illustrates the source of goodness in human behavior and evil .Neither good nor evil exit outside the human personality .There are two essential dispositions for action :Our creative potential is to nurture ,enhance and enrich life ;The opposite disposition is our destructive potential to threaten ,harm,impoverish,and destroy that which sustain life .What commonly activates our creative or destructive potential arises from some social forces inherent in groups. What,s more ,we need to teach our children introspection and self-awareness so that they can make more informed choices and be less guided by unconscious destructive impulses .We can teach our children how to channel their destructive potential toward creative goals .

As far as I am concerned ,everyone has a shadow side and there are no saints .It,s better for us to realize our mistake and try our best to correct it.

Unit One “The End of Something\by Ernest Hemingway, is a short story about two young people who witness how time can change the world and the people in it. .The broken mill represents Nick and Marjorie's broken relationship. Once, the mill was the center of the town. The town was a place full of activity. In the present of the story, as the time passed by ,the mill lies deserted, as does the relationship between Nick and Marjorie.we can clearly see that time can change everything , when they cannot stay young forever,so the weak foundation of their relationship is torn down and left in pieces. Even though they will meet one day ,the love is not there,because the two lovers have their own understanding of love.Just as the story says“ the fish will not strike anymore, and love is not fun anymore.” The good old past feeling isn't good enough anymore, even one of the lovers does not want give up on catching the love,and still clings to what is left and still hopes for the best. The past has become past, only can we cherish the good memory. what one must focus on is what is, now, and what is to come, tomorrow. One must look beyond what was and look for the love belong to themselves.

