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作业讲解 - 用R语言绘制犯罪率增长高于20%的美国州地图

A criminology student has collected data about the number of violent assaults in each of the US states in 2014 and 2015. For his upcoming seminar, he is interested in identifying the states in which there has been at least a 20% increase in assaults.

Please help this student by identifying the relevant states, presenting them in a list or table, and creating a map of the USA where the relevant states are colored in red. This will require finding a relevant R package and using it to plot the map.

For this question only, attach the R script as a separate file with your full name as the file name. The script should enable me to get from the original csv file to the final map. 数据样式:(名称US Assaults.csv)


R Studio 代码:

### package to use ######################################## library(maps) library(mapproj)

### read raw data ######################################## data = read.csv(\ # head(data)

rate = (data$Assaults.2015 - data$Assaults.2014)/data$Assaults.2014 newdata = cbind(data, rate)

########################################################## statenames = as.character(newdata$State) rate = newdata$rate

## assign color to state################################## ratecol = ifelse(rate > 0.2, \

### Import state data from package \data(state)

########### Substract names for state data ################ mapnames = map(\ # mapnames

# 63 and some have : and remiander representing islands and disconnected regions

########### Remove the state names containing : and remainder ################################

mapnames.state = ifelse(regexpr(\< 0, mapnames, substr(mapnames, 1, regexpr(\

#### convert upper case to lower case to faciliate matching of names ######## statenames.lower = tolower(statenames) ########## assign color according to our data ################################################# cols <- ratecol[match(mapnames.state, statenames.lower)]

########## Map ####################################################### map(\title(\

