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1. When we talk about “parts of speech”, we know that a describing word we use to describe a noun is a/an ______; a word that can be used instead of a noun is a/an _______; a word used in front of a countable or uncountable noun is a/an ___________. A、 B、 C、 D、

pronoun, article, adjective article, adjective, pronoun adjective, article, pronoun adjective, pronoun, article

答案与解析:D TB Task 3, p 6 本句直接出自课本,考查“词性”的定义。

2. The new secretary is quick and _____. Since she came, the ______ of the department has been increased. A、 B、 C、 D、

efficient, efficiency efficiency, efficient effective, effect efficient, effect

答案与解析:A 这句主要考查了词类和近似词的区别。Efficient是形容词,意思是“效率高的”;而efficiency是名词,意思是“效率”。Effect是名词,“效果,结果”。Effective, “有效的”,一般是某物做主语,或者修饰“物”,比如:The new medicine is very effective in treating cough. 3.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

It pays off to spend time and money on physical exercises.


A、 B、 C、 D、

pays off spend on exercises.

答案和解析:A It pays to do sth. 意为“做?是有益的”,是较为固定的说法。而pay off表示“还清、做成功”,比如:He finally paid his overdraft off. (他最后终于还清了透支额。) Teamwork paid off. (团队合作很有成效。) 4.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

A group of volunteers is going to swim cross the English Channel tomorrow to raise money

A B C for the blind people.

D A、 B、 C、 D、

is swim cross raise

the blind people

答案和解析:B cross可用作动词或者名词,这里应该用介词across(穿过,越过),本句把二者混淆在一起。raise money是“募款”的意思。

5. I found it _______ to concentrate on my work at the weekend. I _______ had

an idea when the phone rang. Then I decided to work ______ in the following week. A、 B、 C、 D、

hardly, hard, hard hard, hardly, harder hard, hard, harder hardly, hardly, hard

答案与解析:B 这个题考查的是hard词性的变化。Hardly是副词,意思是“几乎不?”;而hard可以是形容词也可以是副词。做形容词时基本意思是“困难的,坚硬的”;作副词时是“努力地、费劲地”。这道题第一个空应该填形容词;第二个空应该填副词;第三个空应该填副词的比较级形式。

6. While __________ the play show, the students had to refer to the scripts for details __________, for they ________ their lines only two days ago. A、 B、 C、 D、

getting ready for, for now, look up preparing for, as well, read through

getting ready for, from time to time, look up preparing for, from time to time, read through

答案与解析:D be preparing for表示“在准备”,而“getting ready for”表示“已经准备好了”。但是get prepared for也表示“已经准备好了”。scripts, 剧本。read through 通读一遍。 7.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

I decided to carry on with taking that course, although it required lots of work and the professor was

A B C very demanding.

D A、 B、 C、 D、

carry on with although required demanding

答案与解析:A carry on意思是“继续?”,后面可以接动词的-ing形式或名词;carry on with后面只能接名词,比如:I decided to carry on with my course. (我决定继续修我的课程。)本句中with属多余。demanding意思是“苛刻的”。

8. If you meet ___ new word and you are not sure what ____ means, try to infer the meaning of ____ new word from ____ way it is used. A、 B、 C、 D、

a, it, the, the the, that, a, a a, it, this, a the, it, the, the

答案与解析:A p3/task 1 这句主要考查冠词和代词。名词第一次出现时前面要用不定冠词a或an,以后再提到这个词时要用定冠词the。Way后面有修饰成分“it is used”所以前面要用定冠词the。

9. He spent several days in the wind and snow, ______ and _______. A、 B、 C、 D、

coldly, hungrily cold, hungrily cold, hungry coldly, hungry

答案与解析:C 《张道真语法》307页 形容词可以直接做状语。coldly是副词,意思是“冷酷地、冷漠地”,例如:Janet looked at him coldly. Hungrily是副词,意为“贪婪地”。

10. You can improve your spoken English by practicing a lot, ____ don’t depend on meeting native speakers, _________ it is often hard to meet foreigners in real life ____ foreigners sometimes may not wish to be “used” by you. A、 B、 C、 D、

and, but, because but, and, because but, because, and and, because, but

答案与解析:C SB, Task 8, p 21 本题主要考查辨析句间逻辑关系的能力。意为:你可以通过大量练习来提高英语口语,但不能依靠英语为母语的人,因为生活中很难遇到讲英语的人,况且有时候他们也不愿被你利用”。

11. You may _____ a new word while reading if it does not hinder your understanding, but make sure you do not _____ those words which are very important. A、 B、 C、 D、

focus on, neglect ignore, focus on neglect, ignore ignore, neglect

答案与解析:D ignore和neglect都有“忽略”的意思,但ignore是“有意识”地“忽略”,而neglect则是“无意识”地“忽视、疏忽”。所以,整句的意思是:如果一个生词不妨碍理解,就可以忽略这个词的意思;但是一定不要忽视那些重要的词。

12. Diana and Charles met each other ____ their friend’s birthday party. At that time, Diana was ___ a black evening gown sitting _______ a group of girls. Charles noticed her while walking ____ the stairs. A、 B、

in, in, with, along at, in, among, down

单选题 1.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

My removable disk has over 50 films saved in it and it is good to more. A B C D A、 B、 C、 D、

removable disk over saved is good to

答案与解析:D 应该将to该为for。Be good for sth. 这里是“适宜,能担当”的意思。当然,这个词组还有“对?有益处”的意思,比如A climate of confidence is good for trade. 自信的气氛有益于商业交流。全句的意思是:我的移动硬盘存了50多部电影,它还能存更多。

2. The auto-reply email message can let us know _______ if email we have sent has been successfully delivered to the recipient. A、 B、 C、 D、

for some time in no time at a time in time

答案与解析:B in no time的意思是“很快,立刻”。整句的意思是:电子邮件自动回执可以让我们立刻知道我们发出的邮件是否已经成功到达接收人。

3. The news came as no surprise to me. I ______ for some time that the factory was going to shut down. A、 B、 C、 D、

had known knew have known know

答案与解析:A 第一句提示两句都是在讲述过去的事情,所以都应使用过去时态。For some time是一段时间,所以用过去完成时。

4. I _______ while reading the English textbook. Luckily, my roommate woke me up in time! A、 B、 C、 D、

had fallen asleep have fallen asleep fell asleep fall asleep

答案与解析:C 一般叙述过去发生的事,用一般过去时态即可。 5.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

Her face lit it up when she saw him getting out of the car with a bunch of flowers. A B C D A、 B、

lit it up saw

C、 D、

getting out of a bunch

答案与解析:A lit it up应改为lit up. Light up是“点亮、容光焕发”的意思。It是多余的部分。整句的意思是:当她看见他捧着一束花从车里出来的时候,她的脸亮了起来。 6.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

By the end of last year, another new gymnasium for the 2008 Olympic Games was completed in Beijing.

A B C D A、 B、 C、 D、

By the end of another Olympic Games was completed

答案与解析:D 应为had been completed. by作时间状语,句中一般用完成时态。by the end of last year 意思是“到去年年底”,所以句中用过去完成时。 7.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

After being through the first degree, Janet went to Harvard to study for her master’s degree in


education. A、 B、 C、 D、

being through went to Harvard study for master’s degree

答案与解析:A be through with sth. 是个词组,这里缺少了with这个介词,这个词组的意思是“完成”。study for是“攻读”的意思。全句的意思是:读完大学后,珍妮去哈佛读教育硕士。

8. - Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on. - Where was I? - You _____ you didn’t like your father’s job. A、 B、 C、 D、

had said said were saying had been saying

答案与解析:C 这句可以根据Where was I? 得出应该是were saying. 从语法上说,“刚才讲到哪儿”是“过去正在讲到哪儿”的意思,所以用过去进行时态。 9.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

Although he has lived with us for years, he did not left us much impression. A B C D A、


B、 C、 D、

for years did not left much

答案与解析:C did not left改为has not left.现在完成时表示过去的事情对现在造成的影响和后果,而且考虑到although引导的分句是现在完成时,全句的时态要保持一致。整句的意思是:虽然他和我们在一起住了很多年,但他没给我们留下太多的印象。

10. I am not _______ to listen to all your weak excuses. A、 B、 C、 D、

adjusted prepared superior opposed

答案与解析:B be prepared to do sth. 在这里的意思是“愿意的”。adjust to,“调整使适应”; superior to,“比?更好”,后面接名词。be opposed to sth.表示反对某事,在这个句子里意思不合适。

11. I arrived late; I ________ the road to be so icy. A、 B、 C、 D、

wouldn’t expect haven’t expected hadn’t expected wasn’t expecting

答案与解析:C 这句考查的是过去完成时(Past Perfect Tense)的基本含义,即表示“过去的过去”。句中“没想到马路结冰”发生在“到达”之前,所以用过去完成时。Wouldn’t expect表示“过去的不期望”,比如I wouldn’t expect him to come to my birthday as we quarreled the day before. (我想他不会来我的生日聚会,因为我们前天吵架了。)

12. Has Sam finished his homework today? -I have no idea. He _________ it this morning. A、 B、 C、 D、

did has done was doing had done

答案与解析:C 从this morning来看,A和C都是可以的。但答语说:“我不知道。他今天早上还在做呢。”回答的人在看到Sam时,他还在做,所以回答的人不知道Sam是否已经做完作业。如果选A,意思就变成:“我不知道。他早上做(完)了。”所以C才是正确答案。意思是:-“Sam今天做完作业了吗?”-“我不知道。他早上还在做呢。”

13. I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he ________it. A、 B、 C、 D、

doesn’t mention hadn’t mentioned didn’t mention hasn’t mentioned

答案与解析:C 本句是在叙述过去的事情,所以可排除A和D。B表示过去的过去,在没有时间状语提示的情况下,这也是不合适的。对于过去事实的叙述,C是最合适的,句子的意思是:我以为吉姆会谈到他的学校报告,但他没提这件事 14.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people had begun to enjoy the advantages of this new


technology. A、 B、 C、 D、

have greatly increased the early 1990s when had begun

答案与解析:D 应为began。When引导的是定语从句,修饰1990s。显然20世纪90年代是过去时间,此题叙述过去发生的事,用一般过去时即可,不用过去完成时。


15. Computer Graded Writing Educators know that teaching students to write well is not easy. One problem is the amount of time needed to read through large amounts of work. So some companies _______ (1) computer programs. These can grade student writing much more quickly than a human can. Writing tests can also _______ (2) less to administer by computer than by paper-and-pencil. These computer systems are known as e-raters. They use artificial intelligence to think in a way like teachers. In the state of Indiana, computer grading of a statewide writing test began with a test of the system itself. For two years, both a computer and humans graded the student writing. Officials say there was almost ________ (3) between the computer grades and those given by the human readers. How do teachers feel about all this? Many say machines can _________ (4) do the job as well as people can. A computer can find spelling and grammar mistakes. But these teachers say it can never really understand what a writer is trying to say. Critics say a program cannot follow a thought or judge humor or understand a _________ (5) expressed idea. <1>、 A、 B、 C、 D、

developed have developed were developing are developing

答案与解析:B 这道题考查时态。由于电脑批改作文已经在使用,说明是现在已经实现的行为,所以用现在完成时。一般过去时只表示过去发生过,而不涉及现在。C是过去进行时态,从上下文来看,没有根据。查看全文发现,这种e-rater已经相对成熟,属于成型的程序,所以不能选D“正在开发”。 <2>、 A、 B、 C、 D、

spend take cost consume

答案与解析:C 本题考查词义的区别。Spend 一般是“人”做主语,而且后面常跟on sth./(in) doing sth.,表示花时间或者钱在某物上。Take一般以it作主语,常跟“时间”,较少表示“钱”。Consume表示“消耗”,比如人类消耗能源等。只有cost表示“花费的成本”,所以C最合适。 <3>、 A、 B、 C、 D、

similarity no similarity difference no difference

答案与解析:D 由前面的almost可以看出,similarity是不大合适的。因为前一句说的是印第安那州在全州范围使用电脑批阅作文之前首先检测这种批阅系统。因此,下一句应是对这种系统的肯定。所以选电脑阅卷和人工阅卷几乎“没有不同”。 <4>、 A、 B、 C、 D、

ever never also nearly

答案与解析:B 从本段的第四句看出,很多教师认为电脑批阅作文比不上人工批阅,所以空格处的词应该表现出这种否定的态度。这样就排除了A,C,D。 <5>、 A、 B、 C、 D、

beautifully beautiful beauty beautified

答案与解析:A 这里考查了与beautiful相关的词汇的用法。Expressed是idea的定语,而beautifully是修饰expressed的副词。其他词性均不符合要求。


16. 1.In case of emergency, an ambulance may be ___________. 2.At the beginning of the radio program, the music ____________ and then the hostess starts to talk. 3.Some college graduates cannot _______ their jobs during the first two or three months after they left school. 4.In many places in the world, men ______________ let women get through doors first. 5.Some kids enjoy __________ a radio to see what is in it. be supposed to adjust to send for take sth. apart blank out



1. sent for. Send for 的意思是“去找”,后面可以接sb.和sth.本句的意思是:紧急情况下,可能需要叫救护车。本句中在may be后面是被动语态因此要用sent for。后面接人的例句如:The refrigerator broke down again and so we sent for a mechanic to fix it.

2. blanks out. Blank out的本意是fade,即“逐渐消失”,常用于形容声音。全句的意思是:在电台节目开始时,音乐声渐渐变小,然后主持人开始说话。注意本句用第三人称单数的。

3. adjust to.这个词组的意思是“调节从而使适应”,中间可以接oneself/sth/sb.全句的意思是:有些大学生在毕业后的2至3个月内无法适应新工作。

4. are supposed to. be supposed to do sth的意思是“被期望或者(按规则/惯例/常理)应该做某事”。这个短语在口语里很常用。比如:You were supposed to submit your assignment last Friday, but you were one week late. 这句话应该理解为:“按照交作业的规定日期,你应该在上周五交作业,可是你晚了一个星期。”本句的意思是:在世界很多地方,男性通常应该给女性让路。

5. taking apart. take apart意为“拆开”。enjoy后面要接动名词。整句的意思是:有些孩子喜欢拆开收音机,去看看里面有什么。


1. We can’t go along here because the road is ______. A、 B、 C、 D、

been repaired being repaired repair repaired

答案与解析:B 这句考的是语态加时态。Road和repair是被动的关系,所以排除C和D。Been是完成时态中用的,前面应该是have/has, 所以可以排除A. Is being repaired是现在进行时的被动语态。句子意思是:这儿过不去,因为正在修路。

2. Some film stars _______ be difficult to work with. A、 B、 C、 D、

are said are said to say say to

答案与解析:B sb. be said to ? 是被动语态,常用于新闻报道,意思是“据说”。类似的结构还有 be expected to, be thought to, be reported to。这里to是不能省略的。 3.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

My arms are aching now because I swam since two o’clock.

A B C D A、

My arms

B、 C、 D、

aching swam two o’clock

答案与解析:C since提示从句的动词应该是完成时态,这里应该是had been swimming,表示过去一直进行的动作(现在停止了)。

4. It is _______ the government will spread the reform in the first half of this year, since the National People's Congress needs to review the issue in June. A、 B、 C、 D、

unlikely likely

more than likely as likely as not

答案与解析:A 本题出处: 整句的意思是:由于全国人大将在6月份审理改革的问题,所以政府不可能在今年上半年扩大改革。从逻辑关系可以看出应该选unlikely“不可能”。More than likely和(as) likely as not的意思都是“极有可能”。比如As likely as not, she will come tomorrow. It’s more than likely that she will come tomorrow.“她明天极有可能来。” 5.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

Many people rescued from the floods by fire-fighters, who received hundreds of calls for help.

A B C D A、


B、 C、 D、

by fire-fighters who

hundreds of calls

答案与解析:A 从by可以看出people和rescue之间是被动的关系,所以rescue应改为were rescued或者have been rescued。整句的意思是:许多人被消防员从洪水中营救出来,而消防员们接到上百个求救电话。 6.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

We still had great fun while watching some good-looking birds calling “wild strangers”.

A B C D A、 B、 C、 D、

had while watching calling

答案与解析:D birds和call之间是“被称作”的被动关系,所以calling改为called.整句的意思是:我们仍然从观察一些漂亮的被称作“野外陌生来客”的鸟儿中得到很多乐趣。While后面接动词的ing形式,作状语。 7.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

If their favorite team loses, people will go home sadly, but the team will still liked.

A B C D A、 B、 C、 D、

loses sadly the team liked

答案与解析:D team和like应该是被动的关系,所以应改为be liked. 整句的意思是:如果他们最喜欢的(球)队输了,人们会难过地回家,但这支队伍仍被喜欢。

8. I’m going to go out and _________. A、 B、 C、 D、

have cut my hair have my hair cut let my hair cut my hair be cut

答案与解析:B 本句考查含有have sth done的被动结构,have后面的宾语和这个宾语后面的动词是被动关系。而let sth do里面sth和do是主动关系,在本题中不合逻辑。 9.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

During winter and summer vacations, many special activities such as camping, mountain climbing, and grass skiing held


D for young people. A、 B、 C、 D、

During vacations

special activities held

答案与解析:D 整句的主语是many special activities such as?,held是谓语。但held和主语activities应该是被动的关系,所以谓语应是are held。 10.

The following sentence has four underlined parts marked with A, B, C, and D. Please choose the one that is not appropriately used.

As a language changes with time, a good dictionary needs be changed about every ten years.

A B C D A、 B、 C、 D、

As with time be changed every ten years

答案与解析:C 在这里need由于有形式变化(加了s),所以用作一般动词,而非情态动词,因此后面跟动词时要加to.应改为needs to be changed. 整句的意思是:由于语言随时间变化,所以好字典应该每十年做一版改动。

