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Chapter 2 Management Yesterday and Today



1. According to Adam Smith, division of labor was an important concept.


2. The division of labor is also referred to by the term job specification.



3. Principles of Scientific Management was written by Frederick Winslow Taylor.


4. “Employee motivation” is the phrase most associated with scientific management.


5. Based on his scientific management principles, Taylor suggested the incentive pay principle.

(True P27)

6. Gilbreth is best known for “the one best way.”


7. Henri Fayol was among the first researchers to use motion pictures to study hand-and-body

motions. (False)


8. Henri Fayol identified five functions of managers: planning, organizing, commanding,

coordinating, and controlling. (True)

9. The 14 principles of management are associated with Fayol.


10. An organization that has a division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules, and

impersonal relationships would be described as a bureaucracy. (True)


11. Hugo Munsterberg created the field of social psychology.

(True p. 33)

12. Chester Bernard was the first to argue that organizations are open systems.

(True; p. 33)

13. Follett is the scientist who is most closely associated with the Hawthorne Studies.

(False; p. 33)


14. According to the textbook, total quality management is a philosophy of management driven

by continual improvement and responding to customer needs and expectations. (True)


For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.


15. In Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith described the breakdown of jobs into narrow and

repetitive tasks and called this ______________. a. assembly lines b. work denomination c. division of labor

d. greatest common factor of work (c)


16. Frederick Taylor performed most of his work in _______________.

a. grape vineyards in California b. steel companies in Pennsylvania c. auto assembly plants near Detroit d. cotton gins in Alabama (b)

17. Before Taylor, which of the following approaches was used to establish guidelines for an

individual’s work? a. scientific analysis b. rule-of-thumb method


c. process distillation( 提炼) d. mathematical modeling


18. Frederick Taylor advocated which of the following management principles?

a. Work and responsibility should be divided almost equally between managers and


b. Workers should perform all work, while management should maintain responsibility for

the work performed.

c. Managers should perform more work that workers, because managers are generally

more skilled.

d. Workers can be highly productive even if they are randomly selected for a job. (a p. 27 exhibit2-2)

19. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth were the first researchers to utilize motion pictures to the study of


a. reactions of workers in group settings b. hand-and-body motions

c. workers reactions to pay increases

d. groups of workers in tense situations where they are assigning each other tasks (b)

20. Which of the following phrases is most associated with scientific management?

a. management relations b. one best way

c. supply and demand d. quality control (b)

21. The primary issue that motivated Taylor to create a more scientific approach to management

was ______________. a. worker efficiency b. worker effectiveness

c. worker absenteeism and turnover d. workplace safety (a)

22. Probably the best-known example of Taylor’s scientific management was the

______________ experiment. a. horseshoe b. pig iron c. blue collar d. fish tank




23. General administrative theory focuses on ________________.

a. the entire organization

b. managers and administrators

c. the measurement of organizational design relationships d. primarily the accounting function (a, p28)

24. General administrative theorists devoted their efforts to _________________.

a. developing mathematical models to improve management b. improving the productivity and efficiency of workers c. making the overall organization more effective

d. emphasizing the study of human behavior in organizations (c)

25. Fayol was interested in studying ___________, whereas Taylor was interested in studying


a. senior managers; effective managers b. all managers; first-line managers

c. bureaucratic structures; chains of command d. administrative theory; macroeconomics (b, p28)

26. Bureaucracy is defined as a form of organization characterized by __________________.

a. division of labor

b. clearly defined hierarchy c. detailed rules and regulations d. all of the above (d)


27. The quantitative approach evolved from the development of mathematical and statistical

solutions to ______________.

a. waiting line problems at fast-food restaurants in the 1960s b. military problems in World War II

c. clogged telephone circuits during the 1930s d. production management problems in the 1950s (b, p30)

28. The quantitative approach involves applications of _______________.


a. b. c. d. (a)

statistics, information models, and computer simulations psychology testing, focus groups, and mathematics optimization models, interviews, and questionnaires surveys, strategic planning, and group problem solving


29. According to the textbook, which of the following early advocates of organizational

behavior was concerned about deplorable(糟糕的) working conditions? a. Robert Owens b. Hugo Munsterberg c. Mary Parker Follett d. Chester Barnard (a; p. 33)

30. Which of the following early advocates of organizational behavior created the field of

industrial psychology, the scientific study of people at work? a. Robert Owens b. Hugo Munsterberg c. Mary Parker Follett d. Chester Barnard (b; p. 33)

31. Which of the following early advocates of organizational behavior was the first to argue that

organizations were open systems? a. Robert Owens b. Hugo Munsterberg c. Mary Parker Follett d. Chester Barnard (d, p. 33)

32. Contemporary management practices that emphasize work groups as a means to increasing

productivity can be traced to which of the following authors? a. Robert Owen

b. Mary Parker Follett c. Chester Barnard d. Hugo Munsterberg (b, p. 33)

33. Without question, the most important contribution to the developing field of organizational

behavior came out of the ________________.


a. Taylor studies b. Porter studies c. Parker studies

d. Hawthorne Studies (d, p. 34)

34. The Hawthorne Studies were initially devised to study ______________.

a. productivity levels of groups versus individuals b. the effect of noise on employee productivity

c. the effect of illumination levels on employee productivity

d. the effect of cooperative versus competitive organizational environments on productivity (c)

35. What scientist is most closely associated with the Hawthorne Studies?

a. Adams b. Mayo c. Lawler d. Barnard (b)

36. One outcome of the Hawthorne Studies could be described by which of the following


a. Social norms or group standards are the key determinants of individual work behavior. b. Money is more important than the group on individual productivity. c. Behavior and employee sentiments are inversely related. d. Security is relatively unimportant. (a)


37. A system can best be defined as _________.

a. a grouping of separate and independent parts b. a set of interrelated and interdependent parts c. an ordering of distinct and unrelated parts d. a set of connected but nonfunctional parts (b)

38. Each of the following terms could be used to characterize systems except ________. a. unified b. fragmented c. whole d. set (b)


39. Which of the following is considered a systems input?

a. management activities b. financial results c. operations methods d. raw materials (d)

40. Open organizations are those that _________.

a. interact with their environments b. consist of interdependent parts

c. are influenced by their environments, but do not interact with them d. operate independently of their environments (a)


41. A manager who believes that no one set of principles applies equally to all work

environments is most likely advocating which management approach? a. contingency

b. workplace diversity c. organizational behavior d. knowledge management (a)

42. Each of the following represents a popular contingency variable except ________. a. organization size b. individual differences c. environmental uncertainty d. ideal bureaucratic structure (d, p. 37)


For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.

Management Intern(实习生) (Scenario)

As an intern, Jeanna is perplexed(使困惑) as she hears different managers discuss their views on particular problems. She has been assigned to several departments during her internship.


43. In trying to increase productivity, one manager utilizes analysis of basic work tasks to

determine the “one best way” for different jobs to be done. It is most likely that this manager has studied the work of _______________. a. Frederick Taylor b. Edward Deming c. Max Weber d. Henri Fayol (a)

44. As she talked to another manager, Jeanna learned a view of the organization that stressed

strict division of labor, formal rules and regulations, and impersonal application of those rules and regulations. This manager was a student of _________________. a. the Industrial Revolution b. quantitative methods c. objectivism d. bureaucracy (d)


The Hawthorne Studies (Scenario)

Paul was assigned a research project in the field of organizational behavior. He decided to write his report on the Hawthorne Studies. After writing his report, Paul gave an oral presentation to his management class.

45. Paul explained that the Hawthorne Studies project began as a test to determine the most

productive _________________. a. reward structure for employees b. level of lighting in the workplace c. number of breaks during a shift

d. number of days away from work per month (b)

46. In describing the research project, Paul informed his classmates that the project studied


a. employee behaviors and sentiments b. group influences on individual behavior

c. how group standards affect individual behavior d. all of the above (d)


47. Paul’s classmates were most likely surprised to learn about which of the following

conclusions of the study?

a. Low light levels are associated with low worker productivity.

b. Increases in lighting intensity cause group productivity to decrease.

c. Increases in lighting intensity are directly related to increases in productivity. d. Lighting intensity is not directly related to group productivity. (d)

48. Paul explained that the most important thing about these studies is that they


a. helped employees understand their own behavior, beginning the employee

empowerment movement

b. stimulated interest in human behavior in organizations

c. concluded that employees were no different from machines d. showed that managers had to be right in all their decisions (b)


